Rolling love

Chapter 1 : Two years ago

Chapter 1 : Two years ago
In the clear sky, a large pa.s.senger aircraft was flying smoothly, leaving a jetstream of white in the clear blue sky.

Outside, the sun was intense,Yan Liang pulled the shade down and continued to work on the file on the tray table.

It was lunch time and the flight attendants were catering to the guests

The catering car came to her side, the flight attendant bent over to put her knife and fork on the table, but seeing the table filled with files, stopped, perplexed.

Yan Liang put down the pen, lifted her head to look at the flight attendant: “I only need a cup of coffee, thank you.”

The stewardess nodded with a smile, poured the coffee and handed her the cup.
As Yan Liang tried to take the cup, the flight suddenly hit an air pocket.

The stewardess immediately tried to steady the cup, but the coffee spilled all over the files.
Yan Liang quickly reached out to protect her files in the ensuing chaos. Her quick thinking saved her files, but her skirt was stained by the coffee.
“I’m sorry! Sorry!” the stewardess hurriedly handed her a paper towel.
At this time the captain also broadcasted the notice: “We encountered a brief turbulence, we request the pa.s.sengers to wear their seat belts.”
Yan Liang hurriedly blotted the coffee on the files. Seeing a few of her doc.u.ments had fallen to the the aisle, Yan Liang put her cup on the table, took off her seat belt and got up to pick up the doc.u.ments.
As she bent to pick up the file, a hand extended the files to her. The hand belonged to the pa.s.senger sitting behind her.
Yan Liang first saw the part of the hand from the wrist to the elbow exposed under folded sleeves of the shirt. It was a lean arm, a watch on the wrist, the fingers slender. She reached for the file to say thank you, but as she moved her eyes up she was shocked.
As her eyes moved along the man’s arm up to see the man’s face, she clearly saw him quickly reading her file.

He was sitting, Yan Liang was standing, from her vantage point, although she couldn’t see the whole face of this person, she could clearly see him stare at the file with two sharp abnormal eyes.
Inexplicably she felt so cold she coughed drily, waving her hands signalling him to handover the file and then in a deliberately strident tone to remind him “Thank you .”
The man looked up.
Far more than sharp eyes, his eyes were simply &h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; as dominant as in the eagle –

which is the only feeling Yan Liang had when her eyes met his.
But then, those sharp eyes softened, he smiled, and handed back the file.
Yan Liang quickly returned to her seat, put the file back. Curious, she could not help but look back again. At this time, the pa.s.senger behind was dining. He simply looked like a handsome stranger.
Was it just her illusion? Yan Liang shook her head.

Three hours later the plane landed, the journey across the ocean was finally over.
Yan Liang walked towards the baggage claim. Red lips, expressionless face, black high heels. .h.i.tting the marble floor with a “da da” sound, a stylish dress but stained with coffee stains made her feel slightly embarra.s.sed
As Yan Liang waited for her luggage, she intended to to go to the bathroom to change her clothes, but she was stopped by a a suited gentlemen.

“h.e.l.lo?” She was not in a hurry.

The man looked questioningly at her face, removed a pair of from his carry on bag: “This is yours, right?”
Yan Liang was stunned.

She carefully looked at the, they were hers.

“I found it on the plane.”

Yan Liang’s do not have a high power, she only wears it during office hours. After the lunch episode, she did not look at the file, so she actually did not realise when the were lost.

Yan Liang smiled, and as she reached out to take the quickly, she noticed there was a business card with the
“Not surprising,then, we will soon meet again.”

Yan Liang just wanted to leave as soon as possible. She did not take too much notice of this strange man’s strange comment. She took the card, with a sidelong glance, she nodded slightly to show goodbye and hastily left, leaving the man standing and stammering behind her.

And she walked out of the International Arrivals towards the door, she dropped the business card in the trash bin on her way.

As she dropped the business cards, her ears heard a familiar voice: “Yan Liang!”

Yan Liang stopped.

Looking to where the sound came from, she saw the door being pushed.

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