Rolling love

Chapter 78 which is very angsty.. you can’t help but feel bad for JYN and YL in that one and wonder whether their love is actually doomed…

Nothing much happening in here but it sets the scene for Chapter 78 which is very angsty.. you can’t help but feel bad for JYN and YL in that one and wonder whether their love is actually doomed…

I’m going to wrap up this novel by Sunday latest. Then start on Same room..
It is a short one, only 21 pages. Right now some major life changes are scheduled from May so I don’t want to pick up something too long.

But if you have suggestions for my new project after Same room ( which should be done by May end) feel free to drop me a comment..and I may pick it up depending on how things look like after May

Chapter 77
Yan Liang’s a.s.sistant had seldom seen Yan Liang in such a rage. The R&D manager sitting opposite also did not dare say a word
Yan Liang calmed herself down, " We are lucky that this thing was discovered early.The two formulas are so similar , this cannot be a coincidence. There is a spy inside your R&D team."
The manager nodded in agreement, " What we need to do now is to quickly oust the spy."
If they wanted to prevent Jiang Shi Jun from launching his products before them , not only could they not stop the R&D process, they would in fact need to speed it up a lot.
But they couldn’t have a day of peace till the spy was identified.

Yan Liang thought about what to do. She finally said , " Jiang Shi Jun not only copied the formula of Secret, even the product packaging and the positioning was similar. I think there are more than one spy in this matter. I will give you ten days to find them."
" I will now call the project and program directors. First let’s have a meeting with them, then we can do a verification of the employees, find out who is involved.."
Ten days…
Time was short, the manager did not have much time to think. Seeing Yan Liang pick up the phone, he said , " First I will suspend the R&D process, then , once we uncover the spies.."

"No!" Yan Liang exclaimed. " The R&D must continue as usual."
Obviously the manager was unable to understand and could only ask Yan Liang, " What do you mean?"

“If the process is now suspended, Jiang Shijun will soon receive the news, he
will either decide to stop, or to speed up the pace, so they can launch the product before us. No matter what he decides, I will be at a disadvantage. ”

The R & D manager looked at Yan Liang smiling faintly, and understood.
Yan Liang , her face again solemn, then instructed him," If he loves plagiarism so much, I will let him copy a problematic product."

The spy was hidden really deep. In order not to alert Jiang Shi Jun, the manager could not check blatantly, so it was taking a lot longer to find the spy. Instead of sitting quietly, it was better to take the initiative to attack.

She hadn’t wasted her two years in Li Group. As far as she knew, Li insiders were not a cohesive group at all.
Yan Liang soon locked her target on the Li Group"s Deputy director in R&D – Zhu Chengzi
Zhu Chengzi refused to kowtow to Jiang Shi Jun. Thus he was not in Jiang Shi Jun’s favour. But he was really talented. Jiang Shi Jun would not utilise his talent, but neither was he willing to let him join another company and create benefits there.
Keeping him in Li, but not using him, this was the source of Zhu Chengzi"s unhappiness.
Yan Liang quickly found out which places Zhu Chengzi visited in his free time.
In particular, he regularly patronised a restaurant belonging to the Li Group near Chaoshan.

Yan Liang took Zhou Chang to go there and have a meal a few times. Zhou Chang was not a fool, and soon guessed something was up. Yan Liang never intended to hide her original intentions from him, but Zhou Cheng, after knowing her plan showed a little resentment " Yan you have become so terrible…"

Yan Liang was determined , she only smiled in response

" What are you going to do to Jiang Shi Jin?"
Yan Liang was amused by him: “Xu Ziqing did so many bad things, don’t you still love her so much ?I’m just playing some tricks to punish my enemies, and yet you’re so disappointed with me."
Xu Ziqing was his Achilles heels, Zhou Cheng"s face paled.

"If you still do not agree with what I do,
you don’t need to accompany me there, I will not blame you."
Although she said this , would he really want to stand by while she fought alone ?
This, Zhou Cheng could not do. So ultimately he compromised , and continued to go with her.

That day at noon, when Zhu Chengzhi walked into the restaurant, and saw Yan Liang and Zhou Cheng inside , he did not seem surprised

When Zhu Chengzhi noticed them , he hesitated for a moment , and then walked straight to
Yan liang"s table. Yan Liang immediately put on a surprised expression: “Deputy
Director Zhu”

"This is my third time seeing you here"

“Is it? I did not pay attention.”

Zhu Chengzhi smiled ambiguously.

Yan Liang silently judged his expression and chatted casually , " No need to greet me . I don’t work in Li anymore."

As she smiled , his expression changed
After a pause , he leaned slightly closer and said in a low voice ," Today I am not eating alone. Jiang will soon join me."
Yan Liang was startled. After a moment her face stiffened and she looked at Zhu with a complex expression

" I am sure you do not want Jiang to know that we have had such "encounters" several times ?" Zhu Chengzhi warned her.

After a few times of such "encounters" , Zhu Chengzhi had already guessed something.That was why he was subtly warning her. Yan Liang thought and then stood up , "Thank you."

Zhou cheng also stood up.
Taking her bag, the two of them quickly left the restaurant. Suddenly Yan Liang thought of something and stopped in her tracks
Puzzled, Zhou looked back at her and saw her biting her lip, as if in a quandary.
"What happened ?"

Yan Liang looked at Zhou Cheng, her eyes were glittering. Finally she said ," I want to place a bet on Zhu."
And then she turned towards the restaurant and ran.
Still standing in the same place , Zhu Chengzhi watched the young woman come back. Before he could speak , she stuffed a business card in his hands
But her words were unambiguous “Deputy director Zhu, I know you have your own ambitions,
you have always wanted to do independent research and develop new products. Jiang Shijun
must be forcing you to copy Ya Yan’s formula , and your boss, he will just follow what Jiang Shijun wants. If you work with them , you will
never have a platform to display your talents."

Zhu Chengzhi looked at the business card in his hands and slowly grimaced.

"This is my business card, hope you contact me in the future.” Yan Liang smiled at him, “see you."

Zhou Cheng , standing outside the door, saw the whole process. He saw Yan Liang walk back
to his side and only sighed, not knowing how to express his helplessness.
When they entered the elevator, Zhou Cheng said in a low voice ," In case he doesn’t move , but also reports to Jiang Shi Jun about what happened , all your efforts will come to naught."
Yan Liang just smiled, as if telling Zhou Cheng : if you dare to gamble, you can’t be afraid to lose
Seeing her smile, Zhou Cheng also smiled : " Yes, Jiang Shi Jun is such a bad person, he has done bad things, G.o.d will definitely be on our side this time ."

As Zhou Cheng spoke, the elevator door slowly shut, the gap between the doors becoming smaller and smaller
Through that narrow gap , Yan Liang saw Jiang Shi Jun step out of the elevator opposite to them

Although her field of vision was limited ,
she was sure of his ident.i.ty. She couldn’t help but be secretly glad that they had left at the right time

As the elevator door closed, in the last moment , just when Yan Liang was breathing out in relief , another figure stepped out of the elevator behind Jiang Shi Jun
… This figure …

An invisible force took away Yan liang"s breath.

The elevator door closed in front of her silently.

The elevator came down gently.

Zhou Cheng frowned. He was not sure if what he had seen was right: “Just now those two people… Jiang Shijun and … … Jiang Yu Nan?”

Yan Liang recalled the scene she just saw. Her eyes widened. She was looking at the front , now she could only see the elevator door

The elevator quickly arrived at the ground floor. Zhou Cheng walked out first ,then realised she hadn’t followed and looked back, puzzled. He saw Yan Liang standing in the elevator in a daze.
" Yan Liang ?"
His words jolted her awake

Yan Liang looked at him, the confusion in her eyes gradually cleared. " You go ahead , I suddenly remembered that I need to go somewhere ."

"l"ll drop you off.”

She bluntly refused: “No, no way.”

Zhou Cheng suspiciously looked at her for a long while, and ultimately could not understand why she was behaving in an abnormal manner. In accordance with her wishes, he said goodbye and left her alone
Yan Liang took a taxi and kept it running in the parking lot not far away.
In the scorching sun, the air conditioning in the car made a low humming sound. The driver tapped on the steering wheel and looked at the female pa.s.senger on the back seat from time to time.

The electronic meter kept ticking away for almost an hour
Finally , three people came out of the building

Zhu Chengzhi, Jiang Shijun, Jiang Yu Nan, these three people soon parted ways and drove away.
Yan Liang saw one car move in the opposite direction of Li building and asked the taxi driver, "Follow that car."

In the scorching sun, the black Bentley shone brightly. Yan Liang clenched her fists, her eyes were tightly locked to the front , her brain was blank. She had no reasonable excuse for doing what she was doing now

Finally , the Bentley entered the underground parking lot of a hotel. Yan Liang felt relieved
She unclenched her fist. Her hands were sweaty

From her wallet , she pulled out a fistful of cash. She didn’t even count it. She handed it over to the driver immediately and quickly opened the door. The driver stuck his head out of the window ," Hey! This is too much!"
His words drifted into her ears , but she was no longer listening , she couldn’t …

From the parking lot she walked to the elevator. There were several people with her. She finally set foot on a long corridor outside the suites. The corridor was carpeted, her high heels were silent. But she could still hear the thundering of her heartbeats.
As long as she could see that he was safe and sound , she would be able to safely put this man called Jiang Yu Nan out of her life forever.
At this moment, he was only a few feet away .. but even this distance …
She could never cross this chasm
This awareness was like an invisible force pressing down on her relentlessly . She had to pause.
When she looked up again , she had lost Jiang Yu Nan

The corridor was empty. YanLiang panicked, she looked around frantically , her eyes full of dismay; she couldn’t believe she lost him in the last minute
At that moment, the door diagonally in front of her suddenly opened and someone forcefully pulled her in

Her back hit the back of the door as the door closed. A burst of familiar feeling overwhelmed her.

Yan Liang raised her head.

" Why are you following me ?"

Jiang Yu Nan looked expressionlessly at her, his hand clutching her arm
Miumiu : Ah! Finally JYN again
And now. Because I couldn’t resist .. an excerpt from Chapter 78

As if affected by an evil wind blowing around them, two pairs of eyes met, then Jiang You Nan bent his head to kiss her

She didn’t try to escape

And he kissed her in the same manner as she remembered , he would suck her lower lip, then deepen the kiss, till his too tongue sc.r.a.ped against her teeth.

Doesn’t this remind you of LMIYD?

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