Romano Lavo-Lil

Chapter 3

Booty, s. Work.

Bori, a. fem. Big with child, enceinte.

Booty, v. a. To work, labour.

Boro, a. Great, big. Hin. Bura. Mod. Gr. [Greek: ] (heavy).

Borobeshemeskeguero, s. Judge, great-sitting-fellow.


Boro Gav. London, big city. See Lundra.

Boronashemeskrutan. Epsom race-course.

Bosh, s. Fiddle. Pers. [Persian: ] Bazee, baz (play, joke), whence the English cant word "bosh." See Bashadi.

Boshomengro, s. Fiddler.

Bosno / Boshno, s. A c.o.c.k, male-bird. Sans. Puchchin. Wal. Bosh (t.e.s.t.i.c.l.e). Gaelic, Baois (libidinousness).

Boshta, s. A saddle.

Bostaris, s. A b.a.s.t.a.r.d.

Bovalo, a. Rich. Sans. Bala (strong).

Bowle, s. Snail. See Baul.

Brishen / Brisheno, s. Rain. Hun. Gyp. Breshino. Sans. Vrish.

Mod. Gr. [Greek: ].

Brisheneskey, a. Rainy: brisheneskey rarde, a rainy night; brisheneskey chiros, a time of rain. Mod. Gr. [Greek: ].

Bucca, s. Liver. Sans. Bucca (heart). Wal. Phikat.

Bucca naflipen, s. Liver-complaint.

Buchee, s. Work, labour. See Butsi.

Buddigur, s. A shop. Span. Bodega.

Buddikur divvus, s. Shopping-day: Wednesday,

Bugnes / Bugnior, s. pl. Smallpox, blisters. Gael. Boc (a pimple), bolg (a blister), bolgach (small-pox). Wal. Mougour (a bud). Fr.


Buklo, a. Hungry: buklo tan, hungry spot, a common. Hun. Gyp.

Buklo tan (a wilderness).

Bul, s. Rump, b.u.t.tock.

Bungshoror / Bungyoror, s. pl. Corks.

Busnis / Busnior, s. pl. Spurs, p.r.i.c.kles. Mod. Gr. [Greek: ]

(pain, torment).

Buroder, ad. More: ad. ne buroder, no more.

Bute, a. ad. Much, very. Hin. But.

Butsi / Buty, s. Work, labour.

Butying. Working.


CAEN / Cane, v. n. To stink.

Caenipen / Canipen, s. A stench.

Caeninaflipen, s. Stinking sickness, the plague, gaol-fever. The old cant word Canihen, signifying the gaol-fever, is derived from this Gypsy term.

Candelo / Cannelo, a. Stinking: cannelo mas, stinking meat. Sans.

Gandha (smell).

Callico / Collico, s. To-morrow, also yesterday: collico sorlo, to- morrow morning. Sans. Kalya. Hin. Kal (to-morrow, yesterday).

Cana, ad. Now: cana sig, now soon. See Kanau, knau.

Cam, s. The sun. Hin. Khan. Heb. Khama (the sun), kham (heat).

Cam. To wish, desire, love.

Cam / Camello / Camo, v. a. To love. Sans. Cama (love). Cupid; from which Sanscrit word the Latin Amor is derived.

Cambori / Cambri, a. Pregnant, big with child.

Camlo / Caumlo, Lovel, name of a Gypsy tribe. Lit. amiable. With this word the English "comely" is connected.

Camo-mescro, s. A lover; likewise the name Lovel.

Can, s. The sun.

Can, s. An ear. See Kaun.

Cana, ad. Now: cana sig, now soon. See Kanau.

Canafi / Canapli, Turnip.

Canairis. A Gypsy name.

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