Romano Lavo-Lil

Chapter 11

Jalla, f. She goes.

Jalno ando, v. a. I swim. Lit. I go in water.

Jaw, ad. So: jaw si, so it is. See Ajaw, asa, asha.

Jib, s. Tongue. Sans. Jihva.

Jib, v. n. To live, to exist. Sans. Jiv. Rus. Jit. Lithuanian, Gywenu.


Jibben, s. Life, livelihood. Sans. Jivata (life), Jivika (livelihood). Rus. Jivot, Tchivot.

Jivvel, v. n. He lives: kai jivvel o, where does he live?

Jin / Jinava, v. n. To know. Sans. Jna.

Jinnepen, s. Wisdom, knowledge. Sans. Jnapti (understanding).

Jinney-mengro, s. A knowing fellow, a deep card, a Grecian, a wise man, a philosopher.

Jinney-mengreskey rokrapenes. Sayings of the wise: the tatcho drom to be a jinney-mengro is to d.i.c.k and rig in zi, the true way to be a wise man is to see and bear in mind.

Jongar, v. n. To awake. Sans. Jagri. Hin. Jugana.

Jobis, s. Oats. Sans. Java (barley). Wal. Obia. See Giv.

Joddakaye, s. Ap.r.o.n; anything tied round the middle or hips. Sans.

Kata (the hip, the loins), Kataka (a girdle).

Ju, s. A louse. Sans. Yuka.

Juvalo, a. Lousy.

Juvior, s. pl. Lice.

Juggal / Jukkal, s. Dog. Sans. Srigala (jackal).

Jukkalor. Dogs.

Jukkaelsti cosht, s. Dog-wood; a hard wood used for making skewers.

Juva / Juvali, Woman, wife.

Juvli, s. Girl. See Chavali.


KAEL, s. Cheese.

Kaes, s. Cheese.

Kah / Kai, ad. Where: kai tiro ker, where"s your house? kai si the churi, where is the knife? Sans. Kva.

Kair, v. a. To do. Sans. Kri, to do; kara (doing).

Kair misto. To make well, cure, comfort.

Kairipen, s. Work, labour. Sans. Karman.

Kakkaratchi, s. Magpie; properly a raven. Mod. Gr. [Greek: ]

Kanau / Knau, ad. Now.

Karring. Crying out, hawking goods. Span. Gyp. Acarar (to call).

See Koring.

Kaulo, a. Black. Sans. Kala. Arab. [Arabic: ]

Kaulo chiriclo, s. A blackbird.

Kaulo cori, s. A blackthorn.

Kaulo durril, s. Blackberry.

Kaulo Gav, s. Black-town, Birmingham.

Kaulo guero, s. A black, negro.

Kaulo guereskey tem, s. Negroland, Africa.

Kaulo-mengro, s. A blacksmith.

Kaulo ratti. Black blood, Gypsy blood: kaulo ratti adrey leste, he has Gypsy blood in his veins.

Kaun, s. An ear. Sans. Karna.

Kaun-engro, s. An ear-fellow, thing with long ears; a figurative name for a hare.

Ke, prep. Unto. Likewise a postposition--e.g. lenke, to them.

Keir / Ker, s. A house. Sans. Griha.

Ker / Kerey / Ken, ad. Home, homeward: java keri, I will go home.

Keir-poggring. House-breaking.

Keir-rakli, s. A housemaid.

Kek, ad. a. No, none, not: kek tatcho, it is not true.

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