Romano Lavo-Lil

Chapter 9

Fordias / Fordios, part. pa.s.s. Forgiven.

Foros, s. City. See Vauros.

Ful, s. Dung: ful-vardo, muck cart.

Fuzyanri, s. Fern. Hun. Fuz (willow), facska (a shrub), fuszar (a stem).


GAD, s. A shirt: pauno gad, a clean shirt.

Gare, v. n., v. a. To take care, beware; to hide, conceal. Sans.

Ghar, to cover.

Garridan. You hid: luvvu sor garridan, the money which you hid.

Garrivava, v. a. I hide or shall hide, take care: to gare his nangipen, to hide his nakedness.

Gav, s. A town, village. Pers. [Persian: ]

Gav-engro, s. A constable, village officer, beadle, citizen.

Gillie, s. A song. Sans. Kheli.

Gillies. Songs. Sometimes used to denote newspapers; because these last serve, as songs did in the old time, to give the world information of remarkable events, such as battles, murders, and robberies.

Gilyava. I sing, or shall sing. Hin. Guywuya. Mod. Gr. [Greek: ].

Gin, v. a. To count, reckon. Sans. Gan. Hin. Ginna.

Ginnipen, s. A reckoning.

Giv, s. Wheat. Sans. Yava (barley). See Jobis.

Giv-engro, s. Wheat-fellow, figurative name for farmer.

Giv-engro ker, s. Farmhouse.

Giv-engro puv, s. Farm.

G.o.dli, s. A warrant, perhaps hue and cry. See Gudlie. Span. Gyp.

Gola (order).

Gono, s. A sack. Hin. Gon.

Gorgio, s. A Gentile, a person who is not a Gypsy; one who lives in a house and not in a tent. It is a modification of the Persian word [Persian: ] Cojia, which signifies a gentleman, a doctor, a merchant, etc. Span. Gyp. Gacho.

Gorgiken rat. Of Gentile blood.

Gorgie, s. A female Gentile or Englishwoman.

Gorgikonaes, ad. After the manner of the Gentiles.

Gooee, s. Pudding. See Guyi.

Gran, s. A barn: I sov"d yeck rarde drey a gran, I slept one night within a barn (Gypsy song).

Gran-wuddur, s. A barn door.

Gran-wuddur-chiriclo. Barn-door fowl.

Grasni / Grasnakkur, s. Mare, outrageous woman: what a grasni shan tu, what a mare you are! Grasnakkur is sometimes applied to the mayor of a town.

Grestur / Gristur, s. A horse. Span. Gyp. Gras, graste.

Gry, s. A horse. Sans. Kharu. Hin. Ghora. Irish and Scottish Gaelic, Greadh.

Gry-choring, s. Horse-stealing.

Gry-engro, s. Horse-dealer.

Gry-nashing. Horse-racing.

Gudlee / G.o.dli, s. Cry, noise, shout. Hin. Ghooloo. Irish, Gul.

Rus. Gyl=gool (shout); Golos (voice).

Grommena / Grovena / Grubbena, s. and v. Thunder, to thunder. Sans.

Garjana. Rus. Groin (thunder). Heb. Ream, raemah. Gaelic, Gairm (a cry).

Gudlo, a., s. Sweet; honey, sugar.

Gudlo-pishen, s. Honey-insect, bee. See Bata.

Gue. An affix, by which the dative case is formed: e.g. Man, I; mangue, to me.

Guero, s. A person, fellow, that which governs, operates. Sans.

Kara (a maker). Pers. [Persian: ] Welsh, Gwr (a man). In the Spanish cant language, Guro signifies an alguazil, a kind of civil officer. See Engro.

Gueri, s.f. Female person, virgin: Mideveleskey gueri Mary, Holy Virgin Mary.

Gush / Gurush / Gurushi, a. Groat: gurushengri, a groat"s worth.

Guveni, s. Cow. Sans. Go.

Guveni-bugnior, s. Cow-pox.

Guveno, s. A bull. Sans. Gavaya. Gaelic, Gavuin, gowain (year-old calf).

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