Royal Bad Boy

Chapter 17

Leng Muxuan didn’t know if he slept poorly or if his active brains cells were fewer, but only once he saw the pieces of the broken mirror gla.s.s fly through the air, did he realize his actions were dangerous. But it was late. Fortunately, he was quick to move, so the broken shards of gla.s.s didn’t hit him. He was still in fear when all the pieces fell to the ground. He checked his body again, to make sure that he was untouched. Then he became so joyful and stepped toward the toilet. However, the heavens were clear-minded, and when Leng Muxuan took his first step, he felt a sharp ache in his right foot. He yelled with bitterness and raised his leg to find a little piece of gla.s.s had pierced his slipper and cut his foot. He felt murderous at this moment. Am I too kind? Or too mean? he asked himself. I can’t even carry out a misdemeanor without getting this in return? He leaned against the wall. But the ceramic tiles were so cold that he began to tremble. He soon developed a bad att.i.tude toward Jiang Senyuan. Jiang Senyuan, it is all your fault. You were wonderful to take me home and forbid me from going out. You see now I should leave with some pay. Why was the girl still sleeping? He’d already cut his foot. Leng Muxuan had an unreasonable temper. He grabbed everything he could and threw it into the toilet. Soon the toilet was full and he felt satisfied. He took a look at his deeds and happily went back to sleep. Now that I have finished my part, enjoy your busy morning tomorrow! Maybe to someone like Leng Muxuan, another day was just another day, a normal natural phenomenon. However, tomorrow meant a seed of hope to Jiang Senyuan. But today, she didn’t find any hope or goodness. She only found desperation. When she walked into the wash room with her eyes squinting, she was dumbfounded. She had a broken mirror and countless washing accessories had jammed up her toilet. Was there a thief last night? No. But she always had a thief in the family. Jiang Senyuan guessed who did it. Without thinking it over carefully, she turned back to her room and changed out of her pajamas. Then she ran to Leng Muxuan’s room. With a strong mood, she turned his door handle. But she couldn’t open the door. Meanwhile, she almost hit her head. “Leng Muxuan, how dare you lock the door!” What a horrible one! She’d even thought of him most the time for the past two days. Now all the good impressions she’d had of him were gone. Jiang Senyuan yelled loudly outside. However, in the room, there was another scene. Leng Muxuan had already guessed her reaction, so he locked the door, and used earplugs. He was in a dream that some woman was yelling on the street. So he turned to his other side and kept on sleeping. After a while, Jiang Senyuan understood he wouldn’t open the door. Even if she yelled until her voice went hoa.r.s.e, he wouldn’t come out. Jiang Senyuan went to the living room and sat on the sofa with sorrow. What’s wrong with him? she thought. She couldn’t understand him. Ever since they’d been living together, Leng Muxuan acted like he had multiple personalities. She had thought that he was born in a bad family, thus he was indifferent. However, he was happy about giving her a hard time. She accepted all the ill deeds as a psychological problem. Anyway, she brought him home—it was her own decision. Jiang Senyuan’s pride was her warm heart. Though she had no good family background, not many advantages, nor did she have a beautiful appearance or lovely personality, she was warmhearted. She took him back, so it was her responsibility to heal him. She’d kept to this simple idea until yesterday, when he stolen her first kiss on the way back from the market.

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