Royally Screwed

Chapter 11.

"Hey," Kat said, having to grab his face to get his gaze to settle on her, "hey. You"re not screwed. You got me. What else are streetwise New Yorkers for, right? Randi, did you call off reinforcements?" She was still on the phone but she nodded her head encouragingly. "Okay, change into your street clothes when you"re done."

"What"s your plan?" Sebastian asked skeptically.

Good thing she always had one. "We"re going out. No reason to wait here for the bloodhounds and make it easy." Kat pulled out her own phone and hit the first speed dial. "Blaze, yeah. Oh, just peachy. You still hitting that art gallery tonight. It"s uptown over here, yeah? Can you stand a few more? Let"s just say I ran into Randi. Yeah, I know. Meet you in front of that French restaurant. Okay, cool. Bye."

"What was that? I don"t want to go to an art gallery at a time like this."

"Well I don"t want to put up with your immature come-ons. We both gotta give a little. Randi, Mitch want to come out? We could use some cover." Sebastian turned and the transformation was astounding. Hair pulled back in a ponytail, only slightly insensible heels, and a black pea coat made her unrecognizable from the s.e.xy vixen that had been there just moments before.

Miranda bit her lip for a moment. "If he"s not " Kat started.

"No, no," she said, shaking her head, "it"ll do some good to see Blaze I think." She glanced up at Sebastian. "Just don"t tell him I was stripping for you tonight, okay?"

"He doesn"t know what you do?"

Miranda laughed. "Oh he knows what I do. My husband"s just overprotective and might pummel you anyway. He has a few issues."

"Don"t we all," Kat murmured encouragingly, reaching a hand out to squeeze her arm.

"What is going on here? Are you sure we can trust this girl? How do you know her?" Sebastian peppered Kat with questions as they walked out, the minute Miranda was out of earshot.

"I trust her more than I trust you. We were in this . . . kind of . . . club together. Her husband Mitch and Blaze have a lot in common."

"He"s an artist too?"

"No, he"s a plumber."

"They"re following us," Sebastian murmured to her for the third time.

"I know," she said, turning behind her with a wide, laughing smile that the cameras would love. "But you"re not doing anything wrong, remember? Just keep walking. Really, how can you not be used to paparazzi following you by now?"

"Boy"s wound tight. He really did need a lap dance, didn"t he?" Miranda said.

Kat laughed for real that time. "Don"t let the heartbreaker fool you. He"s usually much better than this. On a good night he could get a gaggle of women to dance for him."

"On any night, ladies. On any night." His head popped up between them and his arms wound around their shoulders, pulling them in for what appeared like an intimate moment. The girls just laughed and pushed him back out with teasing looks on their faces. The paparazzi were looking for scandal; they"d make sure to give them a friendly show.

"In your dreams," Kat said.

"In my reality."

"I"ll take that bet," Miranda said.

"What bet?"

"Weren"t you about to say "wanna bet on that"? That seems like the kind of thing a European prince with a crisis of manhood might say."

"Crisis of manhood?!" he scoffed as they turned the corner, the gallery coming into view up ahead. "There is no crisis of manhood here Randi. I"m all male and all good sweetheart."

"Prove it," she said with a twinkle in her eye. "You have to work your charm on a mark of my choosing and she has to agree to take you home with her. Not everyone"s susceptible to a pretty face you know."

"Oh honey," he murmured in a pitying voice, "I"ve got so much more going for me than just a pretty face."

"That"s right. You still have that stun gun, don"t you?" Kat mocked.

"You"re both going to be sorry," Sebastian said, walking through them to lead the way. The girls linked arms and followed him with a laugh. He stopped and let them catch up after fifteen feet or so. "I have no idea who we"re meeting."

"You haven"t met Blaze before?" Miranda asked. Kat shook her head and Miranda tried to stifle a laugh. "What does he make of him?"

"Well . . ." Kat hedged.

"What do you mean "well"? Your brother doesn"t like me?"

"Well . . ."

"Say something other than "well" would you!"

"Umm . . ." Miranda just laughed, clapping her hands like this was the best thing she"d heard all year. "Okay, listen, my brother"s a softie but he"s also my brother. He hasn"t decided whether he should shake your hand or deck you. He"d do it too. And he"s strong so it would hurt."

"Seriously?" he asked with a comical gulp.

"Just be yourself and everything will work out," Kat said as she patted his arm in rea.s.surance.

"You mean because he won"t be able to look past my cla.s.sic charm?" Sebastian offered her a hopeful smile.

"No I mean because Blaze is going to do what Blaze is going to do. You can"t change that so you might as well not fret over it." Sebastian went a bit pale and the girls couldn"t hold back another laugh. "Now you"re rethinking everything you"ve ever said and wondering if I told my brother, aren"t you? Good luck with that."

"I really hope you"re joking."

"You"re about to find out there he is." Sebastian looked up ahead at the group of people milling around on the street. They mostly appeared non-threatening but one literally stuck out above the crowd, almost head and shoulders above the rest. He looked like a football G.o.d had carved him out of stone, built to slow steamrollers down.

"Is that," he asked with another gulp, "your brother?"

"No, that"s Randi"s husband," Kat said. That didn"t ease Sebastian"s fears any. "The guy next to him that"s my brother."

It was an improvement but not by much. He was tall, blonde unlike his sister, a few earrings dangling from his right ear. He raised a hand in greeting and Sebastian saw the muscles in his arms bunch even from so far away and through the gray fabric of his shirt. This guy could probably bench press his Porsche Spyder.

"Randi!" Blaze yelled, pushing through the crowd to welcome them, enfolding her in a big hug. Her sullen Adonis husband looked on with a blank face.

"Let me pa.s.s you on to your hubby. Here ya go man!" Blaze said, easily placing her into Mitch"s embrace. "Sebi! Long time no see bro," he said, clamping a ma.s.sive hand on his shoulder. He dropped his voice to a whisper and added, "Kat suggested we appear like old friends but I haven"t decided if I like you yet. You"ve been warned." He grinned and Sebastian thought it looked a bit sinister, missing the amused wink he shot his sister.

"Too long man, too long," Sebastian answered, turning to dole out high fives and handshakes to the others around him.

"Play nice," Kat whispered to her brother as they watched Sebastian address his mob of cameras. He fed them the story of the importance of supporting local artists flawlessly, as if media misdirection was his future. The gallery really should have been paying him for all the publicity he was getting them.

"Play being the operative word." After a moment, at the bemused expression on her face, he added, "Honey, do I know any other way?" She just shook her head and he winked for good measure. "Where"s Lane-ette? I thought she"d definitely want to see this."

Kat whipped out her cell phone as they breezed inside. "Good idea. She"d never let me hear the end of it if she missed all the fun."

"What do you think is going to happen?"

She laughed. "I know you well enough to have a pretty d.a.m.n good idea. You don"t always play well with others."

"I missed that part of kindergarten." His eyes locked onto Sebastian and he straightened his vest. "I would resent the implication that I"m up to no good," he murmured as he grabbed a gla.s.s of wine from a tray and handed it to her, "if it wasn"t so completely true." One more wink and then he was gone.

Sebastian, to his utter amazement, wasn"t having a terrible time. He never hung out with artists and they weren"t nearly as boring as he"d feared. He was avoiding Blaze at every turn but besides that, it was turning out alright.

"Are you ready for your challenge?" Miranda asked as she appeared at Sebastian"s side.

"Always," he responded with a wink, before noticing her husband standing beside her. Though they"d been introduced and chatted for a bit about Sezynian history, his stoic face and ability to crush Sebastian with two fingers still proved to be unnerving.

"Okay, good. See those two girls over there? One of them bats for the other team and the other is so easy I could get her. You have until the place closes so, like two hours. Have at it."

Sebastian couldn"t stop a smile from blooming across his face. "That"s it? Ahh, you underestimate my considerable charms. This isn"t even a challenge." He sauntered away, full of confidence.

"Hey guys. Enjoying yourselves?"

"Immensely," Mitch said to the new arrival with a grin.

Kat raised an inquiring eyebrow at Miranda. "I just challenged your Prince to get one of those girls to agree to take him home."

"Does he know they"re doing a performance piece?"

"No," Miranda giggled. "I doubt he even knows the collection"s called "The Power of No," do you?"

Kat grinned. "I like seeing him knocked down a peg or two."

"I"ll crack her," Sebastian said as he walked back towards them. "I have all night."

Chapter 11.

"And when the poor girl looked like she was going to take his head off with a baseball bat? That was the highlight of my night." They all laughed as Blaze pa.s.sed the bottle of wine around.

"I liked when the bald one broke character and said that she was never going to do a performance piece again because of "unenlightened brutes like you." That was it, right?" Kat asked.

"Yes well the lesbian gave me her number at the end of the night so I consider it a victory."

"The other one was the lesbian. Getting Sasha"s number is practically a rejection she"s so easy," Miranda said. "Not that there"s anything wrong with being easy. Is there Lane?"

"Not in the slightest," she purred with a sidelong glance at Sebastian.

"I"m not touching that with a ten foot pole," the Prince said, getting up to grab another bottle of wine from the kitchen.

"What"s that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you he thinks you"re sleeping with all his bodyguards."

"And what of it, Prince? Paparazzi put you as the biggest f.u.c.king man-wh.o.r.e out there. No solidarity? s.h.i.t."

They all laughed, even Sebastian, though he was thoroughly confused. "I"m missing something, aren"t I?" he asked as he topped off her gla.s.s. Five others were held out for the same treatment. Kat couldn"t help but smile as he became the waiter and she the waited on, role reversal at its finest.

"Can I tell him about your secret ident.i.ty?" Lane shrugged a shoulder at her. "Lane here works for a PI. She"s a gumshoe, a sleuth, a narc, a decoy."

"You know I don"t like the word narc. Makes me sound like a f.u.c.king bird."

"So when she needs escorts, it"s not the high-cla.s.s call girl kind. She just needs muscle as back-up."

"I could do that too you know. I have this b.i.t.c.hin" pair of stiletto boots being able to walk in them would convince anyone I could rock their f.u.c.king world. And it"s not all white dresses and tea parties you know. Sezynia knows how to grow some d.a.m.n fine a.s.s."

There was a loud knock at the door. Kat and Blaze, both comfortable on their couch, didn"t want to move. They resorted to their tried and true method of settling disputes.

"Rock beats scissors," Blaze yelled with a smile, shooing her off the couch.

"Okay, next time we have an argument you get a rock, I"ll get scissors and we"ll see who has the last word, shall we?" Kat was laughing as she opened the door. She stopped the minute she saw who was standing on the other side.

"What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here?! I"ve been calling you every hour all night. I had tickets to that stupid comedian downtown you like to make-up with you and you just blow me off." Marco looked like he wanted to growl at her; she wasn"t about to offer him a rock in this fight.

"Marco, you can"t make plans for us, not tell me and just a.s.sume that I"m waiting at home for you. That"s not how it works."

"Since when?" he grumbled, giving her a fairly mutinous look.

"Kat, I can"t believe you"re missing this," a voice yelled from the living room.

"Oh, so you"ve been home all night and just ignoring me?! Who"s here?!" When Kat didn"t respond and made to close the door, he pushed past her into the apartment. The smell of alcohol was overpowering. "Oh look at that, a party."

All faces turned towards Marco, quickly falling into silence. "You"re upset, you"re drunk, just go home and we can talk later."

"Don"t tell me what to do, I"m fine." Kat put her hand on his arm and he knocked it away with a violent shrug. She took a step back and all four men in the living room stood.

"Are we going to have a problem Marco?" Blaze asked.

Marco was practically bouncing in frustration but his eyes couldn"t miss the people now staring daggers at him in the apartment. "We"re cool," he said. "I"ll call you later Kat." And with one glare at her brother, he left the apartment, the door slam so loud it probably woke the neighbors. There was silence for a moment before Blaze broke it.

"I"m kind of disappointed I"ve always wanted to punch that mother-f.u.c.ker."

"Blaze!" Kat said as everyone else laughed.

"Gio, what the h.e.l.l were you going to do? I"m more of a bad a.s.s than you," Lane said.

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