Rune Troopers

Chapter 3.


—-Thus ends Part 2. Part 3 continues below—–

While Karuda was cracking down on the Empire forces invading the castle, she came upon a place facing the courtyard.

Half of the commanding soldiers are her subordinates, and half were a mix of castle guards and imperial guard forces. There was an overflow of skill there, and against strong opponents, like the Empire’s Black Knights, they were like a crackin a sword, exhausted.

Somehow, when she was looking at the courtyard, 30% of her subordinates near her were getting taken out. A melancholy premonition took over her. Inside, the numbers were devastating with attrition rate. Outside, the defense force had to go against the black dragons and the freeze dragons.

According to the runner’s report, the defense force for the castle walls were already destroyed. At this point, the battle was already terrible for this side. The castle walls no longer serve any purpose.

And, though she didn’t want to think about it, to defeat the dragons they had no weapons, warriors or magic capable of such a feete. She thought about how it would be impossible to defeat the dragon knights based on numbers alone. She shouldn’t have thought that.

Yes, she saw the sight of that courtyard with those managing to survive. There, she saw the one who called himself Kuze, that unreliable man who came from a parallel world. He was in a rather unsightly form, she thought, since his subordinate was clinging onto his waist.

And, Kuze was holding some kind of fat staff that he was pointing to the threatening and approaching black dragon. In front of that black dragon’s roar, his head must have gotten a few screws loose. However, in the next moment, that happened. The black dragon burst open, threatening flames and all.


Karuda could not quickly grasp what had just happened in front of her eyes.

In One attack.

The dragon was defeated in one attack. By that unreliable-seeming so-called Kuze guy.


Err, from that fat staff he shouldered, a flash ran out, she thought, and then the dragon exploded.

Some form of exploding magic? That has to be it. It seems that Kuze guy is actually a high-level magic soldier.

Those weird garments, that odd staff looking thing that persuaded her. He was a magic warrior from a parallel world.

Yes, they were——

“Rune Troopers…!”

With quivering lips, she said this aloud.

“We killed it!”

“Leading Private Nakamura! Bring three people with you and aid the helicopter pilots!”

Their fl.u.s.tered screaming did not reach Karuda’s ears. She was convinced. As to why Her Majesty Hamieea would be so obsessive over them.

“This battle…”

Karuda mumbled softly.

“We still don’t know what’s gonna happen.”

In a parallel world, on the battlefield, a small accident occurred.

*End of Chapter 3.

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