Rune Troopers

Chapter Epilogue

Chapter Epilogue

Epilogue: The Breeze of Peacekeeping

“Thank you for the invitation, Your Highness Hamieea.”

Wearing the pure white uniform of the marine self-defense force, Kaburagi gave a salute in front of the throne. Over a hundred court ladies and civil officials bowed and the court guard  gave the military general of those who had come from a parallel world a loud salute of honor.

The beautiful ringing of bells reverberated throughout the castle. Kaburagi was a little perplexed by how young the queen before his eyes was. Hamieea grinned at him.

“Wha~at, it is I who doth apologize. To have but such a bland revelry.”

Katou, who stood next to Kaburagi, smiled wryly. If this is considered simple, what kind of scene would a grand ceremony be? The 10 staff members of the marine and land SDF who were in attendance were astonished at the queen’s words.

“It is after a war; it couldn’t be helped.”

Katou said, and Hamieea began to frown a bit. The destruction of the Imperial Capital Defense Force and the after effect of the small meteorites falling. This nation probably still has many hardships that would continue in the future.

“Yes indeed… But if the survivors doth remain morose after night, none remain to appreciate the rising sun. Faint as it may be, today doth have a cheerful ring to it, so let us celebrate for we be allowed to live to this moment.”


Kaburagi and his fellow SDF officers were invited as guests of honor to a ‘celebration of victory’. It was because they used defensive measures as a national military that they boldly entered the fight, so in their hearts they wanted to change at the word “victory”.

But, it was thanks to the continued morale and unity of this nation’s people that this was possible, so it was a choice of words that couldn’t be helped, so they accepted it. To celebrate, the leaders of the “volunteer army”, the SDF commanders, were to be given the greatest tokens of grat.i.tude.

There were plans to bestow awards upon them. But, the more important matter of concern to the SDF members was if they could return to their original world or not. As the celebration party began, Kaburagi asked Hamieea this question.

“Hm… Regarding that matter…” (Hamieea)

She showed a somewhat troubled expression in response to Kaburagi’s question. It was like she was choosing her words.

“It isn’t as though there exists no path of return. However, returning thou and thy subordinates, Kaburagi-dono, back to your original world ought prove to be a tough challenge for my nation alone.”

“What exactly does that mean?”

Katou added to the conversation while holding a gla.s.s in one hand.

“Yes, I investigated the matter, and the magic which hath summoned thee to this world ought be the same as the “Falling Star”; it be something pa.s.sed on since times ancient from the civilization of the people of the wings.” (Hamieea)

“That girl with wings that suddenly showed up…”

Katou thought back to the girl that suddenly appeared in the wardroom.

“Thus, it necessitates thou to go to the land which many claim as the Heritage of the People of the Wings.”

“Then, let’s hurriedly join forces with this country! Is it far away?”

“… It be far, certainly.”

Kaburagi smiled.

“It’s fine, we have a machine to fly and all.”

Katou said optimistically to her.

“Yes. If it’s too far in-land to get to with our helicopters, we can use our vehicles. Where is it? That country?”

“Far a

way, on the other side of the ocean…”

She stared at the deep ocean across from the terrace. And, she informed them of the cruel fact of the matter.

“—‘The Land of the Ancient People of the Wings’ ought now be known as ‘the Imperial Capital of the Filborg Inheritance Empire’.”

The SDF commanders were at a loss for words. What did she say just now?

The leaders looked at each other. Presently, coming to understand the meaning of her words, they were dumbfounded. That was the country they sent missiles at and showered with bullets. Common sense in will tell you that you couldn’t hope to compromise with such a country.

“We offer our sincerest apologies, Kaburagi-dono. There hath been no other choice…”

Hamieea cast her eyes down. She had understood everything. She had not lied. She just didn’t tell them about this fact.

Though it may as well have been a lie, had she been completely open about it, it could have spelled ruin for them, thought Kaburagi.

They were already caught in the confusion of this world, unable to escape. It seems the SDF organization when brought to a parallel world had been used by authority. A heavy atmosphere ruled the place. However, suddenly, Katou made a bright expression and broke the silence.

“Let’s decide what to do later! It is still too early to say there is nothing we can do.”

Kaburagi, with a ‘taken aback’ expression, looked at Katou. He sweetly grinned at Katou who’s often aloof and reluctant to accept reality, as usual.

“For now, let’s celebrate!”

As he said that, he held up his gla.s.s. Kaburagi felt that he could understand the incident mentioned earlier with the girl who appeared in the wardroom.

“I have no choice but to trust you…”

She held some sort of expectation for them. It had to be them. She couldn’t just have trust her own world to a corps so pathetically soaked in peace. The meaning wasn’t just to overcome a battle. She wasn’t asking the SDF, which was forbidden from fighting, to fight.

What were they in charge of? They didn’t understand. They understood just one thing. That little girl was sacrificed for what they were asked to do. Katou, who understood these feelings of that little girl along with Kaburagi, held his gla.s.s and spoke to those around him. For a repose of her soul, he said these words.

“To peace!”


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