Chapter 2
Episode 2 – Pilgrimage FestivalPart 1

*GOON* Such solemn bell sound rang several times since early morning.

Similar with new kingdom and other countries, a bell tower was built in the middle of city in preparation for Abyss’s attack, but this time a calm timbre could be heard only as a part of ceremony.

「Fu, aa……」

Lux was very nervous staying for a night in Einfolk house, but he could sleep better than he thought. It must be because of the long travel.

「After finis.h.i.+ng breakfast, put your attire in order and we will depart to the sanctuary. How is your body’s condition?」

「I’m all right. After sleeping for a night, my fatigue is mostly gone.」

After changing clothes from his sleeping wear, Krulcifer made her appearance.

Last night it felt like she was relatively worked up, but this morning she had returned to her usual self.

They had beaten the brief of the program of Pilgrimage Festival that they would accompany as the guard of Pope Nias into their head.

The total time including today would be a period of three days. The flow of event would be touring to several holy grounds at the holy capital and its surrounding and performed ceremony there.

The accompaniment would be one bishop and several believers who acted as attendant, and also the elites of Sanctuary Knight Order with total of thirty names.

In addition was Lux and Krulcifer, and Ymir Theocracy’s Seven Dragon Paladins, Mel Gizalut.

By the way Krulcifer’s step-brother, Zain Einfolk would also serve as guard as a member of Sanctuary Knight Order.

The two went down to first floor and took breakfast inside the wide living room.

Piping hot soup cooked together with bread, smoked bacon topped with omelet, salad with grated cheese, and then tea with honey. After having breakfast, they put their attire in order.

They then rode horse carriage for ten-odd minutes and they arrived once more in front of the sanctuary.

「Well then young master and Ojou-sama, also Lux-sama, take care.」

The butler Alterize saw them off until in front of the sanctuary.

「No need for worry. This is only trivial matter.」

The eldest brother Zain didn’t meet the eyes of Lux and Krulcifer as usual, but he also didn’t particularly say anything bad. They headed toward the government office building inside the ground.

Until the preparation for the departure was finished, they would stand by inside the guard cabin that had hearth in it.

The inside of the cabin was fairly wide. A server handed them tea and a quiet time flowed.

Perhaps the other officials were preparing themselves for the ceremony performance, because someone was picking up a religious book, while someone else was offering prayer toward empty air.


For the moment, the three of them grouped together as people related to Einfolk house, but the eldest brother Zain looked like he was in a bad mood.

「It looks like there is a delay. I’ll look at the situation outside for a bit.」

Suddenly Krulcifer looked outside the window and muttered that.

The moment she left her seat, the eldest brother Zain opened his mouth.

「Lux Arcadia, that’s your name right? If I remember correctly, just the other day it seemed that you were appointed as the new kingdom’s Seven Dragon Paladins, isn’t that right?」

「Err……, yes.」

Even while feeling slightly perplexed, Lux replied with a serious expression.

「──Why did you come here?」

「What do you mean?」

Lux tilted his head toward those words that were said to him with half-closed eyes.

「I heard that it seems you are also the exclusive knight of the new kingdom’s princess . Could it be that

you were given the order to lend some favor to your allied country?」

Perhaps the slightly strong tone was also transmitted to the surrounding, because the other Sanctuary Knight Order and believers lowered their voice and Lux could feel them observing this way.

「No, I only wanted to accompany Krulcifer-san with my own personal intent.」

But, Lux said that honestly and he looked at Zain’s face.

The other side was slightly bewildered and returned back a dubious gaze at him.

「I can’t understand that, purposefully coming so far until another country with only that reason. In that case are you virtuous philanthropist? Or else, did you foresee that our Einfolk house has that much value?」

「It’s neither of them.」

Most people would take Zain’s words as provocation, but Lux answered calmly without delay.

「At the very least, I was always helped by her kindness at the new kingdom. That’s why, if I can be of a.s.sistance for her, then I too won’t hesitate to do just so. That’s all there is to it.」

「Fuh, so it’s something like that?」

「Yes, it’s something like that.」

Lux responded with a smile even toward that somewhat careless respond mixed with sarcasm in it.

But, even then Zain’s att.i.tude didn’t change.

「And, you are a fiancée candidate? But, I wonder if you can say something like that when you don’t know about that woman’s circ.u.mstance.」

「……? Just now, what──」

When Lux reflexively tilted his head toward Zain’s muttering that implicated something,

「I think it’s not really something that goes as far as interfering with other country’s circ.u.mstance you know, Onii-sama.」

The voice that suddenly interjected caused Lux and Zain to freeze.

When they looked, Krulcifer had returned into the guard cabin without them realizing it.

「It looks like we will depart soon. We the guards ought to stand by outside too.」


Zain showed a shocked expression for a moment, but he immediately scoffed a bit and left the cabin.

The other Sanctuary Knight Order members also stood up and slowly began to move.

「My brother has troubled you just now. I’m sorry.」

Krulcifer leaked out a small sigh and muttered that.

「It’s okay, but──」

Lux shook his head while recalling the conversation just now.

Zain’s somewhat th.o.r.n.y reaction must be related with the matter that he had heard from Krulcifer.

While she was an adopted child, she showed excessive talent in Einfolk house. Because of that there might be jealousy toward her.

But, what Lux felt from Zain just now wasn’t only that.


*pofu-*. Suddenly a fur hat was put on his head. Lux returned to his senses.

「It’s heavy outfit for the use of Sanctuary Knight Order to protect from cold. Because I forgot to borrow for Lux-kun’s share.」

After saying that, Krulcifer who was wearing fur coat above the aforementioned chic dress headed outside.

When Lux followed behind her and got out of the cabin, Krulcifer who was walking in front of him muttered.

「Don’t listen too much to my brother’s story. It’s not like we are quarreling openly, but I don’t know when it will become the trigger for dispute.」

「Yes……, I get it.」

Lux thought that it was a bit unfortunate while he replied like that with a wry smile.

「──But, thank you for saying a cold human like me is kind.」


The faint smile she suddenly showed to him caused Lux to fall into illusion as though his heart was shot through.

Krulcifer was always cool and showed a composed smile, but exactly because of that, he thought that her expression smiling happily was really cute.

That lovely expression that felt like a surprise attack caused Lux to almost forget to breath.

「Let’s go Lux-kun. His eminence the pope is waiting.」

This time Krulcifer told him with a casual smile just like usual.

Lux nodded to that and the two of them hurried to the waiting horse carriage.

The first day of pilgrimage to go around the decided holy grounds started.

Having said that, this travel where they were looking around several places around the holy capital became a day trip.

Fundamentally they were using horse carriage as method of travel, but it seemed that sometimes they would use Drag-Ride for moving.

The first pilgrimage destination was the holy capital’s southeast.

The objective was to offer a prayer at a deserted temple in a forest.

While sitting inside the shaking horse carriage, Lux was listening to Krulcifer’s story regarding the origin of Ymir Theocracy and its doctrine.

「Then, in Ymir Theocracy, that G.o.d and angel become the object of wors.h.i.+p?」

「It’s basically something like that.」

Desert, fierce blizzard──or perhaps flood. Territory with that kind of hards.h.i.+p.

In that kind of rigorous environment, there was a tendency that faith would be firmly rooted because controlling the self and people would be done by borrowing the name of G.o.d.

When he was a child, Lux learned that from the library of the old empire, but it seemed that in Ymir Theocracy, there was a slightly different reason for the religion here.

「But, it’s not only that. There is a legend, that this land that was once locked inside snow and ice was saved by G.o.d and angel.」


Lux muttered that and fell silent. Krulcifer smiled wryly seeing that.

「Yes, in this world there is a G.o.d that won’t descend no matter what. G.o.d will dispatch angel when he bestow words or things to human. The angel would conduct various a.s.sistance to human, and saved people who are suffering from disaster. In fact, there is a legend of human talking with that angel, and directly asked, 『Where is G.o.d』──the human asked.」

The angel’s answer was like this.

『G.o.d is inside all of you.』

『From far away in the past that not one of you remember, you all received the divine protection of G.o.d and then you were born.』

G.o.d was watching human’s deed, and one day he would dispatch angel to them again, the legend said.

「Well, until this point it’s a story that you can find anywhere. But, it’s really rare though for a story where human talk directly with angel. After all normally it would be more, angel keeping distance from human in regard to their divine status.」

「That might be so.」

While talking like that, they arrived at the destination. They got down from the carriage and took their post.

Pope Nias and the bishop headed to the deepest room and set up the ritual equipments, it seemed that the ceremony’s main part would start from here.

Suddenly, several Sanctuary Knight Order members came toward where Lux and Krulcifer were at. Perhaps they had finished their formation.

It seemed that they were elderly knights and acquaintances of Krulcifer.

「Oo. So you are accompanying this mission as expected, it has been a long time, daughter of Einfolk house.」

「I say, has it been a year? Did you meet any inconvenience living in the new kingdom?」

「Yes, in the new kingdom I am able to spend productive days both in literary and military arts.」

Krulcifer greeted them while sending Lux an apologetic gaze.

When one was a member of distinguished n.o.ble family, they would surely have various other acquaintances.

It seemed that Krulcifer’s reception outside the Einfolk house was good, she was surrounded by several military officers.

Lux who was a former imperial family guessed that and he distanced himself so not to hinder her──.

「Good afternoon! Onii-chan!」


Suddenly a girl slammed on Lux’s waist.

Lux blinked his eyes in surprise and found Mel GIzalut there.

She was even more pet.i.te than Lisha with a body build that apt to be mistaken as a young child.

But, this girl who was a Seven Dragon Paladins also had a dangerous atmosphere and a somewhat mature allure.

「As I thought Onii-chan also camee. What do you think? About the Pilgrimage Festival of Ymir Theocracy.」


Mel showed an innocent smile and said that with an upturned gaze.

Looking from just that, she looked like a cute child, but he couldn’t let his guard down.

It was only the other day too, he had just gotten duped by her.

「I think that it’s boring but endure it okay? Rather than that, that Ojou-sama over theree. She is popular like always isn’t shee.」

But Mel didn’t really bother with that bewilderment of Lux and she turned her gaze toward Krulcifer.

She was staring at the girl who was conversing with n.o.bles at slight distance away, and then at another person, Krulcifer’s big brother, Zain Einfolk standing alone by himself.

「──How ironic isn’t it. That the result of the tournament at that time is still becoming a reason that girl is estranged in Einfolk house.」

Her lovely expression turned into a fearless look and she muttered that.

It was her face as a Seven Dragon Paladins that Lux previously saw.

「What do you mean by that?」

「It’s about military arts tournament. In this Ymir Theocracy, that’s the largest Drag-Ride tournament. It’s something like the new kingdom’s TournamentOfficial Mock Battle that is in the top position I guess.」

Since Drag-Ride was discovered, mock battle was held in various countries although there was a degree of difference between them.

Most likely this military arts tournament held that role in Ymir Theocracy.

「My house──Gizalut house and Einfolk house are famous military family that are the main support of this country. Two years ago, I fought Krulcifer at the final of the military arts tournament.」

「Then, what you mean by her being estranged because of that case is──」

Was Krulcifer unable to answer the expectation of Einfolk house and lost at that time?

「No, that’s not it.」

Mel saw through Lux’s question and told him so.

「The one who lost was me. Although it was losing by decision just barely. However──」

「I’ve made you wait. The ceremony will start soon, you will get scolded if you make pointless chat you know?」

「Krulcifer, san……」

Without noticing Krulcifer had returned to Lux’s position. Her composed face gazed at Mel.

In contrast Mel Gizalut looked as though she wasn’t bothered by that, she smiled at Lux beside him.

「Before this, I asked you about Krulcifer’s weak point right?」

The girl let loose the allure of a young female and told Lux that with a bewitching smile.

「I’ll teach you my objective. I want to pay back my defeat at that time during this Pilgrimage Festival. Look forward to it okay, Onii-chan.」

Mel only said that and left quietly.

After that Krulcifer sighed in exasperation. She was left alone with Lux.

「It’s really not a nice feeling having your past failure got tattled on.」

「That’s, so it’s as I thought……」

「Quietly, it will start soon.」

Lux noticed from Krulcifer’s whisper.

Pope Nias who was illuminated by the glow of the bonfire was spinning a ritual prayer in front of the believers.

After that two ceremonies were finished without any incident and the first day of the pilgrimage signaled a safe end.Part 2

After breaking up in front of the sanctuary, Lux and Krulcifer didn’t return directly to Einfolk house, the stopped by at a restaurant in the holy capital for having meal as well as taking rest.

Quiet and graceful atmosphere was flowing, appropriate for a distinguished high cla.s.s restaurant even in the holy capital.

In the s.p.a.cious dining hall that looked like a dance hall, a lot of waiters were busily walking on the red carpet. On the stage an instrumentalist was playing a harp.

The steamed fish wrapped in herb and steak garnished with fruit sauce were quiet flavorful, even Lux was enjoying them while eating it.

「Tomorrow we will have guard duty too, so we cannot drink alcohol, but in this situation I actually want wine too.」

Even such whisper sounded appropriate for Krulcifer, but as expected it felt like she was meeker than usual.

「Krulcifer-san. Can I hear more about the detail of what I was told at the afternoon?」

When Lux said that with consideration, the girl let out a small sigh ‘fuu’ and she started talking.

The military arts tournament that was once held in this country.

In the final, she defeated Mel Gizalut. How did that fact connected to failure?

「I had talked before about my position in Einfolk house and the sequence of events there hadn’t I?」

It was the happening a few months ago that he wouldn’t forget.

Inside the Ruin, Garden, he heard about Krulcifer’s past from herself.

When she was a child, she noticed that she was an adopted child of the Einfolk house.

In order to close the distance between herself with her family that wasn’t related to her by blood, she continued to work hard in every field.

But, the result of her showing her excellence like that was that she was estranged from her brother and sisters, and a gulf was created between them.

「Even so, I couldn’t give up completely. But at a certain time, a decisive incident happened. That was──the military arts tournament of Drag-Knight that was held in this country.」

Krulcifer muttered that with an expression that was somewhat despondent.

「At the military art tournament two years ago, Mel who debuted there was an amateur who had only just learned Drag-Ride control. Even so she overwhelmed the other Drag-Knights. Including our family’s──Zain-niisan too.」

Lux was spontaneously speechless from surprise hearing that fact.

Although female had advantage in the point of their Drag-Ride apt.i.tude value, a girl who had only just learned control with practically no experience defeated Zain who should be someone who was already experienced and advanced until the final.

In other words Mel was without a doubt blessed with the quality of natural genius.

That meant that she possessed talent that was towering above the rest in order to become Drag-Knight by nature.

「I fought her using EX Wyvern. The me at that time intended to shoulder Einsfolk house on my own accord. Even though no one, not even my family said anything to me about it, I challenged the fight under the impression that I mustn’t lose.」

The side profile of Krulcifer who was drinking the after-meal tea looked vaguely lonely and self-depreciating.

「Like that, the match was……」

「Yes, it’s just as that girl said, I won thanks to the difference of the Drag-Ride’s spec and experience. At that time, I felt proud inside my heart. A person who won the military arts tournament will be given high position even within the Sanctuary Knight Order. They can even receive the prize of a Divine Drag-Ride. I was thinking happily, that I had protected the family name. But──」


‘Aa, so that’s it.’

Even Lux understood the implication of that.

Zain, the eldest son of Einfolk house, a military family that was a pillar of the country, was defeated by Mel of Gizart house who was still a child.

Even so if Mel became the overall champion, Zain’s honor would be barely maintained.

But, that Mel was defeated by Krulcifer who was of the same house with him.

The up-and-coming Drag-Knight of Gizart house that was defeated by his little sister. Like that it was as though the eldest son was a real weakling that wasn’t no match at all against them.

It wasn’t hard to imagine the hards.h.i.+p that the eldest brother Zain experienced since that day.

Most likely even Einfolk house also underestimated Krulcifer’s skill.

If that wasn’t the case, that kind of tragedy wouldn’t happen.

「After that, it was just like I told you. I received Divine Drag-Ride Fafnir as prize, a while after that, following a certain incident, it was decided that I would study abroad at the new kingdom.」

And then now, she was suddenly called back to be given the role as a guard in the Pilgrimage Festival.

「I’m sorry. I’m making you listening to this tedium story even though we finally have a nice dinner──. There is still time, so is it okay if I stop by in a shop at our way back?」

「Yes. I’ll also keep you company.」

After that, Lux listened from her about her memory when she was living at the monastery she was attending.

Perhaps it was just as expected, it seemed that even in the past she was an excellent student, and she was relied a lot by her cla.s.smates and juniors.

It appeared that with the exception of the awkwardness in her home, she spent a sound period as a young lady.

After that using horse carriage, they went around to several places like tailor or accessory shop before they were stopped by Alterize who was making exasperated face and returned to Einfolk’s home.

「My apologies Lux-sama. You were led around by Ojou-sama like that while you are tired.」

「No, I was also having fun. After all if it’s not a time like this, I would always get employed to do」

「I feel a bit relieved that you would say that.」

After parting from Krulcifer for the moment, Alterize who accompanied him until the guest room smiled wryly in relieve.

「But……, Ojou-sama is changed isn’t she?」

「Is that right?」

Lux asked in respond to the brief words that Alterize muttered earnestly.

「Yes. Before this, she would formally treat other like stranger, even toward me. She wouldn’t get along with me without reservation like this or anything if it’s in the past.」

Although her voice sounded a bit exasperated, it also sounded somewhat happy.

It seemed that inside her heart she was happy with the att.i.tude of Krulcifer who was communicating with her friendlily.

Lux once more thought that she was a good person as expected.

「If there is a chance please come playing to Cross Field too without fail. I will welcome Alterize-san there as much as I can.」

「Thank you very much. But, please allow me to restrain at the time being. It feels like Ojou-sama will get angry at me if I have her fiancée to escort me after all.」

Alterize smiled wryly and muttered such thing.

「No, please wait!? I and Krulcifer-san are──」

Lux was panicked and he hesitated whether to say the truth or not. It was then the female butler bowed and left.

In the end he had to do something about the misunderstanding too before they returned home.

While thinking that, Lux changed into his plain clothes and lied down on the bed.

Krulcifer’s tie with Mel from the victory she obtained at the military arts tournament, and the gulf between her with the eldest brother Zain and her family that was created from that.

The Pilgrimage Festival that was said would pa.s.s near the Ruin, the protection of Pope Nias, and Einfolk house’s intention of asking Lux and Krulcifer to raise achievement there.

There was still question remaining inside Lux.


Lux took a deep breath and put his feeling in order, then he decided a personal strategy that he would keep secret from Krulcifer.

After making a bit of stopover, he asked Alterize to intermediate before he knocked on the door of a private room in the third floor.

Inside the office that was surrounded by bookshelves, the person he wanted to speak with was sitting.

「Excuse me Lord Stiyl. Thank you very much for granting this chance to talk with you today.」

「The night is already late, finish your business briefly. I’m not young like my daughters.」

Stiyl told Lux with brusque tone like usual.

Lux who heard his tone reflexively smiled wryly.

He bought souvenir just now and presented it to the third daughter Yunifa and the fourth daughter Irma but,

『I already received that from other people.』

He recalled how he was curtly refused like that.

Though right after that, he was given 『But, thank you』 with a smile.

「So, what do you want to ask? I should have said everything I need to say to you though?」

「Why did you purposefully called Krulcifer-san back to this country?」

Stiyl frowned slightly hearing Lux’s question.

「You feel like criticizing me? In order to raise achievement for Einfolk house, I am making use of that child. But it’s just as you see. It’s just as you know too, right now I’m putting distance from Krulcifer.」

Stiyl muttered along with a sigh.

But, Lux’s opinion differed.

「Perhaps it’s true that this country has business with Krulcifer-san, but I feel like that’s not all. If you are really rejecting Krulcifer-san, then I think you won’t purposefully make her stay at this house here together with me. And the right now, you are allowing me to talk with you like this too──aren’t you actually concerned about her?」


Lux’s question that was said with calm question caused Stiyl to fall silent slightly. Before long he smiled bitterly.

「It seems that you are a man with a considerable power of imagination. Is that all that you want to ask?」

「No, there is one more thing. Will you allow me to ask a foolish question?」

「What is it……?」

「Why is it that all this time since that meeting, you won’t take off that glove even inside the estate?」

「……It’s something that you don’t need to know. I’ll take my rest now.」

With the talk stopped, Lux bowed and returned to his room.

He didn’t find out the answer of what was in his mind, but it couldn’t be helped today.

The long day finally ended.Part 3

Deep at night. At the middle of the holy capital where the people were falling asleep, there was human presence.

The sanctuary that the pope and believers would use for the occasion of audience, ceremony, and legislative a.s.sembly.

But at the same time that place couldn’t possibly be used as residential area.

It was a consecrated ground that fundamentally even believers couldn’t easily enter without pretext.

Thus, for influential person it was a safe place to use for a confidential talk.

「──And, is the calculation to start the action soon finished?」

In the shadow of that chalk white sacred building that was illuminated by faint lighting, there was only a quiet voice that could be heard.

A single shadow emitted that cold tone that was like the air of this night.

A person wearing white robe that seemed like it would fuse with the snowy landscape was directing a dull gaze.

「Don’t worry. Our side is also not that stupid to let go of this chance. Everything is flawless──don’t you know the nickname of this me as a Drag-Knight?」

There was no one in front of the white robed figure.

That figure’s talking partner didn’t exist even inside the wide sanctuary ground.

There was a person wearing Drag-Ride on a small hill at the far north a few kl away. (TN: Kl is the unit for kilometer here I think.)

That person was a woman of blooming age, wearing black clothes with its length and sleeves shortened, an outfit style that was like a bandit.

She made a predatory grin and sent only her voice toward the far away sanctuary.

「『The Battlefield’s Instrumentalist』, was it? It sounds really strange. As a mercenary, in order to bluff more effectively, isn’t there other name that sound a bit more threatening?」

When the figure in white robe said that, the female mercenary who was that person’s talking partner scoffed.

She was a legendary mercenary who once rampaged between three countries, including Ymir Theocracy. At present she was a rebel who could be counted as a most dangerous character.

One of Dragon Marauder’s three boss──Human Dragon division commander, Drakkhen Megistri.

The victims that suffered from her many layered strategies and ingenious wiles couldn’t be counted.

「You will understand sooner or later. More importantly you yourself are the one who need to be careful. Don’t do anything stupid like has-been knight……that Dilwy okay? We the Dragon Marauder has no mercy for traitor.」

The female bandit of blooming age told with calm tone that sounded faintly heartwarming.

The white robed figure smirked fearlessly at that threatening reminder.

「Please rest a.s.sured. More importantly, what kind of end Dilwy met? Isn’t Baptism from Elixir a technique to awaken a person to their hidden strength?」

That question with calm tone was mixed with faint sharpness.

Drakkhen who heard that smiled wryly while lightly scratching her head.

「I’ll let you into the secret for a bit because I trust you. That thing cannot be properly handled see.」

「You are saying, that you weren’t tricking me and him?」

「What is called Elixir is a really important secret even inside Ruin, it’s something like a powerful drug. If a normal person use it, even if just a bit then it will be accompanied by intense pain that can even make them lose sanity, in fact using more than half will cause death when we tested it. What’s more the amount that can be entered into the body also differ depending on the individuals. And yet if you get reckless and apply it to the whole body all at once, you will get strengthened temporarily, but you won’t be able to escape death as the side effect. Your mind will also get encroached and your wicked heart will get amplified.」

‘Fuu’, Drakkhen leaked out a small sigh and muttered.

Hearing that, the other silhouette blew out white exhale to the empty air.

「In other words, he violated direction and used Elixir too much, and died because of that, is that it?」

「No, we didn’t tell him anything see.」

‘Hah’, Drakkhen laughed it off and answered immediately.

「I──no, the other guys also checked, but Dragon Marauder didn’t even give Dilwy any Elixir. Someone was doing that to that guy of their own accord.」

「Rather than spewing out an absurd lie, honestly recognizing your own failure will get you more trust you know?」

「It can’t be helped if you doubt us like that. I can only tell you to believe us. Elixir itself is considerably rare though, the way to obtain it shouldn’t even be known. Well, regarding that matter it was really unexpected.」

「……Fine then. It’s dangerous to have idle talk with you longer than this.」

「If you make me remember a voice of your acquaintance, I’ll be able to imitate it. If you have a clue about nuisance that feel like they will suspect the plan, setting them up as traitor is also one way you know?」

「No need for worry. More importantly──」

「Yeah, if your business goes well, then as promised I’ll give you a valuable information. Rather than that, is the rumor true? About the existence of Angel that this country and Einfolk house is hiding.」

「That information will depend on your result, Drakkhen. Though I was surprised that even the Seven Dragon Paladins of the new kingdom is coming along too in the Pilgrimage Festival this time.」

「It’s okay for me to demand extra amount of reward isn’t it? It feels like this is going to turn into a troublesome work you know.」

「I’ll think about it if it goes well. ──Well then」

The white robed figure answered curtly toward Drakkhen’s frivolous talk.

The robed figure disappeared inside the sanctuary as though to say that the talk was over with that.

「A believer doing evil deed……. It will be great if you don’t get stabbed in the back, by the G.o.d you guys believed in.」

The female boss that similarly stopped sending her voice to far away talked to herself in irony.

「Two of the Seven Dragon Paladins……the Subjugator and the Black Hero huh. Let’s see what you’ve got, so called strongest.」

The color of snow that was starting to fall enveloped the whole holy capital.

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