Chapter 1
Episode 1 – The Memory’s Continuation

Part 1

「U, nn……」

Lux was feeling the texture of something warm and soft.

It wasn’t just that, somehow there was also a gentle scent that made him relaxed.

It felt like he was going to be pulled away from the sleepiness where he wanted to keep sleeping forever, but the pink hair that suddenly crossed in front of his eyes made him return to his senses in surprise.

「……-!? Phi-chan!? Why are you here!?」

「Kuu……. Lu-chan. Munya munya……」

Looking closer, inside the guest room that was illuminated by sunlight, it seemed he was dozing off on the sofa.

Philuffy arrived at that time and then snuggled close to Lux in her Academy uniform and fell asleep.

「I see, here is inside the fortress.」

Marcafal Kingdom’s abandoned capital Guernica.

It was the world alliance’s base for the decisive battle that was set up near the old castle.

The captain of Seven Dragon Paladins, Magialca put some work on the building, and she also arranged for substantial amount of materials.

The great amount of wounded soldiers who suffered damage from the battle the other day were transported to the capital of Marcafal Kingdom.

There would be only three days until the next battle, so they wouldn’t have the leeway to be saddled with people unable to fight in the fortress.

The remaining Drag-Knights were Seven Dragon Paladins and Lisha and others, the members of Syvalles.

Along with two hundred remaining force of world alliance, and the White Ridge knight order that Singlen was leading.

According to the talk of Holy Arcadia Empire’s second imperial princess Aeril, if two and a half day more pa.s.sed, the path toward the latter half of Avalon, the deep level floor that connected to the center would be opened.

There would only be little time until then, but Lux and others would use that time for rest.

For the sake of the coming battle, they had to lessen their fatigue as much as possible.

Because of that, after eating lunch today, he took a nap in his room.

「Phi-chan. Look, wake up. Or rather, why are you here?」

「Munya munya, fua……」

She responded with a tone that was following her own pace as usual while she slowly opened her eyelids.

Those eyes that looked even sleepier than usual were reflecting the wry smile of Lux.

How should he say it, even though it hadn’t even been ten days since they parted in the Academy, Philuffy’s existence felt really nostalgic.

──Was it because of that? That he saw that kind of dream just now.

「But, just what was it? That dream……」

Rather than a simple dream, it gave him a strange feeling as though he was tracing back a memory, it was odd.

He had no memory of hearing Fugil saying that kind of words, and he had also never seen an Automaton named Arshalia.

No, if those strange horns growing on her head were removed, she looked exactly the same like Sacred Eclipse.

「Does that mean that the situation is finally getting to me I wonder.」

He would finally have to oppose Fugil wearing Drag-Knight, and raced against the Lord to conquer Avalon.

The intense anxiety toward the coming all-out confrontation might be the cause of the nightmare that Lux was seeing.

「……Lu-chan. Wake up quickly, master was calling.」While thinking of such thing, Philuffy said that to him while rubbing her eyes.


Saying that, Lux shook his head that was befuddled from just waking up and he tried to surmise the meaning of his childhood friend’s words.

The 『master』 that Philuffy mentioned referred to Magialca Zen Vanfrick, the multi-millionare who was her instructor in martial arts.

She was also the captain of Seven Dragon Paladins, and current in this place her duty in that post was her main.

「I was told to call for Lu-chan, so I tried waking you up.」

「Wai-!? Just now Phi-chan, you were napping together with me! You didn’t look trying waking me up at all you know!?」

「……Lu-chan. You looked like you didn’t want to be wakened up, so I waited a bit.」

「Why are you even taking consideration to the want of the sleeping me!? Not that, if there is a business then I need to hurry!」

He was wearing his uniform even while napping, so there was no need to change.

Lux lightly put his appearance in order using mirror, and then he headed toward Magialca’s room together with Philuffy in panic.

When he entered inside the office, Magialca was relaxing on an extravagant sofa inside.

「Hohou. You, recently you’ve made really great contribution with good vibes, but you’ve really become a big-shot now huh, to make me, your captain to wait so long like this.」

The bottle of wine that was placed on the table was already half empty. It could be guessed that she was taking a drink to kill time.

Seeing that, Lux was relieved in a sense.

Because he understood that for her to drink alcohol from afternoon meant that this wouldn’t be a talk about important command or the like.

「Does captain want a companion for drinking alcohol? Just because Relie-san isn’t here, such thing……」

「You think I’ll do that!? It was because you didn’t come that I’ve got too much time on my hand. My unworthy disciple too, she looks completely half asleep there.」

Even her master’s sarcasm was completely eluded by Philuffy with her absentminded state.

At this kind of time, Philuffy’s ability in ignoring things was enviable in a sense.

「And, can you tell me the reason of the call?」

「Right. You are resting for three days including today correct? However this is the diligent you we are talking about here. I think you will try to do some work on your own accord anyway. So I called you here to give you a ch.o.r.e for killing time.」

It seemed that it was a request for doing a ch.o.r.e after so long.

He felt like it would be fine even if he didn’t do anything like that in the fortress just before the final decisive battle, but doing this might be just the diversion he needed to calm himself.

「The instructions are written on this paper. Return here when you are finished okay? Work is only over for the first time after you finished your report.」

「That’s fine but, Philuffy will also come along with me?」

The description 『Act together with your childhood friend!』 was written at the top. When it caught Lux’s curiosity somewhat──.

「Naturally. After all I’m also someone who is thinking about my disciple. I’m thinking to use this work as excuse for making you two spend time together. Kukuku, if I report it later to Relie, she will surely make consideration for my convenience in our business dealing with each other.」

「Please hide your true feeling a little bit……」

Although, it felt like this scheme would show extraordinary result for the headmasterRelie who was really doing on her little sister Philuffy.

(That person really doesn’t hesitate to mix self-interest with her work after all. She is a good person though……)

Lux leaked out a sigh of exasperation while following the instructions.

Part 2

Until two and half a day later when the gate of Avalon’s deep level floor was opened, it seemed the soldiers in the area were nervous, but unexpectedly it wasn’t like that inside the fortress.

Perhaps the recoil from the battle that was too fierce made everyone’s feeling to be temporarily paralyzed.

It was a fact that the body wouldn’t hold if someone was persevering too much despite their fatigue, so in any case rest was necessary.

「Lu-chan. Somehow, today you are strange you know?」


While doing the ch.o.r.e that Magialca instructed him to do, like receiving or delivering material and so on, Philuffy who was walking beside him said such thing.

With a bag filled with snacks in one hand, she peered fixedly into Lux’s eyes.

「Somehow, you are acting absentminded since some time ago.」


Lux felt conflicted that Philuffy pointed out such thing to him, but certainly it might be just as she said.

The reason was most likely the content of the dream he saw before this.

Keeping it inside by himself wouldn’t bring anything, so he tried talking about it to Philuffy.

After all she had seen through Lux’s anxiety anyway.

「──And so, I saw a strange dream about five years ago. I think perhaps that dream was because I am too nervous due to the possibility that soon I might be battling Fugil-niisan finally.」

「……I also saw one you know, a dream of different past.」


The words that Philuffy said with a serious face caused Lux’s hand that was pus.h.i.+ng a delivery cart to unconsciously stop.

「A dream where I died and discarded underground the monastery of Ries Island. At that time, Lu-chan also came. I was still on the verge of death, but Lu-chan received shock seeing me not moving and flew out. The memory stop there.」

The incident five years ago, when Philuffy was kidnapped for human experiment.

His memory regarding the matter of Ries Island was cut off hazily for some reason.

「After that……I don’t know. When I noticed, I had gone back to Nee-chan’s side.」

「……The, then, it must be only your feeling. Phi-chan is safe like this right now after all.」

Seeing the collapsed Philuffy, Lux misunderstood that she had died and his mind fell into chaos from the excessive shock.

At the very least, Lux was thinking like that until now but──.

「However, I remembered a bit. Lu-chan’s Onii-san who I saw near the fortress yesterday. At that time that person also came inside the monastery’s bas.e.m.e.nt. That’s what I feel.」

「──Wait a second!? What do you mean!?」

Five years ago, Fugil came to Ries Island. This was the first time Lux heard that.

But, Philuffy didn’t change her expression, she was only staring straight ahead.

「I don’t understand. I also remembered it only just now. Perhaps, there is some kind of connection, with Avalon being nearby.」


The unfamiliar memory that sometimes flashed on the back of Lux’s mind until now.

He completely thought that it was hallucination that Lux’s own heart showed him, but it was strangely concerning that even Philuffy was having similar experience.

Five years ago, just what in the world happened at the day of the incident in Ries Island and the day of the revolution──.

「It’s meaningless even if you only think about that matter. Looks like the current you has remembered huh.」


The moment they turned on the corner of the corridor inside the fortress, a figure appeared that caused Lux to hold his breath.

A man wearing eye patch and coat with deep ultramarine color.

He emitted an overwhelming aura that was mismatched with his small and thin body. The Blue Tyrant, Singlen Shelbrit.

He was the captain of Blackend Kingdom’s White Ridge knight order, and the vice captain of Seven Dragon Paladins.

His jet black eye that was like a bottomless abyss was capturing Lux’s face.

「What is your business? You are going to give an invitation even at this kind of time? I should have told you that I won’t submit to you.」

「I should have told you that I have no more intention of that. ──Then why am I accosting you like this right now? Let me ask back, am I not allowed to address you? Even like this I am still your superior.」


Like always, his att.i.tude was haughty and arrogant, looking down on other people.

But he strangely had a clever mouth that could skillfully convince other people.

He was someone that was hard to deal with in a different meaning from Magialca. This man’s action couldn’t be


When Lux was perplexed of how to reply, Philuffy beside him suddenly stepped forward.

「Donut, I’ll give you one if you want. Proof of acquaintance.」


Philuffy took out a donut from her portable snack bag and casually presented it to Singlen.

It seemed Philuffy mistook the gaze that was directed to her as a wish for snack.

However, even if this was Philuffy who was always at her own pace, this was too reckless.

It would be a different matter if it was with the other Seven Dragon Paladins, but the opponent now was that Singlen.

「Phi-chan, don’t do that. Making that kind of conversation with him is──」

「A daughter of Aingram Conglomerate huh, I’ll accept it thankfully.」


This time it was Lux’s turn to be shocked.

That Singlen received donut from Philuffy, and then he began to eat of all things.

(What is going on? What is this guy thinking? Just what kind of secret is inside that donut──?)

「What are you staring at? Is it that strange for me to eat snack?」


Lux couldn’t say that.

Even so this was surreal.

Whether it was Singlen who even though he was smiling, it didn’t reach his eye and he didn’t look like he was enjoying eating the snack at all.

Or Philuffy who wasn’t bothered about anything and continued to eat her snack on her own pace.

In a sense, it was a sight that possessed different abnormality than the dream that he saw befor this.

「Hou, the outside is hard. It’s a texture that I like.」

At that time Singlen suddenly showed a mysterious smile and began to evaluate the donut’s taste.

「I see, so it was fried. Even though the situation is tense like this, you really have a guts to cook snack in a fortress at a battlefield.」

Singlen gave an evaluation that was unclear whether it was sarcasm or praise.

(What is his intention? Hidden behind this conversation──)

「It’s not like I have a hidden motive here. I’m merely giving praise to that girl’s skill and courage though?」

(He is even reading my heart so casually……!)

Singlen finished eating the donut silently, and then he wiped his mouth with a handkerchief.

Right after that, Lux started to talk with him from being unable to endure the silence.

「And, what is your business here? What do you want to make me do?」

「Hm? Aah, about that huh.」

Singlen spoke as though he suddenly remembered something and his cheeks loosened.

「I’m thinking to give you warning as insurance. Although Avalon will fall into my hand no matter what happen, but I don’t know what is going to occur from here on.」


When Lux tilted his head from lacking understanding of what Singlen meant, Singlen started talking with a smile that was filled with implication.

「I know your future. What I want to say is to resolve yourself about how you will move at that time.」

「Are you trying to misled me with words again?」

Lux was immediately on guard, but Singlen’s fearless smile didn’t crumble.

「Don’t jump at every little thing, ch.o.r.e boy. How about acting composed like that woman beside you?」

Even though Singlen said that, but he couldn’t let his guard down against him so he was wary like this…….

「What, this won’t be a bad talk for you too. ──It will be soon. In just a bit more you will also end up knowing the truth. But the truth is a troublesome thing. It’s something you better off not knowing. There are many truths that cannot be changed and will only make you suffer if you know them.」

「I am currently have work to do, so can you be quicker about it?」

Lux casually tried to cut off the talk, but Singlen’s att.i.tude didn’t change.

「There was a phenomenon that was called as calamity. It also happened a few years ago in our Blackend Kingdom and a lot of people became sacrifice. A commissioned officer at our place obtained Elixir and ran wild, causing insurrection within the country.」

「What, are you saying……?」

「You see, originally I didn’t have any interest in something like the authority of royalty and n.o.ble. Right now I had come back into the seat of Blackend Kingdom’s general, but from the beginning this kind of position is inconsequential. I also didn’t want to get involved with those bunches since the start.」


The man turned a gaze that was filled with emptiness toward empty air as though he was reminiscing.

「Don’t you think it’s stupid, Lux Arcadia? Why were you unable to persuade the imperial family of the old empire in the past but relied on a method like revolution to change the country instead? Was it because those bunches wouldn’t listen? Was it because your position was weak?」

「……I don’t know. But, at that time there was no other method than that──」

「That’s not it ch.o.r.e boy. You should have noticed already. After all the nature of living thing is they can only live by their own convenience. Therefore the act of appealing to something like human conscience itself is mistaken. Because of that naivety, I lost my only blood-related family.」

Singlen’s smile didn’t change even while he was talking about the death of his relative.

「Well, that couldn’t be helped. It was the survival of the fittest thing. You will be stolen from if you are weak. That is the constant of the world. I don’t plan to speak differently. But──」

At that time Singlen’s jet black eye was tinged with muddy black killing intent.

「Those bunches who I overlooked without even getting into quarrel with them, they just kept getting carried away to the utmost. I had no choice but to act. Just like you.」

If Lux’s memory served him right, right after Drag-Ride was discovered, he immediately quelled the civil war and ascended to the position of general.

After that because of his merciless way of fighting, he was chased away from the seat of general, but was the reason he performed meritorious deed at first was to protect the family that he mentioned just now?

But ironically, it later led to the fate of him losing his elder sister.


Lux couldn’t say it out loud, but he thought that he was similar.

With his past self who was banished from the palace, lost his place to belong, with his grandfather and his mother died, and even his little sister and childhood friend were taken away from him.

And also how he acted to try to change that.

But, after losing his important person, Singlen didn’t balk at ruling with power.

「And then──I encountered that Fugil ten years ago, and obtained Leviathan and Senjin.」

「……-!? What do you mean!?」

Lux who was listening to the story until now reflexively flared up with his expression changing.

Why was Fugil at Blackend Kingdom and involved with Singlen?

He granted Drag-Ride and technology, bringing about power to change the country.

Lux and Singlen overlapped each other looking at that flow of various events.

「You don’t know anything about that man who you believe as your elder brother. But I realized it. About that man’s scheme and goal.」

‘Kukuku’, Singlen lifted the corner of his lips and smirked.

「You are trying to follow the same path like me in the past. You were directed by that man to become like that. But I instead have gone off the rail from that path. That was why I wanted you as replacement. In order to pull your existence that is changed into the singularity of destiny under me.」

「……I don’t understand, your meaning. It was my own will who chose the revolution. Fugil had no reason to make me do that. If he wanted, he could do it himself instead of making me do it, and above all else my elder brother betrayed me!」

Lux objected with his voice unconsciously turning rough.

But Singlen only responded with a haughty grin.

「Don’t make me say it repeatedly. You will understand even if you don’t want it if you reach the center of Avalon. Just do your best to stay quiet until then. So that you can become useful for this me that is.」

Singlen only said that and he turned around to leave.

Lux felt like he had heard some kind of important talk, at the same time he also didn’t understand at all the meaning of Singlen’s words.

Lux immersed himself in his thought with the feeling as though he had been led around by a fox.

「Lu-chan, let’s go. We have to do, master’s instructions.」

When his childhood friend called out to him, Lux’ tension suddenly left.

At this kind of time, Philuffy who was always at her own pace unwaveringly was reliable.

「Phi-chan, what do you think? About Sir Singlen’s words just now.」

「……Nn, I didn’t get it at all, what he was saying.」

Lux felt fatigue hearing her too honest words.

「But, it’s fine. Because, I’ll protect Lu-chan.」

Saying that, she continued with a faint smile.

Perhaps this was why Philuffy was strong, Lux thought suddenly.

Her mind wouldn’t get caught by needless things or things that were pointless no matter how hard one thought about it, even so she wouldn’t lose sight of what was important.

「But, I wonder why. Somehow that person, look lonely somewhere inside.」


Lux hesitated of what he should say in respond to Philuff’s impression.

But, in the end he couldn’t find the words and he started walking inside the fortress to carry out his instructions.

Part 3

「Fuu……this is the last.」

Lux who went around everywhere and finished the ch.o.r.e of carrying materials was enjoying the snack that Philuffy shared with him and took a break in the corridor.

He gazed at the destroyed old castle that was far away from the window, but it was extremely quiet right now.

There wasn’t any sign that the situation would move for a while more.

He still didn’t understand what kind of thing the door that connected to Avalon’s deep floor level.


When he looked toward the voice, Philuffy was leaning on the wall and began to let out sleeper’s breathing.

As expected, her fatigue was great because of the reckless acts that she had done continuously until now.

Lux sent off his childhood friend until the guest room inside the castle. After that a girl who was breathing hard *huff huff* appeared before Lux.

「Oi Lux! I was looking for you! Good grief, sneaking away from your room, where did you go?」

The girl with her blonde hair tied into swaying side tail was the princess of the new kingdom, Lizsharte.

As expected, because she forced herself to march until this abandoned capital Guernica and then joined the battle, it seemed today she was sleeping since the morning──.

「Hahue would change location Marcafal’s royal capital soon! We are going to give her our words of farewell now!」

「──! Understood. Let’s go.」

Most likely while Lux was undertaking the ch.o.r.e request, Lisha came to his room to call him.

The queen of the new kingdom, Raffi would withdraw from the fortress. The representatives from the other seven countries would also do the same.

What Lisha mentioned about changing location──in this situation, it meant that they would withdraw to a safer place than here.

The problem in reality was that the sovereigns of each country came until this far because of the threat that the Lord Listelka made. Now that the Seven Dragon Paladins had been recovered, there was no reason for them to stay in this dangerous area.

The queen didn’t return until the new kingdom was because if the decisive battle in three more days was concluded and Avalon was obtained, a negotiation between the

the countries would be waiting.

Actually, it seemed Celis’s father, one of the four great n.o.bles, Dist Ralgris also came here as the queen’s guard commander during her stay here.

But, first Lux headed toward the reception room inside the fortress together with Lisha who was his master.

Originally it should be a dreary and rustic room, but because of Magialca’s remodeling, it was remade to have pointlessly magnificent interior decoration.

After they announced themselves and entered inside, they saw Queen Raffi wearing a dress sitting on a sofa, with Prime Minister Nulph standing right beside her.

「Your majesty. Please forgive my lateness in giving the greeting.」

First Lux fell on one knee and bowed, then Lisha followed after him.

But, Raffi showed a largehearted smile and immediately urged them to raise their head.

「There is no eyes of other people here. Such formal greeting is unnecessary. Both of you, you have admirably fought hard until this far.」

Her smile was bright as usual, but her expression looked slightly tired.

──It’s understandable. Lux thought.

The danger of world’s destruction due to the appearance of Sacred Eclipse. The agitation of the people due to the trap of the Lord Listelka.

And then there was also the battle in this abandoned capital. Just how much her nerves had been frayed in this short time.

「It’s really pathetic for me to retreat in this period of time when the deep level floor of Avalon is finally going to be opened, but us staying here right now will only become a liability. Please, I ask you to protect my daughter Lisha.」

「Yes. I swear, even if it cost me this life.」

Lux immediately replied affirmatively to Raffi’s words.

After finis.h.i.+ng the simple talk about what was waiting ahead, Raffi suddenly looked outside the window.

「Come to think of it, it’s still only five years since the day of the revolution. You who were a young boy at that time now has become a splendid young man but, how about me I wonder?」

「I beg your pardon but, I believe that your majesty has splendidly bring the new kingdom together.」

Lux expressed that without any hesitation. However Raffi’s face was clouded.

「Is that so? If I can speak about my true feeling, I am feeling a bit tired.」


Now the bowing Lisha also reflexively let out her voice. Perhaps she was surprised by Raffi’s fainthearted att.i.tude.

「Although I came from a family of n.o.ble house with long history, I was just a daughter of a count. Unlike my elder brother who was the territory lord and called a great man, I’m out of my depth to rule the country. Even so, if it is for the sake of this country then I will give it my all but──」

Queen Raffi hung her head down with a powerless smile and continued.

「Without borrowing the power of the four great n.o.bles, I cannot even properly move the military or consolidate the government. Even the consuls who are called as the old empire faction also tightened their pressure on me with the incident this time. It was only my incompetence that got talked widely among the people.」

「Your majesty, there is no such thing. They are just using the emergency this time as an excuse to steal the authority. There is no need to fret over this.」

When Prime Minister Nulph gently chided her, Queen Raffi nodded weakly.

「I know……. Forgive me you two, for making the heroes who will depart to the decisive battle to save the world after this to listen to my timid words.」

「No, I intend to give my all so that I will be able to receive the favor from your majesty.」

When Lux replied with a serious gaze, Raffi finally smiled.

「Thank you, Lux. I will pray for your victory.」

When Raffi and Prime Minister Nulph exited the room, Lux and Lisha continued to see them off.

And then after the parted at the back gate of the fortress, Lux slipped out a small sigh.

「Her majesty is also being troubled.」

「Yeah, when this battle is over, I also have to become Hahue’s strength as the princess. A, at that time of course, I’ll have you who are my knight to help out too you know? This is just a talk about official business till the end, so this shouldn’t be violating the pact.」

Lisha talked to Lux with a somewhat irritated expression.

There was a pact that none of the girls would steal a head start in regard of Lux until this battle was over, but the other day Krulcifer was making appeal to Lux in the middle of battle.

Therefore, Lisha herself also harbored a feeling of rivalry.

She thought that if only she could continue to talk about the matter from here on too with Lux smoothly like this but──.

「Of course. Ah, but come to think of it, what happened with my Bahamut?」

「Ah……! Wait a bit, the maintenance of our Drag-Rides still remained……. s.h.i.+t, just why. Why this kind of troublesome things happened only at my time-!」

There were also several skilled mechanics in this fortress that who Magialca hired.

But, they also had to repair the Drag-Rides of Seven Dragon Paladins. They wouldn’t make it in time at all to fix up everyone’s Drag-Ride in just three days.

Thus, Lisha too was recruited in order to give maintenance to the Drag-Ride of Syvalles as a mechanic.

Lux consoled the anguished Lisha, then he sent her off until the Drag-Ride hangar.

After that he returned to the guest room and rested his body for a while. The sun would set soon at that time.

「Oops, I have to look at Aeril’s condition soon.」

The restrain on Aeril was loosened bit by bit, but Lux’s accompaniment was necessary when she moved around.

After this he had the role to lead her out of the dungeon to take dinner in the reception hall.

Part 4

「Ah, good evening, Lux-kun.」

When Lux descended to the underground prison, Aeril called out to him smilingly.

Today she was wearing plain clothes of white blouse and black skirt. It was only her right arm that was chained. She was reading a book dexterously even with that restrain.

At first she was restrained strictly for security, but the restriction was changed gradually to a simple one.

When Lux took off the chain with the key he brought, Aeril smiled cheerfully at him.

「You took it off without hesitation. But, perhaps you are being too careless. I am tentatively a dangerous character after all.」

「Isn’t it a good thing? After all it means that you are being trusted this time for sure.」

When Lux smiled while saying that, Aeril kept sitting on the bed and she nodded with her eyes looking down.

「Right. But it’s a bit unfortunate. Even though I thought that I can be fed by Lux-kun for a bit more.」


Lux’s feeling went past through exasperation into a wry smile at Aeril’s mischievous teasing.

The other day, in the middle of the clash against the Lords, she was betrayed and then betraying her remaining family. A lot happened but, it seemed Aeril was relatively unburdened by it.

「Is there nothing wrong? Like an injury, or your body’s condition worsening?」

「Nope. Rather I feel good. With this I finally don’t need to lie to myself and also to everyone else after all.」


Aeril’s voice that sounded relieved from the bottom of her heart caused Lux to lose his words.

Thinking back, her heart must be really burdened even when she was spending time as 『Coral』 of Vanheim Princ.i.p.ality.

She covered up her gender, her background, and even her race with fake perception. She continued a life as spy.

Even so, she was wavering whether to ally herself with the Lord or with Lux and co.

「More importantly, are you really fine with it? Of siding with us?」


Aeril drank the water inside her gla.s.s, and then she responded after hesitating slightly.

「Listelkneesama too is actually a pitiful person. Because Nee-san was born as an imperial princess right when the Lord’s ruling power was at the strongest, the 『education』 that was given to her couldn’t be compared with me and Hayes.」


It wasn’t just a training to obtain the disposition as the successor of the world ruler and of how to be a good emperor, it also meant that severe ideology of elitism was also planted inside her.

Furthermore, right after she inherited the position of an imperial princess, she learned that the rebellion by the family of traitor was intensifying.

From Listelka’s position, she could only think of it as herself receiving irrational attack.

「That’s why, I’m feeling just a bit complicated. But, to stay like that will only be a repeat of the same thing. Ruling over other like that, the anger and resentment of the people will acc.u.mulate and rebellion will occur, then again──」

「I understand.」

A negative cycle that continued forever.

In order to sever it, Aeril turned her back on her blood related sisters and the mission of Lord.

She sided with the world alliance with the resolve to sacrifice even herself. Lux was grateful for it.

「Aeril. If it’s possible, I’ll try to capture Hayes and also Listelka alive.」


Lux tapped the shoulder of the girl who looked somewhat lonely. Aeril opened her eyes wide in surprise.

「Perhaps, if we win, then the world alliance will execute them. But, they might be able to survive by some chance. If that isn’t possible than at least, I want to let you talk to them.」


Aeril’s eyes turned widely round for with dumbfounded look for a while at Lux’s words.

But, a few seconds later her lips suddenly loosened and her shoulders shook from holding laughter.

「Lux-kun, you are a strange person just as I thought. Even though normally there is no way such thing is possible, when it’s you who say it, somehow it feels like I can believe in it.」

Aeril who was saying such thing had no spite at all in her expression and tone.

「Thank you Lux-kun. Somehow, I feel a bit at ease.」

「Then, how about we go to eat dinner now? We will be scolded again if we are too late.」

Aeril responded with a smile at Lux’s invitation.

She then took his hand and then headed from the dungeon toward the reception hall.

Part 5

Including today, there was a rest of three days before the path to Avalon’s deep level floor was opened.

However till the end Lux thought that they would pa.s.s the time silently until then.

The destroyed old castle was less than a few kl ahead of them, and although a lot of injured soldiers were transported away, they were still in a state of high alert.

But, the moment Lux and Aeril entered the reception hall of the fortress, they stiffened with a blank look.

「Lux-kun……. Perhaps I’m too tired. I can see some kind of hallucination though?」

「Then, I’m also the same.」

Aeril muttered in bewilderment. In respond Lux also replied back with a really conflicted expression.

The fortress that should be in solemn atmosphere despite the extravagant interior design had changed appearance into a dazzling and splendorous s.p.a.ce.

Red carpet that had soft embroidery. The chandelier that was illuminating the hall was an antique, but because of that a high cla.s.s feeling could be sensed.

In addition, an aroma that was created from fruit was kindled to give nice fragrance to the air.

「This place should be the fortress’s reception hall right?」

When Aeril rubbed her eyes, a young male waiter appeared there.

It was the butler young man who was Magialca’s aide, Lolotte.

「Welcome. Today,


「Welcome. Today, I have prepared a meager banquet due to the idea of my master Magialca. Please forget the battle and enjoy the night.」

He bowed his head with a voice that sounded somewhat sorry.

It seemed he had the awareness that the atmosphere of this place was inappropriate in this situation.

(……Even so, somehow it feels like I can understand the reason, why Relie-san and Captain Magialca get along well with each other.)

It wasn’t simply because their a.s.sets rivaled each other or that their age was close, but their hobby was also somewhat similar in some respects.

After receiving wine gla.s.s from Lolotte, Lux was guided to a nearby round table.

On top of the pure white table cloth, a tallow lamp was lit, and the swaying flame gave a somewhat fantastic atmosphere.

「……Good grief, it’s really astonis.h.i.+ng yeah. People with money and authority really lack common sense.」

「Ah, good evening Greifer.」

Faster than Lux could, Aeril who was familiar with the young man standing there called out to him.

Greifer of Vanheim Princ.i.p.ality was nibbling on beef jerky with a sulky expression.

Everyone of new kingdom still hadn’t come, but almost all the members of Seven Dragon Paladins were there.

「Good evening Onii-chan. Is your condition already fine?」

When Lux turned around because he felt something pulling on his sleeve, Mel was standing there while holding a wine gla.s.s.

As expected he thought it would be bad for her to drink alcohol at that age, but it seemed it was just grape juice.

She was wearing a chic outfit like usual, but as expected from a lady of a distinguished family, somehow she seemed overflowing with elegance.

「I seem to have an aura? That’s only natural. When I become a bit more adult, I will become even more charming for sure. At that time Onii-chan, come to play at Ymir too.」

「Right. I’ll surely go.」

Lux nodded like that to the lovely girl who was full of confidence like usual.

Her way of speaking that made it seemed like it was only natural to survive and win this battle felt dependable instead.

「Ee, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for coming this evening.」

While they were chatting light that, Magialca began her speech on a stage deep inside the hall.

Her appearance was her usual unique outfit, but her cheeks were visibly red from drunkenness. It seemed she was already sloshed.

「The extermination of the revived seven Ragnarok as well as the capture of Avalon’s surface level floor are truly great achievement. You can rest your body enough during these three days. It’s only a little bit more until the time of the conclusion.」

Magialca only said that and returned to her table once more. She was heading to Lolotte’s side.

I the end it seemed she had no intention to say what this banguet was for, but they also felt like the somehow understood.

「Something like the pre celebration of victory?」

Soffice was chewing a dry squid with a serious face while appearing behind Lux.

Because her aide and younger sister existence, the Automata Re Plica wasn’t here, she seemed to have spare time by herself.

「Or perhaps, a last dinner thing?」

「Don’t say such unlucky thing youu. Even if you cannot read atmosphere at all, that’s still too much.」

Furthermore Rosa in her military uniform arrived from beside Soffice.

Perhaps it was just as expected. Even the Seven Dragon Paladins were gathering with Lux at the center.

Singlen was wearing his coat as usual even in this kind of place. He looked out of place.

He was sporting a fearless grin as usual while reclining arrogantly at the corner.

(Eh……? Singlen’s aide isn’t here?)

The veteran soldier called Zweigbergk should be at his side constantly. Was he taking command of White Ridge knight order right now?

Lux diverted his focus on that slight doubt, but the answer didn’t come out.

「Don’t tell me, perhaps this banquet is also Lady Magialca’s gambit.」


Lux expressed a question when Aeril suddenly whispered those words.

However, Aeril shook her head saying 『It’s nothing』. He then returned his attention to the party once more.

Magialca was certainly the captain of Seven Dragon Paladins, but at the same time she was also the boss of the company who led the world by the nose.

Was she scheming something to aim at the legacies and technologies of Avalon?

Even if that was what she was actually doing, he wanted to believe that it was only for the sake of profit and she wouldn’t do anything bad, but…….

「’Suuup, Lux-chi! Maaan, it’s feel good to have the whole place reserved isn’t it!」

When Lux was thinking about such thing, Tillfur leaped at him from behind.

Looking at her somewhat feverish expression and gaze, it seemed she was also drunk.

「Good gracious, when she become defiant so much like this, it goes past being imprudent and straight into feeling refreshed. Seeing how many of the elites of the new kingdom also became victim, as the daughter of the vice commander I have to act with solemnity though.」

Next Sharis also appeared. Perhaps because of her standing as the leader of the Triad, she didn’t drink alcohol and stayed sober.

「Yes. But, it will be meaningless to act solemn if you won’t be able to fight when it matters. In any case switching thought and taking a break are necessary. There is no injured soldier here, and the Seven Dragon Paladins too has just gone through time as captive.」

「Well, I think there won’t be any problem if you just push the responsibility to Captain Magialca when it come to it.」

Airi whose cheeks were somewhat red said such thing with eyes.

It was a statement that was slightly unlike Airi, but perhaps her reasoning was melting because of the alcohol.

When Lux approached her worriedly, she jumped him as though to entrust her back on him.

「Wai-, Airi. Could it be you are drinking too much?」

Airi sent an upward gaze at Lux and continue to talk casually.

「That’s right, Nii-san have a problem with that? This is the fault of Nii-san who continued to make me worry though. That’s why it’s fine if Nii-san also feel worried for a bit about me.」

「A, haha……」

Lux spontaneously smiled wryly seeing Airi’s sullen look.

Airi who originally was a civil official candidate had come running until this kind of battlefield, so surely her feeling of worry wasn’t just at the normal level anymore.

Thinking about that, Lux felt apologetic, but this would be the last time.

The fight against the Lord would be concluded, and the Sacred Eclipse stopped.

With that, surely there wouldn’t be anything more that troubled his little sister.

「I was hesitating whether I should say it but……recently I was investigating about Fugil-niisan little by little. Most of the doc.u.ments of old empire aren’t remaining, even so I thought that I would be able to find something.」

Airi suddenly whispered that with a drunk face.

Lux was taken aback by the subject. Airi continued her words with a small voice.

「I also tried investigating the family tree and also doc.u.ments like the record of proceedings but, there was nothing particularly odd in them. There is no such thing remaining in the records, to the degree that it’s unnatural. But, there is only one point that bothered me.」

「And that is──」

With a glance, Airi’s gaze turned toward Singlen’s direction.

She confirmed that he is tilting his wine gla.s.s into his mouth without paying attention their way, and then she resumed her talk.

「It was only by chance but, when I was trying to look at the family tree of the past five hundred years ago, I found Fugil-niisan’s name recorded several times. A second son, the emperor’s nephew, or an uncle, his standing is varied but, he showed his figure many times in the history of Arcadia Empire.」

「……!? What does, that mean?」

When Lux asked back with a dubious face, Airi also closed her eyes and tilted her head.

「Nii-san is making a completely uncomprehending face there. Well, I myself doesn’t thing that in itself is particularly strange. After all it often happen among the royalty for someone to succeed the name of an ancestor.」

Certainly it was just as Airi said.

Besides, it was unthinkable that Fugil was taking part in the entirety of this matter.

It was something impossible without eternal life span. Besides, the standing and post of these people with the name of Fugil were relatively low for being involved in Arcadia Empire.

But, Airi wouldn’t intentionally bring this up if she really thought that this was just coincidence.

Airi herself had mostly never interacted with Fugil, but she knew about his involvement with Lux.

Thus, she seemed to be harboring great wariness regarding the decisive battle against Fugil that would most likely happen the next time.

「……Be careful okay, Airi.」

「Yes. Also──well, I guess it will be better to talk about this too. Thinking about this and that before the battle too, surely it cannot be helped.」


Suddenly Airi’s tone was mixed with a sigh. She puffed up her cheeks in dissatisfaction.

Perhaps because of her being unusually drunk, different from her usual graceful appearance, her childish emotion was standing out.

「When this battle is over and we return to the new kingdom, Nii-san will meet a terrible experience. Just what are you going to do about those five. It’s really troubling.」

「No. Airi, more than that will be a violation of the pact, let’s stop there.」

「It’s fineee. I have Noct, so Nii-san please, enjoy it to your heart’s content.」

Airi’s hand was pulled by Noct and she headed to a sofa together with the Triad.

Somehow it also looked like she was drowning her cares in drink but, was she dissatisfied about something?

「Fuuu……. A break! The work won’t end! Oi Lux! Keep me company, it was really lonely!」

When Lux was tilting his head, Lisha appeared wearing her white robe. It seemed she had been doing Drag-Ride maintenance work until now.

From further behind her, Krulcifer, Celis, Philuffy, and Yoruka, the familiar faces also showed up.

「I see. So that’s it……everyone will surely say it huh. What’s more it will be very soon.」

Aeril muttered with a deeply meaningful expression, but Lux was perplexed because he didn’t get what she meant at all.

「It’s fine for Lux-kun to not know anything. After all it will be a really great surprise for later.」

Aeril said that and cheerfully pulled Lux’s hand. Lisha sprang up in panic seeing that.

「Oi you over there! Don’t hold hand with Lux as you please! You are also included in the pact!」

「Ahaha. Sorry sorry.」

After Aeril awkwardly separated from Lux, Krulcifer smoothly sent her a cold gaze.

「We cannot let our guard down around you as usual. It’s even nastier because you are dressing up your act as natural.」

「Tha, that’s right. Although it’s this kind of special banquet, we ought to be solemn. It’s impolite toward the pioneers who lost their life or wounded in this battle.」

Celis also looked fatigued, but her complexion was better than before due to the full day of rest.

「Lu-chan. I fetched you meal. Let’s eat.」

Philuffy who was piling up a mountain of food on her plate like usual was on her own pace as ever.

「Then, we too shouldn’t make too much ruckus.」

Lux said that with a smile, and the night deepened while also exchanging pleasant chats with the Seven Dragon Paladins.

After that, he escorted the drunk Airi until the guest room. For some reason Krulcifer and Soffice also came along with him.

「It was really fun. The banquet wasThe banquet was a nice diversion.」

「The dishes, were delicious. Kepuh」

Soffice spoke with earnest tone while walking in the stone corridor that had s.h.i.+ning lamps on the wall.

Surely it wasn’t just his feeling that there was a hint of enjoyment within her expressionless look.

「By the way, it looked like both of you didn’t drink alcohol but, putting aside Soffice, why didn’t Krulcifer-san drink?」

「My? Geez Lux-kun, I wonder what are you planning after making me drunk?」

Krulcifer who heard that smiled bewitchingly and teased Lux.

After Lux smiled wryly and dodged that, then he faced her once more.

「Then could it be, the two of you have some kind of errand after this?」

「Yes, it’s a bit of mission. It’s from Captain Magialca.」

「The Heaven Palace that fell nearby, we’ll investigate it now.」

「──By Heaven Palace you mean, that airborne s.h.i.+p the Lords were boarding right?」

In the battle just yesterday, that s.h.i.+p was shot down by Magialca’s Divine Drag-Ride Jormungandr and it fell on the ground with serious damage.

After that it seemed the Drag-Knights of the alliance army were made to guard it, but there wasn’t any sign of the Lord approaching it.

Because it fell nearby this fortress, the enemy too wouldn’t intentionally come to recover it.

「It was postponed because our stamina recovery couldn’t be predicted. And then, if it is the both of us who are Key’s Supervisor, then perhaps useful information can be gathered from that Heaven Palace.」

「In that case I will also come. It doesn’t change the fact that it’s dangerous.」

When Lux reflexively stated that, Krulcifer smiled and put her index finger on Lux’s lips.

「I’ll just accept your feeling gratefully. Our Divine Drag-Ride has excellent defense, and we also have spare strength. It’s more important for you to rest. After all you will surely be the one to act the most recklessly at the final battle.」

「We also won’t do anything excessive so it’s all right. I’m happy that you kept me company in the party, Lux.」

Lux waved his hand to the smiling Soffice, then he parted from the two of them.

The tension might be removed because of the banquet, but as expected Lux was worried about what was waiting ahead.

Part 6

「Haaah, haaah! Gefuh, gofuh……!」

The sound of chilly wind *hyuu hyuu* was blowing wildly.

A broken breathing sound was mixed in it.

While Lux and others were spending the night in the fortress, the Lords were warming themselves in a hidden room located at the underground of the destroyed old castle.

There were only simple bed and furniture lined up inside the room. The place didn’t look tended at all.

There were only a single living room at the center and three single bedrooms.

There was no problem with escaping difficulty from the falling Heaven Palace, but it was only Hayes who was different.

Regardless of her body that was already dying, she got Baptism applied on her for the sake of partic.i.p.ating in the last battle. Her condition was due to the feedback of operating Nidhogg in full strength.

Her life force was worn down, and even tonight it looked like the light of her life would be snuffed anytime.

「My apology, Listelksama. The third imperial princess is already……」

「Is that so?」

Mis.h.i.+s who was nursing Hayes let out a pained voice. Listelka too let out a long sigh.

They did all the treatment they could, but Hayes whose very life force itself was running out was already nearly impossible to be saved.

There was no other choice for her but to see off the death of her little sister.

「It’s unfortunate Hayes. I wish to let you see the moment I ascend to the throne but, it seem that wish also won’t come true. This might not be a consolation at all but, I will surely obtain Avalon, so please have a peace of mind.」

「Hyuu, haa……gohah!」

Hayes was already unable to walk or even let out a voice.

The Baptism of life prolonging was showing effect half-bakedly. The result was that she was only pointlessly suffering.

「Mis.h.i.+s. Please accompany me for a bit.」


Listelka left behind Hayes inside the small room and moved to the living room.

Beside Fugil who was standing near the wall at the side quietly she whispered into the maid’s ear.

「It can’t be helped now that it have come to this. Please make Hayes to be in peace. She is a troubling child with rough temperament but, she is a little sister who share my blood.」


It was already impossible for Hayes to survive for even three days.

Thus Listelka determined herself, but that voice reached Hayes.

「Gu, haa……」

She couldn’t even raise her voice properly.

Regardless of such condition, Hayes started crawling out from her bed for dear life.

After she put her hand on the gap of the room’s window, she rushed out to the pa.s.sage that connected to the outside world.

「Gofuh! Gua, a……!」

The cold night air was taking away the remains of Hayes’s fading life.

Just what was her life?

Hayes suddenly thought that inside her hazy consciousness.

Hayes who was born several hundred years ago as the third imperial princess witnessed the ma.s.sive killing of the imperial family members by the family of traitor.

The first imperial princess Listelka was the shrine maiden of oracle who received Avalon’s revelation.

The second imperial princess Aeril had the role to convey and execute that revelation.

Originally she had no role at all.

──In that case, she would become the blade that judged the rebels. That was what she decided when she woke up once more.

As one of the Lords who ruled the world, she would protect her pride.

「Gohoh……ugu, a……」

Velvet of the rebel army and Balzeride of the four great n.o.bles, furthermore the people who she had a dealing with as illegal arms dealer, the phantom of those people were standing in line beside Hayes who was crawling on the ground. They were looking down on her.

It was finally her turn to have her death be watched by them.

(Why, am I escaping from here? Where am I trying to go……? Even though I have nothing remaining, why……)

In the end, she was unable to carry out her revenge.

She was unable to make the people of this world realize the existence and power of the Lord.

At this rate, she would die and rot like a small fry without even taking sight of Avalon.

「Gu, oo……!」

She twisted her body to lie face up, looking up at the dark and cold night sky.

There, a familiar man was standing.

A man with luxurious coat flapping in the wind. Fugil Arcadia.

While he was a member of Arcadia Empire that destroyed and drove away the Lord, he saved Listelka and others who were sleeping in hibernation pods of the Ark, and led them until this far.

Beside him a girl with beautiful appearance──no, Sacred Eclipse was standing.

「You, are, what in the……」

Thinking back, it was only this man who stayed incomprehensible until the end.

It wasn’t just his existence itself that was strange, even his objective was a mystery.

He said that he would serve Hayes and co, and in fact he was acting exactly as he said, but it was as though he wasn’t trusting them. At the very least Hayes felt like that.

That was the reason why Hayes loathed Fugil, but why did he appear now when she was dying like this?

「Even Elixir won’t be able to stop your body’s destruction anymore. You will run out of strength within a few more minutes, become ash and vanish from this world. But you have good luck. Your empty life. You who don’t know of a way to express yourself other than by venting your hatred. It seems she is extending a hand toward the resentment of such you.」

「……You, bas, tard, who, are you……?」

「──A hero.」

Looking at Fugil’s bottomless smile, Hayes felt a repulsive shudder despite her dying body.

「Therefore Hayes, I will ascertain your fate with my own eye. If that wish is something true, if you are chosen by Sacred Eclipse, then I will obey her and fulfill your wish.」


The girl in dress, Sacred Eclipse who possessed the silver hair of Arcadia family grabbed the hand of Hayes who collapsed and vomited blood.

Right after that, Sacred Eclipse’s body melted like light and overlapped with Hayes who was about to become ash.

Before long the silhouette of the two became one along with a strange sound, and then they left.

「──Fugil, you are here?」

Three minutes later, the maid Mis.h.i.+s who climbed up the hidden stair and came out called out to Fugil who was leaning on a ruined rampart.

「Yeah, there was a bit of sound, so I came to check the situation just in case. There was nothing though.」

「Did Hayes-sama came here? It seems she sneaked out from her room, but she didn’t have long, so she might have become ash already though.」

「No, unfortunately I haven’t seen her.」

「Is that so. More importantly, Listelksama is calling. About that plan──by catching an enemy and applying Baptism to them, that person might be controlled by the Sacred Eclipse then.」

「Got it. I’ll depart right away.」

The dark cloud left and Fugil looked up to the starry sky. His expression was bright.

Part 7

That night, Lux couldn’t sleep because he was feeling uneasy. He was staring at the ceiling of the guest room.

Krulcifer and Soffice who investigated Heaven Palace returned safely, but it seemed they didn’t obtain any useful information.

However, there was a strange trace of destruction in the airborne s.h.i.+p. There was a possibility that a part of the information terminal was taken away.

(Just what does that mean……)

Of course there was a possibility that when Listelka and others escaped, they thoroughly destroyed the information.

But, a bad premonition that couldn’t be expressed with words wouldn’t leave Lux.

「It’s useless even if I worry about it. Let’s sleep.」

The moment he whispered that and relaxed his body, *kii* a faint sound could be heard.


Lux was curious and opened his eyes. There was a warm sensation inside his blanket.

「Oo, that’s a really fast reaction you have there. Now then you, you are holding hope of me coming to your sleeping quarters huh?」

「Wai-!? Captain Magialca!?」

A pet.i.te girl wearing black camisole was already under Lux’s blanket when he noticed.

The moment Lux noticed that fact and tried to scream, his mouth was quickly blocked by a hand.

「Don’t make a ruckus, the people around will wake up.」

「Wha, what!? What in the world are you planning!?」

「Haa, you are a boring man as usual. But, a guard this hard might be more exciting in a sense.」

She said with a really delighted smile on her face.

「Err……, can you tell me your business quickly?」

Lux sighed in exasperation at Magialca who was showing a bewitching smile.

Her age was around the same like Relie, but her appearance was like a young girl so it made his heart pounded hard.

Furthermore he also held a nervousness toward this woman because he simply couldn’t let his guard down against her.

Even though the door should be locked, she still entered without almost any sound. She wasn’t an ordinary person.

「Just now was a test. It was to see whether you have enough attentiveness or not. And then, what I will say from here is an extremely secret matter. You should listen with carefully.」

Magialca then whispered into Lux’s ear with her body covering his. Lux gulped hearing what she whispered.

「──Are you, serious?」

When Lux asked back about the content of her terrifying instruction, she answered with a broad obscene grin.

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