Episode 3 - Reminiscence And Tracing Back the Memory

Part 1

「So, where are you planning to first search at?」

The townscape of Arcadia imperial capital that was created by illusion. Lux was flying on the area that seemed to be the center while talking to Singlen who was flying ahead of him.

They had escaped from the angel type Abysses for the time being, but their destination after that was unclear.

The Automata told them to complete the trials, but even the method to do it was unknown.

At the same time, Lux asked Singlen to probe him lightly too.

Because there was a possibility that this man knew something regarding the capture of Avalon even though this should be the first experience for everyone.

「Do you feel like dirtying my ear with foolish joke? Or else, do you have a belief that if it"s me then I can answer that?」

In respond Singlen was curt.

Not just that, he even gave a warning at Lux"s probing.

As expected, traveling alone with this man was nerve-wracking.

But, in reality perhaps they had no leeway to do this kind of exchange against each other.

Because the objective of the fourth team that was made from the pair of Lux and Singlen was mainly to obstruct Listelka"s group.

After they advanced ahead silently for a while, they came to see a single huge building.

It was a round arena that was connected with street that had a lot of traffic. In front of the building that must be used for mock battle of fellow Drag-Knights, a faint girl"s silhouette appeared.

Thinking that it was Listelka or Sacred Eclipse, Lux immediately took a stance with his great sword.

But, when they carefully approached, Lux noticed that it was the figure of a girl that he had seen from somewhere.

「That"s, Arshalia!? Is that the real body?」

It wasn"t a figure that existed as projection like just now, the Automata girl was clad in a tight outfit that clung to her body.

Strangely, her presence was thin in a different sense than before.

「I have been waiting, you who possess a qualification. I am a terminal that was refined with the nanomachine from the main body, here for the sake of a.s.signing a trial.」


Arshalia reacted to Lux and she formed her words dispa.s.sionately without emotion.

Unlike the Automata previously, it seemed this one had a material body, but just like El Fajura that once controlled the Ruin Gigas, it seemed it was possible for Arshalia to make a clone body using nanomachine.

「However, why is it? Why is this girl"s appearance look exactly like Sacred Eclipse?」

Lux was bewildered. The clone terminal girl continued her explanation in respond.

「I will a.s.sign your fist trial along with the history of Arcadia Empire and how the Ruins came to be. If you have finished your preparation, please dispel your Drag-Ride and touch me with your own hand.」

「What, do you mean?」

When Lux was hesitating, Singlen rebuked him with an exasperated voice.

「What are you coming here for, ch.o.r.e boy. Our priority is to obstruct Listelka, but here we don"t have any option not to get closer to Avalon.」

Certainly, the closer Lux got to the central, the more the enemy would be unable to ignore Lux too.

If he was able to quickly finish the three trials, there would be nothing better than that.

Lux was cautious of what would happen, but he steeled himself and dispelled Bahamut. Then he reached his hand toward the girl before him.

Instantly, his field of vision was drowned by a flash, and when he noticed, he was in the middle of a crowd.

「……This place──?」

When he looked around, there was a person who was crucified on a gallows.

Men and women with hair and eyes of the same color like Lux.

Was this the scene when an execution was carried out in Arcadia Empire?

While he was thinking so, Arshalia stood right beside him.

「This place, is the trial of the beginning. Trace the history of Arcadia Empire and be worthy of the holy precincts. The imperial family and n.o.bility of the Lord made use of the special Abyss called Angel since certain time, and executed criminal as example.」

The voice of the Automata that was muttering indifferently made Lux gasped in surprise.

He had an idea about the scene that would happen after this in front of him.

When Lux was a child, he saw a scene in the old empire. The execution of a rebel──.

「Wait a second, don"t tell me!?」


At that timing, several Abysses appeared from the sky.

Just like explained before, they had the figure of monster that possessed angel wings.

Even though they should be just three dimensional projection, they had terrifying degree of realism.

「Stop it-!」

Lux immediately pulled out his Sword Device and raised his voice.

But, the Angles pa.s.sed through Lux and swarmed the gallows, and greedily devoured the person there alive.

At the same time, Abysses were also biting Lux who was trying to stop that.

His limbs were torn off, his torso torn up, and his entrails dragged out.

Scream was echoing along with blood splashes, and before long the voice vanished.

「Gu……! AaaAAAAAH!」

A scream was wrung out from his throat and it echoed inside the illusion.

His whole body felt burning, intense pain and terror that felt like his nerves were torn apart attacked him.

And then, it would not end no matter how long.

Before he realized, his conscience was lost by the pain that span for several days in his bodily sensation.

And then, Lux returned to his senses with a gasp.

「-……!? Haa, haa……I, returned? This place──」

Lux was gasping for breath. He looked around while wiping his sweat.

The appalling scene that lasted until just now couldn"t be found anywhere. He had returned to the scenery of the arena that was simply empty.

He took out his pocket watch and opened it, but not even five minutes had pa.s.sed in reality.

「The first trial is over with this. Thank you for your hard work.」

The Automata"s clone, Arshalia"s voice came from beside him.

From her words, it seemed the trial was over.

「Kukuku, what are you being shaken up for? This is just a mere illusion you know? It"s only something that happened for real here in the past being reproduced──it"s something that you can find anywhere.」

Right nearby, Singlen was laughing with shaking shoulders.

「A rebellion toward the tyranny of the royalty. It"s then suppressed by strength. It was a familiar happening that also happened often in your Arcadia Empire right?」

「But, what meaning there is in this scene!? What kind of meaning this trial has by showing me this kind of thing!?」

「This is, the ceremony of inheritance.」

The clone of Arshalia that possessed material body answered Lux"s question quietly.

「It"s for you to understand the mechanism called Avalon. And then it"s also a trial for the sake of measuring the strength of your heart. Your wavelength is slightly out of order, but there is no problem. It appears you possess the strength of mind for the sake of owning the great strength of Avalon. With this you are able to move to the second stage of the trial.」


So the brutal scene and pain of the past was to impose burden to the mind as preparation for the second trial?

Hearing that, Lux gritted his teeth. In contrast SInglen was asking with a fearless grin.

「What"s the matter? Is it humiliating? To have your caliber as king getting tested like this?」

「Just what meaning is there in this kind of thing!?」

Lux was sweating heavily from his forehead while spontaneously yelling to the sky.

He knew only too well that there was harsh reality in this world.

But, why was it intentionally shown to him under the guise of trial?

He recalled the old empire at the past──his grandfather was executed, while his mother and Airi also met misfortune.

「Hahaha. You will understand it soon. Even this kind of distasteful image is hiding something behind it. This is education. This slaughter is related to the core of Avalon"s mechanism. ──You still haven"t noticed yet? Those Abysses that look like angel……no, in the first place what is the reason why Abyss was created?」

「What do you, mean?」

Lux returned a suspicious gaze at Singlen"s mocking laugh.

But, the man ignored it as usual with his high-handed att.i.tude.

「I"m not so free that I have the time to teach you from the beginning. Besides, the enemy is already approaching.」


The discordant sound of horn flute cut through the air.

At the same time several angel type Abyss rushed in.

「This is, the continuance of the past recording? ──No, wrong!」

Atrocious hostility and gruff breathing.

The whirlwind that was caused by the enemy"s roars and wings was undoubtedly real.

「My role is over with this. May luck be with you.」

The clone of Arshalia muttered that while her figure vanished at the same time.

Several angel type Abysses and an ultramarine colored Drag-Ride skating on the pa.s.sage appeared in her place.

Divine Drag-Ride Azi Dahaka and, the maid wearing pilot suit who was driving it.

「So you have finished the trial……. But, I will begin the battle right away. Removing the enemy.」

「Mis.h.i.+s V Xfer……! Why are you here!?」

Lux immediately readied his Sword Device and took a fighting stance.

Beside his Singlen sn.i.g.g.e.red.

「You are asking why? You are stupid at every single thing huh. Even though we are planning to hold back Listelka and a.s.sa.s.sinate her, why do you think that the enemy won"t do anything from their own end?」

Lux gasped inside his heart at what Singlen pointed out.

Listelka too most likely feared getting ambushed the most.

In that case it wouldn"t be strange for her to take Lux and others by surprise when they were being defenseless in the middle of their trial.

Against Mis.h.i.+s who possessed the nickname of Anti Drag-Knight, all the Drag-Knight would be at disadvantage.

The worst thing was, the Abysses approaching from the sky took away the option of running by flying.

(So she called them here using the flute beforehand for that……!)

It seemed he was completely being targeted while he jumped to the bait before his eyes.

Lux sent his gaze toward Singlen to look for agreement to fight.

(Now that it has come to this, we can only defeat her here.)

Lux tried to convey that resolve, but Singlen scoffed at Lux"s intention.

「This must be the instigation of that upstart middle-aged woman. That d.a.m.n fox……so she intended like that since the start.」

The moment Lux tilted his head at Singlen"s suggestive sentence, a streak of blue light struck the ground. The pa.s.sage where Mis.h.i.+s was skating was instantly frozen.

When Azi Dahaka leaped to avoid that, countless arrowheads attacked her.

「That"s, don"t tell me──!?」

The freezing bullet came from the sniper rifle Freezing Cannon of Fafnir.

The countless arrowheads were Tiamat"s projectile weapon, Legion.

As though to support Lux"s prediction, Lisha and Krulcifer were hovering right nearby in the sky.

「I see, so Lux is a bait to lure me out alone. ──But, it looks like all of you aren"t learning.」

First Azi Dahaka was lured to jump by freezing the ground, then the additional attack by Legion came when it was unable to change trajectory midair.

In a glance it seemed to be an attack that was the most suitable against Mis.h.i.+s who was controlling land battle type Drag-Ride, but she readied her halberd to repel the projectile weapons.

「This is bad! The energy from the special armament will be absorbed and their strength get stolen!」

Lux gulped and he immediately raised his voice.

Azi Dahaka"s Divine Raiment Avesta would steal energy from Drag-Ride and special armament just from them getting near. And by touching physically, even the opponent"s Divine Raiment could be obtained.

Furthermore it also had the trait as land battle type Drag-Ride. It boasted an extremely tough defense.

Thus, a light attack wouldn"t deal any damage and it would become disadvantage later instead.

「Will it really become like that? Everyone who was looking down on us until now had all met painful experience without exception you know?」

Lisha grinned fearlessly. Instantly, the Legions that were aiming at Mis.h.i.+s in midair from up, down, left, and right turned around and took distance.

In other words, it was a feint to lure Mis.h.i.+s to use Avesta for absorbing energy. Even so Mis.h.i.+s wasn"t perturbed by that and caught Lux and others in her sight.

If there was no obstruction, then she would follow the plan and aimed to bring down Lux who was defenseless without wearing armor.

Furthermore her movement went through the shortest and fastest route.

She was in a stance to attack without even giving any time for Lux to summon his Drag-Ride.

But, when she approached until a distance of ten-odd ml from Lux, Mis.h.i.+s"s complexion suddenly changed.

She suddenly swung her halberd right to the side where there was nothing. A high pitched metallic sound of impact rang out.

「──My, so it"s a failure. Even though I have erased my presence completely.」

A single Drag-Ride appeared from the empty air as though it was emerging out from the s.p.a.ce.

Yoruka clad in Yato no Kami was lurking nearby using camouflage function, and slashed at Mis.h.i.+s right from the side.

Mis.h.i.+s barely blocked the surprise attack, but there was no agitation in her steely expression.

「……Looks like I"m being belittled if you were thinking that I can  be defeated just by that much.」

「Get away from the maid, ero woman! It will be the end if your Divine Raiment got stolen!」

Instantly, the radius of ten-odd meter with Mis.h.i.+s at the center became filled with light that surged from Azi Dahaka.

The hijacking of Divine Raiment by Avesta was avoided by Yoruka with a Stepleap, but Mis.h.i.+s who landed down immediately changed Azi Dahaka"s direction and skated, chasing after Yoruka with her halberd at the ready.

The output of the wheels that acted as the driving force of the armored legs was faster than Yoruka"s backward leap in the air.

Mis.h.i.+s launched her attack in a flash with no question asked. In that instant, Yoruka flew even further away.

Mis.h.i.+s who hit empty air regardless of her perfect timing frowned slightly.

「I won"t, let you.」

When Lux noticed that Philuffy who was standing by far behind had reeled back Yato no Kami using Typhon"s wire, lightning of extreme swiftness prevented Azi Dahaka from attacking further.

Lindwurm gliding in the air was pouring down lightning attack from its Lance──Lightning Flash to down below.

「──That is not permitted. As Lux"s aide, I won"t let you to lay your hand on him.」

Mis.h.i.+s barely avoided the Lightning Flash by abruptly braking her skating. Mis.h.i.+s"s movement was finally stopped.

It had only been a few seconds since Lux confirmed Mis.h.i.+s"s appearance until this point.

Countless offense and tactic were mixed in this little time.

「So, all five are here? It seems this is a plan to bring me down from the start.」

However, Mis.h.i.+s"s tone didn"t change even when she grasped the situation.

On the other hand, Lux was blinking in bewilderment.

「What happened!? Why are everyone here──」

「So you didn"t notice, ch.o.r.e boy? This feel like something that upstart rich captain would think up. That third imperial princess called Hayes has become useless at the battle the other day. It"s not just us who are making a gamble at this battle. They are also the same.」

「……I see!」

Listelka considered it disadvantageous for her side seeing the number of the qualified people receiving the trial, so she also made a gamble.

The Lords knew more about the information of the deep level floor compared to Lux and others.

She would hate to be discovered by Lux and others and had her trials obstructed, so even if she had to risk danger by decreasing the number of her guards, she contrived to send Mis.h.i.+s or Fugil to clash against the enemy.

Magialca who foresaw that secretly gave detailed instruction to Celis and others to observe over Lux from afar.

Holding back Listelka was the role of Lux and Singlen.

Holding back Listelka"s guard who stood in his way to prevent that was the role of Lisha and co.

「We entrust the task of guarding Airi to the Triad. What, Noct is always using radar to check on the area and avoid battle so it won"t be a danger. No worry Lux!」

Lux grasped the situation with the sentence from Lisha.

It seemed Airi was separated from the third team to lead the Triad, while Lisha, Krulcifer, Philuffy, Celis, and Yoruka appeared here to intercept Mis.h.i.+s.

「Try to think. Even that upstart auntie want to obtain Avalon. With this she left the battle to the other two teams, while she will win the compet.i.tion by making use of the second imperial princess. Isn"t that a plan that will come from the thinking of a selfish dictator?」

It irked him to be hearing that from Signlen who was always acting highhanded, but the point he made was reasonable seeing from Magialca"s instruction.

But for Lux that was the best thing that he could ask.

Rather than having Avalon falling into Singlen"s hand, it was still better to have Magialca took it.

「But, against that Mis.h.i.+s, even with the five of them──」

「I guess. It"s a gamble with long odds.」

Krulcifer also responded affirmatively toward Lux"s anxiousness.

「The strongest protector who is a Key"s Supervisor who has the nickname Anti Drag-Knight. We understand that even her strength that we saw the other days still wasn"t her full strength.」

「It"s also hard to say that we are in proper condition after the fatigue and injury acc.u.mulated from the consecutive battles. But──」

「We"ve no intention, to lose the second time. We won"t let her, reach Lu-chan.」

Yoruka smoothly spoke, and then Philuffy continued with a strong tone.

At the end, Celis who was clad with aloof resolve turned a straightforward gaze toward Lux.

「──Lux, please leave her to us, who you have saved until now and grew stronger. As the captain of Syvalles, I will stop her here without fail!」

「Celis, senpai……」

With those words, Lux"s hesitation was severed.

Just like how Lux himself became stronger thanks to them, they also became stronger for Lux"s sake.

Leaving this to them would mean answering their feeling.

「So now you feel like abandoning your comrades and go ahead? This might be a parting of the lifetime you know?」

Singlen showed a mocking smile, but Lux was already unperturbed.

「I will stop Listelka without fail, also so that won"t happen. That is also your wish correct?」

「Kukuku……then we are going. It"s a waste of time to keep making fun of you like this.」

Singlen chuckled in respond and he silently took off with his Drag-Ride.

「Everyone──stay safe.」

「Yes. We will return without fail to your side.」

After exchanging such words with Celis, Lux summoned Bahamut and wore it.

After he took off and left this arena, he searched to different place for the sake of finding Listelka and the Automata that would give him the second trial.

His destination for the time being was the central plaza of this castle town.

Because he had a hunch that Arshalia"s clone was likely to be at the imperial capital"s important facility.

「Good prediction. You better head to the next place quickly. Recover back the fragment of your lost memory. If you do that, then you will surely remember the principle of this world when you are reunited with that guy.」

Lux didn"t react even to the meaningful muttering of Singlen.

He would stop Listelka no matter what happened.

He swore to put forth every effort for that right now.

Part 2

Mis.h.i.+s who saw Lux"s escape turned around herself along with the Drag-Ride she wore.

Lisha and others, the five of them took position around Mis.h.i.+s who was showing sign of escaping.

Above Mis.h.i.+s, the angel type Abysses that were called to gather just now were circling around as though to protect her.

「Oi maid, don"t think that you can chase after Lux. We"ve also finished preparing countermeasure for your Azi Dahaka.」

Lisha turned a confident gaze to Mis.h.i.+s and told her so.

The opponent was the summit of Drag-Knight who easily defeated even the coordination of Celis and Philuffy in the battle the other day, but her fighting spirit didn"t decline at the slightest even in front of such enemy.

「I"m reluctant to injure one of the few remaining brethren of mine but──I"ll defeat you here.」

Krulcifer readied her sniper rifle with a conflicted emotion leaking out from her.

Philuffy and Celis also took a deep breath and confronted the enemy.

She was an opponent that dealt a complete defeat even with the two of them together the other day, but there was no hesitation in their face.

They showed no fear or even enthusiasm. They simply sharpened their awe-inspiring fighting spirit.

「There is no more need for words isn"t it? Then let us begin.」

Yoruka took a stance with her katana shaped Blade and smiled, but Mis.h.i.+s shook her head silently.

「It"s regrettable.」

She looked down slightly and looked somewhat disappointed.

However there wasn"t the slightest pity surfacing on her face.

The face of the maid was like a steel, showing that she would accomplish her task calmly.

「People like you who are able to handle Drag-Ride to such degree numbered very few even when looking back at history. That"s the only thing regrettable from this, that I"ll have to get rid of such people without even leaving any of them alive.」

「We have no intention of backing down even if you threaten us at this point. Just like you.」

Krulcifer pointed her rifle"s muzzle in respond to Mis.h.i.+s"s lamentation and replied resolutely.

「Yes, it"s unfortunate. All of you surely won"t submit. Exactly because you all are people with such resolve, that I will pay my respect. And then──」

The maid only said that before she quietly put the horn flute hanging from her neck to her mouth.

That gesture which had the purpose to give a new order to Abyss before the previous order ran out of time caused everyone to raise their guard tensely.

「Let"s begin. There is no more time remaining. I will make sure of your doom before reporting to my lord.」

「Don"t spew out bulls.h.i.+t as you please. We don"t happen to have any resolve to recognize defeat or whatever! We only have the determination to defeat you even if it"s at the cost of our life!」

Lisha raised her voice. At the same time the horn flute was blown.

The Angles dancing above Mis.h.i.+s started moving and the battle began.

Part 3

At that time when Mis.h.i.+s and Syvalles began fighting in Arcadia Empire"s arena.

The second team that was formed by Aeril and five Seven Dragon Paladins were sensing the sign of fierce battle from slightly far away.

「It looks like the first battle has begun. It will be great if we can also locate the position of Listelka herself but──」

Magialca who was clad with strengthened type general purpose Drag-Ride EX Drake was leaping forward while smoothly murmuring so.

Aeril who was flying right beside her immediately focused on those words.

「Do you mean that this situation is also within your calculation, Captain Magialca?」

「Are you dissatisfied, your highness? But this cannot be helped. There is no better plan than this.」

Magialca wasn"t wearing Divine Drag-Ride was because of Jormungandr"s weak point that it couldn"t move once it was deployed on a spot.

Thus she was wearing Drag-Ride of the same type, EX Drake right now and proceeded with the investigation while being vigilance against the surrounding with her radar.

As the result it ended with only a single person not wearing Divine Drag-Ride in this time and Magialca could save her stamina, moving the situation in the advantageous direction.

As to be expected from a merchant who built a vast fortune in only one generation, she was shrewd as usual.

Even if in the case that Aeril arrived at Avalon earlier than anyone, she didn"t know what would be demanded from her, but now wasn"t the time to suspect of Magialca"s ulterior motive.

If they couldn"t control Avalon before Sacred Eclipse that had been had defeated many times before revived once more, they would be defeated for sure this time.

「More importantly I"m worried about Airi-chan and others. After all they are investigating with just the four of them.」

Because the main force of Syvalles, Lisha and others, the five of them were intercepting Mis.h.i.+s, a team with only Airi who couldn"t use Drag-Ride and the Triad was formed.

If the Triad used the strengthened type general purpose Drag-Ride they were carrying, it would be barely possible to intercept or retreat from Abyss, but in the worst case they ended up fighting Sacred Eclipse or Fugil, that would be the end.

「It"s a gamble. But, that too is the wish of that la.s.s. She want to be of help to her big brother after all.」

「So you are making use of their bond as siblings? So a captain this absurd actually exist.」

Mel who was flying right nearby looked dissatisfied because she had the experience of her family getting killed by Abyss.

「Now you are saying a strange thing there, Ymir"s la.s.s. It"s fine for you because you are resolved, but you are unable to accept other people"s resolve?」

Magialca"s mouth distorted into a repulsive grin and replied sarcastically.

Certainly, everyone was here knowing the danger, and it was misplaced to deny their determination.

「That"s a sound argument, but when it"s you saying that I can"t be easily convinced yeah.」

「Agreed. But, there is not even time to feel hesitation right now.」

After Greifer muttered carelessly, Soffice also continued after him.

「I can see it noow. Is that our next destination I wondeer?」

Just as Rosa said, the church of Arcadia Empire came into view at the front.

At the same time Aeril let out a sigh that was laced with nervousness.

She glared to the front while feeling anxiety in regard to the trial and fear toward the approaching footsteps of Sacred Eclipse.

「Lux-kun, Airi-chan. Please be safe──」

Aeril quietly clasped her hands together while praying.

But, at this time she still had no way of knowing.

That Airi and Triad who were left behind, were being approached by a different danger than imagined.

Part 4

「Haa, haa……. I saw, a strange dream. I feel a bit unwell.」

「Are you alright Airi? If you are unwell, then returning until to the fortress is──」

「I"m all right, Noct. After what I"ve said before, it would be unsightly to return back after this far.」

On the other side, in the middle of congested street of Arcadia Empire, Airi and the Triad were taking rest.

They came into contact with Arshalia"s clone in the middle of investigation, and now Airi had just finished the first trial.

They were bringing things like portable food and emergency first aid kit, but they didn"t really prepare that much.

Sharis and Noct were on guard against the surrounding, while Tillfur wasn"t wearing her armor. She was looking after Airi who was lying down.

「There isn"t the angel type Abyss around, but it"s possible there is also enemy like Phantom that can erase their presence. Noct, is there no reaction in the radar?」

「Yes. There is no problem. The limit is a radius of 300 ml, so it cannot really be relied on though.」

The EX Drake that Noct was wearing also had its special equipments strengthened.

But, because they were still inexperienced, it was impossible for them to wear the strengthened type Drag-Ride continuously for long, so they took a strategy to take rest by turns to compensate for that.

「By the way Airi-chan. Can I ask you what kind of dream did you see?」

「No. Why are you deliberately poking your nose needlessly into that?」

Tillfur showed a smile to calm Airi down, but Noct immediately prevented her to ask further.

In front of Tillfur who looked dissatisfied, Airi silently took a deep breath.

「I"m already fine. It was nothing much. It was a dream of the past, about the day of the revolution in the old empire era.」

Airi whose complexion had become better smiled wryly while starting to talk.

Five years ago. The previous day before Arcadia Empire was destroyed, the empire army was kidnapping Airi who couldn"t move because she was sick. It was an impossible scene.

The one who commanded that was her father the emperor.

A blade was pointed at Airi in the audience hall as hostage toward Lux who was attempting to carry out revolution.

「It"s strange. It"s impossible. Even though I should be only sleeping on bed at that time, even though the battle and everything else should have been over already when I woke up, why is──that kind of dream is shown to me now?」

Even though she had never seen that kind of dream even once, it was strange.

「I think that is surely Airi-chan"s current feeling. You don"t want to become a burden to Lux-chi.」

「Then, that objective has been reached already. After all currently we are helping him by being out like this.」

Tillfur said that while clenching her fist before her eyes, while Sharis also directed a grin toward the sky.

「If that"s the case, then that"s great.」

They had formed a plan for when they were taking action with only the four of them.

They wouldn"t act reckless no matter what. They would escape from any Abyss and hostile without exception.

Listelka should be prioritizing to capture Avalon, then she shouldn"t chase after them too far.

The rest was a problem of range.

Just like how a wild herbivore wouldn"t approach carnivore until a certain distance, the most important thing was to not overlook enemy"s approach.

But, while they were in the middle of such relaxation at present, Noct suddenly gasped.

「Tillfur! Connect with your EX Wyrm! There is a reaction of Drag-Ride approaching!」

Air who was lying sprawled leaped up and Sharis who was hovering midair swooped down.

「One land battle type Divine Drag-Ride. But, this reaction──」

Noct who was confirming further at the radar projection showed a dubious expression.

While Airi and others were standing still in bewilderment, the answer had came near in the blink of eye.

Land battle type Divine Drag-Ride thick and gnarled armor, Tarasque.

The one wearing it wasn"t someone on enemy"s side.

It was a man past middle-age with tall and lean body, his eyes hidden by a helmet, Zweigbergk Gimle.

「That"s──the aide of Sir Singlen?」

When Sharis muttered in bewilderment, Noct continued.

Tarasque stopped skating in a spot several ml away in front of Airi and the Triad. It was watching the situation in the area quietly.

「Sir Zweigbergk. You should be protecting the defense base. Did something happen?」

The first team that was protecting the fortress fundamentally wouldn"t leave from their position.

And yet, for this person to show up here, did something unexpected happen there?

Airi and the Triad all had such thinking in their mind.

「Also, how did you find our location here?」

「Looks like there is no one else here. Are Lux Arcadia and new kingdom"s raid squad, Syvalles in the middle of taking separate action?」

The old knight Zweigbergk didn"t answer the question of Airi and co.

A faint sound of breathing could be heard from under the iron mask that concealed his expression.

「That"s right but, why are you here?」

When Sharis asked once more, Zweigbergk drew out his Drag-Ride"s Blade.

The medium sized double-edged thick Blade was a basic weapon that could fulfill both offensive and defensive role. Other than hacking down the opponent, it could also be used as s.h.i.+eld.

If a knight with abundant experience used it, there was no doubt that it would display extremely excellent utility.

「So the little sister has already finished the first trail, then there is worth in securing her.」

「……? Just now, what did you say?」

When Sharis frowned and asked, Zweigbergk stabbed his Blade into the ground.

「──Then, I"ll give you an answer. It seems you all are thinking that you managed to escape well from the enemy, but that is nothing more than an accidental luck. How am I able to find you all even without having special equipment type Drag-Ride, it"s the same way like how an animal track their prey.」

The tone that came from under the helmet hadn"t changed from before.

But, Noct sensed some king od dangerous sign and she took hold of Airi"s waist.

「There is no sign of Abyss, there is few buildings around that blocked the sight. A place with several escape paths available. And then trace of moving that deviate from the center to the edge, if there is that much information, then it"s not difficult to grasp the movement of a squad.」

「Tillfur, are you ready for the teamwork? Noct, take care of Airi-chan.」

「Yes. Looks like we were also too careless.」

「Why am I giving an explanation kindly like this──that"s because it will be troubling if that little sister die. I have grasped that there is n.o.body in the area who will save you all. If you hand over Airi Arcadia obediently, then I promise I won"t lay my hand on the other three.」

Airi and others had faintly felt the sign of hostility, but they held their breath when Zweigbergk said it openly.

The White Ridge knight order that had acted as a member of world alliance until now.

It was unthinkable that its vice captain, Singlen"s right hand man would turn traitor in this way.

No, even from a long time ago Singlen had many times attempted to win over Lux with his schemes.

Rather it was Airi and the Triad who were too naive to let Zweigbergk this close to them.

Perhaps this was the result of being too focused on the trials before them and this situation where there were many other threats.

If this man moved by Singlen"s order, then it wouldn"t be wrong to imagine that he would take away Airi as hostage against Lux.

「Can I ask one question, Sir Zweigbergk?」

「……I have no intention to have pointless dialogue but, in respect to your courage, I"ll allow one question.」

Zweigbergk responded like that to Sharis"s question.

The Triad didn"t let their guard down even in the middle of such conversation.

「Why are you doing something like this? There should be no allowance for us to have falling out between ourselves like this right now! Isn"t the first priority to stop the world destruction by Sacred Eclipse?」

What Sharis spoke was the words in order to avoid fighting.

It was unknown whether it would work. Rather, the possibility was slim.

Therefore Tillfur and Noct a the rear stayed quiet nervously.

「In order to pressure the Lord, even make missy Airi to receive the trials. A civil official who originally shouldn"t be standing in the battlefield is risking her life for the world"s sake! I"m asking what do you think about it as a knight with honor!?」

Sharis who was the daughter of the vice commander of new kingdom"s military attempted to appeal to the opponent"s pride.

She did that while considering Zweigbergk as a veteran soldier with long military service, but──.

「Hahahaha, kukukuku……」

Airi and the Triad frowned seeing Zweigbergk was laughing with shaking shoulders.

After laughing for a few seconds, he casually lifted up the medium sized Blade that was stabbed on the ground.

「No, my apologies. I had no intention of laughing but, it seems all of you had lived in a world that is too peaceful until now. Nostalgia was spontaneously welling up inside me.」

「Are you saying, that you have thrown away something like pride since a long time ago?」

In response Sharis was also sweating from her forehead while taking stance by holding her Blade in front of her.

From what she saw, there was no weapon like Cannon or Breath Gun among Tarasque"s armament.

The possibility of getting hit by attack should she escaped to the air should be reduced drastically, but if the enemy"s target was Airi, she couldn"t fight in a pa.s.sive way.

(──No, rather than that can someone like me do this? Stopping a user of Divine Drag-Ride, a powerful soldier in the level of being an aide of Seven Dragon Paladins……)

She had confidence as a member of raid squad Syvalles who had received training from her talented comrades.

In addition, thanks to Lisha"s tuning that was specialized for the Triad, they were able to equip even better Drag-Knight, even so the opponent was powerful.

In the worst case, the best plan in this situation would be for her to take away Airi to escape to the sky, while leaving behind Tillfur and Noct to hold back the opponent.

But, putting aside Noct who could use the camouflage function of special equipment type Drag-Ride, Tillfur who could only move on the ground with her land battle type would definitely get caught and killed.

She had made her resolve but, she couldn"t pick that option.

Sharis was unable to abandon her important childhood friend who she had shared joys and sorrows together with since their childhood.

「Risking one"s life for the world"s sake……is it? As I thought all of you don"t know anything. Whether it"s the true shape of Avalon, or what will happen from here on, or why we are being made to fight.」

Zweigbergk spoke with a vaguely pitying tone. Sharis issued her instructions through Dragon Voice.

She judged that there was no ground for negotiation anymore.

She focused, and she awaited for the moment the enemy"s speech paused──for the chance to take the initiative.

「But, it"s happier to not know. There will only be suffering for people without power to know the reality. I will say it one more time, if you wish to be unharmed then hand over that girl. I have no leeway to go easy.」

「That is our line Sir Zweigbergk. It will be a disgrace as the Blue Tyrant"s right hand man to be defeated by inexperienced girls right?」

When Sharis provoked even while trembling, Zweigbergk snickered.

It seemed he interpreted it as a mere bluff, there was no problem with him underestimating them.

「I will consider it as all of you having resolved yourself. ──Then, here I come!」

「Tillfur, Noct! Go!」

The instant the old soldier emitted his killing intent, Sharis raised her voice.

The two who had been told about the plan a few seconds ago exploded into action by running backward.

Tillfur carried Airi and moved to the left, Noct to the right, and Sharis flew to the sky.


The action that the Triad chose was to escape.

After saying provocation like that and giving hint of fighting, they actually chose to escape without hesitation. Zweigbergk sighed in admiration seeing that.

「You all have made the best judgment. Just as expected from people who are present in this decisive battle. I even wish to make my subordinates learn from this. However──」

Even so the old soldier didn"t look perturbed at all. He quickly grasped his Drag-Ride"s control stick.

First he set his target to Tillfur"s EX Wyrm that was skating away carrying Airi and he accelerated.

「From the start it has been the loss of you all by the time I have approached until this near!」

The wheels of Tarasque armored legs rotated in high speed, and it dashed forward with a thunderous sound.

Even though EX Wyrm"s output was already inferior when compared to Divine Drag-Ride, right now Tillfur was also carrying Airi.

Thus the distance was closed in the blink of eye due to the difference in body balance.

The townscape of Arcadia Empire was being projected at the surrounding, but the buildings didn"t exist for real.

Zweigbergk was convinced that he would catch up in a few seconds. He quickly brandished his medium sized Blade.

「You can depart to the next world first. I will soon send your comrades to accompany you.」

Zweigbergk had approached until a few ml behind Tillfur. She turned only her neck to look behind.

「My bad but, I still have the work of managing Lux-chi"s request applications y"know. There is no way I"ll die here.」

She leaped while cracking joke and leaped over the rubbles before her.


But, Zweigbergk wasn"t lured to leap after her. Without pause he slipped beside the obstacles and took the stance to stab his Blade above.

The instant the EX Wyrm"s leap reached the peak, Tillfur threw up Airi.

「So he won"t get baited as expected.」

Airi who was murmuring with nervous expression was caught by Sharis midair and she flew away.

If the one escaping changed direction, then the pursuer would reflexively want to leap in pursuit, but an opening would be created because it would be impossible to changed direction midair.

If Zweigbergk leaped, the Triad would snipe him at that moment, but because he didn"t, they took a different strategy for this situation.

「Handing over the target from above to below and then disperse huh……. It"s a good plan, but reckless in front of this me.」

Right after that, Zweigbergk who grasped the situation suddenly put the brake on his armored legs" wheels and changed direction.

He took out a Dagger and held it aloof to throw toward the back of Sharis who was flying away.

At the same time his armor was enveloped in dark miasma.

「──Oops, I won"t let you do that. Attacking a girl from the back like that!」

Tillfur who was on guard toward the activation of Divine Raiment changed direction and charged toward Tarasque.

Because the Hammer that she had was a striking weapon, it could deal impact damage even against thick armor.

At that time when she swung her weapon with the momentum of her rush behind it, a girl"s yell came from an empty s.p.a.ce.

「No. Tillfur! His aim is you!」

Just as pointed out by Noct who was hiding with her camouflage, Tarasque turned around as though he had been waiting and took a stance to intercept Tillfur.

Tillfur immediately leaped to the side, but mysterious sticky liquid was thrown from Tarasque"s right arm.

「──Howling Roar!」

A bullet that looked like mud, created from Tarasque"s armor. It was most likely a special armament.

In respond Tillfur launched a vortex of shockwave to her front and dodged it.

Because it would be ill-adivsed to avoid thrown liquid only by leaping aside, she immediately defended using Howling Roar.

But, the darkish purple dirty mud stuck slightly on her armor.

The moment Tillfur"s attention was caught by that, a single thrust from Zweigbergks"s Blade moved like an arrow and hit the EX Wyrm.

「Uh……, ah……!?」

Zweigbergk"s thrust was done with energy focused on the tip.

It easily broke through the EX Wyrm"s barrier and pierced the armor"s shoulder.


Sharis who was flying in the air yelled, and Noct who was hiding in the shadow of a building gasped.

「That was, Sir Singlen"s Senjin! So you, his aide also learned it!?」

Looking closer, there were countless windows of light floating around Zweigbergk unnoticed.

The hidden technique that Singlen used which applied Drag-Ride"s tuning as battle technique──Senjin.

The attack of Senjin - Gouka, which focused the energy that was supplied to other parts into a single point on the weapon, granted it overwhelming destructive power.

In addition was Zweigbergk"s refined sword handling as though he was smoothly moving his own limbs.

If he operated those two together, the current Triad wouldn"t have any way to defend.

「I"m fine, I"m……alive!」

But, Tillfure skated backward to escape the impact while responding to the voice of the two.

It was a complete coincidence, but because the enemy"s sword tip grazed the handle of Tillfur"s Hammer, she barely avoided direct hit.

If not for that, then even the armor would be pierced and she would die instantly.

But, Zweigbergk wasn"t agitated at all by the unexpected happening and he gave chase.

The moment he brandished his Blade in order to deal the finis.h.i.+ng blow, *Kinn!* such sound tore through air.

Zweigbergk who was going to enter the preparation for Senjin once more put on the brakes suddenly.

Right after that, slas.h.i.+ng lines following trajectory in the shape of crescent moon crossed the s.p.a.ce before his eyes over and over again. They chopped up the stone paving on the ground.

「Rare armament──, long range weapon that send energy flying from the edge of the Blade huh?」

Zweigbergk stopped his pursuit of Tillfur and looked above in admiration.

Over there was Sharis who was holding up a Blade that had just drawn a beautiful arc.

「Correct answer. My Blade can send out a slash. With this I can cut you up without getting closer.

The Shot Blade that Sharis was holding was the rare armament that was once used by a member of Dragon Marauder, Dilwy Froias.

After he was defeated by Lux and died, the Academy collected that rare armament.

At the dawn of Triad"s success in using the strengthened type general purpose Drag-Ride, they received new things from Lisha.

And then, through the training with Celis and others, they finally learned how to use them.

Even when Seven Dragon Paladins were captured and the Triad infiltrated the chapel to rescue them, they succeeded also because of this power.

「I see. But, it seems there is a reason why you are purposefully showing off that strength. Most likely the real attack will come from the EX Drake user who is hiding right now.」

Even while focusing on Sharis, he didn"t neglect to be alert toward the other two at all.

But, there was no way they could stop even after their attack had been predicted.

No matter how veteran of a soldier he was, it should be impossible for him to deal with a weapon he had never seen before.

Therefore, even the opponent"s words that sounded like he knew about their plan might be just to make them hesitate.

Noct who was hiding with camouflage finished considering until that far in an instant.

In the first place, Airi had no intention to withdraw while leaving behind one of them here to hold back the enemy.

They didn"t have as much talent and strength like Lisha and others, but they had decided to do everything they could here to the death.

(We have no intention of running away. We have come until this far after all.)

Noct was weighing the timing to attack. A past event was resurrected at the back of her mind.

It was the memory of her childhood, when she was first brought to meet the girlSharis who would become her master.

Part 5

「It"s an honor to meet you Sharis-sama. I am the second daughter of Leaflet house, Noct. I will be serving you formally five years later, but please don"t hesitate to tell me to do any work as you wish.」

The house of Leaflet, the family of servant that had been serving under high cla.s.s n.o.ble for generations.

Noct received education for that since she was very young. She showed her face in the residence of the house of Balts.h.i.+ft for the first time when she turned five years old.

Noct"s personality was calm and obedient by nature. She quickly accepted her duty as maid and answered the expectation of her parents who were educating her pa.s.sionately.

Because of that she had an atmosphere that made her seemed like a competent enough maid since her childhood.

On the other hand, Sharis was a blue haired girl who was two years older.

The girl who brought about dignified aura that was somewhat like a young boy looked at Noct with a troubled smile.

「You are amazing, your manner is far better than me.」

「I"m really honored to hear that. That means I haven"t acted rudely toward Ojou-sama.」

Sharis let out a deep sigh seeing Noct who replied with a serious look.

Noct didn"t notice that the girl was exasperated toward her who was acting mature and respectful.

「You are going to listen to whatever I say right?」

「If it"s anything that I can do.」

「Then, don"t call me Ojou-sama, call me Sharis. Even though this house is already strict everyday, if even a girl younger than me is acting that courteously to me, I won"t be able to breathe here.」

Sharis said that with a bright smile.

After that, Noct"s hand was pulled by her and she was led to Tillfur who came to play.

And then, they exchanged promise that when it was just the three of them, they would act as friend without reservation to each other.

The three had different personality and standing from each other, but they mysteriously got along well with each other, and their friends.h.i.+p continued from their childhood until now.

With Noct"s personality, she would obediently devote herself to her master no matter what kind of person they were, but in that case she surely wouldn"t grow to feel like this.

Perhaps, her first friend was these two girls.

Part 6

(Properly speaking, I have to risk my life to let my master Sharis to escape no matter what. Even if my master refuses it, it"s only natural to push her away from this place.)

And then now, Noct was holding her breath while recalling their discussion before partic.i.p.ating in this decisive battle.

『We don"t know what will happen from now, but if there is an unavoidable danger coming, won"t you two make a promise with me that us three will die together?』

The discussion of only the three of them that they didn"t even tell to Airi.

That promise was Sharis"s consideration toward Noct.

When the situation turned into one where they had exhausted every available means and they were forced to use someone as decoy, surely Noct would choose the path of becoming sacrifice to let Sharis get away.

But, the girl who was their leader said that she didn"t want that.

She was aware that it was a mistaken conduct as a knight who was standing on the battleground.

For the sake of one"s objective, sometimes they had to push through and advance with heartlessness like sacrificing even their comrade.

That was the way of the military officer occupation. As the daughter of a vice commander, she should know that very well.

『The three of us has trained our teamwork all this time. Whether it"s fighting or escaping, the probability of success will rise only when there are the three of us. That"s why, even if we have to let Airi-chan get away alone, we three should always be together.』

Tillfur smiled wryly and Noct was exasperated in respond to those words of Sharis that were filled with conviction.

『Haa……. Geez Sharis, you really are only good at making excuse aren"t you……. How you are going to become commander candidate in the future like that?』

Tillfur shrugged her shoulders while going "good griefyare yare". Even so her face didn"t look that dissatisfied.

Noct who was similarly surmising Sharis"s intention silently looked down and smiled.

Not even one of them wished to do anything like abandoning the other.

It would be another matter if it was something accidental, but they didn"t want to make that choice by themselves.

If Sharis was actually polis.h.i.+ng the teamwork of the three of them with such intention until now, then there would be no act of mixing up official business with personal affairs that was more absurd than this.

She hadn"t changed since Noct first met her.

She was like an awe-inspiring big sister who possessed leaders.h.i.+p, but she had playful heart even with her seriousness. She was a girl that was easy to like.

But, because such person was treating a mere servant like her as friend, Noct was able to obtain experience that was hard to come by.

『Yes. I understand.』

It wasn"t for fulfilling order, but it was a wish to respond to the other"s feeling.

Because although Noct didn"t really have a wish of her own, she was able to fight for the sake of the friend she loved.

(As a servant from the house of Leaflet, as a member of Syvalles, what"s more in order to save my friend"s life, I will risk my life. Then──)

She had no fear even if the opponent was far above them.

Toward Zweigbergk who threatened with words to make them hesitate, she unleashed the rare armament that she kept as an ace up her sleeve.

「──Circular Edge!」

Noct who was hiding diagonally behind Zweigbergk dispelled her EX Drake"s camouflage, and in a flash she deployed her throwing weapon.

The rare armament that was possessed by Heiburg"s top bra.s.s called Gerdaf in the past.

The new kingdom military collected it, and it was transferred to Noct through Lisha. She had finally become skilled enough to use it well.

The eight blades combined with EX Drake"s radar locked on the enemy. They draw an arc through the air and a.s.saulted Tarasque.

The rotating circular blades were s.h.i.+ning dazzlingly due to the energy enveloping them.

The blades by themselves had no strength for a sure kill, but it should be terrifyingly difficult to dodge them all.


A parry by instantaneous deployment of barrier──Senjin – RutenBattle Array - Vicissitudes. There was a high possibility that Zweigbergk had learned it, but it should be impossible to use that to deal against simultaneous attack from many directions.

Just as Noct expected, Zweigbergk swung his Blade and deflected half of the circular blades.

「So it"s working.」

The remaining four Circular Edges stuck on Tarasque"s armor and they shaved the surface with grinding sound.

Once Circular Edge impacted the target, they had the trait of sticking to the surface and continued to attack without pause.

If the armor was thin then it would be severed right away, and even if the armor boasted solid defensive power, it could serve the role of dulling the enemy"s motion using the continuous impact from the blade"s rotation.

「Now you can"t move! Then taste my sword one more time!」

From the air, Sharis unleashed a rain of slashes using her Shot Blade along with a speech that was like an advance notice.

Shockwave slashes that rained down right and left.

The moment Zweigbergk blocked them by using his barrier like an umbrella, a loud sound of moving motor rang out from the side.


The old soldier looked behind with a dubious face, but Tillfur"s EX Wyrm was far away.

But, that distance that even reached more than a hundred ml was turned into nothing in the next moment.

「Here I go! Catapult ArtsDragon Kicking Run-……!」


An explosive sound that pierced the eardrum.

With a momentum that felt like it would even overtake the sound it produced, Tillfur accelerated from long distance.

The EX Wyrm pierced the air and charged forward like a bullet. Without stopping it struck with a horizontal sweep of the Hammer.

「──Guh, OOOOGOH……!」

*BAGIiII0!* Tarasque"s thick armor was smashed apart at the same time when it hit.

Receiving the full power blow that was unleashed from EX Wyrm"s super acceleration, the heavyweight cla.s.s Tarasque was sent flying to far away behind.

Without stopping he slipped through the projection of imperial capital"s scenery and vanished from the sight of the three.

「Haa! Haa……! Haaaa……!」

The stone paving that Tillfur had pa.s.sed had the wheel track from the EX Wyrm"s super acceleration engraved on it.

This was one of the sure kill combination attacks by the Triad, a technique that was effective even against top cla.s.s member of Syvalles like Lisha and others.

「Hooray……! We did it! The attack landed!」

A few seconds later, Tllfur swung up her Hammer with many feelings flooding her.

This was the moment all the effort they acc.u.mulated bore fruit.

First the other two would attract the enemy"s attention, then Noct who was in hiding would stop the enemy on their track using Circular Edge.

On top of that Sharis who was above would rain down slashes using Shot Blade to seal the enemy"s hand by making them deployed barrier.

When the enemy"s mobility and ability to react were taken away, Tillfur who had taken enough distance would accelerate suddenly from far distance and hit with her Hammer"s powerful blow.

The Catapult Arts that Tillfur received from Lisha was an internal type rare armament. It realized super acceleration with a takeoff run.

The attack"s power would be explosively increased in comparison with the takeoff distance, but the burden to the user and the degree of difficulty in using it would also increase accordingly.

Personally rus.h.i.+ng ahead with super high speed while inflicting an attack in such state was extremely difficult. It wouldn"t possibly succeed without having faith that the other two were holding the enemy in place.

Therefore, this one attack was concealing a destructive power that could only be accomplished by the Triad.

As long as the first attack from Noct using Circular Edge could land, it would be difficult to dodge this cooperation attack.

Therefore, for an opponent who only saw it for the first time without knowing anything about it beforehand, it should display a tremendous effect but──.

「Calm down Tillfur! Don"t let your guard down!」

Sharis was relieved that their teamwork succeeded from start to finish and her lips slackened, but she immediately came to herself and chided herself and the others instead.

「Come to think of it, missy Yoruka taught us about the concept of being prepared for a counterstroke.」

This place was the deep floor level of Avalon.

It was a dangerous area where it wouldn"t be strange no matter what happened.

Although the threat before their eyes had been removed, they must not let their guard down till the very end.

「Is Airi-chan who is away from us safe!? Noct」

「Yes. There is no reaction of Abyss or other living thing around Airi.」

Noct immediately replied while collecting the scattered Circular Edge.

The three gathered close to each other, then they followed the direction where Zweigbergk was blown away to.

(Don"t be rash……. The attack definitely hit successfully but, we still don"t know whether he has been defeated or not.)

Sharis took a deep breath and filled her whole body with tension once more.

The opponent was a user of Divine Drag-Ride and also a powerful warrior. His armor was also the tough defense of land battle type.

They managed to take him by surprise well, but it was too hasty to write him off as defeated here.

「Noct, there is still no reaction of the enemy"s Drag-Ride getting dispelled right? Let"s strip off his armor after this and restrain him.」

「Yes. Understood.」

At the same time when Noct answered, they gradually caught up to Zweigbergk"s figure.

But, when they had advanced for 300 ml ahead, they turned speechless.

Far from dying or fainting, Zweigbergk was standing still wearing his Tarasque.

「──!? No way-!」

「How!? It"s impossible!」

Tillfur and Noct couldn"t hide their shaken feeling and opened their mouth.

In front of a rubble where the projection of a house had vanished, Zweigbergk was taking his stance with composure.

His thick armor was half-destroyed, but he himself was mostly unharmed.

But, the iron helmet that was snugly covering his face was slightly broken on the eye"s area. Sharp eye glint that was like a vulture could be peeked.

「Don"t tell me, Break Purge!? The moment Tillfur"s Hammer landed, you broke your own armor and disperse the impact──」

「That"s a keen insight, Drag-Knight of Syvalles. That was a splendid teamwork. It"s regrettable. Such strength in that young age, if you all continue to train, then the future as powerful people will be opened for you.」

When Zweigbergk showed a smile that was mixed with resignation, Sharis and others put themselves on guard.

「I accept your praise gratefully, but your worry is unnecessary……」

Their sure kill co-op attack came to naught, even so the damage shouldn"t be light.

The thick armor of Tarasque was also half-destroyed, it had no more overwhelming defensive power.

Then even Sharis"s Shot Blade and Noct"s Circular Edge could deal a lethal injury.


Taking advantage of that slight opening when Sharis switched her thought, Tarasque showed its back toward them and took off.

「Planning to run!? ──No! You want to take Airi-chan away!?」

In the first place the enemy"s objective was securing Airi.

She could become hostage against Lux, and she could also become a trump card to obtain Avalon.

She was hiding in the nearby building so she wouldn"t get found out, but it would be the end in the slightest chance she was kidnapped.

『We are going with teamwork B! Tillfur, Noct. You two ready!?』


『Yes. We have finished preparing.』

They communicated with Dragon Voice even in this close range so that the enemy wouldn"t realize their tactic.

Right now it was like the opposite of the start, they would begin a co-op attack that started from Tillfur charging forward to chase the enemy. But at that instant, an impossible occurrence happened.


When Tillfur caught up to Tarasque and she brandished her Hammer, the surrounding exploded right after that.


A flame blast that covered the area swallowed Tillfur"s EX Wyrm, right after that her armor was broken.

「Tillfur! ……What is this……! What happened!?」

Sharis immediately raised her voice and flew forward in order to rescue her childhood friend.

「Noct, look for the enemy"s position using radar! I"ll go to protect Tillfur──……-!?」

The face of Sharis who was quickly giving instruction turned pale.

Sticky air was coiling around the EX Wyvern"s armor.

No, not just the air, even the ground was heavily smeared with sticky substance.

The trap Tillfur fell into.

She was late in noticing the thing that Tarasque laid out when escaping.

「Sharis! That substsance is also obstructing the radar! Don"t get near──……」

The eyes of Sharis who was turning around toward the voice caught the sight of Zweigbergk who should have disappeared suddenly, striking his medium sized Blade toward Noct.

「──Truly, unfortunate.」

「Uh, AAAAA……-!」

The strike wasn"t a sweeping slash, but a vertical slash as though to bisect the target. The EX Drake"s armor was smashed apart after receiving it from behind.

The shoulder where Circular Edge was installed was slashed through. In a single strike, Noct"s fighting ability was taken away.

At the same time, the smokescreen coiling around Sharis"s armor exploded.

「U, a……!」

Sharis who kept flying even after receiving the flame blast and shockwave barely avoided direct attack.

But, blood quickly left Sharis"s face when she saw Tillfur and Noct who collapsed with their armor already dispelled.

She understood that just now, their chance of victory had been completely crushed.

「What, happened……!? What did you scatter while escaping!?」

「To express my respect to you three, I will tell you. The Divine Raiment of my Tarasque is Back FireReverse Scorching Heat, an ability to spread out combustible smokescreen while moving, and explode it to seal every kind of pursuing attack from the enemy.

「So it"s, something like that……!」

It also obstructed EX Drake"s radar, it even sealed the movement to pursue while allowing to counterattack at the same time. So to speak it was a Divine Raiment of counterattack type.

It seemed the power of the explosion was unexpectedly low, but Sharis and others who didn"t know about that Divine Raiment were completely outsmarted.

「Deserting under enemy attack is a disgrace, but a retreat with purpose isn"t. You too can exert yourself to death for the sake of protecting Airi Arcadia. That is your last duty.」

Even without him telling her that, Sharis also understood it.

Now that it had become impossible to form teamwork with the three of them, there was no chance of victory for them in challenging Zweigbergk here.

It wasn"t just the difference in performance between their Drag-Ride, their skill as Drag-Knight also had wide difference.

If she used the fact that the enemy couldn"t fly in the sky against him, and focused completely in evasion and escaping, then there was still a way.

However, Tillfur and Noct would be left behind like that and they would definitely be finished off.

After all there was no reason to leave them alive.

「What are you hesitating for? After polis.h.i.+ng your skill as Drag-Knight until that far, but you are unable to even resolve yourself to die for your duty?」

Zweigbergk brandished his Blade as though to follow her bad imagination.

The moment Sharis saw that, she exploded into action and flew.


「You picked a foolish option. Was I wrong in my evaluation of you?」

*Vun-!*With strange sound, countless light frames floated around Tarasque.

「──Senjin - Ruten」

The moment Sharis"s Blade was going to hit, a barrier"s force field was quickly deployed in front of Tarasque, parrying Sharis"s Blade.

When she staggered from having her momentum diverted, the enemy"s Blade sharply struck her shoulder.

The Force Core of the EX Wyvern was impacted, and the armor was immediately dispelled.

「Kuh, a……!」

Sharis collapsed on the street of the imperial capital. Zweigbergk looked down on her with a cool gaze.

「Was it just children"s make-believe game in the end? The two who followed a half-baked person like you are also incompetent.」

「……Shut up! What do you know!? No matter how strong he is, he is just a human who calmly deceive other people for the sake of his own benefit! A man who is serving that kind of foolish coward! Don"t you speak as though you are a proper knight!」

That was an objection that came out from Sharis"s conviction.

Her inability to prioritize the objective in respond to the state of the battle.

She was aware of the naivety and immaturity of her inability to abandon her comrades.

But, she couldn"t forgive humiliation toward her two childhood friends who sympathized with the feeling of such Sharis.

Those words that she spat out from such emotion caused Zweigbergk"s eyes to snapped wide open.

「A childish little girl like you, dare to insult my lord?」

Sharis"s expression paled from receiving that poisonous killing intent.

Though imperfect, she was partic.i.p.ating in battle as a member of Syvalles, she intended to hold a resolve that befitted this situation.


「Gu──! ……AAaAAH……!」

Tarasque"s armored leg carelessly stepped on Sharis"s right arm.

Just with that, her arm easily snapped.

Sharis screamed from the intense pain and she became unable to make any movement.

Even the thought of aiming for a surprise attack using her Sword Device had vanished from her mind.

Tillfur and Noct who saw that moved their hand to pull their Sword Device, but their right arms were also kicked that they broke.

「It-, HURTTSSS……!」

Tear spilled out from Tillfur"s eyes, and Noct"s usual expressionless face also distorted in anguish.

They thought they weren"t killed with one attack was to smoke out Airi who was in hiding, but it seemed they were mistaken.

「Incompetent like your b.a.s.t.a.r.ds who are only fixated to righteousness are the second most irritating thing for me in this world. You all are drunk with your sense of justice and heroic act, and increase the needless sacrifice for the sake of fulfilling your own satisfaction. If that"s all then I"ll simply regard it as children"s joke, but insulting my lord was a poor move.」

This enraged man was going to make the three of them suffer as much as possible before killing them.

In front of the overwhelming killing intent that came from the strong, the three were shaking.

Even if they met torture to death, there was already no way to avoid it, but at this rate it would be bad if they continued to scream.

Especially if Noct continued to receive violence, Airi who was in hiding might give herself up.

Sharis who thought that tightly grasped the handle of her Sword Device with her remaining left arm.

(Perhaps……I was really unable to make my resolve. Just as this man said, I might be just a spoiled little girl. But, even so──)

Tillfur and Noct. When she turned her gaze toward her two childhood friends, there was light residing in each of their eyes that were dyed in despair.

To raise the chance of Airi to survive, there was no other way but to end their own life.

They had to do it while it was still possible for them.

「Both of you, sorry. I am a useless leader……」

A scratchy voice leaked out from Sharis"s lips.

Then, her two best friends who were gasping in intense pain looked like they were smiling only for a moment.

「──Please stop! If you are looking for me then I"m here! I will cooperate with you, that"s why!」

The instant the Triad resolved themselves to suicide, from slight distance away──from the shadow of rubbles that were covered with projection of a building, Airi raised her voice.

「I see, that"s a beautiful self-sacrifice mentality but, you are too late. I"ll kill these three. After that I"ll have you act as hostage.」

「……You, b.a.s.t.a.r.d」

Sharis was convinced seeing Zweigbergk"s cold eye glint.

He planned to kill the three of them here and trampled even Airi"s resolved in handing over herself.

It was a predicament of absolute despair. ──At that time, a footstep suddenly resounded at that main street.

Behind Zweigbergk, a small silhouette was standing without even giving off a presence.


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