Episode 4 - The Ancient Forest Part 1

「Your majesty! The request for cooperation to the four great n.o.bles is finished. Please give us the instructions for the battle formation.」

The early morning of the eighth days since Azure Division announced their existence for the first time.

The time for the all-out confrontation finally came.

Lisha and Alma, the key character for each camp that became hostage, as well as the Grand Force and Aeril would be put on the line in this battle.

The battle would be held at the Ancient Forest located at northeast of the capital Lordgalia.

Originally, the commanding of New Kingdom"s army wasn"t Raffi"s field.

But, since the death of Prime Minister Nulph who was serving concurrently as the army"s commander, there wasn"t even any time to decide the successor so Raffi volunteered for the position.

「I see. Then, please ask them to guard the surrounding. Please don"t think of anything like sending reinforcement from the capital no matter what. We will take care of it at our side.」

「Ho, however, no matter how much advantage we hold, won"t the battle strength be lacking with only the military cadet unit? At the very least we of the New Kingdom military should also partic.i.p.ate──」

「No. There is no need. Our strategy has been decided.」

Raffi"s eyes s.h.i.+ned at the same time when she muttered that once more.

Then the will vanished from the soldier"s expression and he nodded slightly before going out.

「This is troubling. After experiencing the convenience like Endless once, the process of convincing people feels like a great ch.o.r.e now. I only understand for the first time the usefulness of Prime Minister Nulph who was a.s.sisting me only after he is gone.」

From the beginning Raffi had no intention of relying on the regular army and the four great n.o.bles to be her main force.

Chaos would be created when she invested the Automatas into battle with them there, and in the first place against Azure Division that had powerful fighter in the level of Lux, there would be no use to dispatch the average Drag-Knight to be their opponent.

Although, the kingdom"s army also had their honor to keep, so she also couldn"t slight them which was a source of worry for her.

No, above all else, to make Raffi"s plan a reality, subordinates of common soldiers would only become a hindrance.

Currently no one knew about that arbitrary decision of Raffi.

Whether it was Lux, or even the Automata Arshalia and Fugil.

The Ancient Forest in the first place wasn"t just a terrain that was hard to enter by people, it had the structure similar to a natural labyrinth after being left alone for several hundred years.

Raffi and others of New Kingdom army would take position in that battlefield earlier and laid in wait for Lux"s group.

First both sides would meet at a landmark that was the lake at the center. One side would be at the north while the other at the south. After confirming that the hostages and Grand Force were present, the battle would begin. The one who took down the commander other than Lisha and Alma would win.

Or rather, by that point victory would substantially fall on the lap of that side.

She also used Avalon"s function and placed Abysses there, but the members of Syvalles weren"t told about that.

Till the end she planned to use it as last resort as ambush.

「Fugil. If that person……the black Drag-Knight is actually really Lux──do you think he is able to go as far as locating the entrance of Avalon that was transported here?」

「Who knows, I cannot make that judgment.」

Fugil answered curtly. Arshalia also nodded in agreement.

「However, a truly excellent statesman will also plan for any eventuality.」

「Then, can I ask you to protect the central? If their aim from designing this place as the stage of the decisive battle is Avalon──that will be the best right? Even if you don"t have any duty to protect me, but if it"s that」


Fugil realized Raffi"s scheme from that conversation and let slipped a smile.

(I thought she is just a ruler who is simply relying on Sacred Eclipse"s strength, but she is quite proficient in her cunning.)

Or perhaps, it was the growth because of her decision to fight by her own will?

Fugil fundamentally wouldn"t partic.i.p.ate in this battle.

He followed the guidance of Sacred Eclipse and became the ally of Raffi who was at the bottom of misfortune and carried out the world revision. But that period had already pa.s.sed.

But, if the enemy aimed at Fugil himself──or perhaps at Avalon itself then it would be a different story.

Fugil had the duty to protect Avalon"s system.

And then if the enemy was Lux, there was a possibility that he would not aim at Raffi herself, but attempted to stop the function of Avalon in order to oppose Sacred Eclipse and Uroboros.

She placed Fugil there with the aim to stop Lux"s objective.

「You"re right. Either way, at present when the Grand Force of Garden is removed, large scale function cannot be used but……. If the Lord, Aeril is joining hand with Azure Division, then they will be able to use several of the functions.」

The Automata Arshalia said that in agreement. She stood at Raffi"s side and readied herself to take command of the remaining Automatas.

After that the problem was how Raffi would command and place the Drag-Knights of the four great n.o.bles that were lent to her.

With this──all the preparations were finished.

「Then, let"s go Fugil. And then please ascertain it. I and him……which one of us is worthier to rule the New Kingdom. Which one is the loser who should be destroyed──」

After that, the restrained Alma was taken from the dungeon and they went outside the castle.

They were carried by Arshalia who was wearing EX Wyvern and Raffi along with Fugil and others flew toward the Ancient Forest.

Part 2

Around that time when Raffi"s group was starting to move to take position in the Ancient Forest──.

The preparation for the last battle was also being carried out at the high cla.s.s where Lux and others were staying at.

Yoruka was──got in touch with Magialca yesterday and told that Avalon was hidden in the Ancient Forest.

Based on that information, they were able to designate the location for the war to Queen Raffi.

Yoruka herself was wounded and fatigued so she wouldn"t be able to move for a while, but the strength of Automata that was able to fight equally against a Drag-Knight at Yoruka"s level was also a threat.

And then of course, it was the same with the girls who were in front of him right now.

「Then Lux, please wait for the good news. We will surely take Lisha back.」

The members of Syvalles in their pilot suit with sword belt attached on their body came to Lux to say farewell before their departure.

「I"m counting on you. Celis-senpai, everyone……」

Lux was showing a disappointed expression while grasping Celis"s hand. The other members who would be heading to the decisive battle against Azure Division were Krulcifer, Philuffy, and the Triad.

Until now they were acting as Lux"s observer and guard, but as expected all of them had to partic.i.p.ate in order to rescue Lisha.

He felt dubious because he didn"t see Krulcifer the day before yesterday and Celis yesterday, but they didn"t tell him the reason of their absent.

But, it was good that he was able to see their face like this at the end.

He was unable to answer their feeling but, Lux too also realized his feeling once more, that he loved these girls.

(Everyone being absent for one day each is bothering me but──. There is nothing that I can do about that, I guess……)

It was already fruitful just from knowing that everyone was heading to the Ancient Forest for the decisive battle under Queen Raffi"s command.

Several hours after this, the negotiation between the commanders of each side would begin and then it would move into war.

Lux would have to face almost the whole force of the enemy by his lonesome.

「This is that girl we"re talking about, so surely she will be frustrated from being unable to meet with Lux-kun.」

Krulcifer and Philuffy talked to him one by one, then the Triad came last.

「Honestly, it feels disheartening that you won"t be there but, we have to show our cool side too sometimes.」

Sharis smiled with an expression that gave no hint about their conversation the other day.

「Without Lishsama, the maintenance of Drag-Ride is completely no good. We"ve to get her back here.」

「Yes. Lux-san also doesn"t look energetic. We will bring back Lishsama quickly.」

Tillfur and Noct told him that with deliberately bright att.i.tude.

「Yes. Thank you……」

Even Lux didn"t understand why he said thank you.

But, a moment later he noticed a certain fact and his expression slightly clouded.

(No……. I see, I have to say it here.)

If he was defeated in this battle, Lux would be unable to meet them anymore.

Perhaps even if he succeeded, if Lux"s ident.i.ty as the leader of Azure Division became spread within the country, he wouldn"t have a place anymore in this country.

That was why, he had to say it right now.

「──Everyone, thank you for accepting and treating me well until now even with my criminal status. I really had fun spending time with everyone in the Academy.」

The Academy life that began since his meeting with Lisha, it was a happy one from being able to spend it together with them.

When Lux said that with his whole feeling, the girls were making a bewildered and embarra.s.sed face.

But, they immediately smiled and poked at him, embraced him, or messed up his hair.

「What a modest junior. It"s us who are greatly in your debt. Everyone here was saved by you.」

「Indeed. It"s like you don"t have any self-awareness of what you have accomplished.」

Celis and Krulcifer smiled in exasperation.

「It will make me embarra.s.sed which is unlike me if you told us your grat.i.tude straight in the face like that so cut it out. Aah geez, I can"t act coolly like this.」

「Nn, me too. No, I know that this is me being excessively self-conscious though.」

「Yes. Even so, I"m happy to hear it.」

Sharis, Tillfur, and Noct of the Triad each showed their reaction in delight.

At the end Philuffy tightly grabbed Lux"s hands with the usual her own pace.

「Lu-chan. Then, we"re going now.」

「……Be careful.」

After finis.h.i.+ng the farewell with the girls, Lux returned to his room.

Airi was accompanying Lux who was pretending that he was unable to walk well.

「Somehow, this feels nostalgic. That we"re alone like this. The surrounding become slightly too noisy since Nii-san came to the Academy.」

「That, might be true.」

Lux who was lying down on the bed nodded and closed his eyes to pretend to sleep.

「Please don"t worry. I will──protect Nii-san.」

Airi watched over Lux for a while, then she went outside and closed the door.

She was going to meet up with Syvalles who was departing late.

After this Lux had to slip out of the inn without anyone noticing and headed to the Ancient Forest.

Several minutes later, using a certain method Lux hurried to the meeting place with Magialca without getting noticed by Relie who was inside the inn and the soldiers who were disguised as citizens.

Part 3

「Hmph……. Good grief. Queen Raffi is quite troublesome. It might be reasonable if it"s against big shot like the Lord, but in a battle against green bandits like Azure Division──to place us here as simple guards like this, I cannot accept it.」

At a deserted ground near the Ancient Forest several kl away from the palace──.

At the southernmost area there──or to be more accurate, at the direction that was the nearest to the capital, several dozen Drag-Knights were stationed.

One of the two commanding officers standing at the front was sitting on a large rock and let out a long sigh along with a snicker.

She was a girl with wavy and rough long dark red hair that reached until her waist. She had a characteristic impudent smile.

She had a nice body for a girl who hadn"t reached twenty. The undulation of her body style could be seen from even above her mantel.

But, seeing the warlike smile that she wore, there was no subordinate who would ogle her.

The people serving this girl who gave an impression like a lion to the people looking at her were harboring fear and also respect toward her.

The name of the girl with tender age of 18 was Nier Helvym.

She was a niece of the big man of four great n.o.bles Bugriser Gashtoph, a candidate to be the captain of the unit under his direct control.

She possessed better skill than his real son as a Drag-Knight and as a commanding officer and became his favorite.

So to speak she was the trump card of Bugriser as four great n.o.bles. His secret weapon who was bearing the responsibility for the next generation at his territory.

Even as a Drag-Knight she possessed the strength of an EX Cla.s.s. She was also highly evaluated as a remarkable character with dauntless courage.

A girl like that was sent to this battle following Queen Raffi"s request.

「Reply back at least. What a boring man. Perhaps you resemble your father.」

On the other hand, the other commanding officer standing near her was a young man. He didn"t react at all even toward Nier"s provocation.

It wasn"t that he was indifferent toward other people. He controlled all his emotions and wore an atmosphere of a professional.

The young man"s name was Dawla Schultzed.

He had only just turned twenty. He was the biological son of the four great n.o.bles Zagha Schultzed.

Zagha had a lot of sons. Among them Dawla"s age was far removed from his father, but the way he fought steadily and his apt.i.tude with Drag-Ride that was unusually high for a man were evaluated highly. He was acknowledged as the best within his territory.

This time he answered the request of Raffi and cooperated in the decisive battle against the Azure Division along with Bugriser"s niece Nier.

The young man with slender face──but sharp gaze was looking toward the direction of the capital while glaring at Nier for a full ten-odd seconds.

「If you hate boredom, wouldn"t it be fine if you raise an achievements in the great battle against the Lord last time? I heard that at that time it was h.e.l.l with seven Ragnaroks appearing at the same time. I guess your vigorousness come from your uncle but, you will die young if you are putting on airs too much.」

Cold gaze and tone as though to cut down his talking partner.

However Nier also didn"t back down hearing that.

「Hah. Obviously that was what I was going to do at that time. But uncle stopped me. Can you not group me together with a coward like you?」

While they were killing time by exchanging frivolous talk like that, a group of Drag-Knights with a part of their armor painted blue could be seen from afar.

「Haa, this is boring. Even though I"ll be able to make the New Kingdom indebted to me if I can save the princess, just watching the entrance won"t be any significant achievement. And so, it"s fine isn"t it? Even if we crush that so called Azure Division──」

Nier blurted that out with a fearless smile.

The proclamation of violating the order from Raffi caused bafflement to color the faces of her subordinates.

「Don"t do anything stupid. If the princess is killed before the negotiation, it won"t finish with just your head. Do you want to dirty even your uncle"s name too?」

「……I"m joking. This is why I hate gloomy man. But──it will be fine if it"s after the negotiation is over then. We can just make up some appropriate reason and join in.」

Nier shrugged while her eyes that were covered with ambition glinted fiercely.

Till the end their role was as guard to prevent any intruder into this battle but, they were giving off a premonition of disturbance.

Part 4

The unit led by Nier and Dawla was taking position as defensive line to cut off the path from the Ancient Forest to the capital. At that time while they were standing guard,

Lux who slipped out of the inn and met up with Azure Division was also flying in the sky toward the stage of the decisive battle.

「Vice captain, the preparation is finished. How is your body"s condition?」

「……I"m alright. We will accomplish our mission without fail.」

Aeril who was carrying Lisha who was pouting in dissatisfaction was flying in her EX Wyvern while talking to Lux.

In respond Lux replied with a stifled voice from under a mask that looked like a helmet covering his head.

He said that, but in reality they couldn"t really prepare anything noteworthy.

Because Alma was taken hostage, the lineup of Azure Division was really small.

Kilzrake family also had several dozen Drag-Knights at their disposal, but they were nothing more than prop to show a battle strength that was more than the actual reality.

If they clashed with the elites of Syvalles starting from Krulcifer, then only Lux or Aeril would be able to stand a chance.

Therefore, the subordinates were given instruction for a distraction mission.

They wouldn"t fight head on no matter what. They would use the treasures taken out from Garden abundantly to sow chaos, while Lux would use the opening to defeat Syvalles members one by one.

They would recover Alma during that while infiltrating into Avalon, used the recording medium in their possession, and obtained information.

After that they would temporarily retreat, reorganized themselves, used the information of weak point they obtained, and crushed Sacred Eclipse and Uroboros.


Bitter smile welled up just from considering the recklessness of the objectives that were listed up.

Although they had in their possession recording medium that could be played at the central of Avalon or at the library facility called the Archive, it didn"t mean that it would surely contain the weak point of Sacred Eclipse and Uroboros. And even if the information existed, they also didn"t know whether they could make use of it with their current battle force.

But, this situation of facing against a powerful enemy wasn"t any different with five years ago.

Right now he didn"t have a collaborator that was Fugil, but he didn"t feel any anxiety.

Because he was wis.h.i.+ng from the bottom of his heart to save his comrades from the Academy starting from Lisha, the girls who were important to him──.

『Also, about them……. It"s impossible.』

『I see……』

Aeril used Dragon Voice to convey her mind to Lux who was flying beside her so that Lisha in her arms wouldn"t hear.

In respond Lux slightly hung his head down before he lifted his head to fire up himself.

Magialca dispatched her aide Lolotte to detain the Seven Dragon Paladins who returned to their own country after the parade was over to ask for their cooperation in defeating Fugil, but as expected they were told once more that it was impossible.

They didn"t have any reason to give their a.s.sistance against the danger to the New Kingdom, and in the first place they were unable to breakthrough the binding spell to their mind.

In their mind, they thought that Fugil had been defeated and the case of Avalon had been taken care of.

『But, we"re taking a desperate measure. If it goes well, it might be possible to call them here. Perhaps if Lux-kun can directly persuade them there──』

『Yeah, let"s try betting in that. I don"t know if it will be in time but……』

Lux nodded in respond, then right after that Lisha who was carried by the armored arms of EX Wyvern worn by Aeril grumbled while her eyes were blindfolded.

「It seems you guys are scheming something but, there isn"t any time for pointless talk you know?」

They arrived at the Ancient Forest that was several kl away from the capital Lordgalia.

The Drag-Knights of New Kingdom military were taking position at that place that should be called as the entrance.

「Are you all the Azure Diviison? Nice to meet you. I am the captain of a private force of the four great n.o.bles, Nier Helvym. This guy is Dawla. We are ordered to watch over the negotiation and battle in this Ancient Forest.」

「We don"t have the authority to harm your group. But, we are tasked with preventing the reinforcement from outside as well as the intervention of other force that isn"t in the battle"s stipulation. That"s all, go through.」

The two Drag-Knights at the front who seemed to be the commanding officers introduced themselves and told them that.

One person was a red haired girl with nice style and self-a.s.sured air.

The other one was a slender man with quiet expression.

From the introduction of the two calm and bold people, Lux guessed that they were the private force of the four great n.o.bles who were here due to Raffi"s request for cooperation.

「Understood. After this we will challenge the New Kingdom to a battle that wagered the hostage of each side. Everyone here is to not be involved in the battle and to not even enter the Ancient Forest, is that right?」

「Right. Of course if the agreement is broken, then it can"t be helped no matter what is done to the rule breaker. For both sides that is.」

From Nier"s lifted corner of the lips, the intention to join this battle was clearly felt.

But, most likely their partic.i.p.ation into the battle would be after it turned into a melee.

In the first place Lux and Aeril didn"t believe their promise in the surface that they would stay as watcher until the end.

But, they didn"t say anything more in that place and advanced into the Ancient Forest.

They who were instructed by Queen Raffi to stay as spectator had nothing to gain by breaking the promise and challenged them to fight here.

Rather, it would be more profitable to interfere when the queen was in danger to make her indebted to them.

The four great n.o.bles who were great feudal lords and New Kingdom military weren"t in a simple hierarchical relations.h.i.+p.

Lux made his judgment exactly because he was aware of that circ.u.mstance.

「That"s why, sorry that we can"t save you here, princess.」

「I"ll gratefully accept only your feeling.」

Nier turned a malicious gaze toward Lisha, but Lisha ignored it.

It seemed that even though she was becoming hostage like in the past, she was more levelheaded right now.

Lux felt relieved at Lisha"s reaction while entering the Ancient Forest.

At his childhood──at the era of the Old Empire he had only heard about the rumor of this place but, this was his first time actually entering inside.

『How should I say it, this is a mysterious place. It"s like──』

Lux also nodded in agreement at that impression of Aeril.

『Yeah. It"s like──we"re inside a Ruin……』

Even though it should be a nature that hadn"t been touched by human hands for many months and years, the way the vegetations grew and the undulation of the terrain possessed strange regularity.

Besides the vegetations and the ores themselves felt unfamiliar somehow.

Lux led the Azure Division force and advanced straight to the center of the deep forest. Before long a huge lake appeared.

At the place after the came out of the forest, Queen Raffi and New Kingdom military could be seen at the opposite sh.o.r.e of the lake.

They were taking position at the location that he had decided beforehand based on the information Yoruka brought back.

「At noon…… Just in time. I have been waiting, Azure Division"s vice leader-sama. Errr──can I ask you what name should I call you with?」

From Queen Raffi"s tone and expression, there was no excessive killing intent, hostility, or even anything like anxiety that could be seen.

Perhaps it could be seen as her bluffing but, this wasn"t her trying to take a calm att.i.tude on the surface.

Her inside, her humanity already became an existence that transcended the highs and lows of emotion.

The members of Syvalles surely didn"t notice but, that was what Lux felt.

Until now Lux shouldn"t have given her any clue that he was the ringleader of Azure Division, but for some reason he harbored a feeling as though everything had been seen through.

(Calm down. In this situation her majesty Raffi is also still unable to use Sacred Eclipse"s power──it should be so.)

Now that one of the Ruins" Grand Forces was taken out and the previous Endless ended incompletely, it was impossible to greatly overwrite the contradiction in reality using complete perception manipulation.

The New Kingdom military didn"t even notice the change of Queen Raffi"s appearance into a girl, but if she showed her true form as Sacred Eclipse, as expected they would surely notice.

(I have to, defeat her. Somehow, I have to tear it off from her majesty Raffi──)

The dark side of Sacred Eclipse that was created as a system to save mankind.

The truth that Lux feared had been told to him and confirmed by Yoruka"s report.

「You can call me anything you like. More importantly, the promised thing is certain isn"t it?」

Lux replied like that, and then Aeril started negotiating with Raffi just like arranged beforehand.

The hostage exchange and then the battle──this was the confirming of the rule for that.

「Yes──. Your side too, can you show Lisha to me?」

「……My deepest apologies, Hahue.」

Lisha whose hands were tied and her eyes blindfolded with a Blade pointed on her back slightly hung her head down.

In respond Raffi smiled in relieve and replied.

「I"m glad you are safe……. Don"t worry Lisha. I will save you without fail.」

Raffi"s face smiled gently.

Lux"s back shuddered feeling the thick killing intent that was emitted behind it.

He felt the threat of Sacred Eclipse that possessed the abilities of all Ragnaroks while the other side also pushed out the restrained Alma.

「I"m also alright here. Quickly bring down the hammer on these guys, this politician and her hangers-on who are committing evil while acting righteously.」

Alma in her own way was acting as a courageous traitor just as planned.

He was anxious because he didn"t know what happened to her after getting captured, but from her att.i.tude it seemed she was alright for now.

「Then, the battle will begin ten minutes from now inside the Ancient Forest. The soldiers of both camps that will partic.i.p.ate in this battle are only those who are currently present here──, coming out of the Ancient Forest will be considered as retreat……」

Raffi read up the stipulation regarding this battle that had been sent beforehand.

「When the commander is captured or killed, a chance to surrender will be given to the enemy army. Lizsharte Atismata and Alma Atismata are here as guarantee so that both sides will protect the stipulation but, by the time each side take them back that binding will become meaningless. Surrender will be done by dispelling the equipped Drag-Knight and handing over the Sword Device──is that acceptable?」

「Yeah. I swear to abide by that stipulation with this Grand Force on the line.」

Aeril nodded and lfited up a huge crystal for all to see.

「Then──, let"s exchange blow ten minutes later. Until then the line of the lake cannot be crossed.」

The negotiation itself ended with that, but Lux checked the lineup of New Kingdom"s side once more.

The unfamiliar Drag-Knights around the queen──the three masked people were most likely Automatas.

In addition were dozens of men who seemed to be ordinary soldiers. They must be the royal guard.

They would surely focus on their protection duty.

Therefore after this they would move to the northeast side of the lake and wouldn"t make any large movement.

And then the role to take back Lisha should be mainly taken by Syvalles.

Krulcifer, Philuffy, and the Triad were all present.

For Lux everything would hang on whether he would be able to break them up from each other and then quickly defeated them.

(Celis-senpai isn"t here……? Is she planning to take another action?)

He also couldn"t see Fugil"s figure. He was somewhat uneasy of that but……

『Lux-kun……. As expected it"s just like the information that I confirmed……』


He secretly talked with Aeril through the Dragon Voice.

Avalon was an a.s.sembly of facility that could be separated into several. Its heart was the central.

The rooms other than the central room were small facilities that could be used by someone with a certain level of supervisory authority.

The Sky Palace that Listelka of the Lord once used was also one of those facilities.

This time they had business with one of them, the information management facility called the Archive that was like a library.

The placement of Avalon on the whole was fundamentally in the shape of a hexagram. They also understood the role of Archive in general.

To locate the Archive that was hidden in the Ancient Forest and entered it, they could only use Aeril"s authority as a Lord and searched for the entrance.

Magialca"s aide Lolotte was accompanying his master.

He could only leave this to his subordinates in Azure Division now.

「Well then──later. I will have you all atone for causing the commotion this time at that time.」

Raffi said that, then both sides returned into the forest and started giving command.

Excluding Lux and Aeril, Azure Division was made up from twelve Wyvern users, twelve Wyrm users, and ten Drake users.

Each of them possessed skill above the intermediate level but, this battle strength wasn"t sufficient at all to directly fight against Syvalles.

『……Haa, this is the fault of Lux-kun who trained everyone too much.』

『Quite a lot of their battle strength had been gathered up even before I came to the Academy you know……. Or rather, if you say that then you are also one of the cause of it isn"t is……?』

Aeril was making a frivolous talk must be her attempt to make Lux relax.

Seen from the side, the difference in battle strength was despairingly wide.

If both sides clashed head on, most likely their side would be completely annihilated in less than ten minutes.

Lux had a strategy in order to overturn that situation.

The facility called Coc.o.o.n that seemed to be placed at the south of the Ancient Forest──the plant facility to refine Abyss that they also discovered before. They would aim to there.

Because they obtained a lot of horn flutes from the Garden last time, they would use the Abysses that were manufactured in the plant to sow chaos.

The order to the Abyss would be only to destroy the Drag-Ride. He intended to forbid killing the users.

『Haa, Lux-kun is terrifying. Putting aside everyone of Syvalles, to think that you will even take the average soldiers into consideration.』

『I know that this is a naïve thinking. But──』

『Yes. There won"t be any meaning in doing this if it"s not like that.』

Sacrificing and abandoning the innocent minority that didn"t know anything in order to allow the majority to live at their own convenience.

Perhaps it was something unavoidable for statesman, but it was different from Lux"s wish.

In that case, not pursuing that ideal until the very limit would make him lost sight of the conviction persisting within him. It would even take away his strength and resolve.

Singlen was a man who could abandon what he considered as unnecessary.

At the same time, he persisted on his own path of supremacy based on the thinking of pursuing the path that he believed as correct and taking command.

It was a splendid path in its own way.

Lux was aiming for a n.o.ble path that was different from that man but one that wouldn"t lose even against him.

The power of Sacred Eclipse.

Even if Raffi was someone who had gone through a life that was filled with hards.h.i.+ps, ruling over people with inhuman power was something that mustn"t be done──.

Right after the proclamation of the decisive battle, Lux first aimed toward the Abyss production plant with Aeril as fast as possible.

Right now he was using normal Wyvern in order to minimize the consumption of his stamina as much as possible but──.

『We can only hope that she will do a great work for the rest.』

『It"s natural but right now there is no sign of New Kingdom military. We"re entering the plant facility like this.』

『Yeah. Let"s go!』

He checked the plan with Aeril and then sped up his Drag-Ride even further.

Their destination was a section where wreckages of stone building were lying around.

They found a strange trace on the dug up ground. Aeril held her hand over it.

Lisha was still blindfolded so that she wouldn"t be able to see through their tactic.

Then, a window s.h.i.+ning bluish white appeared from empty air.

『A Lord"s presence is confirmed. Will you enter the Coc.o.o.n──Abyss production plant now?』

Only two minutes had pa.s.sed since the meeting before this until here.

They were still in the phase before both sides crossed the boundary of the lake and clashed.

The subordinates other than Lisha and Aeril and Lux were asked to accomplish different objective, and so the force of Azure Division was split into two.

One group was the diversion unit against the enemy camp.

After they released the Abysses from here, the subordinates would control them with the horn flutes and bought time as much as possible.

When they were going to start preparing for that, the path to inside the plant was opened.

「A Lord……? You, who in the world are you!?」

Lisha"s perception was deceived using the power of Baptims that Aeril possessed, so she was unable to realize Aeril"s true ident.i.ty.

But because she was perceiving all the other facts than that, Lisha made a dubious face.

Naturally both Lux and Aeril didn"t respond and continued their preparation silently.

Most likely Raffi also planned to use this facility, because there was already a lot of Abyss sleeping inside.

It could be said as an opening that they could take advantage because the opponent didn"t think that Aeril would be rescued and made to cooperate.

『Aeril. How long will it take until all the Abysses are released from the plant?』

『Err……. Perhaps if I have five more minutes──』

『Yosh, then we will make it.』

There were seven minutes remaining until the time that was decided for the battle to begin for real.

If they could make nearly a hundred Abysses here into ally during that time, they would be in advantage in this battle without doubt.

『Starting the transfer. Please be careful.』

A robotic voice spoke, at the same time light blinked brightly. Lux and Aeril felt like they were weightless.

They were standing inside the plant when they noticed.

『This place──just as I thought』

Lux looked around at the countless capsules surrounding them and muttered with Dragon Voice.

Aeril also nodded in respond.

『Yes. It"s the same with the plant facility underground the old castle at Guernica. Looks like we"re right that Raffi and Fugil carried it out from Avalon.』

The place where Celis and Philuffy fought the formidable enemy Mis.h.i.+s more than two weeks ago.

At that time the interior was somewhat destroyed from the battle, but the rubbles had been removed and now a lot of Abysses were squirming inside the capsules once more.

「What"s this, strange presence……? Why is something like this inside New Kingdom"s forest──」

Lisha who didn"t know that the Ancient Forest was turned into Avalon sensed the strange atmosphere and muttered, but Lux and Aeril also couldn"t tell her.

『Then, I"ll free the Abysses with my authority so, Lux-kun please stand guard so that no one will distur──……-!?』

『Watch out Aeril!』

The moment Aeril reached out toward the object that was the activation device, Lux felt a presence and drove his Wyvern in front of the girl to protect her.

Instantly a single thrust of a lance that moved through the shortest route without any pointless motion was reflexively blocked by Lux"s Blade.

「Gu, u……!」

「──Lightning Flash」

But, the instant he skillfully diverted the spear tip, *BAs.h.i.+!* dazzling electricity burst to the surrounding.

Celis"s voice could be heard.

And then, coming out from the shadow of an Abyss"s capsule was the special armament of her Divine Drag-Ride Lindwurm──Lightning Lance.

That spear that was tinged with electricity and could attack until mid-range by emitting electricity would be transmitted to the armor even when it was properly blocked. It had the effect to down the output of a Drag-Ride.

Thus, electricity flowed through the tip of the spear into the Blade that it touched and Lux"s movement was stopped for a moment.

(d.a.m.n it!? This attack is──, a trap!)

In order to intentionally make her attack was deflected, she didn"t put all her strength into it and only concentrated on the lance"s electric attack.


Without delay Aeril wrapped Lux"s armor with a Wire Tail and pulled him back along with his Wyvern.

Thanks to her immediately grasping a weapon that could support, she was barely able to protect Lux.

A moment later, the s.p.a.ce where Lux was just at was gouged by the lance that Celis thrust out once more.

The sure kill thrust that was unleashed after gathering enough strength would surely decide the battle if it actually landed.

(What in the world! Even though the battle still hasn"t started, Celis-senpai is here!)

「Why are you here!? You are planning to break the stipulation!?」

Aeril whose true ident.i.ty was hidden by perception manipulation yelled toward Celis in Lux"s place.

It was natural but, if the stipulation of the battle this time was broken, then it couldn"t be helped even if the hostages from both sides were killed.

And then, this place was located at the southwest side which was beyond the boundary of the lake, so even entering to here shouldn"t be allowed until seven minutes later when the battle started.

Raffi shouldn"t break the stipulation so suddenly because of that.

Furthermore there was no way that Celis of Syvalles could be here.

They made light of the other side like that, but that a.s.sumption was suddenly betrayed.

Most likely Celis had been sent to hide in this Abyss production plant before the negotiation.

She wouldn"t make it in time here if that wasn"t the case.

「What are you talking about? I"m only going to deal with an enemy though?」


They didn"t notice because the head armor part was hiding it, but there was no light in Celis"s eyes.

She controlled Lindwurm with hollow and suspicious atmosphere and thrust her lance once more with a tremendous speed.

Lux somehow used his Scale Blade to match against that superb and powerful attack.

「Uh, gu……!」


An instant later, the origin point of the opponent"s attack was crushed and the power of the attack was pushed back as a counterattack.

As expected Lux was able to deal with the attack when it was the second time, but he was unable to also block the electricity from the spear tip and his whole body was paralyzed.

On the other hand Celis also received the impact of the counter and she was blown backward and faltered.

「This technique is──? No, it"s irrelevant. If I can just, rescue Lizsharte」

For an instant her eyes opened wide in bewilderment, but she immediately switched her feeling and her expression returned into a serious one.

On the other hand Lux was also feeling  bewildered at Celis"s strange reaction while quickly pulling out Bahamut"s Sword Device.

「──Break Purge!」

This time because he would be forced into a long consecutive battle, he planned to save his stamina as much as possible, but if he did something like holding back against a powerful opponent like Celis, he would be instantly defeated.

He removed his armor parts by sending them flying as buckshot to attack the enemy while at the same time erasing any opening during his summoning of new armor.

But, Celis twisted her armored body and turned her side profile toward Lux, to keep the hit on her body to the minimum.

Without pause she held her huge lance at the height of her eyes and sharply stepped forward.


Even though Lux also deployed Bahamut in high speed and equipped it, Celis"s counterattack was just slightly faster.

Aeril interrupted with her Wire Tail, but Celis didn"t falter and charged forward with her spear.

「Guh, u……!」

It seemed she didn"t make in time to transmit energy into her lance because the Lightning Flash wasn"t activated.

Even so the impact of the thrust pierced through Bahamut and dealt damage inside Lux"s body.

He was blown backward for ten-odd ml and the Drag-Ride"s function was downed temporarily.

(This is, bad……. I completely, miscalculated!)

It was surprising that Celis was here, but more than that Lux himself had been strengthened by Baptism and he thought he had become stronger.

It wouldn"t be an exaggeration to say that conceit invited this blunder.

He believed that he had evaluated Celis"s true strength more than enough, but even though her mental state looked more unstable than usual, her lance handling was well-executed.

『Lux-kun! Be careful, she isn"t like before! Most likely she received Baptism and got strengthened!』

Aeril pointed that out while using her whip to break three capsules filled with Abyss near Celis.

She was contriving to release the Abysses to divert Celis"s attention, but the girl wasn"t perturbed at all and finished off the three chimeras with the shortest motion.

Furthermore, she didn"t even give a glance at Aeril knowing that it was an act of desperation from her.

Till the end she considered Lux as the biggest threat and observed for a chance to switch into offense once more.

『But, what"s with Celis-senpai"s condition? It"s like she doesn"t realize at all that this Divine Drag-Ride is Bahamut.』

In this situation right now the plan couldn"t be carried on, so originally Celis should notice that she was facing Lux, but it wasn"t that she wasn"t noticing, she wasn"t paying him any mind.

『Perhaps……. I think……she is receiving mental pollution from the ability of Ragnarok Iblis. Her doubt toward this strategy that Queen Raffi ordered her to do must have been taken away.』

『So, it"s like that……!』

Lux understood Aeril"s reasoning while intercepting the approaching Celis with his great sword.

It helped that she didn"t notice Lux"s ident.i.ty, but on the other hand he was hard pressed here.

It was also a great threat to clash head on with Celis, but if he was unable to see through her point that was strengthened by Baptism, there was a possibility of him getting instantly defeated.

So that he would only come into contact with Lindwurm"s spear at minimum, he defended in a way of warding off her thrust to left and right or up and bottom. He would look for chance and dodged before moving into attack.

「Divine Gate」

But the territory of Divine Raiment that was deployed at the same time spread out to the surrounding. In that instant Celis activated the Divine Raiment of instant teleportation.

Thinking that he would be attacked from behind, Lux didn"t immediately defend but flew toward Aeril.

Aeril was focusing as support this time, so she would be defeated if she was taken by surprise even if she was wearing EX Wyvern.

Thinking that Lux flew with all his strength. In that instant Celis swiftly turned around and drew back her spear.

(d.a.m.n it! I was lured to attack……!)

With him moving at top speed, he couldn"t stop his attack.

However, Lux finally understood what point that was strengthened from Celis.

「What the……this reaction speed of her!?」

「It"s only you two who are slow. For the current me──」

What Aeril said was exactly the answer of what the strengthened point of Celis was.

In contrast with Yoruka who got her eyesight strengthened by Baptism and obtained mystic eye that could read presence, Celis right now was possessing reaction speed that was transcending human limit.

Human"s reaction speed.

The slight time needed to confirm the information, pondered, and then gave an order to the body through brain waves.

Celis"s reaction speed became a step faster compared to the normal human.

The strengthening of nerves" transmission──most likely it put burden to the person, but in a battle to the limit where victory and defeat would be decided in an instant, being able to move a step ahead became an overwhelming advantage.

And then──this strengthening could be said to be the most optimum to make the best use of Celis"s tactical thinking──her swift established tactic that had been raised until it was half conditioned reflex to bring out the best response depending on the situation and executed it.

Celis"s combat strength was greatly increased just by increasing her reaction speed a level higher.

She wasn"t making prediction, she was observing the enemy"s move before overtaking that movement and responded with the best reaction. Such thing was now possible for her.

Therefore, it was an ability that was symmetrical with Lux"s weapon that was his superhuman foresight, and furthermore Lux"s affinity with it was the worst.

Celis"s answer that was produced by her extremely focused reaction speed was to defend using her spear as s.h.i.+eld.

(Why is she defending? If it"s the current Celis-senpai, it should be easy for her to intercept with counterattack, and yet──)

Doubt crossed the mind of Lux who was taking a stance with her great sword while flying.

But, Celis"s return technique that he had never seen before right after that burst before his eyes.

「──Strong Lightning Flas.h.!.+」

At the instant of impact when both of their weapons came into contact, an intense flash burned Lux"s retina.

Electricity that was stocked in full power surged and even though he only came into contact with it for an instant, a tremendous shock pierced through Lux"s body.

「Guh, AAaaAAAA!」


Aeril yelled hearing the groan slipping out from the corner of his lips.

(So the defense, is for this……!)

Lux received electricity damage that made him unable to feel his limbs while comprehending Celis"s technique.

She acc.u.mulated Lindwurm"s energy until the maximum and unleashed the electric attack from the special armament Lightning Lance at the moment of contact.

Under usual circ.u.mstances the opponent would be wary of her and reacted by taking distance from her if she showed any sign of the electric attack, but by staying still and concentrating the energy, it became possible to release the maximum output of the attack in the short time without showing any sign beforehand.

It was a counter that discarded every other action and focused only in interception.

Furthermore, it was a feat that would be difficult to time correctly without having the ability of super reaction speed obtained from Baptism.

(So Celis-senpai, became this strong, after receiving Baptism……)

Lux"s thinking that he would be able to defeat Syvalles if it was one by one wasn"t too optimistic.

But, it was just that her strength was surpa.s.sing Lux"s imagination.

Lux himself was barely avoiding from having his armor dispelled after the ability of his whole body was strengthened several times by Baptism, but without that he would be defeated by a single attack.

However──his body was paralyzed and couldn"t move.

At that time, the hollow Celis who was being mentally polluted opened her mouth.

「I have to save Lizsharte, save the princess. In his place……. In order to not let him force himself more than this too, we have to, become stronger──」

Celis who was manipulated by Raffi and temporarily turned into a puppet that would only defeat the enemy unconsciously slipped out those words.

Those words lit fire to Lux"s mind that was getting fainthearted.

At the same time, Celis also staggered and broke her stance.

Because the full powered thrust that Lux unleashed when he rushed slipped through the guard of the lance and pierced Lindwurm"s armor.

『Aeril……. You don"t need to a.s.sist me……! Focus all your attention to protect Lishsama and liberate the Abyss plant.』

『Lux-kun, but, with your state──』

He was showered with considerable amount of electricity, but he was still conscious.

Lux had to win this fight and saved everyone.

It didn"t matter that she lost her memory of that three days of parade, or that she was manipulated by mental pollution, Celis was currently doing her best in her own way.

She stayed as she was believing on Lux.

In that case, no matter how powerful she was, he couldn"t be defeated here.

「It seems that you can still go on. Then──, here I come.」

Celis who was also pulling herself together like Lux drove Lindwurm forward.

In the next instant, the lance"s thrust was sent out with a force that was like a storm.


The precise and exquisite spear handling, the girl who overcame deathly battle against powerful enemy had her technique, resilience, and heart polished all the more. Lux understood that.

She was cornering Lux with unshakeable heart, with superb piloting and tactic without any wasted movement that even Lux couldn"t easily see through.

The consecutive attacks that were like raging waves didn"t even have any holding back that the normal Celis would usually do.

Her lance was thrusting with the intention of piercing the enemy with certainty and dealing a lethal wound.

(Strong, extremely so……. Celis-senpai who obtained a new strength is……)

She endured the intense pain of the Baptims that surpa.s.sed the imagination and overcame the risk of death must also because of her feeling toward Lux.

When he thought of that, he was feeling respect along with warm feeling enveloping him.

Her n.o.bility as four great n.o.bles. Her sense of responsibility and kindness.

He could trust her from the bottom of his heart as a senior, as a friend, and as a woman.

Raffi"s plan that strengthened her in order to subjugate Lux and brainwashed her before stationing her surpa.s.sed Lux"s prediction.

(But, you"re mistaken. Queen Raffi. You still──don"t understand the true Celis-senpai!)

Lux strongly thought that each time the sword and spear clashed, each time he was overwhelmed by her strength.

Raffi must be purposely controlling Celis with the power of Iblis so that she wouldn"t harbor any question or doubt, but she was mistaken.

Celis"s strength lied exactly in her doubt.

Her strength wasn"t strength without doubt, it was her heart that conquered her doubt.

Her n.o.ble figure that faced every kind of difficulty was the true source of her strength.

Lux was finally starting to dodge the fierce attack of Lindwurm that wouldn"t loath even killing the opponent without hesitation.

And then, he activated the sure kill Divine Raiment.

「──Reload on Fire!」

Crimson light surged from Bahamut"s armor. Celis"s eyes that were shadowed opened wide.

His aim was the compression strengthening of time with Celis and Lindwurm as the target.

At the first five second the other"s speed was dramatically decreased. Then the opponent would be showered with consecutive attack using that opponent to decide the battle. It was the sure kill Violent Strike.

But, Celis instantly vanished from Reload on Fire"s area of effect.

She didn"t use Divine Gate offensively until now was to save it for evasion.

Lux also kept his back turned toward the wall, so he managed to prevent a surprise attack by Divine Gate.

But the moment he thought that, Celis who escaped to outside the range of Reload on Fire took a terrifying action.

「──Break Purge」

She didn"t fly into Lux"s range, instead she took a distance of ten-odd ml away and performed Break Purge.

The armor buckshot that was fired from Lindwurm stopped still in midair at the area in front of Lux that was under the super deceleration influence of Reload on Fire, sealing Lux"s own movement.

(d.a.m.n it……!)

On the other hand Celis reduced her defense armor until the limit and took the form specialized for attack. She was focusing all her energy to her back wings.

She charged at the timing when the first five seconds of Reload on Fire"s compression strengthening pa.s.sed and without pause she took the stance to thrust her lance.

Furthermore, there wasn"t even several seconds remaining for Lux who was cornered to the wall with the option of escaping to the surrounding was sealed by the armor buckshot.

It seemed Celis didn"t notice that her opponent was Lux due to the mental pollution, but she perfectly executed the countermeasure against Bahamut.

「──I can"t permit you to use that Drag-Ride. It should be, returned to him.」

As soon as Celis muttered that with an empty expression, the lightened Lindwurm in its attack specialization form charged with super acceleration.

She flew like a streak of bullet clad in lightning, piercing through the air.

(──Got him)

Celis who was charging forward in conviction was receiving mental pollution from Raffi a little while ago.

Celis who didn"t know that Raffi was Sacred Eclipse didn"t even have any leeway to resist. Her heart was eroded and she was turned into a puppet that would carry out Raffi"s order loyally and hid here.

In order to take Lisha back, in order to accomplish her duty as a member of four great n.o.bles, she was instructed to pour all her strength even more than anything she had done before.

No matter who her opponent was, she would annihilate New Kingdom"s enemy without hesitation.

She was made to think that it was the only truth, the correct path.

That was why, while she had witnessed Bahamut"s ability, she gave no thought to who her opponent was.

Her dearest wish would be granted in just an instant later.

(And yet, what is this? This feeling……)

Even though she should be without hesitation for his sake too, she was feeling doubt at the fact that she was making this choice itself.

(No……. There was something that I was once taught. There is someone who saved me who was fixated, blindly believed, and escaped into what I thought as right.)

Because she lost her teacher because of her action, she became obsessed to righteousness and committed a mistake. But the young man who was her teacher"s grandson saved her.

He was always thinking, worrying, and hesitating by himself.

He didn"t run away from that suffering and tried to face the truth.

(That"s why, I fall in love with him……. I want to learn from his way of living──)

The binding of mental pollution that was covering Celis"s heart was clearing.


(There is something that I want to convey to you. Even if this feeling won"t be fulfilled, at the very least I want to tell you, my feeling──)

The moment that was prolonged within her mind was brought back into the reality"s result.

Instantly, a tremendous impact that was centered on Lindwurm"s armored shoulder smashed through Celis.


Aeril who was controlling the Abyss plant witnessed the sure kill attack that Celis and Lux unleashed against each other and yelled.

The after wave from two impacts crossing each other made dust to scatter and fiercely shook the Abyss plant called the Coc.o.o.n.


Aeril deployed a barrier using her EX Wyvern to cover Lisha and somehow endured the shockwave.

The cloud of dust settled along with the pa.s.sing of time and the figure of Lux and Celis came into view.


Aeril raised her voice in astonishment.

When her sight cleared up, the battle had been decided.

The attack of Lightning Lance from Celis"s attack specialized form was dodged by Lux with a twist of his body at the very last moment, then he landed a slash of his Blade on Lindwurm"s shoulder in a counter.

「U, a……」

Because the Force Core that was the heart part of Drag-Ride was struck, Celis lost consciousness from the impact and her armor was dispelled right afterwards.


Celis"s body that crumbled along with a faint light was immediately caught by Lux.

『You did it Lux-kun. You managed to defeat her without injuring her.』

Aeril came running in relieve, but Lux shook his head slightly.

『No, it"s the reverse. I was saved……. By Celis-senpai.』


Aeril tilted her head with a puzzled look. Lux smiled while breathing roughly.

The counter of Quick Draw that he unleashed within his extreme focus.

It was the evolved form of Critical Strike that made use of the opponent"s attack momentum and slashed with pinpoint accuracy to double the attack power, but because he was beaten to a punch, originally it should become a simultaneous defeat for both sides.

And yet Lux was able to win because Celis immediately diverted the tip of her lance not toward Lux"s torso or heart, but to a spot that wouldn"t become fatal wound.

Who was Lux, and was he really an enemy that she should point her weapon toward?

Her thinking reached to that point and she tried to avoid the vital spot.

She shook off Iblis"s mental pollution from Raffi who was fused with Sacred Eclipse by her own will.

That was why──he was saved.

『No way, don"t tell me──』

『I don"t know how it exactly is. But surely it"s like that, that"s what I feel.』

Lux sighed in relieve and moved with Celis in his arms.

Numbness was remaining in his body due to the electricity attack he received just now, but he could still move.

『Somehow……, it"s envious, that kind of relations.h.i.+p.』

Aeril made a complicated smile and leaked out a small sigh.

Those words must be referring to the bond of trust that was tied between Lux and Celis.

『What are you saying? It"s also the same with Aeril.』

『Fufu, thank you. More importantly──is it alright that you don"t rest here?』

The face of the girl who was asking him while showing a mischievous smile was lovely.

『I want to rest but, we have no time for that, I"ll just accept your feeling gratefully.』

Lux laid down Celis who was dressed in pilot suit on the transfer spot to the outside and smiled.

Raffi had suddenly ignored the stipulation to this battle and placed the controlled Celis inside the Ruin. She had made a strong move against Lux.

There was no time to take a breather.

He didn"t recall leaving behind any proof but, there was no doubt that Raffi was thinking of Lux as the central character of Azure Division.

『Lux-kun. Then, let"s return outside──to the Ancient Forest. Prepare! I"ll also switch to Drag-Ride Zahhak beforehand.』

『Yeah……. It"s fine.』

He replied to Aeril using Dragon Voice and kept Bahamut equipped.

Lisha whose hands were tied and her eyes blindfolded closed her mouth without saying anything.

Aeril dispelled the armor of EX Wyvern and wore Divine Drag-Ride Zahhak.

Her armor wasn"t damaged from the battle with Celis, but it was in order to fulfill a necessary condition for the strategy after this.

Although the possibility was high that Raffi was vaguely suspecting him, Lux still couldn"t expose his true ident.i.ty so──.

They couldn"t observe the situation outside from inside this Ruin.

They tensed themselves in preparation to this situation that was their most defenseless in a sense.

Lux and Aeril, then the restrained Lisha and the unconscious Celis.

The four of them were teleported to the outside.

(……These two, don"t tell me)

Lisha who was blindfolded couldn"t grasp the situation, but a single imagination was swelling inside her.

Part 5

「Something is──, strange isn"t it?」

The camp of New Kingdom military located at the northeast, with the lake at the center of the Ancient Forest acting as the boundary.

Raffi was looking up at the sky while muttering in front of a crumbling shrine that was hiding Avalon"s central underneath.

The sky that was sunny until just now was starting to get cloudy. Rain mixed with snow was starting to fall in large drops.

Raffi who was wearing a dress didn"t feel cold.

But, the grey scenery that called to mind the feeling of desolation made her recalled the past when she was alone.

「What do you mean, master?」

The Automata beside her, Arshalia asked.

The royal guard from the New Kingdom military who didn"t know Raffi"s true form was standing guard at some distance away.

Therefore, she placed the Automata at her side right now.

「At present I believe that master plan is the best. The Abyss"s production plant──Coc.o.o.n has Celis posted in there, and your splendid move is also excellent. Taking into account that at present the Azure Division currently are focusing on diversionary action, they don"t have considerable battle strength. Syvalles will be able to deal with them.」

「Well, that"s true but──……」

Currently, the New Kingdom was in advantage at the battle situation. The Azure Division was being pressured and forced to lose ground.

In the worst case that their side was suppressed, she had prepared Celis and also another method for additional blow beforehand.

She also had readiness to be able to deal even with unexpected situation.

However, it felt like thing was going too well.

(This manner of doing describe Lux Arcadia to the tee. He will secure his allies safety as much as possible and won"t treat them as sacrificial stone no matter what……. As I thought, the actual mastermind of Azure Division isn"t Alma, I"m not wrong to decide that it"s him it seems.)

Even if Raffi"s plan was surpa.s.sing Lux"s strategy, it was going too well.

Having said that, looking from the data that they picked up from Yos Tork"s wreckage, it didn"t seem likely that Yoruka who was also wounded from that battle would be saved in reserve as trump card.

「……Can you call the Triad, the three members of Syvalles to here? There is something that I want to ask them.」

「……? What do you need from them?」

「Well, they might feign ignorance even if I ask them, but there is something that I"m slightly curious about.」

Krulcifer, Philuffy, Celis, and Yoruka, the Divine Drag-Ride users that were the main force of Syvalles had been checked.

But, Raffi noticed that the girls below them weren"t being monitored nor she had prepared countermeasure against them.

For some reason, Raffi"s plan……or rather, the movement of the Drag-Knights of New Kingdom military that she was commanding were strangely being predicted. That was the feeling that she got.

That was the out of place feeling toward the present condition that was going too well.

Of course Azure Division also had considerable number of Drake at their side so she knew that they were sensing their side"s movement, but there was a risk that her plan that couldn"t be predicted with just that would be seen through.

「My apologies but they already crossed the lake and moved to the south side. Furthermore it seems they"re focusing into their battle that they also cut off the Dragon Voice"s communication.」

「……I see, then even though they are presumed innocent from the lack of evidence, it"s fine to decide that they"re traitor isn"t it?」

Raffi was giving off a vague disquieting hint. The Automata Arshalia tilted her head seeing that.

「I"m someone who has been betrayed so many times after all, so I"m sensitive in regard to betrayal.」

Raffi"s smiling lips were tinged with shadow.

If there was normal human in this place, they would be trembling from her appearance and order. However the Gear Leader Arshalia responded with a straight face.

(As expected, history is something that repeats itself. Fugil, it"s just like you said──)

The conduct of statesman that had been repeated hundreds of time since the past.

The Automata girl had also guessed Fugil"s feeling that was battered with grief each time that happened.

The feeling of the hero who right now was only standing alone at the central of Avalon observing the battle outside.

「The promise with Arshalia. If only you weren"t forced to become something like a 『hero』, it wouldn"t become like this……」

The Automata looked to the sky  and muttered like that with a voice so small no one could hear it.

Part 6

*KIiiiIN!* A faint buzzing was resounding inside the head.

Lux and others who broke out from the Abyss plant, Coc.o.o.n met up with a female Drake user of Azure Division who was hiding with camouflage nearby.

They had made only this girl to standby in this area beforehand to relay information. Lux was relieved that she was alright.

Seeing that Celis was placed in this place, he completely thought that even this girl who was hiding in camouflage was also targeted and defeated.

『How goes the situation in general? Can you tell us?』

『That"s, it"s……. It"s going exactly as vice leader-dono planned. But, that"s──……watch out-!?』

The Drake user immediately yelled with a trembling voice.

Instantly two wires that extended from the forest"s thicket in high speed attacked toward Lux.


Lux was saved by the girl"s voice and barely deflected the tip of the approaching wire.

But, the other wire was different.

The aim wasn"t Bahamut, but Lisha beside them.

The thick wire entangled around Lisha"s body and she was pulled in with high speed.

The ident.i.ty of the existence who kidnapped Lisha with a superb timing was clear even without seeing the person.

(Phi-chan……!? Why is she here!?)

Philuffy Aingram.

He couldn"t see because of the curtain of thick vegetations, but there was no doubt that it was Philuffy who fired Pile Anchor that was the special armament of Divine Drag-Ride Typhon.

But, it was unthinkable for the girl who was wearing a huge land battle type Drag-Ride to be undetectable from the Drake user of Azure Division even though they were inside a forest.

「I, I"s sorry-! I was captured just now and got threatened. She told me to not expose that she is hiding there──」

「So it"s like that……」

This was Philuffy so with her personality even if this Azure Division member didn"t listen to what she say, he believed she would stop with only destroying her armor, but for someone who didn"t know Philuffy she must felt scared.

But, there was no use to regret it.

Thanks to the countermeasure before they exited the underground Ruin, Philuffy didn"t notice Lux"s ident.i.ty──perhaps.

『Lux-kun, I"ll──』

『Yeah. Aeril you hide! Most likely your trick is still not exposed.』

With Lux standing in front of Aeril and Philuffy firing Pile Anchor from the other side of a bush, both sides couldn"t see each other clearly.

In that case, it was possible to continue the mission as it was.

「Take care, of Lishsama.」

Philuffy who reeled in Lisha toward her using Pile Anchor quickly released the binding and blindfold of Lisha who was entangled in wire. Then she used her armored arm and threw her behind.

Another Drag-Knight who was at the back caught her.

The ambusher hiding at the area wasn"t just Philuffy.

The silhouettes of three other Drag-Knights than Philuffy were there.

「Roooger! The Sword Devices of Lishsama that had been recovered beforehand are also prepared.」

「Missy Philuffy. What are you going to do now?」

「Yep. I intend to fight, but I"ll be fine alone.」

「Yes. Understood. Please be really careful──」

Lux heard the voices and judged that the newcomers were the familiar Triad.

The three were prioritizing securing Lisha rather than fighting Lux.

In a sense it could be said as the natural action.

『Lux-kun-!? At this rate──』

Lux nodded at Aeril"s yell through the Dragon Voice.

Lisha getting taken back was an alarming situation.

Each camp having their own hostage became the major premise so that the rule of this battle would be kept.

If Raffi intended to lay the blame of her sin on Azure Division, she wouldn"t kill Alma at this point of time but──if they let Lisha escaped like this then there was no doubt they would be in great disadvantage.

Aeril yelled because she was worried about that but──.

『It"s alright. Lishsama still hasn"t been handed over to her majesty"s hand. Besides……』

Lux held Bahamut"s great sword at the height of his eyes and resolved himself to fight.

『Take Celis-senpai to a safe place. I will──, stop Phi-chan here.』

If Raffi had been secretly applying Baptism to the members of Syvalles, then the possibility that Philuffy had also been strengthened physically was high.

Certainly she was a really powerful enemy, but from the beginning this was a road that couldn"t be avoided.

He only requested Aeril to be on her guard in case there was Automata around, then he entrusted Celis to the Drake user and told them to retreat.

Philuffy who saw that advanced toward Lux once more and showed her figure.

「I don"t know who you are but, if you"re bad person, I"ll capture you.」

Philuffy told Lux that with her usual vacantly expressionless face.

In respond Lux lifted his jet black great sword and immediately rushed with a slash.

Part 7

──Around the same time, at the other side.

Near the entrance of the Ancient Forest, the referee of this battle arena──the units of Nier and Dawla that were entrusted with the role to not let anyone enter or anyone who came out to run away were also encountering a change.

「Hmmmm. I see, that"s good.」

The girl who was sitting on a large rock wearing pilot suit while swinging her feet in boredom received a report from her subordinate Drake user and showed a joyful look.

「What happened inside the forest? Share the information.」

「That"s fine with me. But only if you promise not to stop me.」

「That"ll depend on the information. Say it quickly.」

「Then I won"t say. You can just keep watching there the whooole time. A man who is simply obediently watching when the New Kingdom is in danger──you"ll be evaluated by the future generation as the exemplar fool who can only be used like a tool.」

When Nier said that with a malicious look, Dawla lightly clicked his tongue without any change in expression.

「The queen will blame me if I let you leave this post without any justifiable reason you know? You intend to act with fitting reason aren"t you?」

Dawla glared threateningly, in respond Nier laughed fearlessly.

But, at the end it seemed she compromised and shrugged in exaggeration.

「It"s simply that the time has come. Something happen that merits me and you to move from here.」


The information that the captured Lisha had been secured by Syvalles was obtained by Nier"s subordinate that she secretly sent inside the Ancient Forest.

That meant the worst situation where the hostages at both sides was killed because of both sides mutually breaking the rule had been avoided.

Therefore, if they could recover Aeril and Grand Force which was stolen by Azure Division, Nier and Dawla would be able to make the New Kingdom indebted to them.

Of course, they would leave around half of their force here as excuse for later.

「You will only be highly evaluated by adapting to the change of situation and accomplish more than what you"re ordered to do. That"s logical.」

In a glance Dawla looked taciturn and professional, but as the main battle a.s.set of four great n.o.bles" next generation, it seemed he was hiding quite the ambition in him.

He agreed with Nier and immediately organized his unit.

The Drag-Knights here were moved in order to annihilate Azure Division, but right after that──.

「Before that, we have to accomplish our original objective.」

「Yeah……they came sniffing huh, the gofer of foreign countries.」

「……What? That"s──」

When Nier and Dawla in their Drag-Ride along with several of their subordinates moved to enter the forest, they turned around and scowled.

Then, the surrounding was enveloped by a mysterious mist where they became unable to even see several ml ahead.

「What"s this……!? Since when this mist is──」

「……That"s not it, this is metal fragments of mythrildite. I heard that one of those guys possessed that kind of special armament.」

One of the subordinates muttered in bewilderment, but Dawla who was wearing EX Wyvern didn"t show any change of expression.

「──Howling Roar!」

He immediately unleashed a vortex of shockwave and blew away the mist of metal fragments. Then two Divine Drag-Ride users appeared before them.

「You, you are-!?」

「That Divine Drag-Ride is……, don"t tell me it"s Seven Dragon Paladins"──!?」

Dawla"s subordinates spontaneously yelled seeing that.

A young man with bristling blond hair and peevish face.

The Seven Dragon Paladins of Vanheim Princ.i.p.ality, Greifer was clad in flying type Divien Drag-Ride──Cuelebre that possessed strong scale standing there.

「Haa, we got found out. Even though you tend to not want to stand out, you are really famous aren"t you.」

The one sighing beside him was the youngest Seven Dragon Paladins at the tender age of thirteen──a girl who represented Ymir Theocracy, Mel Gizalut.

Her platinum hair and childish feature were distinctive, but she possessed enough ability to handle a Divine Drag-Ride.

「Don"t talk like it"s my fault. I hid us using Mist Cypher already.」

Greifer raised an exasperated voice at Mel"s grumbling.

Nier and Dawla were shaken at the two"s relaxed conversation while throwing htem a question.

「Why are you two here when you should have returned back to your own country? Why are you two stepping into the Ancient Forest as you please?」

「Depending on your answer, you won"t get away scot free from here.」

「Look, they are angry. You explain to them.」

「Oy, you know that I ain"t that kind of diligent guy aren"t you……」

Greifer muttered in detest, while Mel was smiling in delight.

「But you know, compared to the two who went over there, aren"t you still better in the sense that you can still be talked with?」

「Now that you say it, that"s true. ──And, if I have to say something, actually……we got a little bit of tip-off yeah……. You two.」

「The two who went over there? Tip-off? Just what do you mean huh?」

Nier glared at Greifer, in respond he told her with a straight face.

「The New Kingdom bunch know about the truth of Aeril"s kidnapping and the stolen Grand Force. And yet, they"re lying because they fear the intervention from us foreign Drag-Knights.」

Tension ran through the force in that place hearing that.

Certainly there was a gag order from Raffi regarding the incident this time.

That the cause of Aeril and Grand Force getting kidnapped lied in the New Kingdom.

If that fact came to light, it would become an international scandal and there was a possibility that the New Kingdom would be asked for compensation.

──Presently due to the world revision from Endless, the countries all over the world considered that the war against the Lords had been taken care of safely.

On top of that the New Kingdom only said that Aeril and the Grand Force were taken away by mysterious bandits.

「Who was it that gave the tip-off? By the way that story is a lie though.」

Nier answered without letting even a hint of her agitation, but Greifer also didn"t pay it any mind.

「Hee, we can hear the sound of shootout inside the forest but, why are you guys still doing something like training during this serious affair yeah? If you can answer that, then I"ll talk about the reason why we came here.」

「……We"re the one asking question. We don"t have any obligation to go along with your tomfoolery!」

Dawla raised his eyebrows and flared up at Greifer and Mel.

But, the two Seven Dragon Paladins didn"t flinch, far from that they took an aggressive stance instead.

The reason why Greifer and Mel came here.

It wasn"t because they had broken through the binding spell in their perception that Uroboros applied on them. They were here because of Magialca"s scheme that provoked them into action just before they went back to their country.

More accurately speaking, this was the result of Aeril as well as the Drag-Knights of Kilzrake family provoking these two.

Queen Raffi of New Kingdom was scheming an evil deed──such information was leaked to these two, but just with that the Seven Dragon Paladins who represented their respective country couldn"t move.

──But, it would be a different story if they were given a glimpse of the kidnapped Aeril and the stolen Grand Force.

At the surface they won against the Lords at the great war and obtained Avalon, but regarding the clarification of that ancient technology and the splitting of the legacy, because it would be directly related to their national strength, the leaders of each country were becoming highly strung.

They didn"t know when the other would steal a march on them.

Therefore, these two who at the surface had already returned home were staying behind in the New Kingdom due to their ruler"s instruction.

And then, just the other day.

After the decisive battle at the Ancient Forest had been decided, Raffi"s scheme to monopolize Avalon would be carried out. Magialca leaked that information to the remaining four Seven Dragon Paladins through her aide Lolotte.

Actually, if Lux or Aeril or Magialca went to directly meet them and repeatedly persuaded them strongly, then there was a possibility they might regain their memory.

──But, Magialca herself was in a state where she already couldn"t move by herself, and Lux himself was under strict monitoring, so the best they could do was luring them to this forest.

After that there was nothing more that could be done except betting on the remaining Seven Dragon Paladins rus.h.i.+ng to this place and recovering their memory on their own.

This strategy was attempted with that kind of judgment.

「It looks like all of us here won"t back down huh. Then──」

Dawla who was clad in EX Wyrm raised his weapon a hammer, while Nier who was piloting an EX Wyvern also unsheathing a custom curved Blade.

「Great. Your side is unsheathing your weapon first. Thanks to that──we can save the time.」

At the opposite side Mel readied her battle axe and smiled boldly.

「Besides, I"m convinced. As I thought there is something that we must not see here. A threat that cannot be compared with the likes of you all.」

「Besides, I don"t know why but, it feels like there is still something that I gotta do no matter what, something that I"m forgetting.」

Mel and Greifer hadn"t recalled the deathly battle that happened at Guernica.

But──even without memory, their body and soul remembered.

That they challenged an opponent that they ought to face by their own will.

How that battle still wasn"t over.

「Should I say that it"s nice a chance to test my skill has come? What"s more the opponent is that famous Seven Dragon Paladins-sama.」

Nier also responded by roughly brus.h.i.+ng up her front hair and lifted the corner of her lips belligerently.

Thus, the battle began.


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