Episode 2: Ruin City (Ruin"s Gear)

Two days later.

A total of sixty students, who pa.s.sed the simulation tests at school, and several men from the military, who took the test together, left on a journey to the Princ.i.p.ality of Wanheim.

Although the area was smaller than the New Kingdom, the Princ.i.p.ality of Wanheim also had vast borders, so it was also ranked as one of the big countries.

The season was now early autumn, but Wanheim"s climate was still very warm, so everyone was happy that they did not have to wear warm clothing.

The downside was that the one-way trip lasted for over four days.

They sometimes traveled by boat from the harbor, sometimes crossing national borders and would encounter wild animals and bandits, and also needed to use Drag-Ride to fly through shortcuts.

But they still mainly rode carriage to the test site at Ruin"s Gear.

Initially, everyone was excited to see the exotic people and landmarks, and were all jumping in enthusiasm, but after four tired days of travelling on carriage, they became more obedient.

"But this is really troublesome, why do we have to travel this way every time, just directly use Drag-Ride to fly over is way better."

Located at the back of the wagon, Lisha boringly looked out of the window.

"Because you cannot run out of strength before the test, otherwise we"ll be putting the cart before the horse? After all, others cannot use Drag-Ride casually like us."


Sitting opposite to her while calmly reading, Krulcifer whispered a reminder.

Although having seated on the b.u.mpy carriage for so long, she still looked quite refreshed, which made Lux admired her.

"Kuu…..Lu, chan."

At the same time, Philuffy, who early had entered her beautiful dream, leant her body on to Lux.

In order to not give her extra burden, Lux didn"t want to wake her up so he kept still, but her plentiful twin peaks happened to touch his arms. Moreover, as the carriage kept b.u.mping, Lux’s arm was buried deeper into her elastic chest, which couldn"t help but made Lux"s heart raced.

"Hey, that Tennen Boke (natural air head)! Don"t get too close! Lux is troubled!?"

Lisha, who had been sitting next to that scene, finally could not hold it in anymore and yelled.

"………Aa, I don"t mind, just let her sleep."

Lux smiled wryly to soothe down Lisha.

“That’s right. To be precise, you don"t feel troubled, but feel happy ——Or, you look very happy, you aren"t saying this just to sit next to her, are you?"

Krulcifer snapped close the book, and then stared coldly there.

"It, it"s not like that!? Krulcifer-san, don"t say such strange thing——Uwa!?"

While Lux couldn"t bear the despises of the two young girls and was stumbling around——

* Duang! *

Suddenly a deep bell resounded.


That sound and the one from the Cross Field were different; it had a slightly solemn and calm tone, which made Lux speechless for a moment.

"Everyone, take a break for a bit. If anyone still has the strength to get down from the carriage and look, you can see good things."

Soon after he heard Relie"s voice, Lux gently straightened Philuffy, opened the curtains and looked out the carriage.



He couldn"t help but issue a sound of admiration.


"Beautiful….There actually is such a city."

The girls jumped down from the carriage parked on the hillside and as they saw this scene, they also let out sounds of admiration.

Reflected in their eyes were the majestic white gold walls surrounding the octagonal city.

There were watch towers located at each of the eight corners, surrounding the giant hemispherical palace in the middle, divided into beautiful blocks dotted with numerous jungle and clear lakes.

Inside those blocks, one could also see lots of house built with red bricks and buildings made out of marbles, with distinct order of elevation, covering the entire block in bright colors.

Antique castles and buildings were characteristics of the city.

People probably built up this city based on that theme.

"The Ruin City, Ruin"s Gear. Right now, inside of the Princ.i.p.ality of Wanheim it can be compared with the capital as big cities."

Jumping off from the carriage next to Lux, the Academy Headmaster and also Philuffy"s sister——Relie came to them and said.

"Ruin, City (Ruin"s, Gear) ……"

In his childhood, back when he started living inside the Old Empire palace, Lux had heard about this city.

The Second Ruin “Dungeon” was located just below the city, and it had already been integrated with the city.

The city had set up a lot of defense bases to combat the Abyss that came out from inside the ruin, at the same time there was also research of the treasures that were excavated from the ruin, causing this place to become a stage for the research inst.i.tutions to compete.

Built in the center was a palace, the upper part was the residential area which was called as the Canopy, the middle had a big opening, and underground there was a gate that connected to the Dungeon.

Originally, if there was no exploration license you couldn"t go into the Ruin, but because of this site was too special, so to a certain extent it could be an exception.

"I used to come here to negotiate, but this is my first time coming here since I became the headmaster. Wait till after going through this mountain we will be able to get to the Ruin City immediately."

"Yeah, right on time, I"m also feeling a little motion sickness, I can breathe out a little after hearing that."

Lux sighed with relief, Relie smiled at him and said.

"You have nothing else to say? But well, this is Lux’s style."

"What do you mean?"

Lux was puzzled a little, Relie revealed a rare subtle expression, and then remove her line of sight.

"The messenger from the palace told me, that you acted as the bait for the "Imperial Capital Recapture Plan" in order to save me? Sorry, only now I come to say thank you."

"You really don"t need to thank me, I also volunteered to do so. As Airi said, I’m just messing around."

Lux said with a wry smile, Relie also faintly smiled and said.

"You really haven"t changed at all, really——It’s great to have you beside Phi."

Relie seemed to think so from her heart, but the fact was, it was Lux who wanted to say those words.

When he was little, Lux witnessed the Old Empire abandoned its citizens when they were in dangers and fell into a h.e.l.l of despair. If not for Philuffy who saved him at the time, his future would not have been as bright.

(That"s right, that time——to create a happy life for Airi and Philuffy, I vowed to be at war with the Old Empire.)

This was the only desire that the young Lux craved.

In order to achieve this desire, Lux studied from his imperial brother Fugil, read all of the books in the palace and devoted himself in Drag-Ride training.

At that time, he firmly believed that, as a member of the royal family, he would be able to do it——

However, in the end he didn"t achieve it.

Just before Lux seized the answer to his conviction, the unfinished result was taken away.

After that, he then traveled around the country as a ch.o.r.e prince to observe the situation after the revolution, and finally came to the school to get a new life.

Right now——

"At the very least, just treat this as an elder person meddling with other"s businesses, but I think you should be more concerned about yourself. If you have any troubles later, you can absolutely shrink away from responsibility and let the adults go solve it. At least I don"t want you to have bad memories because of me."

"If Relie-san is in jail, I and Philuffy will be sad."

"Is that so……Maybe you’re right."

Lux immediately replied, Relie smiled.

"Headmaster, it"s almost time to go."

At this moment, instructor Raigree came up and said so, Relie nodded.

"Alright, then let"s go. If Phi is still sleeping, I"ll trouble you to go wake her up."


Lux nodded his head and went back to the carriage.

After another thirty minutes, they reached the Ruin City (Ruin"s Gear) of the Princ.i.p.ality of Wanheim.

Going through Ruin City (Ruin"s Gear) main heavy door and advancing on the clean and smooth road for ten minutes, they finally reached the military installation site that conducts the tests, in addition to the dormitory at the side.

The military facility covered an area almost the same size as the kingdom"s Academy, but it excelled even the city of Cross Field in term of the number of facilities

After getting permission to go through the gate, they began to unload the luggage from the carriage.

After entering the facility surrounded by walls, Lux looked around for a moment, immediately he found a familiar group of girls.

"Faa! I"m really tired…….The carriage was way too crowded, my waist and b.u.t.t are killing me…..A, Lux-chi, how are you?"

Tillfur greatly stretched her entire body, and she waved her hand when she spotted Lux.

Then, he also saw Sharis and Noct who just finished unloading luggage——They were well known in the Academy as the Triad, at the same time he saw his sister Airi.

"You"ve worked hard. And also——Thank you for taking care of Airi."

Before departure, because Airi looked a bit strange, Lux was worried a bit, so he asked the three who boarded on the same carriage to look out for her.

"Please do not arbitrarily ask them to do such a strange thing. But for nii-san to care about such a thing, it"s really unexpected."

At most, the person of concern Airi was a little embarra.s.sed till her cheek was red, furthermore she stared at Lux intensely.

"Ara ara~, Lux-kun is worrying about you, Airi-chan, this time you should frankly thank him, isn"t harmony between sibling a very good thing?"

Sharis cheerfully smiled while stroking Airi’s head, Noct also spoke.

"No, I think this is because Airi has her pride, after all in daily life, she wanted to be of help to Lux-san."

"Wait…….Noct, don"t say such baseless words! It"s because my brother is always reckless, so I have to be worry about things-- --"

"A~Noct, Airi-chan is actually a good girl."


Looking at Tillfur"s smile, Lux smiled wryly, but his heart was relieved.

(That"s good, although I"m concerned about her situation, at least it seems okay.)

Taking a break after finis.h.i.+ng uploading their luggage, they were greeted by the military officers and cadets of the Princ.i.p.ality of Wanheim, who brought everyone to visit their dormitory.

First were introduction of the facilities and basic rules.

To introduce all kinds of facilities from eating, bathing, resting, treatment, sleeping, and how to use them, Lux"s group was walked through the entire place.

Because they had not yet see the street outside so they were not clear, but these were Drag-Ride related facilities, so extra efforts were put in the desire, causing the standard of living here somewhat even better compared to the Cross Field city.

However, because of the Ruin"s Gear"s own unique terrain, compared with the Cross Field city, it structures were more compact and complex, easy to get lost before one got used to it.

"Say, the soldiers of this country all seem to be belligerents, their gaze toward us is stinging."

Walking along the road, Lisha suddenly whispered.

Female basically had better const.i.tution to use the Drag-Ride---- although this was the truth, not just the "men first women second" country like Arcadia Old Empire, countries that truly training female Drag-Knight to expand their own military power were not many.

Basically, the concept of “war is a man’s duty” was entrenched in many countries.

Even some countries that promoted equality between men and women, female soldiers were at the maximum up to no more than thirty percent.

Due to that, although this place had many female aristocrats and he thought it was one of the special cases, in reality the actual situation did not seem so.

Listening carefully, he could hear the men from the Princ.i.p.ality of Wanheim standing around were quietly discussing.

"Look, they are the group of people known as the new generation of the New Kingdom Academy."

"What, they"re all girls. Even if they have the advantage of having high compatibility to Drag-Ride, but not to the degree of calling themselves "the new era," it seems like their male soldiers has no future."

"You see, that"s the rumored Prince of the declined Old Empire, as if also want to challenge the test this time. Obviously he was just a collared dog of the Queen, but still be able to look so calm, he really is shameless----,"

Most of the soldiers were throwing curious glances, but some rude soldiers were still whispering with each others.


Lisha had been ignoring these ridicules, but she still stared back with a dissatisfied look when she walked past.

"Lisha-sama, please be moderate."

Lux quietly stopped her, Lisha sighed softly.

"……I know, I cannot simply be provoked by this kind of weeds, but they still make a fool out of my knight, which made me really angry."

"As long as you feel so in your heart, I have been very satisfied."

"Furthermore, if we really follow them to "make it clear", we will need to have an excuse. What a shame."

Lisha revealed a dangerous smile, Lux cannot help but smile wryly.

Actually, Lux was not angry.

After all, for them, only because they were ignorant of what happened abroad, they could only make subjective a.s.sumptions based on some groundless rumors.

No, not only that, based purely on the past struggles between the Princ.i.p.ality of Wanheim and the Old Empire, only being targeted by this level of ridicule was a blessing.


"Right, next I’m going to go someplace else, we are to dismiss here."

When Lux was contemplating, Raigree-sensei stopped and announced.

“Those who want to rest follow me back to the dormitory. As for those who want to visit other places – right, Dilwy-dono, can I trouble you?"

"E…….!? A, Ha, haa….., I know."

Giving that jumbled reply was a New Kingdom military officer who accompanied the group; a man named Dilwy Froias, a n.o.ble.

He had slender body and delicate features, which was very rare in the army, but gave an impression of being indecisive.

The young man was very honest and serious, but because of his unambitious air, on the contrary it caused people to not be confident in him.

“Speak louder when you say it! My subst.i.tute should not act like this!”

"A, yes, sorry. Ok, leave it to me."

Dilwy looked a bit embarra.s.sed and confused for a moment before answering with a wry smile.

Although Raigree-sensei exploded just now, she immediately returned her calm and left with the rest of the cla.s.smates.

“Well, shall we go? First of all… Yes, let"s go and have a look at the exercise field.”

Dilwy led everyone to visit the exercise field.

"I always feel that, he is not the same as a normal male officer, completely unreliable….."

Lisha looked at him and sighed.

“That’s not completely the case.”

At this time, Sharis came and gave an unexpected reply.

"Although he is now resigned from the front line, but he is, the same as Raigree-sensei, also one of the New Kingdom"s number one Drag-Knight; his personality is also very honest, and he will also meticulously face any missions, he is very well-known in the army."

"Is that, so?"

Lisha was a bit surprised, Sharis also continue very emotionally.

“A few years ago, I had also received his sword guidance, he had several times went abroad to improve his sword technique, and thus became a first-cla.s.s Drag-Knight. For his craftsmans.h.i.+p and weapons, he had also won the t.i.tle "Silver Flash".”

As expected from the daughter of the Duke House, of one of the Four Great n.o.bles.

She was probably well aware of story of n.o.bles, so she was very clear in her description.

"Hm. But it"s really strange. If in the New Kingdom right now, there is such a ‘male expert’, it will certainly already become a topic…."

Hearing Lisha’s question, Sharis lowered her voice.

"I heard that during the revolution he was traveling abroad and injured his right hand. Due to that he can no longer display his original strength -- so don"t ask him about these things, okay?"

“I know, I won"t ask.”

Was it because she saw some hidden circ.u.mstances in the matter? Lisha did not ask anymore and replied honestly.

(Because of being injured that he couldn"t fight as before……. huh?)

Listening to Dilwy"s cruel experience, as Lux was thinking about it, he suddenly heard the sounds of footsteps from behind.

"Hoo, this is interesting. I heard there"s a group of representatives from the far away Arcadia Empire coming———Kukukuku, it seems like they"re nothing much."

Showed up in front of them was a group of large people, dressed in male military uniforms----they were the soldiers of the Princ.i.p.ality of Wanheim, and also were Drag-Knights.

Leading the group of uniformed people was a man with a scar on his face.

They were different from the group of people they had met previously, as they exposed blatant hostility toward Lux

"Really, if the New Kingdom"s military must depend on these guys, seems like the New Kingdom is really in decline, how unsightly."

These male soldiers did not let the other party saved their face and continuously slandered Lux"s group.

But, Dilwy, who was standing at the front, just turned his head down and endured them all.

(Sure enough, coming to the Princ.i.p.ality of Wanheim we will have to certainly face such a thing.)

Of course, it wasn"t like the soldiers of the Princ.i.p.ality of Wanheim did not have humility.

After all, Arcadia Empire in the past had conducted military interventions to its surrounding countries.

In reality, those were military invasions to the surrounding countries

The older the bordering countries, the longer their royal and aristocrat families had faced the pressure from the Empire.

This a-hundred-plus years of struggles had left a deep scar. Even now there were still people bearing that grudge in mind.

Not to mention the Empire had just collapsed five years ago, renaming it to New Kingdom basically did not solve this problem.

But it still didn"t vindicate how these soldiers were unable to restrain their grudge and anger in this place.


Faced with the oncoming heavy hostility, the girls were forced to move back.

The leader Dilwy had also turned away, unconfidently chose to avoid their sights.

"Hey hey, you guys aren"t daring to even retort? You"re calling yourself soldiers of the Old Empire like that?"

A man walked up and blocked their way.

In a blink of an eye, Lisha who were walking beside Lux also ran out of the group.

"----Hah, a group of dogs looking down on people. The Old Empire had soon collapsed and had no more relations with us. Still trying to find fault here, do you think doing that can erase your shame in the past?"

"…..Tch, what did you say!?"

"You want to insult us? At most you guys just happened to win against our partic.i.p.ated soldiers in the All-Dragon Battle, do not think that you can win against us----."

The Wanheim soldiers rebuked angrily.

However, Lisha did not waver even for a little, her red eye emitted sharp glint like sword, showing a confident smile while staring back at them.

"Boring. You guys obviously came here to pick a fight, the result is I say one word and you guys cannot refute? What else do you guys want?

“d.a.m.n, since you said so ……”

An angry man went to Lisha.

In the moment this man was about to pull his Sword Device from his waist----

"This, it"s best if you guys stop here?"

Lux immediately rushed in front of Lisha, his hand was also pus.h.i.+ng back the sword hilt.

"Wha——!? You are……!?"

Witnessing Lux"s quick but fluent movement, the man was a little shocked. Then after seeing Lux"s hair and eyes, he widened his eyes and said hysterically.

"Isn"t this a n.o.ble of the Old Empire who afraid of death? You dare to show up in front of my face!"

At this explosive moment, suddenly on the narrow road——

"——Everyone, stop here."

Hearing the high pitched voice of a girl, everyone present stopped.

The two youths wearing the uniform of the Princ.i.p.ality"s officer appeared on the road

"They are——"

“Long time no see, everyone from the New Kingdom.”

"A——……….so boring, why do I have to come with you."

Smiling and saluting at them were the two teenagers who fought as the representatives of the Princ.i.p.ality during the All-Dragon Battle.

One with a neutral appearance, with his hair tied to the back was the teenager, Coral.

Meanwhile, another with neat blond hair, with a hot-blooded face and sharp eye was the teenager, Greifer.

"I"m sorry, we are late.  I would like to sincerely apologize for the offensive actions of our soldiers just now. I hope you guys can forgive them. We will punish them appropriately according to military regulations, please forgive us this time."

"Don"t, don"t joke with me!? We didn"t do anything——"

The male soldier began to make excuses with a worried face.

"Stop wasting time, do you know how loud your voices were? We could even hear them clearly across the street, so the Princess told us to come and look at the situation."


Hearing Greifer"s rebuke, the face of these rugged male soldiers lost color one by one.

Then they immediately followed the staggering man with the scar and left.

“I’m sorry to have troubled you, everyone from the New Kingdom.”

Seeing them leave, Coral bowed to Lux"s group and apologized.

“No, we’re fine, it"s just that ——”

Lux replied, looking towards Greifer.

They had met a month ago, during the All-Dragon Battle held by the New Kingdom. He served as a Drag-Knight fighting as representative of the Princ.i.p.ality of Wanheim so there were some connections between the two people.

Leaving the always friendly and helpful Coral aside, seeing Greifer, who had a grudge against the Old Empire, to help them was somewhat unexpected.

"Do not misunderstand, I have not yet accepted you. But it"s a little bad to……provoke the Princess"s anger."

"Greifer actually really cares about Milmiette-sama."

“…… Coral, even if you are the princess’s valet, don"t think you can take a mile after been given an inch?”

Greifer whispered a warning with an unsatisfied look, while Coral, the pale green hair teenager, was looking at Lux"s group

It seemed that they had special positions even in this Princ.i.p.ality of Wanheim.

“I"m sorry, but if you want to visit the facilities, then let us valets of Milmiette-sama to be your guide, what do you think?”

"…….Ha!? We!? I didn"t say I"ll help!?"

"What are you waiting for Greifer? You still have to lead Lux."

Coral smiled reminding him, Greifer frowned.

Dilwy hesitated for a moment, before he finally accepted the proposal.

"Ok, for Lux-kun, actually there is a bit of another matter to attend, we will meet again later."

Finis.h.i.+ng speaking, Coral gathered everyone else into a group.

"Wait, wait a minute!? Only the two of us?"

To be honest, because Greifer had always been harsh on Lux so he was trying to avoid him, looking around for help.

But Coral exposed a mischievous smile and moved his mouth near Lux"s ear.

"It"s alright, although he looks like that, Greifer has always taken good care of others."

Then, Coral took Dilwy and the rest away.

On this s.p.a.cious road now were only two people, Lux and Greifer.

"……E, etou, because I do not know where to go, so….. sorry to bother you."

“Ha …… To be honest I really do not want to take this job, but it can"t be helped since I"m on an errand.”

Greifer went on without motivation and Lux followed behind after a short distance.

It was very awkward.

Although Lux had no relation in this, Greifer lost his father when he was little due to the Old Empire, so Lux basically did not know what to say.

They obviously were peers of same age, but Lux couldn"t even find a topic of conversation.

"What are you afraid of? I can"t believe this and the person who could fight against me last time is the same person."

Greifer as always with his proud att.i.tude, continued to walk forward.

Looking from the dormitory, they were advancing to the center of the Ruin"s Gear.

“… The, the Ruin"s Gear"s structures, are really interesting.”

“What"s so interesting about it? I feel it"s just troublesome.”

"A, I, I see…..So, look like you have a good relations.h.i.+p with Coral, you usually….."

"We are only together because of our job required us to move together. Our relations.h.i.+p is not really that good?

"Is, is that so……."

This was hopeless, the conversation couldn"t be started at all.

Because there was no proper conversation, it was leading to Lux feeling dejected­----

"Hey! Have you now become silly? Don"t fall down the stairs!"

"Uwa!? So, sorry!"

While walking up the stairs of the building, Greifer stared and roared at Lux.

(Sure enough, he hates me——huh?)

Raising his head and observing carefully, he spotted the handrails had many cracks, it seemed to be fragile.

(Is it, is it because it"s dangerous that he warned me, right……?)

Although Lux noticed this, but Greifer did not say anything else and kept moving forward.

“That, for warning me just now, thank you.”

"……Let"s make it clear first, I am not a wild dog that destroys things randomly! Furthermore, that time was my misunderstanding, plus I was the one who picked the fight. At least in general, I did not specifically pick a fight with you."

It seemed that Greifer didn"t particularly have high hostility toward Lux.

And like Coral said, he would take care of people.

Lux couldn"t help but felt relieved. Unknowingly, the Ruin"s Gear giant hemispherical palace appeared in front of his eyes, here was the destination.

"Here is ——?"

"Here is the gate to h.e.l.l, well—some happy-go-lucky officials at the capital described this as ‘The Lid of the Treasure Chest"."

“Here, is the gateway into the Ruin……”

Although he had heard the rumors, but actually seeing it he was still nervous.

"In the upper part of the palace ---- "Canopy", there are the Central Square and City Hall. The underground is the second ruins "Dungeon". However, the next place we"ll go to might not meet up to your expectations, we’re going to the upper part."

As Greifer said, the center of the palace had a spiral staircase connected to the Canopy, but the way leading to the underground was in another way.

“Ok, although I just said I harbored no hostility toward you, but the next place we go to might not be the case."


Greifer turned back and gave a meaningful caution, Lux was a bit confused.

"I will tell you the man who had summoned us here. "Blue Tyrant" Singlen Shelbrit, he who presided over the "Seven Drag Paladins" will held a round table discussion here."

Lux,after hearing the name, immediately tensed his body.

Without enough time to prepare himself, they had come to the front of the hall.

Because this place was on top of the ruin with Abyss, the hall was enclosed in several layers of stone walls

Today, they were gathering in one of the rooms.

“Gentlemen, thank you for specially come here. First of all, at this moment we Seven Dragon Paladins’ can finally gather, I am very happy.”

A man holding a winegla.s.s full of deep red wine, his unique deep voice resounded through the room.

"Why, are you here——"

Lux, who saw the man after just entering the room, asked cautiously.

It looked like this was just a small military conference room, the room had almost no decoration.

At the center table in the main seat, there was a man.

This man although he was short, but his words and gestures were especially sophisticated, his black eyes seemed bottomless.

He was wearing an eerie dark blue cloak, not even taken off his hood, but just sitting there with a smile.

He was the current Commander of Blackend Kingdom"s guards as well as "Seven Dragon Paladins" vice-captain, "Blue Tyrant" Singlen Shelbrit.

Beside him was someone who was even shorter——A platinum haired girl.

She was appointed a few days ago by Ymir Theocracy as one of the Drag-Knights of the "Seven Dragon Paladins", Mel Gizalut

This girl looked like a child from the outside, only her mouth was smiling with interest while looking at Lux.

"What"s wrong? Hurry up and sit down, did you get tired after climbing up the stair? Do not hesitate to take a break first, this great me allowed it."

Singlen was buried deep in between his armchair, his whole body leaning back as he said that.

Sure enough he still showed his familiar slovenly look even at another country.

"I am standing because of reason, as I am prepared to leave immediately."

Lux sighed, looking at him with weary eyes.

“Hey, why? Don’t you like the Princess-sama"s specially prepared rooms? What an arrogant guy. Can"t be helped, I better go ask them to change the room."

"For what reason, did you specifically summon me, who am unrelated to the "Seven Dragon Paladins," to partic.i.p.ate in the discussion of the round table."

Lux did not go along with Singlen’s joke, but asked indifferently.

However, the concerning person had a look as if nothing had happened; furthermore he revealed a faint smile and looked at Lux with a surprise expression.

“You are really forgetful, I told you, right? Because your country has not elected a ‘Seven Dragon Paladins’ candidate, so in the past I found a temporary subst.i.tute."

“I remember I have refused on the spot. Have you forgotten?”

“Kukuku … … you really seem to hate this. Then I will first not treat you as a candidate. However, you still need to listen to this discussion and then decide the future path. So——you first of all should just represent the New Kingdom, partic.i.p.ate as a representative of the New Kingdom."

Lux exposed a surprise look, Singlen was showing a fearless smile.

"Ch.o.r.e Prince, quickly sit down. Or do you want to continue to waste time for all the guests here? We are all very busy. All of these happened are the fault of you guys for not electing a "Seven Dragon Paladins" candidate."

Singlen indifferently warned, this again made Lux tensed up.

He was still insolently arrogance, and didn"t show the slightest flaw.

Not only did he not compromise, but also use those sophistries to get the pace of the conversation into his hand"s control.

Compared with those controlling New Kingdom who didn"t have any abilities, dealing with the person in front o fhim was much harder.

"You just need to listen, at most it will take some time, please forgive me."

If he resisted, he was afraid that it would only lead to heavier blame. Lux could only honestly sit down.

Then Greifer sat down next to him, leaving three vacant seats.

“OK, we"re all here, how about we first begin from self-introduction? My name is Singlen Shelbrit, I’m appointed by the World Agreement as the vice-captain of ‘Seven Dragons Paladin’, please take care of me."

"We all must have heard of the World Agreement? There are many complex articles regarding the investigations of the ruins. There are considerations of the Drag-Knight"s strength in relation to their Abyss subjugation, then again according to their merits to determine their World Rank. Now that is to say, as the Vice-Captain, I rank second."

Lux, Greifer, as well as Mel Gizalut showed no reaction.

Then according to instructions Greifer introduced himself by simply saying his name. Then the turn of the young girl came.

"First time meeting you, I am the "Seven Dragon Paladins" of Ymir Theocracy, Mel Gizalut, please take good care of me."

She was wearing a unique styled dress, with black and white colors like a lovely girl.

However, her big eyes were filled with determination and her breathing suggested that she was ready to fight as any moment.

"It"s rare to see the "Seven Dragon Paladins" sitting together in one room. Originally, I was looking forward to this, but now they seem pretty weak, boring. Anyway, again, take care of me"

Smiling innocently, Mel Gizalut finished her introduction. The room was quiet.

The air was filled with an inexplicable sense of tension, and finally it was Lux"s turn.

“I’m Lux Arcadia, and I am attending this meeting as a subst.i.tute, so I suppose I don"t need to speak.”

"Originally the Old Kingdom seventh Prince, now living in Cross Field City and enrolled in Cross Field"s Academy, the ch.o.r.e prince who is worked hard by the officer cadets who are n.o.ble girls."


Lux had just sat down, Singlen sitting at the opposite immediately exposed his ident.i.ty.

“Now is the lowest Drag-Knight, the Drag-Ride he is using “Wyvern”, fighting style is not attack, only special defense type, so getting the such a name as "Weakest Undefeated”, and —— oh yeah, If I continue I’m afraid it will cause problems, right?"

"Sir Singlen."

Lux looked at him with cold eyes and protested, but Singlen did not pay attention to it.

"Huh? What is it? Don"t need to thank me, this level of supplement explanation is my job as the "Seven Dragon Paladins’ vice captain. You"re welcome."

"…… If it"s all right, can you listen to my request? Because tomorrow I still have to attend the upgrade test, so I wanted to get back to the dormitory before midnight, please?"

Lux sighed, and changed his strategy.

After all, if he went head to head, there was no way to win.

So Lux decided to wait and find a way out.

"You"re really strong headed…….there"s no other way, let’s get started. I have sent messengers to the Kings of the countries and their sides have received the message, but I’ll say it again."

Singlen paused for a moment, and then the conversation suddenly became serious.

""Dragon Marauders", have any of you heard of this name?"

"……"Dragon Marauders"?"

Lux asked, Mel had a puzzled expression, Singlen nodded and said.

“Well, it’s the mercenary group that has been expanding aggressively in recent years. Drag-Ride mercenaries are not really that unusual. However, their real purpose is a big problem."

“Uncle, your opening is too long. What are those sneaky guys prepared to do?

Greifer rudely asked.

“They should be secretly plotting to overthrow our country."

Singlen raised his mouth to answer immediately.

“Overthrow huh, so how will they do it?"

Mel wasn"t surprised, she asked while still maintaining an innocence look.

"As I said, the "Dragon Marauders" is a Drag-Ride mercenary organization, as long as there is money, they will ambush on the battlefield, waiting for action. There are a lot of people who will hire them, such as rich families, rulers, politicians, and there are——arm dealers among countries that are hiring them.

Singlen looked meaningfully at Lux, and Lux remained silent.

He thought of Heiburg"s military adviser, Dark Merchant Hayes.

That girl who was supposedly had connection to the Ruin, she also had anything to do with the "Dragon Marauders"?

"But this is strange, the mercenary group behaving this way is commonplace? Why do we have to discuss it here?"

"In other words, in fact, this is also our fault, Greifer. You will often hear of this argument. Since the early discovery of the Drag-Ride treasure slumbered inside the ruin, the pioneers, who in order to monopolize these treasures, had agreed on a set of rules. The whole All-Dragon Battle system is also a big part of it. And for example, we from the Blackend Kingdom is very far away from this ruin; even if we have an exploring certificate, we can"t simply go in to explore. So we normally pay tolls to other countries to explore together to make up for this shortcoming. But this sooner or later will leave a gap, you dare say that this isn"t a possibility?"

"And, what you mean is——"

"Everyone wants the Drag-Ride slumbering within the ruins, but exploring the ruins will mean they will inevitably face the Abyss. Only strong Drag-Knights can have the ability to compete with the Abyss, and the right to explore is decided by compet.i.tion between the Drag-Knights, in that case the strong countries will only become stronger and stronger, while the weak countries will be left behind farther and farther."

Lux sensed the true implication in Singlen’s words.

Countries that had been lucky to get ahead developed the World Agreement in order to keep themselves in the first place.

However, unfortunate countries and people were placed under restriction.

Not only small countries without Ruin, even territories that have relics within great countries will have gap opened.

This separation would create under-the-table power struggles. One might look and thought it was calm like water surface, but underneath is a burning flame of disputes.

“Don"t you think this is very unreasonable? At most we don"t really need to care much, after all the people who are enjoying the benefit won"t think this is unreasonable, or pretend not to see it."

"As a result, they must face limited a.s.sets; those in power, politicians are afraid to lose their power. Once the military power gap becomes bigger, then their rights and property may be taken away at any time so they are anxious. The mercenaries Drag-Knight spot this as a money-making opportunity, moreover some people will depend on them to break the balance, and they might even steal the Drag-Ride and treasures in the ruins."

Singlen half mockingly laughed and then sighed.

He shook his gla.s.s, and slightly leant his body on the chair.

"Of course, as you also knew, there have been several rebellions in various countries. Therefore, the situation surrounding the Ruins is also unstable and very dangerous, and there might even be unexpected situations. The group of thieves might cause disaster in the ruins that is unprecedented in the past. We Blackend Kingdom also had a ‘disaster’ occurred, a new Abyss calls Nocturnal(Phantom Devilman)."

The "Disaster" of Blackend Kingdom turned one-third of its territory into scorched earth.

It was the incident that became the impetus for the recall of Singlen who was once exiled by the royal family.

After that, although it had not yet been confirmed whether it was true or not, but compared with the Abyss in the past, the new Abyss"s strength was overwhelming——the matter of Nocturnal had also been heard in the academy.

“And then finally, it"s the turn of us the "Seven Dragon Paladins", is that what you"re saying?”

Mel showed a bold smile, Singlen nodded.

Uniting the countries as well as strengthening combat capability, in order to oppose the threat of Ruins, and confronted the “Dragon Marauders”.

That was probably the reason the "Seven Dragon Paladins" existed.


"Surely the outside world thinks so, however, have you thought about the implication inside this? To the end which side is right? One side who does not distribute the benefits derived from the Ruins, and afraid of it being taken away by others, and monopolize everything, are the major powers, the pioneers, royalties and n.o.bles in the right in your view? Or the other side who cannot get the exclusive treasures, but can only use mercenaries to plunder those in power. Standing under different circ.u.mstances, can we dare to say that we are right?"

Singlen jokingly laughed at it all.

Greifer listened to his words, couldn"t stand it and sighed.

"Haa……So what are you trying to do? I"m just a mere Drag-Knight, I have no interests in what is good and bad…….And vice captain-sama, this kind of things are for the people above to judge isn"t it? If you want to waste time, then I’ll go back first."

Really worthy of Greifer, he was such a person.

He had an indifferent look, watching it all from the perspective of a calm bystander.

“So, what do you want to do as a representative of the country? Do you want to join hand with the "Dragon Marauders" because Blackend Kingdom has no ruins?”

Then Mel Gizalut of Ymir Theocracy said contemptuously.

Only to see Singlen put down the gla.s.s and bent his mouth.

“——No, I will not allow helps on either side.”

He whispered in a dim voice enough to shake the ear membrane.

Lux and three people exposed a look of astonishment, Singlen tapped his forehead with a finger.

"You didn"t think about it? At the present, wars have been bogged down since a long time ago, ever since the discovery of ruins ten years ago, the scale of the war has also been suppressed. But this has not perfectly ended the war, so this "Dragon Marauder" is the side-effect."

Singlen put his feet on the table like an uneducated child, a devil-like smile could be seen deep inside his hood, he looked at the three people one by one.

"The battle between two sides is inevitable, before the destruction of one of them, I am afraid they will also spread to the citizen to intensify the struggle. In the past, my country had also fallen into disaster because of riots. So——Here, as the leaders of the countries are not present in this conference room, I have a proposal to tell you."

*Bam!* Singlen put his Sword Device on the table and exposed a fierce look.

"Let the elite Drag-Knights of this world create a unified country. A new army leads by us "Seven Dragon Paladins" to bring an end to this war, and also the governments of this world."


Hearing these words, Lux was dumbfounded.

These words sounded impossible.

Singlen’s statement was clearly a rebellious incitement for them to oppose the government of each country.

"……..That doesn"t sound sane, what are you planning?"

Even the usual unconcerned Greifer looked at him in caution.

"I don"t think this is surprising, I just want to save my country. As I just said, once this mud-like battle intensified, then it is bounded to have huge casualties. Before the situation turn into this way, we rule this world by our own hands. It is a salvation in a way."

Just like that, Singlen indifferently and confidently woven his words.

On one side the pioneer countries that got prioritized to explore the ruins, ama.s.sed a large number of Drag-Rides and Drag-Knights, and then at the other side was those who wanted to catch up but have no ruin inside their territories, and could only depend on the mercenary organizations.

If Singlen"s words were true, then his idea might not be mistaken necessarily.

"Well, it"s really n.o.ble. But, why should we even do that? No——it"s better to say how can you guarantee we could do it successfully?"

"To win over the public sentiment you will need a just cause, and people to lead them. Evil foreign enemies and Abyss, if we can defeat these enemies that is threatening the existence of the common people, we can be seen as heroes. And the only people who can do this are us, elite Drag-Knights. We can then protect the people, conquer the lands, preserve the country existence. We can be way better than the backward system of long ruling aristocrats, this is my basis."

After listening to Singlen"s reasoning, Mel shrugged.

She did not seem to accept this reason completely, however she also did not plan to refute.

But Lux didn"t relax his vigilance for a moment.

(So, what is the final goal of this man……)

Lux didn"t feel that Singlen would do this because he was driven by a sense of justice.

No matter how to look about it, it all seemed like he was just inviting everyone to overthrow the existing regime.

——Well, what is he planning to do?

Even if it was really like Singlen said and there were bitter struggles over the ruins, there were surely other ways to avoid the struggle?

"If the three of you directly join my White Ridge Knights, I hope you will become the backbone of this new organization. Of course, you don"t take orders from the Blackend Kingdom, please rest a.s.sured about this. I do not intend to let you betray your motherland and form allegiance to the Blackend Kingdom. But we will treat your family well, servants and friends, we will pay you enough compensation."

However, Lux ignored Singlen’s casual invitation, and asked with a serious look.

"——If this really becomes so, then what about those who can"t use Drag-Ride?"

"The talentless is obliged to serve the genius……..Finally it will become so. But it will be based on that person’s ability to grant him the appropriate power, we will set up a variety of qualifications or something. Like today Ruin"s Gear organized cla.s.s upgrade test——"

Singlen replied smoothly.

Lux took a deep breath and stared at Singlen with cold eyes.

“Then, I"ll pretend to not hear anything.”

"Gosh? Are you angry? Or——Because you want to accuse me of looking down on the weak? I cannot think how you turned out to be the royal family of the Old Empire of Arcadia."

"Because your idea is too contradictory, you mock the folly of two sides fighting, but you create a new system only benefits the strong Drag-Knight, so you only treat it differently."

Lux stood up straight, and walked directly to the door.

Before he could reach it, Singlen sighed.

"Is this a story that is too early for a kid to listen to? There is no equality in the world, if you think your country is now equal, it can only show that your eyes are clouded. And then currently, we are fighting battles with our life on the line, but we are in a position where sooner or later we will used up for all of our worth before getting thrown away. You’re a strange man, Ch.o.r.e Prince. While you"re standing in an unfair position where you yourself got hurt and made to take the brunt of everything, but you accepted it and did not even complain about the treatment you received. Are you born with servile personality seeping to your bone, or perhaps——"

Listening to Singlen"s rebuke, Lux suddenly stopped.

"But see, don"t avert your eyes. Don"t a.s.sume that your own choice is always correct. You"re your hard work to try to save others sometimes will also cause distress to someone else. Just like by you helping the New Kingdom to carry out exploring the ruins, and defeat the Abyss Ragnarok, the result is that it makes people of your country and foreigner fear how dangerous you are. Yeah, I understand. You are doing that much of a feat of valor, but still idiotically insist on continuing being a sinner, your reason for doing that is ultimately——"

His heart was in pain as if being stabbed by a needle, which made Lux couldn"t help but feel uncomfortable.

Lux suddenly had an inexplicable impulse, just when he wanted to open his mouth to rebuff——


At this time, the bell rang vigorously. The bell rang through the city hall, including the center of the Ruin"s Gear.

This tone and the alarm were different.

It was to inform people it was night time.

"……So we have already talked this long. There are still you two? Greifer Nest and Mel Gizalut, what do you think?

“You think I would have the slightest interest in this nonsense?”

In the face of Singlen’s inquiry, Greifer rudely rejected.

"E~I think it’s interesting?"

Unlike him, Mel’s voice was very happy, but half way her words became dim.

“But——I do not want to join under you wings. If you let me be the leader, then I’d consider?”

Mel stared at Singlen with her dreary gaze.

Worthy of being the elite Drag-Knights who had gone through many selections to represent their own country, everyone seemed to have their own plans.

"Whew, you"re really an annoying group. Forget it, if later we have a chance we"ll talk about it again. I hope next time you can give me an answer that will satisfy me."

Singlen took out his pocket watch before he slowly stood up and said that.

"……I"ll leave first."

Then, closest from the door Lux walked out of the room.

Although he didn"t deliberately look back, but he could also feel that someone was following after him.

"It actually dragged on for so long, if we go back at this time Coral must be very anxious."

Said Greifer as he casually walking next to him.

He didn"t touch the content of the meeting, was it because of him being considerate? But Lux did not say anything.

Even if he reported Singlen"s speech to the top-levels, it seemed there would be of no use.

After all, he might have already discussed in advance with the leaders of other countries, saying he just wanted to "test their loyalty."

(Rather than that, I, just what am——)

Regarding of what Singlen had said just now, the reason Lux was still continuing to stay as criminal.

Although the consuls in the capital told him that they would free him from the shackles of being criminal, Lux didn"t take their offer. Did he do that really only to avoid getting used by them?

Walking down the long stairs, they finally left the upper part of the palace——"Canopy"

In front of them appeared the door to the second ruin "Dungeon", its structure was like an ant nest.

"……..Err, why is there no room for me?"

Lux went directly back to the dormitory, after eating dinner.

In order to prepare for tomorrow’s test, he was originally scheduled to sleep in this dormitory today, but there happened to be a small problem.

For the Cla.s.s promotion exam this time, there were rooms prepared for Dilwy, the New Kingdom soldiers, and the female students.

But all the rooms were full, and there was no extra room for Lux to stay.

“I’m sorry, Lux-kun. I thought it would not be a problem for you and Phi to sleep in the same room.”

"Here"s a foreign country, I beg you not to not give us special treatment even here, alright!?"

It seemed Relie originally intended to let Lux and Philluffy share a room, but she got warned by the dormitory administrator, and of course it couldn"t be accommodated.

“Okay, there is an empty bed in my room, why don"t you comes sleep there?

Coral who happened to pa.s.s by heard their conversation on the first floor of the dormitory and proposed that.

Lux did not hesitate to agree, and finally decided to stay in his room for one night.

“Thank you very much, you"re a big help.”

Lux took the luggage and followed Coral in the hallway.

"You’re welcome. I"m guessing from the headmaster"s words before, Lux, do you sleep together with that girl at the New Kingdom"s Academy?"

"Of, of course not!? I certainly sleep alone!"

Lux couldn"t say that not long ago he was still sleeping with Philuffy. Coral showed a wry smile.

It appeared that this guy was very friendly and liked to joke.

"Ahaha, but Lux-kun seems to have a very good relations.h.i.+p with them. Even though you"re a prince of the old empire——"

Coral casually uttered a sentence, but it made Lux to become silence.

“Ah, sorry, did I say anything strange?”

Coral took notice of his reaction and hurriedly apologized.

“No, don"t mind it, I"m just feeling relieved.”

Lux answered with a stiff smile.

In fact, Coral’s unintentional words really touched Lux"s heart.

No, since coming to the Princ.i.p.ality of Wanheim that was still hostile to the Old Empire, or to be more precise ever since meeting the man in the academy——Singlen, Lux had been worried about something

(Is it really okay for me to stay like this?)

Meeting with Lisha and the other girls at the academy, Lux got a new place to belong.

He would become the s.h.i.+eld for the girls that were the New Kingdom pillars, and become their strength.

This was the worth of Lux"s life now, and also his purpose of living.

Originally, that should be the case ——

"Well, I"m going to greet Milmiette-sama, you can rest in the room first."

"A, yes, thank you."

Lux gently waved farewell to Coral walking out of the room, and then relaxingly sighed.

Here was a foreign military dormitory, a person staying here would still be very tense, fortunately however, he shared the same room with acquaintance Coral, this made him felt relieved.

"Living in the city just above a Ruin……always can"t be at ease."

Lux sat on a side-by-side bed by himself.

Cross Field that was acting as a defense point against Ruin also had the same danger level like this place, but he was still slightly concerned.

Although he thought of this, but right now it had been a long time since he didn"t have to worry about doing ch.o.r.e. Lux decided to take a deep rest.

Lux crossed his hand and stretched over his head, it felt like his shoulders were a little stiff.

"Please feel at ease, master. Even if the Abyss or the Princ.i.p.ality of Wanheim attacks, I will defend you."

"…………I am relieved to hear you said so. But surely there will be no problem."

He felt there was someone with comfortable strength excellently ma.s.saging his shoulders.

In this extremely comfortable feeling, his spirit gradually relaxed, then Lux suddenly reflected——

"……….E, eeeeh!?"

Surprised, Lux reflexively jumped out of the bed.

Sitting behind him was a girl wearing an exotic dress——Kirihime Yoruka

"Wait a bit!? Why!? How come——!?"

It shouldn"t be possible for her to be here, Lux’s brain instantly went blank.

"Ara? It was a long way from the Cross Field City to here, I think master must have stiff shoulders, right?"

"I’m not talking about that!? My shoulders are not important! Compared to that, how did you get here——?"

Yoruka had not officially completed the admission process.

So she couldn"t be accepted in the Cla.s.s promotion exam. It should not be possible for her partic.i.p.ate in this expedition.

No, not only that, originally to enter the Princ.i.p.ality of Wanheim, there must be a lot of procedures to handle.

Thinking so Lux looked uneasily at Yoruka, she smiled brightly to give her master peace in mind.

“Please feel at ease, I smuggled in.”

"This is the worst answer!? What would you do if you were found!?"

Although he wasn"t sure of the law of the Princ.i.p.ality of Wanheim, but it would be no doubt that she would go to jail.

Of course, incidentally, the New Kingdom would be dragged into the trouble.

“Master, your concern is uncalled for. No one noticed along the way, and if I were discovered, I"m going to shut them up.”

Yoruka indifferently declared, Lux felt a little dizzy.

Although they agreed that she couldn"t kill anymore, but she was a born-a.s.sa.s.sin.

It would only be a headache if he tried to get to the bottom of this, but he couldn"t just let Yoruka wander around freely like that.

After all, he had rescued her and made her as his courtiers, so she was his own responsibility.

"That, Yoruka…….since you"ve come here, there"s no other way, but I hope while you"re here try not to be found, can you do that?"

"I understand. Then let me hide in this closet, or the bed is also OK."

"I beg you, find a place outside of this room to hide!"

"You are really nervous master, and this is the enemy"s place, if I cannot be ready to serve master at anytime, then I would not be able to do the work of a follower."

"No, this country for better or worse has at least signed the World Agreement….."

"”But——it seemed to me something is wrong.”


Suddenly Yoruka’s tone was lowered by eight degrees, and a glamorous smile appeared.

Then she sat on the bedside, brought her face rapidly toward Lux.

"Master seems have been on guard ever since he came to this country.”

It was a transparent purple eye.

In this pair of eyes, that had accepted Hayes “baptism” and won the devils power, Lux"s face was reflected.

He was afraid, that this pair of eyes could see through every corner of Lux"s heart.

"It"s nothing, you think too much, I was just wondering what has happened before in this country, what did the Old Empire had done here, I just feel a bit concerned about these things——"

Yoruka nodded quietly, listening to Lux’s voice.

"…….About a dozen years ago, the royal family of the Arcadia Empire invaded this land. Their justification to foreign countries was only to compete for territorial"s rights, but as for the truth it was not known, however——"

Yoruka paused, then continued.

"Greifer Nest. I remember that his father sold information to the Old Empire, which determined the victory and defeat of this war, at least that is what I"ve heard. Of course, this is only the story from the Old Empire"s side."

The thief who sold intelligence to the Old Empire was his father.

Whether this was true or not, this must be fate between Greifer and the New Kingdom.

"I only heard of these. Then, I will leave the room without leaving any traces, but please let me be able to respond immediately and stay within the scope of master’s call."

"Well, so be it. But, this time as long as I don"t order, you are not allowed to interfere with anything no matter who."

"I understand, master."

Yoruka gave a warm smile and opened the door quietly, then disappeared into the dark corridor.

Her movements were so natural that it brought surprises, at most it seemed to come from her own special intuitions, she should be aware that the other people couldn"t do it.


Finally able to breath, Lux directly laid down on the bed.

There was no helping thinking about the past.

Lux knew that wanting to cut off his connection to the Old Empire that even he did not completely understand is very foolish.


Airi seemed somewhat strange.

The code of Over Limit that he became unable to remember..

Then, the ambition to let the Drag-Knights establis.h.i.+ng a new system of domination, "Seven Dragon Paladins" vice captain, Singlen Shelbrit.

Originally he was looking forward to the Cla.s.s promotion exam in this country, but it looked like there were some unrests hiding behind a hazy layer of fog.

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