I immediately decided to take care of two excellent chicks from after school.
It goes without saying that the plan of Ars was of course greatly altered. Sleeping time has already been sacrificed in Ars brain.

The cla.s.s is limited to five and six limit. Of course I will not say that as a sacrifice because I will not attend cla.s.s.
Ars was catching the baggage when she moved in her room.

"I should have brought it to a certain extent ... ...!"

A huge box to say that one person can put it all in. I packed it when I moved to the academy.
Unfortunately, things like the same age do not get interested. No, it might be a mountain of treasures from those involved in magic.
Because I had been in charge for a long time, I could not have time to spare time regularly including fashion.
You might say that you are not interested in Ars from the beginning. Although it is versatile, it can not be a multi-hobby.
The place out there - the point that seems to be garbage - was sinking quietly at the bottom.
Even if you look at it it is just a stick, it seems that it will fall anywhere.
Although it may still touch if the tree"s fragile skin, it will not bother to hold this stick in hand.

"Bring me a good answer"

Such a stick is a thing used for exercise when in the military. It is not a complete personal item.
Although it was sticky, its material was not wood as a matter of course.
Of course it does not mean weapons to come here.
What is being used is made from the demon of Salqueroit called Ars - the mutation rate estimate A -. It was made by Ars custom made, but the outer sh.e.l.l of this demon acted to disturb the magical power. When reacting to magical power, it has the property of diffusing the magical power touched by slight vibration.

Anyway this would be a training of Tesfia and Alice, and above all else Als could get valuable time. It is a violent training menu, but this is force majeure.

? ? ?

Ruthlessly the curriculum of the day curtained with a chime telling the end.
Nonetheless, all the students in the academy are highly motivated students, so students who come home at once without swinging their eyes just because the lesson is over are unlimitedly close to zero.
most Popularity There will be many training areas as a place to gather. Yesterday it was only a + a with three people because it was reserved, but if it is originally a spot that gathers regardless of the grade.
Of course you can not use it unless you reserve in advance and secure a place. Third grade students ahead of the magician are treated as their priority.
Still many students are watching from the watching seat because the senior student "s magic technique is a model of a lower - cla.s.s student. So the proportion of watching will be dominated by first graders.

Because of that circ.u.mstance Naturally Tesfia and Alice headed for only what to do at training grounds, but inside the training ground which was already finely divided was full of senior students.


They have already changed their clothes to training. However, two people who saw inside the s.p.a.ce without obvious s.p.a.ce also seemed to drop AWR.
From the surroundings meet the gunfire of gaze. That is what a beautiful girl has appeared Love I do not know if it was a thing that was destroyed, or whether it was directed to an out-of-school cla.s.s in a filled training place.
It is the fact that most students who stopped their hands at the moment only by the appearance of the two people.

"No way I guess he ran away."
"I guess there is no such thing, and I have not decided the place."

Alice rushed to Tesfia who threw a unilateral curse with just question. There is no other bitter smile on Tesfia calling Als 1st. I would like to wish that it is a little embarra.s.sing to call it al simply in Teshia. Even if you pay tribute, she may also be honestly respectful and call by name, unless there was a rash that broke out between Tesfia and Arth unlike Alice.

"Where in the world are you?"

Alice did not have a response to that question. It would have been well transmitted to Tesfia by tilting his neck.

Building newly established from this fiscal year called research building. It is built in the grounds that we had in the school that boasts a vast area of ??land. The place is not so far from the school building, but it seems that the teacher who has mainly appointed newly has been impersonated and because there are only a few teachers in the research building, the opportunity for the students to approach is unlikely .

On the top floor, two people took much time to arrive here. It was more difficult to find Ars with less confronted cla.s.s than I thought.
Of course the two who first headed for the men"s dormitory asked the room number of Ars at the reception but such a student was not in the dormitory.
He walked through the school, suddenly stopped his feet in front of the president"s office, and was the director who was overlooked at the entrance room where he forgot knocking as he was a blind spot, but that is also unreasonable. As a student - It goes without saying that it is a certain deed to do - even if it is a n.o.bleman.

As Sisethi chiefly a.s.sumed, he did not bother to see them.
This is not the case if this is another student. I want to believe that plenty of things have been ... ....

The two who have located the place will lightly leave the president"s office.
Sisty looked down on the backs of those two people who rushed out in such a hurry.

"Are you really here?"

A question to Alice would not expect an answer. I know that Tesfia himself is no mistake.
It was because anything that the director taught me was no mistake orally.
On the top floor of the research building, if you ask me to say so it is made like a one-floor totally tailored for one person.
There is only one door with the latest security, it does not feel heavy as heavy. Somewhat rustic that there is only discomfort. Panel set aside although it is an ordinary door is a lock for security system.
It is a type that senses magical power by holding the palm of the hand, it will not open unless individual authentication is done.

In order to convey the visit, Tesfia pressed his finger against the chime at the bottom of the panel.
As soon as the door slides it slides with a slow motion.
Appearance seems to be simple making, but its real thickness was as much as palm.

When you look into the terrible inside, equipment that seems to have never seen is settled, and if it is made newly it is filled with an old-felt smell. Old books that were not allowed to enter the shelves as a look had made up a few high mountains. The wall color based on white as a whole is bright as if it itself is shining light.

"Hey, have you come?"

Such a tongue shook the two eardrums.
In the room there are four cla.s.srooms that can accommodate usual forty people.
It"s too wide to use alone. Despite the presence of various equipment, nearly half of the s.p.a.ce still had s.p.a.ce.

As far as the innermost part, find the Lord of Voice at the part where the equipment is divided into, the resentment of Tesfia is driven to somewhere and another question is occupied.
I cried to the person who was sitting deeply in the reclining chair, which is comparable to the president, opposite a long desk.

"What am I here?"

It is useless to be intimidating. If you see something that does not know the rank of Ars, it is decided to complain. In fact there was a direct appeal by the president from some faculty members.
So it will be a barren description for the two who know the ident.i.ty of Ars.

"... It"s my laboratory but is my room, is not it?"

The reason that my room does not come first is probably because Ars has more emphasis on research rather than life.
I turned my head on what I could understand.

"Why just this guy ... even I am a dormitory?"

It is only for research use and the actual bedroom is not much different from the dorm room. Although I do not cook, the kitchen is a sophisticated function that does not become a comparison, but for Ars the treasure is also a decay.
The question that Tespia is saying is not a communal life.

"Tesfia, Al is ... ...."

Ars interrupted Alice who would speak for him. Just for a childish reason simply to let Tesfia understand the relationship.

"Of course it would be a chatter if you think of my achievement."
"Cut ... ..."

Of course Tesfia was packed with words. I do not know how much Ars" achievement is, but I do not have to guess that it will exceed my imagination.

"So, Al, I was just thinking that we can clearly see it at training grounds."

Alice switched to the main theme because time was pushing. They are sweet but naturally they are changing their uniforms.
It is not necessary to worry about the time because it is in the room for Ars, but it is generally not desirable to keep the girls late at night, and the outpattern is the worst.

"Yes, I think I"ve been looking for it, I will not allow you to say something from tomorrow on this"

Tesfia "s hands were tightly held as soon as retaliation. It will not be effective as a threat. Emotionally (anger) and so on.
Although it said that the hour had pa.s.sed more than one hour since it switched after school.
Although it is bright outside this time even in the season of admission.
Because Tesfia said dormitory there would be curfew.

"I know"

Als went around the line of sight around and began to color the wind like where I put it.
As training of the magician who ranks first place begins, it seems that they can not suppress the excitement of their hearts. The manifestation is held firmly in hand AWR Why?

"Why do not you do something like that?"

Even if you can make a stupid voice, what you do does not change.
A stick was held in the hand of Ars.
Ars opens her mouth once it should share recognition.

"The only thing that I teach is the technology that can fight monsters, although the rank may be raised somewhat, if you only increase the ranking, you better train yourself."

This is the last notice. It is two choices whether to do or not.


Despite saying that Tesfia would be able to fight, this discouraging expression gets angry at all by Ars.

"Wow! ~"

After arbitrary action without hindrance, it was stabbed and was. .h.i.tting the head of Tesfia.

"You are stupid ... What do you think would be calculated from the first place?"

This question was also done in the cla.s.s.

"To be sure, the amount of magical power and the incompatibility of high-difficulty magic, the number of submission of demons, the completion rate of missions and requests!"

To judge that it is excellent only by this, the problem is too early, but it was probably just a point.

"The monsters are different depending on the rate at which they have been defeated."

It can be said that Alice was able to cover the range learned in lesson by supplement.

"Well, that kind of place, but it"s not enough."

The two remembered what they learned in the cla.s.s and a question mark in the head.
That is also unavoidable. No further supplementation by Ars is done in the cla.s.s.

"It"s matched for the item, so I think I should put more emphasis on which to raise the ranking."

For further questions by Ars, they immediately responded.

"Of course, magical power and enchantment of magic right?"
"I think it"s magical and magical"

Tesfia is riding a voice with absolute confidence.
Whether Alice read the back of the question or not, it is somewhat weak, and even in Ars (I wonder it is wrong ~) and I can read the inner mind.

As expected, Ars overflowed with sighs. I wanted you to understand that I did not seek such a simple answer. Even if it is. .h.i.t against the other, the story does not progress.
In short, it is confirmation of the degree of honors student nicknamed school. In that sense Tesfia does not disappoint.
Even this alone Tesfia is anxious, Alice can understand the personality that can be read. In her case, even if I can tell you it can be another problem to put it in words.

"No, the one most important to me is the suppression of demons, rate."
"... ...!"

Tesfia was amazed, but Alice seems to be less surprised. I suppose he was expecting that he was not hit.

"Although it may be said that even though it is supposed to kill, how much you can defeat a small fish, but after the defeat of a high rate demon, the rank will change greatly."
"But then, we can not raise the rank."
"It"s not that I can not raise it at all, but I can not catch up with the magician in actual battle."

That is why they are excellent even with four digits. Simple magical power and top-level magic alone will make this ranking the future Expectation . Because she is such a girl, Ars has listened to the president.
This is not the expectation of Ars, but the president would expect two people.

"So the skill of defeating monsters raises the ranking in the future, but if your eyes are dazzling in the immediate ranking, I will not mind if I close my eyes, I"d rather ask for it."

A provocative telling reversedly inspired Tesfia"s rebellious spirit, but Alice is motivated and there is not much difference between seeing one person and two people.

"It"s not superior, so there is no problem if the rank will rise as a result"

Ars was concerned about Tesfia who was in the rank.
Magicians entering the battle in the military are not so conspicuous in rank. Of course, the high ranking raises salary and guarantees life. Above all, it is an honor as a magician.
However, it is currently the case that it is possible to delegate more dangerous tasks. That would be a pleasure as a help for the human race. I could only think that it would not be anything to hurry to death from Ars.
Until recently the high rate was preferentially ordered to Ars, so you should not have taken a reckless task.

This is an individual value of the Ars and I do not think that I will press it on to two people. It is not a place to know more than that, I do not say any extra things like pinching your mouth.
Alice also nodded and went on to explain the training as she showed consent.


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