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The inn was the template.

Oh, I remember Colette-chan. It’s unnatural to go meet her right now. Alright, let’s be healed by this girl.
…Eh, you are busy helping, is that so?

I teleport with my luggage from my inn room. After changing luggage at home, I teleported again and returned to the inn. The dress, shoes, and other things that were unnecessary for now were returned to my house, and a change of underwear and daily necessities were carried back. There is always a possibility of theft even if it"s a trustworthy inn. There is nothing to worry about if only something on the level of underwear and daily necessities get stolen.
I walked around the city after changing into plain clothes. It is elementary in the art of warfare to obtain geographical advantage. Only a small handgun in the shoulder holster and a knife attached to my inner thigh for self-defense​, well it will be fine if it"s a main street in the capital at daytime. I need be careful after moving around a lot though.

Yup, as expected of the capital. There are such splendid buildings even in a developing world. The food stall​"s skewer is quite delicious. I won"t mind what the meat is. Keep away from dark alleys and slums. I’ll deal with such clichés in time.

After walking around for a while, the sun was setting so I returned to the inn.

I ate in one my house"s room. And take a shower for the first time after a long while. I"m revived…

Next morning, I head out to the town immediately after eating and went to a realtor. No, I woke up late and barely made it before breakfast ended, so I think the realtor is open now.
After asking pa.s.sing people several times, I finally arrived. It’s probably okay because it’s the shop recommended by earl-sama. I gently enter the shop. No, it was better to enter confidently, but out of habit….

“Please come in(Ira.s.shaimase)”
It might have been some other phrase, but for some reason the young clerk greeted me with words recognized as that.

“Thank you for coming over. What kind of service would you like to receive today?”

While being impressed, she gently presents the letter of introduction.

“Em, I want a store with living s.p.a.ce… This is my letter of introduction"

Ahh, as expected of earl-sama, it’s working it’s working.

An elderly man jumps out in an panic.

The owner comes out to meet in person. Ah, it’s obvious, because it’s an letter of introduction from one of the leading n.o.bles.

“Thank you. Actually, I wanted a shop… ”

Lutz-san guided me to the back of the store. Perhaps ordinary customers get served at the storefront tables. It’s VIP treatment. I wonder if delicious sweets will be served.

The sweets are so-so. No, I think it"s good for this world. However, not when compared to j.a.pan"s. I’m sorry.
Well, maybe because Lutz-san thinks I’m used to eating delicious sweets, he doesn’t seem so disappointed when he sees my face that shows it"s not so delicious. No, for Lutz-san, right now is not time for that.

“… so, these are the places I would recommend around here…”

No, it would be nice to have the security and the clientele​, but first, expensive. And I don’t want only n.o.bles clientele. It would be difficult for a commoner to go to the n.o.ble"s district after all.

No, it’s not that I don’t like n.o.bles. There are some good n.o.bles and some bad. There are some good commoners and some bad too. And even with slaves. However, if there"s only n.o.bles then it"ll likely be somewhat tiring and wouldn"t seem interesting, right. As I thought, there"s sometimes should be stupid and vulgar guests.

So pa.s.s on the n.o.ble"s district. As expected there are no properties close to the slums in here, there are only ones close to the center of the commoner"s district or close to the n.o.ble"s district.
M~hm, of course n.o.ble customers are indispensable for earning big. That delicious food shop was close around here. No, the surveying around yesterday wasn"t for fun, it for this reason, it’s true!

“Em, this, this and this, can I see these places?”

"Yes, thank you"

I go on a local tour while being guided by Lutz-san. s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g the leftover sweets into my pocket.

E, ehh! Does that mean the rest of the sweets was her share?

Sorry. Next time I’ll bring j.a.panese sweets. Definitely.

The trip to the first site.

Besides, my shop doesn’t have to have a lot of traffic. It is fine if people who knows about it by word of mouth comes. I mean, if there are too many customers it"ll be tiring. For the general merchandise store “Mitsuha", high price low sales, is the motto.

……It"s a bad store.

The trip to the second site.

(tn note: Yuna from k.u.ma k.u.ma k.u.ma Bear, started the same way as Mitsuha, by meeting a loli and killing wolves)

The trip to the third site.

For a inn with a dining hall, it is nice that it has a well and a backyard. The dining hall part can be widely used as the shop, and a bath can be installed in the kitchen. Umumumum, I think it’s good.

The first choice is too small, the next one is too big, and the last one is just right. I understand, Lutz-san! This is a very basic sales technique.

I bought something that cost hundreds of gold coins as easily as buying candy.
Oh, speaking of which, I forgot to ask the about the price.

“”””Welcome back, ojou-sama”””””

Lutz-san stiffens greatly behind me.

No, I’m was going to talk about the payment so I went to the earl’s house with Lutz-san. Then, I was greeted by the servants totally like a countess. Lutz-san definitely mistook me for a countess. He"s sweating bullets.
And he was pa.s.sed straight to the parlor​.

"I am called the butler Rufus, Lady, this one is…"
Mr. Rufus addressed Lutz-san, then later turns to me and ask. Yes, letting it pa.s.s that it’s also my first meeting with you.

“Ah, Lutz-san of the real estate agent who is selling my shop. I came here to consult about the payment”

“N, no, no, Don"t need to be so extravagant!"

From what I heard, a butler of a powerful n.o.ble has enough influence to blow away random shopkeepers with their nose. I heard that from Stefan-san, the butler of the manor"s house. During the "private schedule time" Stefan-san won.
Well, I also heard about the butler of the capital"s mansion, Mr. Rufus. “He"s still inexperienced, but somewhat capable." And also to never say that was said. …Maybe "somewhat capable" is a big compliment in the industry.

"Oh my, ojou-sama, a little bit of your hair is disturbed…. This, Bertha, take care of ojou-sama and care for her hair!"

Eh? Ehh? But, I’m consulting….

In no time at all I was taken away by the maid and was brought into the dressing room. And, my hair is sprayed and combed with a comb somewhat, and I"m safely returned to the parlor after various were done.
Huh? Lutz-san, don"t you have a face that looks about to die?

“Oh, ojou-sama, have you come back? Mhm mhm, your hair is fixed, it is a splendid beauty. Now, it is the matter of payment. Lutz-dono, what price do you ask of? ”

“I, it"ll be 280 sheets of gold coins!"
Huh, that’s cheap! This is a good deal.

Afterwards, it was determined that the Boses house will directly pay the cost. In addition, I received 20 gold coins on the spot as money for the renovation cost. It became a shinely amount!

The doc.u.ments will be created and delivered at a later date so we parted with Lutz-san in front of the capital’s mansion. The key to the shop is already handed over, it seems anytime I"m free to go there.

Mhm, supporters are awesome!

“Excuse Me~!”

There was an answer from the back, and a man with a difficult-looking face and a solid body looking pa.s.sed middle age and approaching elderly came out,
“Oh, what do you need?”

This was a woodworking shop, as a combination of a carpenter and a fitting shop.

So, because it"s on the way I went back to j.a.pan once to chose something delicious at the pastry shop, and went back to Lutz-san’s shop again. I pushed the souvenir to the girl I found at the storefront. The girl was surprised but she received it anyway, then she calls Lutz-san.

“Please introduce to me someone who has reliable arms, confidence and pride in their skills and technologies, but not hard headed nor resistant to challenging new things”
Toward Mitsuha who"s asking, Lutz-san is reluctant to introduce anyone for some reason. Lutz-san finally relented to Mitsuha who persistently buckled down and agreed to introduce her under a condition.

“Em, please, I want you to not try to cut the cost of construction.”

Furthermore hearing that Mitsuha will directly hand over the payment this time, Lutz can finally introduced the workman with peace of mind.

“I’d like to ask for this kind of thing”

"W, what, is this……"

First, he was surprised by the paper. A thin, slippery, and very durable paper.

And even more surprising is the novelty of what is depicted in the drawing, the beauty!
This is a table! Is this the chest? This is…

“Ah, that part is fine. This one, this. This shelf, this exhibition. And, I want to install security equipment on the windows and door. This, for this. I will prepare the metal parts. Also, a large storage tank that can be placed on this kind of platform. Photo of the tank… this is the picture. The size is as written in this memo. And, the installation of the bathroom in the kitchen. Since I"ll do the piping, please only do that part. See the site for more details, and so… ”

“……I"ll do it”

"No, but we haven"t talked about the price"

Well it"s good if he"s motivated I guess.

“Instead, can you give me this sketch later?”

“It’s okay, or rather this is just a sample, I’ll give you some more proper doc.u.ments later, I’ll also give you some unrelated materials about different furniture if you want it.”
That much should be fine right. It’s just a design and not exceptional technology. The creation methods and the difficulties will be overcomed by their own efforts.

“I will do it, I will catch up with this genius…….”
Uh-oh, did I flip a strange switch?

Author"s note:

Together with “I shall survive using potions!" parallel serialization, thank you.

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