125. Air Reconnaissance 2

There"s a considerable amount of time since we started flying over the continent.

We"re here not just for my request, from the beginning the deal was [to gather as much information as possible] to make them to take my request. Even if I said [Let"s return], we still got plenty time left, so let"s just continue as it is.

The scholars say [Fly lower!], but people on the ground will find us out if we fly any lower. And there"s also the sound the jet. Also, my field of vision would get narrowed.

Even if you can"t see the details with bare eyes, you probably took pictures with high resolution camera, so you can a.n.a.lyze as much as you can later!

Then, when it became dark and the ground was no longer visible, they finally gave up. I guess there"s less than half of the fuel left, but there"s no problem.

"Alright, we will transfer back in 30 seconds!" (Mitsuha)

And I casted the suspicious spell again and transferred back. We appeared a little far from the Air Force Base. Indeed, I"m not stupid enough to transfer close to the airfield. Most aviation accident occur near the airfield after all. Well, maybe today they restricted other flight activities around the base, but better be safe than sorry.

And after some time, the air tanker landed safely on the base.

"Thank you so much for today. Then with this…" (Mitsuha)

"No, no. It"s no problem at all. Please ask us any time. Are there other continents you haven"t identified yet?" (Base commander)

Said the Base Commander, the diplomat uncle is also nodding with satisfaction.

Well, indeed, given the information they gained with just lending me an aircraft, it"s an easy task.

But I don"t think it makes much sense to gather information from the sky above the countries where the civilization level is inferior to the Earth. If they"re going to invade or something, then that at least make some sense. But photos of a world they can"t go to would not make any sense.

For the time being, information exchange with other countries is strictly prohibited. And they seemed to be taking sample of the atmosphere, but of course all the microorganisms in the air were excluded at the time of the transfer. Well, maybe they could a.n.a.lyze gas components.

Well, that"s why I also planned this.

The level of civilization of that world is already well known. So, there"s nothing else to be known that I"d be troubled with. The purpose of the recon was simply and interest-oriented research, where I said [I only know about our continent, so I want to check the continents on the other side of the ocean that I head from the old legends].

So, I said that the direction and distances are largely based from the legends, and that the errors may be large. Right, even if I made a mistake, I could just use transfer if I see something risky so that I don"t leak anything.

Oh right, if they caught a dragon or something in the photo, I"ll have them to let me know. It may be useful for something.

So, that was the case, with this my request is completed. After that, I"ll just take my time to survey that country. That country seems to be the same as middle age eastern Europe. So, I may be a little stand out there, but there seems to be a little interracial country, although it"s a bit far from that country. So, I"m sure It can be managed, somehow!

(Note: Mitsuha is asian, and asian in middle age europe is weird, maybe)

If it"s getting dangerous, I can just run away. I am confident in my talent in running away.

A few days later.

I received the photos and a.n.a.lysis results.

They were excited when I gave them a [Cambrian-like creature] that was caught in the waters near my territory as a reward. It"s delicious when its baked.

When one of the scholars tried to demonstrate how to extract the body parts, the guards pinned him on the ground. It"s s.e.xual hara.s.sment! It"s s.e.xual hara.s.sment show, d.a.m.n it!

(Note: she said "sekuhara" = "s.e.xual hara.s.sment", twice. What"s so s.e.xual about biology experiment?)

Well, whatever. As expected, I was in the wrong too earlier. I gave it to them, so it"s up to them for whatever they want to do with it, I was to blame. Now let"s withdraw.

Then, with the materials I received, I went to the third floor of [General Store Mitsuha] in the royal capital.

As expected, this is where the security is thorough and no one else can enter. Hmm, according to the enlarged photos of the port, there are dozens of sailing vessels…  

Hmmm, looking at this, the captured battleship is an old-fashioned ship one generation older. New ships were deployed, and the old ones were used for the research fleet. I can"t figure the details without seeing directly.

Are the surrounding countries the same? As expected, I can"t tell the level of civilization in these photos. As I thought, do I really have to go?

Wait, I already decided to go from the beginning.

Right, I can make money not only through secret small-scale trade with the Earth, but also through trade between continents. Again, unlike the small-scale trade with the Earth, this one could be a little larger. After all, they are from the same world.

If the exchange rates for gold and silver are different, I can make use of it and make a gross profit… Well, no, let"s make it as a last resort. In case of emergency, I can revive with gold, silver and pearls.

… and, this here is the Kingdom of Vanel, the foreign continent.

No, I was worried about the foreign continent, and couldn"t get any result at all so went on a little excursion.

There was no problem with the money I got from the safe on the boat and the money exchanged by the crew.

Oh, I decided to call this continent [The New Continent] to avoid confusion.

And the night has come.

It is more convenient to come when it"s bright, but at night the chance of me to be seen using transfer is almost zero, safety is priority.

Well, If I transferred to a forest far away from the city, no one would ever find out even during the day, but it"s difficult to reach the city afterwards. Rather, it"s easier and safer to transfer closer to the city in the night.

That"s why I transferred to the outskirts of this port city and am now searching an inn in the city.

Ah, I found one. Over there.

"Excuse me, do you have vacant room here?" (Mitsuha)

Again, of course, I was seen as a child. But, whether children or foreigners, they have nothing to say toward prepaid customers. Besides, my clothes are like n.o.ble"s or rich daughter"s.

I checked in without any problem and went to bed immediately. I"m rather hesitant to use the restroom here, so I just go to sleep. Well, I can just transfer from this room to the toilet at home.

Tomorrow, I"ll have to look for a place where I can safely transfer during the day. That would make it easier for me to go in the morning and went back in the evening, literally [One day quest].

And the next morning.

While loosening my stiffened body due to the hard bed. I suddenly realized.

Wouldn"t it be better to rent a room, return home, sleep soundly in a comfortable bed, and transfer to this room in the morning?

Craaap! No matter how good your abilities are, there is no point in having them if you don"t use them effectively! Don"t tell me, there"s something else I"m doing wrong…

This time, I"ll have to think carefully…

Alright, let"s switch gears and depart!

First thing first, let"s select a transfer point.

After wandering around, I found a nice place in the grove inside the park.

It is a great place where it is well covered by trees, is not visible from any direction, and n.o.body is bothered to enter such a place, but it wouldn"t be weird if I came out from there. With this, it"s safe to transfer during the day. Then after that, I went to the port to observe the ships.

That"s why I chose the largest port city instead of the Royal Capital as my destination.

I don"t bring something suspicious like a camera. Even if I don"t have one, I just have to look at the type and size of the ship, the sails, the layers of the gun deck, and the number of turrets. Well, it has already been a.n.a.lyzed from the photos to some extent.

And, I came here, near the naval port. Of course, I can"t get too close, but I don"t have to. It"s enough from afar.

Hmm, the gun deck has two layers, and there are around 60 guns. The style is similar to a galleon, it"s close to a ship of the line…

(Note: A ship of the line was a type of naval warship constructed from the 1600s to the mid-1800s)

But what we had captured were smaller and has fewer guns. Was it one generation order? Two generation older?

As expected, it seems impossible to make an identical ship. No matter how good the design of a sailing ship was, without the acc.u.mulated technology and know-how, it would be difficult to build a large ship. Even if the shape is similar, the strength and precision are entirely different.

After all, there"s only small high-performance ships equipped with the new smaller long-range guns.

I wonder if there are also large caliber cannons. The ship-mounted guns of this era are retractable, the gun barrel had to be retracted into the ship to load the ammunition, which made it impossible to increase the caliber while also not being a constraint on the size of the ship. Therefore, it"s possible to increase the caliber with a built-in gun with breech-loading type.

A large ship that has a poor maneuverability mounted with a non-rifled small-caliber gun, versus A medium-sized ship that has high maneuverability mounted with a breech-loading type rifled large-caliber gun.

Right right, I feel like it could work with this!

"Little miss, what are doing in a place like this?"


While I was sitting on a stump and enthusiastic about scouting enemies, someone suddenly called me out from behind!

This is Yamano Mitsuha"s biggest blunder!!

(Footnote : Well, what can i say, there are so much terms that i"m unfamiliar with, like ship related stuff. Please let me know if there"s anything weird)

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