141. Party, again

It is a party.

This time, it"s the party of a Count of the Navy Faction, which I asked Marquis Mitch.e.l.l as the middleman.

It seems that the faction of the Count is different from Marquis-sama, but since I asked to be introduced to a naval house, he introduced me to a Count House which happens to be a key member of the naval faction that have a relatively good relationship with him. And I was invited to the party to celebrate the promotion of their son.

I am told that he was promoted to Colonel and was a.s.signed as a commander of a fleet consisting of four warships. It is the so-called fleet commander.

Of course this is a joyous occasion. They went as far as to hold a party like this.

Well, I said [their son], but he is an uncle in his late forties. If the family head lives a long live, the t.i.tle is difficult to succeed.

The count seems to be very grateful to Marquis Mitchel for mediating me to go to the Count"s party. It seems that the navy is not very friendly with the army, but a little better compared to the discord between the same naval faction of army faction. It"s what they call [A distant enemy is better than the closer enemy].

So, marquis Mitch.e.l.l seemed to be pleased with the kindness from the unexpected. Well, he"s not coming to the party though.

There are quite a few n.o.ble parties, so not all n.o.bles will be present at all parties. Otherwise, parties with the scale of thousands attendees will be held a dozen times a day, and all the n.o.bles would"ve to attend them all. … No, actually there are few parties where the whole family attends.

Counting the birthday parties alone, just how many times a year are there…?

Therefore, attending the party is limited to those who have a connection to the n.o.ble and those who have a good reason only.

Of course, there are various other factors, such as the relation between the court rank or the fellow house of the same faction. Therefore, the number of parties that each n.o.ble actually attends is not that many, and the number of partic.i.p.ants seems to vary greatly depending on the content of the parties.

For example, a birthday party for children may be attended by the whole family, especially the ones that have children of around the age, regardless of the factions. It seems a little different from other parties…

Right, Marquis-sama told me not to attend a child"s birthday party for a while. It seems that various hoaxes and rumors are spreading, such as If you invite me you can get wonderful jewelry, and there are many lower-cla.s.s n.o.bles who are thinking about attaching the third or fourth son of their own house with me.

I will pa.s.s, of course. I don"t need to find a marriage partner yet.

And there are quite a few birthday parties. The main attendees are houses that are having a good relationship with the host and houses with children of just the right age, if I were to attend such parties, it would be like [that].

Moreover, since I can"t attend all of them, I have to choose some of them, and because I have no parents with me, I have to choose by myself, and by doing that, they will presume that I have a feeling towards their son…

Who would go to such party!

It seems that President-san of the bank chose the party last time for me after he thought that if it was a birthday party, I would not be bothered by the content of the party compared to other parties, so that I can rest a.s.sured at my first party in this country.

As expected of president-san!

Thanks to you, I was able to meet Mitchan and Marquis-sama, and I"d like to thank you sometime. I wonder if the brandy is good?

…And, well, that"s why, the number of attendees in today"s party is not very much. As can be inferred from the content of the party, the attendees are mainly head and senior officers of naval factions, there"s no children here… except me.

Well, that"s because I"m an exception. I am not the [Child of n.o.ble House], but a head of n.o.ble house and I also have my own court rank.

And the organizer, the Count, was very pleased that I chose to attend this party and thanked the Marquis who was the mediator. Since I don"t know any of the n.o.bles in this country, it was Marquis-sama who actually chose this party.

So why are you looking so happy? …Well, let"s not think too deeply.

"As expected, the strong seamen"s meal is salt-cured pork, fermented hard bread, and salty bean soup! Also, a half pint of rum!" (Mitsuha)

"You understand it well, Missy! Uwahahahaha!!" (random uncle)

U~n, I"m well-liked! … by these bunch of foul uncles.

Oh, at least, if it"s this cool dandy uncle…

These naval officers weren"t smart! Aren"t they supposed to be [Smart, swift, meticulous, and unyielding spirit, that is a sailor!] !?

(Note: I did some digging, the closest clue is, that line was j.a.panese navy slogan, but i"m still not sure)

No, even if I say smart, it"s not about the figure, I"m talking about the action!

I have learned more about the navy"s meals in this country from the former POWs. …it was similar no matter which world it is.

There seems to be few young women who can go along with these navy idiots who talk nothing but ship related things. And it seems that there are even fewer women who can ask proper question according to the conversation.

… Well yeah, of course I"m well-liked.

I wonder if that [Soldier-kun] would have the same appearance as these guys decades later…

Oh, I guess it"s time to meet soldier-kun so that I can keep acquainted with him. After about a decade, he might be already risen to lieutenant and then I can hear various information from him. I think he"s not just a common sailor. He seemed to be pretty smart and well educated…

 "No, the enemy didn"t lose and escaped because they approached from the downwind side, but rather, they approached from downwind side with the intent to escape from the beginning, didn"t they? Because they thought they couldn"t defeat the fleet from this country…" (Mitsuha)

"Oh, as expected, you think the same too! No, the commander was wondering, because he couldn"t imagine that such a coward led the fleet. When we say that, the commander told us that [although it was enemy, that kind of insult is too much]. I see, Missy think the same too! Wahahahaha!" (random uncle)

At first, I was called [Viscount Yamano] properly, but it turned out to be [Missy] as soon as the drinks went around …

And don"t hit my back! Because drunkards can"t hold back their strength, it hurts!

But, if they were this drunk, and on top of that, they were in a good mood, then that means…

"By the way, does this country have any plan like pioneering new routes or sending new expedition team?" (Mitsuha)

Right, their lips became loose.

“No, you can"t do something like that!” (Tax accountant)

The tax accountant scolded me.

"Customs inspection is required to ship packages overseas! And If you send packages that worth over 200,000 yen to a foreign country, an export declaration to customs is required. If it is troublesome to do customs clearance by yourself, you just have to hire a customs broker! If you do not complete the procedure properly, you will not be able to get an export license, and you will not be able to apply for tax reduction, exemption such as customs tax and consumption tax, and tax rebate system. No, before that, it would be a violation of customs laws and ruled as smuggling. You can"t ship the package unless you have completed the procedure and get the doc.u.ments. And you can"t personally ask your sailor or pilot acquaintances either, it"s violation you hear? Violation! It"s a felony! The person you asked would be fired you know!" (Tax accountant)

The tax accountant told me to send the doc.u.ments required to ship the package, but since I can"t talk about my transfer ability, I just made a sloppy reason like [I will ask an acquaintance for the transportation. So there are no doc.u.ments because an acquaintance will handle the transportation], but when I said that the tax accountant got angry at me instead…

"Don"t tell me, you"re already doing something like that, aren"t you?" (Tax accountant)

Purupurupuru! (Head shake SFX)

I shook my head with all of my strength.

…. This is bad!

What about the last time… there"s no problem, u~n.

Last time was [Carrying from the other world to that country], I"m not taking them out of j.a.pan. That"s why I didn"t smuggle them from j.a.pan, so no problem! And those sales don"t have to be remitted to j.a.pan. Umu, this case is closed.

Let"s completely remove the order and reception email records. The history, everything…

And from now on, I will send it out according to regular procedures.

What about import procedure in that country?


Well, I"m completely exempted from tax in that country, so I can"t be charged with tax evasion. I don"t know any other customs laws anyway…

Haha. Hahaha…

Don"t worry about the trivial things!

…it"s not trivial you say? Well…

I"m sorry…

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