144. Don"t ask me

"Miss Mitsuha, it"s a pity that you have no breast!" (MF)

" " " " " "Wha…" " " " " "

The people in the venue were frozen to the words that were so loud.

… Of course, me too.

This is no longer impolite or [Mannerless] thing. It"s already [Disrespectful].

"W-Wha!!" (? Mitsuha)

I was suddenly verbally abused by the young, boy about 16 - 17 years old, from the DQN group.

No, well, in this world, he"s not a boy anymore, but already a full-fledged man.

But just what did he suddenly say in front of the crowds, this b.a.s.t.a.r.d!

The venue is surrounded by eerie silence…

Well, naturally.

What is this guy! You picking a fight with me!?

Girori! (Glare SFX)

When I glared at him with all the anger that welled inside me, he…

"Eh? Huh? What? But the rumor says, by saying this you will give me a national treasure grade jewelry and you will be my friend…." (Prince)

Where do you get that kind of information!!

It is not a retort or joke anymore, it"s a full-blown insult!! Are you kidding me!!!

…No, wait a second…

How should I return this offense?

In a way that would make everyone convinced. And in a way that the organizer would have no responsibility, other than inviting such guests.

Yeah, it"ll work out peacefully with this!! Alright…

"… very unpleasant. I"m going home!" (Mitsuha)

I turned my heels and tried to quickly leave the place, but… the people around me trying to hold me back.

"p-pl-please wait!! Please waiiiit!!" (random guest)

"Viscount Yamano, please! By some means, I beg you to endure, please!!" (random guest)

A desperate plea from people around me.

"I will teach you a ma.s.sage method for breast augmentation, it"s our family"s secret method!! (random guest)

Shut up will you!! If it works just by doing that, it would be a little bigger already!

Do you think I"ve never tried it before!? d.a.m.n it!

Ma.s.sage, exercise, diet, mysterious medicine, prayer to G.o.d, I tried it all already!

…huh? The surroundings are calming down again?

"…Mitsuha…" (Marquis Mitchel)

Marquis Mitch.e.l.l, why are you looking at me with such a sad face?

"…Mitsuha, you leaked everything out loud just now…" (Marquis Mitchel)

Ah, is that so…

"Gyaaaaa!!" (Mitsuha)

I will go home!!

No matter who says what, I"m going back today!

… And, as expected, no one tried to hold me back.

Don"t be sorry for that, d.a.m.n!

(Narator"s POV)

"Dear father, wh-what do we do…." (Prince)

"What do we do you say, I don"t even know what to do. Everything is your responsibility" (King)

"As I thought…" (Prince)

After Mitsuha left the party, what was left behind was the confused father and son from the DQN group… also known as, Count Wonrade and Viscount Efred … also known as, His Majesty the King and His Crown Prince. And other attendees who were silent and watching over them, similarly confused.

"… my apologies" (Prince)

His Majesty the King … No, currently, Count Wonrade … apologized to the party"s organizer.

As a King, it"s not as easy to bow to a n.o.bleman, but this time it"s completely a misconduct of his son, and currently he"s the Count of Wonrade, so there"s no problem.

"It was a chance that you might have had a connection with that girl, but because of my stupid son… I will make sure the compensation to be handled by [My acquaintances]. I want you to forgive me" (the King)

Of course, [My acquaintance] was not referring himself as [The Count of Wonrade] but himself as the king. The king has to pay the price to the Count, the party organizer, for ruining his chance to build connection with the foreign girl.

The girl was not directing her dissatisfaction towards the party organizer. But the fact that the girl was stormed out the party venue still left a bad impression for the party organizer. Looking on the bright side, the party organizer can expect to get a reasonable apology and compensation from the foreign girl the next time they meet.

… Well, naturally, there is no ruthless person who can seriously blame the girl in that situation.

With the purpose of attending this party is over … no, it"s [Unfortunately Over], Count Wonrade withdrew with his escorts, and the other guests resumed the party. Of course, the majority of the conversations that take place are related to the matter that happened earlier.

Just how in the world that one could arrive at such a misconception.

Will the crown prince be able to choose a princess consort with that condition?

… and if that prince, who doesn"t understand the woman"s heart at all, attracted to someone"s daughter…

Thus, the night of the n.o.ble"s party is over…

"This is beyond ridiculous…" (Mitsuha)

There are only few people who can make such a [Furious] face. Mitsuha was in a bad mood, and, as usual, was riding on a chartered carriage, heading to her Product Store.

She wanted to transfer to her home in j.a.pan immediately, but she has to make sure that she returned to her shop properly. Although it is troublesome and wastes money, she has no other choice. As expected, she has no intention of preparing a private carriage and horse of the Yamano Family.

"However, to think that n.o.body even tried to protect a weak girl in such chaotic situation… I"m astonished, n.o.blemen of Vanel Kingdom!!" (Mitsuha)

Mitsuha is furious.

"Alright, for this reason, I won"t go to a party of army faction for about a month! That way, I"ll have fewer parties to attend and my stomach fat will go away!! It must be, somehow!!" (Mitsuha)

“What? You"re not going to the army faction party for a while?” (Marquis Mitchel)

"Because I realized that even though everyone noticed that I was perturbed and annoyed,  n.o.body even tried to help! So, I"ll only go for naval faction parties for a month or so. And do not increase the number of the parties with the naval faction either. Just pull out the army faction"s from the schedule. Oh, and please tell me the names of the two who have hara.s.sed me" (Mitsuha)

"Ugh…." (Marquis Mitchel)

When Mitsuha told Marquis Mitchel that, he wanted to explain the situation, but the king said [I want to make first contact and talk as a n.o.ble. Don"t tell about us yet], so he had no other choice but to obey the king. Even at the party the other day, the n.o.bles couldn"t do follow up for them because they had been instructed to do so in advanced.

… I want to explain the situation. However, there will be no inconvenience if it"s just telling the guised name, because they will introduce themselves the first time they meet anyway. (Marquis Mitchel)

With that in mind, the Marquis declared their names.

"Count of Wonrade and Viscount of Efred…" (Marquis Mitchel)

When Mitsuha heard the name, she tilted her head.

"I thought they were a pair of father and son…" (Mitsuha)

"N-No, they are father and son. But the eldest son claimed the second t.i.tle because the count has multiple t.i.tles. …or rather, Mitsuha, you have got one of the multiple t.i.tles your parents have, too." (Marquis Mitchel)

"Ah-Ahahaha…" (Mitsuha)

Mitsuha is the head of the house, but she just laughs it off vaguely because it would only cause extra confusion.

She"s not going to the army faction parties for a month… A little troubling, but it can"t be helped. Well, the last time was really terrible. To be told such a thing in front of the crowd would have been pretty hurt for a girl in sensitive age. Good grief, just what was his Highness thinking… (Marquis Mitch.e.l.l)

He was a little troubled as a member of an Army faction, but he can"t complain because many factions were present at the scene. If he complains, the Crown prince will take the blame for the blunder, and for breaking the heart of a little girl. But what would the consequences be…

It is unlikely that anyone will take such risks at their own responsibility.

One month is a considerably short. Well, recently I"ve been a bit overwhelmed with parties. And Mitsuha"s stomach is a little… No, even though she"s a child, it"s rude to think about such things towards women (Marquis Mitchel)

Marquis Mitch.e.l.l unintentionally glanced at Mitsuha"s stomach.

And, of course, Mitsuha noticed it.

"Gi…" (Mitsuha)

"Gi?" (Marquis Mitchel)

"Gyaaaaa!!!" (Mitsuha)

(Note: I wanted to make Table of Content for Mitsuha, but currently there"s only one series in this site anyway. well, i"ll make it eventually. Later.)

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