148. Kidnapping 1

Gathering information on the new continent is finally reaching a stopping place.

No, I can"t do intelligence a.s.sessment every day. If I continue to party and drink a bottomless cup of soft-drinks, my poor stomach is going to be terrible!

[Luxurious Heart] maybe good. However [Luxurious Stomach] is obviously not good!

Well, that"s why, today, for the first time in ages, I"m taking Colette-chan and Sabine-chan to go on a sightseeing trip on the Earth.

No, recently I was busy with the new continent and the new shops, and I didn"t really have time for them, so they were in a good mood now… well, their mood seems a little bit too good.

That"s why I came here, the base of Wolf Fang.

… well, I have to show my face every now and then.

"Captain-san, is there anything happened while I was gone?" (Mitsuha)

"You came huh… No, not really. But there"s a lot of emails, please process it. There"s nothing important though, no need to be hurry" (Captain-san)

"Riiight… " (Mitsuha)

Yup, I used to get regular letters before, but it was tedious, so I just use an email instead. Because it"s easy to send the replies. And it is managed by captain-san in case there was important or urgent mails. He also sends replies for the receipt confirmation.

Sabine-chan and Colette-chan will have to wait a bit, but it doesn"t take long to use transfer, so it should be excusable…   Let"s settle this quickly…

Mostly invitation to parties and events. Since I hadn"t been here for a while, some of it have pa.s.sed their due dates, so I responded with an apology. Well, I"ll still decline the upcoming ones too. And there"s also regular reports from those who are studying the things from the other world. Let"s answer those with acknowledgment and encouragement.

Oh, apology and wish to return to be the member again are coming from the countries that I kicked because they were tried to secretly bring recording device to [Different World Round Table]. It was a good opportunity to get rid of them. Who will ever let them return!!

After that, I send a few more replies. And….

"Now then, let"s depart!" (Mitsuha)

First thing first, let"s go to the sweets shop in the nearest town from this base!

When Sabine-chan and Collette-chan tagging along, it is customary to go there first.

 And we have already selected a suitable place for the transfer. A quiet and safe place.

Well, if there"s anyone nearby at that time, we can just disappear with continuous transfer. Maybe, they"ll think they"ve seen a ghost and it"ll end without causing any strange rumor.

…And, without any problem, we"ve safely arrived at the sweet shop.

"Melon sweet parfait and Strawberry shortcake!" (1st loli)

"Banana chocolate sundae and jumbo parfait!" (2nd loli)

"Neapolitan ice cream and fruit parfait!" (3rd loli)

" " "For the time being, that"s all!" " " (the three lolis)

Large orders as usual. The waitresses already got used to our regular orders. We eat whichever comes first in succession, addition after addition.

And of course, it ends with [that].

" " "Uugh…" " " (the three lolis)

Gurururu…. (Upset stomach SFX)

No, It"s not that we never learn from the past!

It"s like, the ancient roman aristocrats who pokes their mouth with their fingers after they"re full to make room in their stomach so that they can continue eating! …we let it out from the bottom though!

Well, it won"t work if you have constipation… tte, let"s leave it at that!

"I"m going first!!" (Mitsuha)

Yes, there are only two toilets in this shop. And now, there"s only one left, because another costumer already occupied one. So, I"m taking the other one.

"You can go next, both of them are free" (Mitsuha)

After I returned from the toilet, it"s Sabine-chan"s and Colette-chan"s turn.

And when I was thinking about today"s schedule, there was a loud noise at the entrance, like shattered gla.s.s or pottery. And…

"Kyaaaa, kidnapper!!!" (Store clerk)

I reflexively stand up from my seat and looked towards the entrance.

The toilets in this shop is located right after the entrance and slightly behind the right side of the checkout counter. In other words, I can"t get a clear sight of the restroom from the inside of the store.

The scream earlier belonged to the clerk at the checkout counter, no one would ever consider trying to take an adult woman out of this place, that means, the only ones who have the chance to be kidnapped is… Sabine-chan and Colette-chan…

My body spontaneously dashed towards the entrance while thinking about them. It was annoying to wait the automatic door to open, so I teleported out. I saw pieces of shattered vase on the floor. Perhaps it fell when someone"s limb hit it while they were struggling. And by then, the clerk noticed the criminals, thus she screamed.

Rendering someone unconscious using a handkerchief soaked by chloroform is only a myth in a story, chloroform has no immediate effect and is quite toxic. So, if the victim is a child, the safest and quickest way is to gag their mouth with a piece of cloth so that they can"t scream, hold their body and drag them away… while thinking that, my body automatically dashed towards the parking lot. It"s less likely they"re using a car to kidnap someone in this scenario… tte, there they are!!

Two women holding Sabine-chan, two other holding Colette-chan, and another woman helping them, a total of 5 women, and a man trying to drag Sabine-chan from the back seat of the car. I can"t see clearly from here, but maybe there"s another in the driver"s seat.

Looks like Sabine-chan is rampaging, but she is outnumbered and they"re restraining her limbs, forcing her to get inside the car. Following her is Colette-chan. I stopped and looked at them without panicking.

…If they"re already in my sight, I don"t have to worry anymore. It"s just [Kidnapping], and the culprits will have no intention to harm the girls. Even if the girls scratches or bites them, they"re probably strongly ordered not to hurt the girls.

There"s no way they can escape now, please wait a little longer.

The culprits managed to push the girls into the backseat, with one of the women following them into the backseat, and another woman into the front pa.s.senger seat. The other three then entered another car next to the first one.

Well, they all won"t fit in one car, so have another one ready. It"s unlikely but perhaps the other car have the role to prevent the first car to be tracked. Perhaps, even at the expense of a few people, they value the success of the kidnapping.

…And, if you"re wondering why I"m so relaxed, it"s because…

Gakun! (Metal crashing (?) SFX)

Vrooom!! (Blown engine SFX)

The sound of blown up engines and the two cars that didn"t move ever so slightly.

It cannot move. The two cars have no tires. Just before they started the engine, I transported all the tires from the cars to the yard of the territory residence.

The cars that can"t move anywhere has their engines blown up after the drivers forcibly stepped on the accelerator. And then…

"O, onee-sama!" (Sabine-chan)

"Mitsuha!" (Colette-chan)

Again, with continuous transfer, I retrieved Sabine-chan and Colette-chan in succession. Yeah, because of this, I"m not worried that much as long as they"re within my sight and not in an imminent danger.

If the opponent was a deranged violent person, I would be more panicked and immediately rescued the girls. This time, the culprits were not of that sort and they were completely within my sight, so I had time to wait for the right moment.

The worst-case scenario would be if they managed to escape before I found them and completely lost sight of Sabine-chan and Colette-chan, rendering me unable to rescue the girls.

…the store will charge the culprits instead of us for the reparation, right?

Then I take the phone out of my pocket and call a number. Yes, if we"re involved in any trouble in this country, I can contact this number immediately, the number that was taught by the agents of this country.

Maybe scary uncles in black suit will rush here.

… just when I thought that. They came in just 2-3 minutes, four cars, dozens of people. We haven"t been able to talk with the clerk and the other customers who came out of the store in a hurry…

Apparently, several agents were always waiting in a car, near the Wolf Fang base, ready to be dispatched at any time. Of course, because we occasionally come to this city, there are plenty of agents waiting around here too. And this time, because it"s emergency, even those who are in a nap are wielding up and trying their best. …thank you for your hard work.

And the reason why the kidnappers doesn"t abandon the car and escape is because I took [that] with me when I transferred the tires earlier. The parts that necessary to open the doors.

Without that part, the door would not open because the latch would not come off when the handle was pulled.

In addition, the sharp tools, the communication devices, the firearms, and the dark instruments, I took them all. And the poisonous substance for suicide move was also transferred. Maybe they haven"t even noticed yet.

The kidnappers, who were a little stunned that they had noticed that their weapons had all disappeared, were quietly captured without any resistance.

Somehow, it looks like they"re losing their motivation, maybe they realized that the bottle is already empty when they tried to suicide by drinking the content inside the bottle?

Well, if they determined to suicide only to realize they can"t, of course, their heart will be broken…

Ah, let"s transfer the door latches so that the men in black can open it easily.

Oh, I have to transfer the weapons back in the car. Well, transfer only took a few milliseconds, they won"t realize it.

I have to leave the evidence that they"re armed kidnappers so that their sentence won"t be lessened.

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