Today’s picture is Maribel cosplaying by

Marcel-san listened to Mitsuha"s words, "we will have a tasting party tonight. Please come with 4 people including yourself, also including those who have the right to decide. Oh, and please come hungry." and returned home. While properly remembering to take the knife and other things.

According to Marcel’s story, the person who"s debuting is of course the protagonist of the unveiling party, first is simply introducing ‘This girl has gone up to the stage of being a marriage partner candidate as well’ and then afterward it seems there is mainly about exchanges between n.o.bles. The protagonist will have exchanges among children, and adults are going to talk about “adults things”.
Therefore, without the feature in the program, debut party"s good and bad is about: “50% the food, 20% the dress, 20% the person herself, and 10% other.” Mhm, cooking is a big responsibility.

Mitsuha quickly teleported when Marcel left. And she goes out as soon as she changes clothes. The destination is Mi-chan"s, a childhood friend from Mitsuha’s kindergarten, house the liquor store. Though Mi-chan herself is absent from attending a college in the city, the goal today isn"t seeing Mi-chan. Arriving at Mi-chan’s house, Mitsuha shouted loudly at the front door.

No, not in my mind this time, I don"t care if I really shout. Because I’ve been doing it since I was in kindergarten so people in the house and the neighbors are used to it.

As usual, Mi-chan’s dad came out.

Mhm, I know.

“Oh, I’m glad. So, what is it?"


Eventually, I somehow managed to persuade the reluctant uncle and succeeded in obtaining the liquor. I’ll have him deliver it to my house later.
The content of my persuasion? It seems that I can get a job directing a foreigner"s party, I needed a sample of cooking and liquor, so, I just mostly said the truth. No, uncle is good at finding lies. Maybe whispering, it would have be a big purchase If it goes well, worked. No, I’m not drinking it, really.

Next, I purchased food that doesn"t deteriorate so easily, namely retorts, canned foods, and fruits. I also bought ice cream and sent it to the refrigerator. When it"s evening I"ll get the side dishes.

Ok, until later on buying the side dishes and collecting the ordered items, let"s idle around at home for the first time in a while?


Two are the viscount and his wife. The other one is a woman in her late twenties, she"s Marcel’s subordinate and seems to be the cook who serves as the second. Female cooks seem to be rare, but as second in a n.o.ble"s kitchen, she must be a capable woman.
After guiding everyone to seats in the kitchen is the greetings.

“Thank you for coming today, I"m the owner of the General Store Mitsuha, Mitsuha Yamano”

Ah, I know they were Mr. and Mrs. Viscount when I saw their clothes. Marcel secretly taught me about women.

“I have prepared tastes from a variety of dishes today. Therefore, unlike a full course meal, they won"t be ordered into a sequence. Generally speaking, I will serve various things. Because each is a small amount, I apologized that only one dish of each will be served. Please share the serving dishes. Just taste, please do not try to forcefully eat them all. You won’t be able to eat the rest”

Now, should we get started?

"This is Consommé soup"

The soup shines in golden color. It"s cooked with all of a french restaurant chef"s might.


The hand that moves the spoon doesn"t seem to stop.

“I will present more and more dishes so please feel free to try them”

French, Chinese, j.a.panese, stateless, etc….

And for liquor. Beer, wine, whiskey, brandy, sake. Still, pa.s.s on Shochu and bottled c.o.c.ktail. I didn"t forget the advice about being careful with strong alcohol.

I thought they would throw questions at me, but everyone only drank and ate silently. You could say it"s anticlimactic or creepy….
After that, maybe because their stomachs swelled considerably, their eating speed decreased and the frequent asked questions began to appear.

"…This is not food and liquor from this country, is it?"

Yes, they’re from my country of origin and the surrounding countries.

Yes, they are pouring in!

Mhm, there is no lie.

“I am now a person of this country and I am living here peacefully. This time there"s only a sample, I asked for the impossible and was able to get this one time only arrangement”

“B, but then the matter about you teaching me this dish!"

“I can prepare the recipe. Practice it over and over again to get it to taste like this. For now, completely memorize the taste of the completed form.
Marcel and his female subordinate’s faces cramp.

"What about the materials? Especially, like fish. Like, would you tell me things such as how you’re carrying them?"

"Please leave it to me. There"s ‘General Store Mitsuha’ for that since there"s a consultation corner where you can rely on for anything, from love affairs to territorial management.
This time we will undertake this task in the form of support towards a solution to a consultation request rather than the sale of goods. Of course, the necessary expenses will be separately charged”

“Fu, hahaha, hahahahaha!”

“Mitsuha-dono, I’d like to make a contract with you by all means. The contract pertains to the offering cooking ingredients and cooking instruction, so then I ask of you”
Mhm, I seem to have pa.s.sed. No, of course. Didn"t I already arrive at victory at the chef’s soup stage? Now I can make a fortune. But…….

"But I refuse!"

At the words of Mitsuha, the viscount who was laughing froze with wide mouth open.

“No, no, I do not mind taking over the cooking. Simply, only that isn"t fun, so”

“The dress and the performance instruction, can not you leave it all to me? To this me who was called “Kurenai ken’nyou” during elementary school!"

(tl note: くれない検尿(Kurenai ken’nyou) used here isn"t Crimson G.o.ddess, but crimson urine test. The former is a reference to Gla.s.s Mask but I"m not sure what the latter means.)

After a long discussion, it was decided that the majority of the party will be entrusted to me with various conditions such as being sure to make frequent reports, explanations of all the contents, and performing rehearsals. Well, of course, for such an important event things like leaving everything to others or performing without rehearsals is impossible​ right. If the client is such a fool, I wouldn"t have ever taken the job.

After that, at Marcel and his female subordinate ‘s desperate pet.i.tion, I teleport from another room to the house for a moment​ and brought back a lot of nylon bags. They want to bring home leftovers….
Mhm, eat it before it spoils. If that happens, with that in mind I"ll go buy several different ones again. And you don’t need to be able to make them all. It"s not like we won"t serve normal cooking​ from this country, and I’ll bring over things like the desserts. You just need to select a few that have some kind of impact… eh, you didn"t hear that, is that so?

Viscount brought back all the leftover liquor. I also received an additional order. I will ask Mi-chan’s father for more and report the ma.s.sive order"s confirmation on the way.
Mhm, since it"s never permitted for a n.o.ble party to fall into a state that “food and drink are scarce”, so they say the actual required amount is quite a lot more. It’s going to be an amazing amount sold. Please increase Mi-chan"s allowance to a little.

And, while thinking that they"ll finally return, the viscount"s wife firmly grasp my shoulder with a scary face.

Saying that it was a luxury item for n.o.bles, another shampoo and rinse are sold. I got pretty good.(かなりボった)
No, to make them easier for commoner girls to buy, essential items for girls have their profit margin​ lowered. Because the exchange rate is four times j.a.pan"s, in other words, if the amount is 1,000 yen it would be equal to being worth 4,000 yen or 4 silver coins according to the sense of value here. It should be fine to sell it high to the n.o.bility to supplement that amount. People of n.o.bility too would like it better if it"s not same as something for commoners but a luxury product for n.o.bles to use. Mhm, everyone can be happy.

Eh, didn"t you sell shampoo to commoners for 8 silver coins?

Eh, the soap suppliers will be crushed? No, I don’t sell soap. Only shampoo and body shampoo. Flabby soap can survive in doing laundry​, hand washing, face washing and so on..

(tl note: common sense-chan is screaming somewhere in her bas.e.m.e.nt)

From the next day on, I was busy in j.a.pan.

When I showed up and thank her saying that the dress was very useful and that I got the backer, she was very pleased. So, for the next contract. Viscount Liner"s daughter, Adelaide-chan’s dress set. When I explained, ‘it"s a dress for a foreign n.o.ble young lady on their debutante’, I was hugged.
(tl note: I"m adding quotation marks because it gets confusing from here on.)

"W, www, what a great honor! What a bliss​!!"

And, "if possible I want to see the dresses of that country." Well, it is difficult if you do not understand the standard. Let’s think of something.

T, that’s right…(そ, そう来るか) Then, I’ll also ask you to prepare the swords. Of course, impossible to use imitations.

At a home electronics ma.s.s retail store. I wonder if they still sold that. Ah, for order? Then please.

Batteries, I"ll be back at a later date for them. movie camera, wireless speaker, spotlight….
No, I’m not acting rash? Failure is not permitted so I"m being excessively prepared just in case. Look, it’s the same as preparing many times over the amount of food and drinks. It’s a n.o.ble formula.(貴族式だよ)

Money is quickly decreasing again. When this work is over, there will be payment! For the time being, rather than the saving hole let"s ask the captain to exchange the j.a.panese yen I’m accustomed to using to the amount in dollars and make an overseas deposit…
Once I finish complementing the upfront investments, it"s savings hole’s turn.(先行投資分を補完し終えたら)

“Then, I will take care of ojou-sama”

In the carriage are Adelaide-chan, Mitsuha, and two escorts. It is heading out to the base, General Store Mitsuha.

Because the shop is close to the n.o.ble district, they soon arrived. The wagon is in front of the shop, and the two escorts take a rest at the table on the first floor. It"s Adelaide-chan"s body measurements so they can"t argue against prohibiting boys. Well, it doesn"t matter because they won"t come out of the building. No matter how they looked at it, Mitsuha doesn"t seem able win against Adelaide-chan bare handed.

I bring out some drinks for the escorts and led Adelaide-chan to the second floor. Before entering the room I had Adelaide-chan wear a blindfold. She thought it was strange, but I gloss over it​ by saying something reasonable like it"s a magic charm.

This is the fujoshi’s tailor shop.

“Kitakitakita ~!”(She"s here she"s here she"s here~!)

I take Adelaide-chan’s blindfolded off.

No, that"s enough….

(tn note: Totally not the switch from natural to artificial lights or how the inside is bigger than the outside)

“Please measure quickly. If you work rudely on a n.o.ble ojou-sama, heads will fly. No, it"s not a metaphorical expression, physically, really”
Even the fujoshi manager is scared from that, she measures seriously. Then, she talked a little with Mitsuha interpreting. Adelaide-chan is in the state of “???", but the store manager is in perfect condition. She was completely satisfied at the end of their introduction​.

On the way back, Mitsuha gave the manager a memory stick. Photographs starting with the clothes Adelaide-chan and Amalia-san own, to the dresses exhibited at n.o.ble clothing stores in town, to the dress Adelaide-chan’s friend who finished her debutante ahead of her wear. I don’t feel bad because they said that it’s a nice dress so they certainly wish to show it to me. Because they happily showed me, I casually took pictures. In the middle are some friends who went out of their way to wear them to show me, the manager who opened the images later went crazy.(中にはわざわざ着て見せてくれた友人もおり)

In the same way as we came, we returned to the second-floor pa.s.sage. On the 1st floor, Adelaide-chan pesters me to guide her around the store, super bitten the bite. I had no choice but to give some accessories. I charge them as expenses.

Ah, although the cake was delicious, you are concerned about the refrigerator, is that so?

For now, I plan to bribe them by sharing the shortcake, extent of the effect is unknown.(ショートケーキをお裾分けして買収を計ったが)

Every day Mitsuha stays at the viscount Liner"s home during the daytime. Not in the guest room. In the kitchen.
No, she did gave a variety of recipe books and so on, but only obviously Mitsuha can read them. So, everyone in the kitchen notes what Mitsuha reads. Mitsuha is also a good cook, she can manage most dishes if she has a cookbook, she also knows the basics and tricks of modern cuisine. It"s obvious that she would be asked to give uninterrupted guidance.

Out of Earth"s cooking, Marcel-san selected a few things used for parties that are easy to ma.s.s produce, delicious and impactful; and continues practicing.

……This troublesome.

Beginning with Marcel, everyone in the kitchen came to call me "shishou(master)" before I knew it.
……… It’s cool, isn’t it?

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