226. Ship"s Soul

(Unknown"s POV)

"What"s going on with the design platform for the next major ship!"

"Y-yes, about that… the chief engineer went to the military port…"

"Again…? We have to do something… No, I know how they feel. I know, but…"

Those who are involved in shipbuilding went on a vacation to the naval port town as soon as I take my eyes off them. …lately they started to try to talk with the soul of the ships while muttering…

No, I do understand! Even I, who joined the Navy because I always loved ships, also wen to the shipyards often. When I was told that a soul dwells in a boat that I was involved in, and that it had a figure of a cute girl, I rushed to go there right away.

… In fact, I"ve already taken two vacations.

Unfortunately, the soul never showed up, though…

Instead, we sent a pet.i.tion to the naval headquarters to extend the life of the old ships that were designed by the late chief engineer when he was young. Who would let them be sunk as target ships for a bombardment exercise!?

"…and I plan to go to the naval port next week, so please sign this vacation notice…"


There"s no way I can allow that!

"But we have the right to…"

"I"ve already sent a vacation notice for next week. What do you think would happen if we both take a long vacation at the same time…"


First come first served, no hard feelings…

(Mitsuha"s POV)

"Mitsuhsan, it seems that the people in the Navy are acting strange recently" (Rephilia)

"Eh, what do you mean?" (Mitsuha)

It seems that Rephilia has acquired some military-related information.

"Shipbuilding-related companies, timber traders, craftsmen, and so on seemed to be in a panic, or rather, cornered… in any case, their state was strange and had been worsening…

And for some reason, the navy, especially the shipbuilders and the sailors, were restless, and the higher-ups have been taking vacation leaves… and it doesn"t like they were in trouble; on the contrary, they seem to be in a good mood.

Anyway, there"s an extreme difference in degrees of enthusiasm between the navy and the ship-related private companies. Normally, if something goes wrong, both sides should be in the same state…" (Rephilia)

Alright, just as planned…

However, if they couldn"t meet the ship"s soul at all, they might think that the Eras was special, so the trend that [Since we will discontinue decommissioning the old ships and extend their life span instead, the plan to build new ships will be put on hold] may gradually decline…

…that"s it!!

"…and so, we will form the [Yamano Family Ship Soul Corps]!" (Mitsuha)

In front of me, there are Noel (11 y/o), Ninette (13 y/o), Leah (5 y/o), the [Yamano Family Maid Girl Corps]. Also, Paulette, Katy, Lorena, and the rest of the [Yamano Family Adult Maid Corps], plus Miriam-san added.

"What is that…" (?)

Then Colette-chan, who looks stupefied, teaches everyone the role.

Oh, Colette-chan is working with me in the new continent, so she will be excluded from the ship soul corps.

It was night, and we were far away from the sailors during the Eras event, so it should be okay because our faces weren"t clearly recognizable, but we cannot partic.i.p.ate in this operation.

Considering the unlikely event, you shouldn"t take unnecessary risks.

Although I explained to the n.o.bles of our country that ["Migration" reduces my vitality] (I"ve never said that my life span will be shortened), I told Count Bozes and my servants that it was a little exaggerated.

…otherwise, I wouldn"t be able to move freely, so it was unavoidable. Of course, they were all forbidden to talk about it.

Probably no one would betray their lord, who is also their employer, who is also the Himemiko of Thunder, who is also the hero of salvation. Not only those who worship the G.o.ddess but also those who value the lives and positions of themselves and their families.

Therefore, if I say, [it"s a secret operation to protect the country] and [it"s an oracle from the G.o.ddess], they will do their best. No, it"s not that they"re afraid of the G.o.ddess" punishment, it"s on their own discretion, of course!

…and there are also special bonuses.

Alright then, let" go!

(Narator"s POV)

"What"s that?" (?)

"Bird?" (?)

"No, there is no seabird that looks that big when perched on the mast…" (?)

Several sailors, who were cleaning the deck of the 64-guns state-of-the-art warship [Salvary] with deck-brushes, stopped on their track and looked up at the object on the mast.

Then, the object stood up on the mast.

The silhouette could be seen as a girl aged 13-14 years.


[Oni-chans, it"s itching there, please rub it firmly to remove the dirt!]

" " " " " "Ooooooooooh!! Salvary-chan!!!" " " " " "

In a loud voice, sailors jumped out of the inside of the ship one after another. Of course, the captain and the officers also came flying from the stern.

"Oo~h, Oo~hh, Oooooohh!!"

" " " " " "Salvary! Salvary! Salvary!" " " " " "

Until the girl disappeared while waving her hand, no, even after she had gone, the crew"s enthusiasm didn"t subside…

"Inspection round!" (?)

In order to confirm whether there are any abnormalities in the ship and to maintain the order of the crew, the officer in charge regularly patrols with the non-commissioned officer around the boat. Then, they check all the a.s.signed rooms and the empty rooms, and…

When they opened the door of a sailor"s bedroom, where no one should be there because the occupant is currently working on the deck…


They found a girl around ten years old sitting on a wooden box and biting hard-baked bread.

And the girl disappeared along with the wooden box (with Mitsuha inside), leaving the half-eaten hard bread.

"Arara, good work!" (?)


The non-commissioned officer looked back in surprise after he heard the voice of a woman on the deck of an old ship and what was reflected in his eyes…

A gentle woman about 27 - 28 years old and a little girl about 5 - 6 years old riding on her shoulders.

And on the bib-like cloth worn by the little girl, it says:

[Onboard lifeboat]

"Mitsuhsan, there seems to be another strange rumor in the navy. I heard that some of the crew members are saying strange things, such as [I saw the ship"s soul], or [I won"t get off this ship for the rest of my life], and any other things that seem to be a sign of a mental disorder…" (Rephilia)

"Fufufu, just as planned… With this, they should be convinced that ships other than Eras also have souls. Then there"s no way they would be able to decommission the old ships. It is certain that the crew and those involved in the shipbuilding will be against it. If things go well, human rights, no, ship"s soul rights will be created, and maybe it"ll throw the navy into chaos even further… "(Mitsuha)

"H-haa…" (Rephilia)

Even though she doesn"t understand it, Rephilia let out an ambiguous smile, knowing that it was proceeding according to Mitsuha"s expectations…

"Mitsuhsama, I was afraid to stand up on the mast!" (Ninette)

"Ah~, sorry. It was safe since I was on stand-by so that I could transfer you immediately if you fell, but I see that was scary, huh… Okay, I"ll add a special risk fee for you, Ninette. So please endure it!" (Mitsuha)

"Yay!!" (Ninette)

(I also gave Rachel-san a special fee for Leah-chan who played the role of a small boat. And I"m sure all the maids are beaming happily because they got extra incomes… well, if I throw a lavish feast, they will be happy to help with anything else next time, so it"s a cheap investment…)

Thinking so, Mitsuha smiled sweetly.

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