This time’s picture is Nadenades.h.i.te from
(tn note: The t.i.tle was 真珠が武器ならミツハは兵器 translating to "If Pearls are weapons, Mitsuha is a conventional weapon" anyone have anything better?)

“Sir, I’ve brought Mitsuha-sama”
“Um, show her a seat.”

Unlike the previous meeting with an aristocratic form, now it has the form of an informal family dinner with a friend invited. There is no need for pretentious wording.
And when they saw Mitsuha guided by Stefan enter the dining room, the five members of the Boses family stopped breathing.

Shining brilliant white dress, sparkling enamel shoes. A large pearl necklace of an unknown price on her neck. A contrast of white dress and jet black hair with a necklace that shouldn"t have existed in this world. But even that just plays a supporting role to complement the beauty of the girl.
As if time has stopped, a moment of silence just


Klaus restarts after wincing for a moment from the footstep purposely made by Stefan. Then the others also begin to move. Awkwardly. Iris’s eyes are directed at the necklace and doesn"t break her line of sight.

"Thank you for inviting me"

“U, um, welcome. This is a family gathering so it is not necessary to worry very much about form, manners, wording, and the other things. Enjoy your meal with ease. Otherwise, this wonderful meal wouldn"t taste very good”
Mitsuha smiled and replied with an okay to Klaus’ words.

During the meal, an unbroken conversation continued. Klaus introduces his wife and children to Mitsuha to apologize for not introducing his family in the previous meeting, with topics like the Boses territory"s special products and delicious specialty dishes, the fun conversations continued on, and then the meal finally ended and there were only tea, refreshments, liquor, and side dish s left on the table. The main subject begins at last. Everyone was wrapped up in tension, including Mitsuha.

“Ah, Miss Mitsuha”

Mitsuha’s voice cracks at Klaus’s words.


“Who are you? I want you to answer honestly if you can. ”
Well, it is finally time for the performance.

“Yes, it"s really true that I came from a different place from this continent. Although I gave a family name in order to meet the earl, now that I left my country and gone to this continent my position and social status has no meaning”

Everything is true. Mitsuha came from a place other than this continent and announced her family name to meet the earl. Whether it is completely her real name or not is another story.

“The reason why I left my country, well, I guess it would be called a succession problem….

What I brought along is this necklace, which is a part of my personal belongings and my mother’s keepsake”
Mitsuha explains her elaborated story.

Ah~. I feel like I can understand the feelings of those who tried to endorse this girl. I’m sure they’ll be rolling around in regret after learning she has fled the country because of them.
Klaus who believed Mitsuha"s made-up story, pity the nonexistent va.s.sal.

“That’s why I can’t go back to my country anymore, and I want to live in this country if I can. I think I"ll have the funds for that if I sell my mother’s memento, this necklace”

“S, sell it!"
Iris suddenly caught on the bait.

“Y, you, do you you know what you are saying!"

“Y, you!"
Bang, bang, Iris. .h.i.t the table out of excitement.

“You know, pearls can have a range of different prices. Color, shape, size, the thickness of the nacre, and many others things.

One or two grains are fine. Even if there is a good pearl. They can be made into a ring or earrings, a hairpin or a chest ornament at most. But, is it possible that such pearls lined up in a necklace?
How many sh.e.l.lfish do you think you will find one pearl! Among them, what percentage of them can be used for accessories? And, a necklace with the finest grains and color? There"s none! Like there"s a way to gather enough to make thisss~?"

Bang Bang Bang! Pounding the table again and again.
The children are backing away from the threatening att.i.tude of their usually gentle mother.

“Em, if you’d like, I can hand it over to Iris-sama…”

The pale Klaus fearfully asked his wife.

"I, Iris… I wonder how much is the market price …”

Oh, I’ll tell you just in case, auctions are useless. There"ll be a scramble and bloodshed, the seller will disappear on the same day to have them vomit out the source”

Heeee! Beyond expectations!!

Would it been better to get one worth 300,000 to 500,000 instead of the highest cla.s.s worth 1.3 million? Or would it been better to use other artificial jewelry?

The jewelry was antic.i.p.ated to cause turmoil on the market and start a search for its origin so the plan was to take it to the earl instead so it wouldn"t flow in the market and also to get both money and backers in a single shot from its purchase. That’s why it’s a high-end product with no mistakes.
Ah, that’s right!

“Iris-sama, in that case couldn"t the necklace be divided and the parts sold separately… hee!"

Iris was staring with the eyes of a murderer.

Mou, I have no idea what to do……

After silence once again continued for a while, Mitsuha was forced to push the original plan.

“But it’s a memento of your mother…”

"W, Well, that’s certainly…"
Claus who tried to discourage the sale of the necklace falls silent from Mitsuha’s counterargument.

“And also I want to give it to Iris. Being part of the earl"s family, you won’t be forced to tell its source, and it will not flow to the market and cause confusion”

“B, but its price…”

“If it’s enough to be able to start a store in the capital that"s all I need. I’ll do my best on my own after that!"

Iris is astounded.

"It’s okay. Besides…"

"I want Iris-sama to have it. And when I want to remember mother, if Iris-sama wearing it holds me tight….”



……Yes, it"s working!

In this world, there are neither movies nor TV, and barely any books for entertainment. Even the upper cla.s.s has few opportunities to be exposed to stories such as in theaters, or when nannies and mothers tell bedtime stories. In other words, they have no immunity.
The earl"s family got hooked easily to the template tear jerker. They weren"t foolish on the contrary, although they are capable they"re also a good family. It was just as the information Mitsuha collected. Things might have been different if profits and losses were involved, but for from profits and losses, there is only "profit" for the earl.

The place becomes calm and the conversation becomes gentle. The earl family"s children who couldn"t get a word in so far due to the rapid developments in the conversation were able finally able to join in. Everyone was itching to talk to Mitsuha.

“Mitsuha, your beautiful black hair and mysterious black eyes, it’s the color of miracles that the G.o.ddess has given to you only…”

Boses family"s son Alexis, 17 years old. Sink.
He hit on the girl, but he isn"t a bad man. He just simply “loves pretty girls”.

“Mitsuha, that versatile knife that father got, it’s amazing, don"t you have anything else you have brought from your country?”

“Oh, I have a normal folding knife. Yes, this is it.

“Mi, Mitsuha-chan!”
Next to Beatrice the yelling daughter, Alexis and Theodore became red

Huh? Did I do something?

“Please be careful because it is sharp”

The sharpness of the blade, it"s beauty. The splendor of its molded body. And the safety and portability of being able to fold. Theodore can’t take his eyes off the knife.

“Oh, I’ll sell it if you want"

“No, I have it for self-defense but there’s another one. How about a piece of gold?"

Theodore had a quick answer.

Mitsuha has somewhat learned about the monetary values of this country in the conversation during the meal. No, of course she also learned about it in the village, but she felt the information she heard in that village wasn"t very useful…

(tn note:ご祝儀価格 is a term for the price of products that just came out before it lowers later on, but that"s usually double not ten times)
Ah, I wonder if it"s bad to be hiding a weapon while at a n.o.bles" dinner table. Well, it sounds like they don"t mind.

Actually, it was very bad. Fortunately, this is the Boses family and they let it go since they thought that Mitsuha was a beautiful yet helpless girl so it can"t be helped if it"s for self-defense. I"ll be a big problem with other n.o.bles families.

Maybe because he became envious seeing Theo"s sparkling eyes after receiving the knife, Alexis draws closer to Mitsuha.

“Um, the other one is necessary for self-defense and I can"t sell what is needed to travel… If it"s something that I brought from my country that I don"t need, let"s see, there"s only a change of underwear.

Cold gazes stab into Alexis who shouted by reflex.

“Elder brother Alexis……”

Klaus who was barely safe from unthinkingly saying “I"ll…” calms down.

“That"s five silver coins”

""""You"re selling it!!""""

"One piece of gold"

Unexpectedly, Theo joins the bid.

Eventually, the negotiations failed due to the mother’s intervention.

No, it’s unused. Of course.

“By the way, Mitsuha-chan, you are going to put your shop in the capital? What kind of shop is it?"

She seems to think Mitsuha is younger. However, that can"t be helped. Their height is almost the same, rather feels Beatrice a little taller. And, the chest, about C size…. Mitsuha shed tears in her heart.

“Yes, I’m going to make a general store…”

Beatrice makes a blank look.

“Wow, that seems interesting! But what is a consultation corner?"
“I think that there are many things that are different between here and my country, and sometimes there will be things that are serious in this country that we already settled in our country, that why I wonder if there"s something that could be useful”

"Hou, that certainly seems interesting"

"Earl, do you have anything you are troubled by?”

After thinking for a while, Klaus says with a bitter smile.

“Eh, isn"t that soil depletion from monocropping or a lack of fertilizer?"

Mitsuha explained. If only the same crops are planted, the same nutrients will be taken and the soil becomes barren. Plant other crops and apply “crop rotation”. Gra.s.s. Compost. Mulch leaves…. However, specific crop names and details are omitted. There is a fee for that.
Klaus bites on. Question after question. While wetting the thirsty throat with liquor, the conversation shifts fast and spreads to other topics.

"The development of a new product! There are two types, things that can only be made in the Boses territory. And something that can be made anywhere but has an overwhelming difference in quality. It’s branding, branding!”

“If you increase the tax rate the tax revenue will go down! This is common sense! Increase domestic demand, increase purchasing power. And attract merchants, merchants!”

“Invention! Inventions make lots of money in one shot! Let’s think of something that can be a new invention!”
The talk spreads further and Mitsuha"s voice is getting bigger.

Something is strange. Thinking that Iris sees that Mitsuha’s hands were not holding a gla.s.s of tea or juice, but liquor. However, the information that Mitsuha is pouring out now would be useful for the Boses territory. Iris gently looks the other way. She is truly a wife of a n.o.ble.

“Mitsuha, you know, you have to dig a hole!"

Mitsuha stopped moving.

Even though I didn"t cry. Even though I endure it that time. That time too, and that time too…

Mitsuha who was shedding tears with her head hanging down was suddenly hugged gently and softly around her shoulders.
"…It’s okay. It’s okay. It"s okay to call me father"


Clinging to the manly and thick chest, Mitsuha wept.
And fell asleep like that before she noticed.

© 2024