"T-ThThat is…" (Marchioness)

"It"s just a pearl necklace. My husband gave me a gift even thought I was not my birthday…" (Iris-sama)

In response to Marchioness stuttering words, Iris answered lightly.

Then, on behalf of the marchioness who could no longer speak, the other ladies stormed Iris with questions.

"Wh-Where did you purchase it?!" (Other Lady)

"It seems my husband got this from the person who he had took care of. Well, perhaps it"s thanks to my husband"s habitual business" (Iris-sama)

"W-Wh-Wh-Who was it! No, who was this person who gave you this?" (Other Lady)

"That person only gave a disguised name even to us, so we don"t know the real name of that person" (Iris-sama)

"Pardon me, Count Bozes. If Possible, I"d like to introduce myself to that person… " (Other Lord)

"Can you give me a rough estimation of how much you acquired it?" (Another Lord)

In the back, the husbands of the ladies who surrounded Iris, from Count, Marquees to Duke, also stormed Count Bozes with questions. When they got home, their wives would be demanding information, so it was natural to seek some.

Of course, all of the could roughly figure how much it would cost. But if they could get some quotes from Count Bozes, they might be able to vision whether if they could obtain it. [No matter how rare it was, if there"s one exists, there must be at least another one] they"re betting on that smallest possibility. It was natural to think so.

However, those who were from viscount house of below did not seem eager to ask for information. It was obvious that no matter how much cost was, they would never be able to obtain it. But, in order to make their wife to give up, they still wanted to ask the rough price if possible.

Honestly, I can"t tell everything. After all, the only money I actually paid was the cost of that building and its renovation cost, and a little sum of money I gave before she left the territory. Right, that necklace is national treasure grade, No, it is even more valuable than that. If I were to speak honestly, imagine what would they say about Bozes Family. (Count Bozes)

[A villain who tricked a foreign princess and took her heirloom]

[The kingdom"s Disgrace]

[Evil should be perished]

If I were to speak the truth, no matter how much explanation I give, I don"t think everyone would be convinced. If I see from a third-person point of view, I will still not be convinced and will certainly condemn the other party. (Count Bozes)

In fact, the Bozes Couple intended to return the necklace when Mitsuha earned the money the count had given her, or when she married off somewhere, they can say, it"s a celebration…

If possible, they hoped that the groom would be from Bozes Family, but even if it was another family, the idea remains the same.

But there"s no use saying that now.

So apparently, Both the Count and Iris had discussed with Mitsuha how to face this situation if they were encounter one.

Seven men aboard a small boat have landed on Bozes Coast. Apparently, the main boat was distressed and decided to land with a small boat.

The six men who seemed to be escorts and the lord who had a n.o.ble aura and luxurious appearance that they were treated politely. After a few days since they landed, they finally gathered enough supplies for a long journey. And left a present as a form of grat.i.tude. Perhaps it was someone from a distant country. And they couldn"t help but that the Bozes Family for their warm hospitality. The escorts tried to stop the lord and the Count also tried to refuse, but the lord laughed calmly and pressed it into the Count"s hand before leaving.

Right, I can never say that I bought if formally. If I were to buy such a thing for legitimate amount of money, I will arouse suspicion of the source of the money. No matter how influential aristocrats are, there is no way one can gather a fund to buy something with the value of a National Treasure Grade. (Count Bozes)

Tax evasion, hidden property, embezzlement of territory administrative budget. No, it will not stop at that much. The suspicion of hiding a gold mine in the territory, smuggling, illegal trade with other country…. Anyway, I don"t know what wrongful accusation I would receive. So, I should just tell what had been discussed as it is. (Count Bozes)

As a Lord, and as one of the n.o.ble in the Kingdom, Count Bozes is known as a quite a capable person. n.o.bles who close with him know that he is a pretty good person as an individual. No one would doubt that"s what Count Bozes would do, they wouldn"t even question the story itself. However, the were greatly curious about [that Person] ident.i.ty and envied the good luck of Count Bozes.

While the ladies are watching the [G.o.ddess Necklace] surrounding Iris, The Lords were all excited about the ident.i.ty of the [Mysterious Lord] which was the source of the necklace, as well as debating about the existence of the other equivalents. … Completely forgotten about the birthday party, leaving Marchioness Tin.o.berg standing alone outside of the circle of people.

(Note: Petty iris-sama, I feel bad for the marchioness lol)

A week after the party. Count Bozes, with a twitching face, told Iris who was in a good mood after giving a devastating blow to the Marchioness of Tin.o.berg.

"… His Majesty the King invited me for dinner tomorrow" (Count Bozes)

"Eh?" (Iris-Sama)

No wonder Iris is surprised. Invitation from Royal Family usually given at least one month in advance. To make it as the top priority and don"t make any other plans. Or to prepare new dresses and accessories, diet and skin care of the ladies in the meanwhile.

But this time, the invitation was delivered verbally. And it was the day before.

… Impossible. It was absolutely impossible.

"… and how big is the banquet scale?" (Iris-sama)

If the invitation came quickly like this, it would not be a normal dinner party. Apparently, the scale would be quite small and of limited guests. It is a great to be invited to such a meeting from the Royal Family.

"We"re the only ones" (Count Bozes)

"Eh?" (Iris-sama)

"It"s just me and you, only both of us were invited. It"s not a banquet, it"s just a dinner. And His Majesty said [Make sure to wear the pearl necklace]" (Count Bozes)

"Eeeeeeeehhh!!!" (Iris-sama)

As expected, even Iris would be surprised.

"For the invitation this time, we are really grate…." (Count Bozes)

"A~h! That"s fine, let"s take a seat. There"s only us here. Let"s take it easy"

Iris too, has been a n.o.ble daughter since birth. And she was quite respectable during her days in the Academy. She also has greeted His Majesty the King in several occasion. However, it merely greeting as a part of some gathering, as one of the guests of the party. It couldn"t be helped if she were nervous talking to His Majesty in a situation like this where they"re just being invited to a home dinner.

And contrary to His Majesty gentle att.i.tude, A piercing gaze was released from his neighboring seat.

Right, it was the line of sight from Her Royal Highness the Queen towards Iris"s neck.

((Ah, as expected…?)) (Bozes Couple)

Of course. The real intention of the verbal invitation was this after all.

The Queen asked her questions as the meal started as id she couldn"t wait anymore.

"Ano, that necklace, where did you…" (The Queen)

When she heard about the necklace, of course she already heard the details of how it was obtained, but there"s still a possibility that the story were made to conceal the truth and that the Bozes couple might tell the truth to the Royal Family.

However, Bozes Couple repeated the same story as at the party.

"Then, are there any clue to their ident.i.ty…" (The Queen)

"Right, they were repeatedly gestured the act of grat.i.tude several times, but because they were speaking a different language…" (Bozes Couple)

"Was that so… " (The Queen)

The Queen was disappointed, but it seems she did not want to give up. She thinks that it was more likely to be a one-of-kind treasure. But the truth it was [One that should not be exists].

"Th-Then, that necklace…" (The Queen)

"Umu, it might be impossible to get the same thing. It might be a reward from the G.o.ddess for the Count"s good deeds towards the lord that was in distress…" (The King)

The King said, interrupting the Queen"s words.

No matter even if it"s the Queen, if she could not keeps pestering someone who could not give anymore explanation. And if she ever asks the Countess to give her the necklace, it would be disastrous.

The Public already know that the necklace was given to Count Bozes which he gave it to his wife. If the Queen spotted wearing it in the public….

The Royal Couple pressured a n.o.ble family, seizing expensive jewelry that the family received as a sign of grat.i.tude. If such rumors spread, the public opinion of the Royal Family will fall.

If the Countess declined, No, the fact that they demanded it was already fatal.

And if the Bozes couple shows a depressed expression after being invited by Royal Family to a dinner where the only invitee was just Bozes Couple, the n.o.ble will think [They refused to give them the necklace, so they hara.s.sed them….]. And if that happens…

(Daaaaaammmnn!!!) (The King)

His Majesty finally realized the catastrophe he had pulled himself into.

The Bozes family treasure, which is now a trending social topic, The G.o.ddess Necklace. The Queen wanted to see it, and only invited Bozes Couple to a dinner.

No matter even if the host was a Marquees, there"s no way the Royal Couple would attend. If they were to attend the wife of The Marquees" birthday party, then they would have to attend the birthday party of their Heir. Then, also for the second son"s party. There"ll be no end.

To think that would lead us into this catastrophe… (The King)

His Majesty gently looked at Count Bozes which in return he smiled at him, telling:

"His Majesty, in the meeting that will be held 3 days from now. I would like to request development a.s.sistance for the northern coastal area. When that time comes, please take care of me … " (Count Bozes)

And then, Similarly the Countess smiled at him.

(They got me!!) (The King)

Count Klaus von Bozes, the lord of the northern region of the kingdom. And his wife, Iris.

He was a good man as an individual, but as a lord and as a n.o.bleman, he was a considerably schemer. Both him and his wife…

(Note: I was pretty sure FUNA sense had forgotten the Count"s name lol)

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