123. Gallery Café

A few days after the nightmare during the demon subjugation incident.

I went to Count-sama to apologize and thanked him. Then Iris-sama and Beatrice-chan turned me into their dress-up doll using my weaknesses as a threat, I was angry at Alexis-sama that he didn"t save me… tte, that I don"t care!

Captain-san seemed to have considered to use explosive rounds. It"s a normal 7.62mm but with explosives added to the bullet tip. But it seems the result was it would have little to no real effect, only lowering penetration power and increasing budget.

Well, if it was considerable effective, it would be more popular. Don"t be impatient, Captain-san.

And I moved to another plan to change my state of mind.

That"s right, the creation of a business partner for [Colette Sculpture] and submitting its business notification.

The place is the home country of the individual that I talked to on the night after the [Second Other World Conference], a.k.a [Isecon 2]. A certain country gave me nationality and exempted me from tax and military service. I have already reached out to a real estate agent, and the store has been prepared.

(Note: Isecon = Isekai Conference. j.a.ps tend to shorten everything)

The Employees Recruitment ads were already posted, and today was the job interview day.

Well, I didn"t even think that I would be a job interviewer without having job hunting experience myself… tte, come to think of it, I did an interview for the servants at the territory residence.

But that"s a story in the other world where the system and recruiting standards are completely different from the Earth. On the Earth, the rights of the employees are fairly important. So, if I were to hire a weird person, I can"t easily to have them to be fired. I have to go carefully…

The recruitment conditions I issued were like this:

Gallery Café employee recruitment.

1 Manager and 1 Cook. No experience required. Live in the store are permitted. Weekly wage of $620, plus 10% of net profit of the Café.

1 Waitress. No experience required. Weekly wage of $420, plus 10% of net profit of the Café.

Two days of full-day break per week, social insurance, and labor insurance are guaranteed.

Working hours: 10.00 - 18.00. Lunch are provided.

A store manager"s wage is about 300K yen per month in j.a.pan, and the waitress is about 200K yen on average. Plus, commission. As expected, I can"t include the sales profit of the gallery, but they got to earn a part of the profit from the café. This will get them motivated. I didn"t intend to recruit too much, but there seems to be a lot of applications.

At some point at the stages of application, a department of the country seemed to conduct a thorough investigation, and a considerable number of people were dropped at that stage. And it seems that [the one with problematic background] has been completely eliminated.

Eh? [The conditions are too good, so weirdos might be mixed together]?  [The conditions are not something that needs to be improved. Please think about the market price!]? My apologies…

Anyway, I interviewed the applicants who had successfully cleared the scary preliminary survey.

"……" (Mitsuha)

"……" (Applicant)

What is this child doing here?

I looked at the job recruitment poster again, there"s no minimum age specified.

"Ano~, Rudincha….-san, how old are you?" (Mitsuha)

"Yes, I"m 13!" (Rudinchan)

"Wh-why do you apply for this store?" (Mitsuha)

"Yes, there was no age restriction in the recruitment poster!" (Rudinchan)

Oh… Right, I forgot to write it….

Or rather, where did you read it?! I posted it on job seeker site for maids or something!!

I dropped my shoulders.

"… Ano, am I rejected?" (Rudinchan)

No no, this is part of the job, for me and for Rudinchan too. I"ll have to be formal here…

"You are aiming for the store manager or the waitress. What about your cooking ability?" (Mitsuha)

"Average… but I"m good at calculations" (Rudinchan)

The interview proceeded in a straightforward manner and the interview for all applicants were completed. As expected, they were all over 16 years old except the first one.

Aside from the waitress, the store manager position isn"t gender restrictive. But I kind of unwilling to hire the male applicant who came today.

Only the one who has shady background were eliminated in the preliminary stage. But their personality or qualification for the job didn"t mattered. So, there are still some applicants that I can"t even use.

And the male applicants seem to be thinking that I"m a child, and some of them are up to no good…

Because, every time I asked them if they have any question, most of them asked about my parents, or my family situations. The interviewer here Is me!!

After all, it would be easy to embezzle the store money from a rich girl who lives off the money of their parents, or maybe they"re thinking of getting into my parents using me as a steppingstone.

In that regard, there are relatively few female applicants of that type… but there were still some… So, I decided to choose a female manager. That would be easier for me too.

I thought about restricting the recruitment to only females from the beginning. At least I was not going to bring gender discrimination into this. But the result was this. I have to protect the work environment for the waitress, it will be terrible if power hara.s.sment or s.e.xual hara.s.sment were happened in the store.

For the time being, let"s choose the manager candidate. After examining the doc.u.ments and interview results…

"This is bad. Rudinchan is the best candidate…" (Mitsuha)

Actually, I was doing another big job alongside the gallery café preparation.

"My apologies, please take care of me" (Mitsuha)

"Oh, Please welcome! All the people who are present in this base also glad to have you!" (Diplomat Uncle)

A diplomat uncle from the [Isecon 2] invited me to an air base in a certain country. This is a different country from the one that the gallery café is in. It"s not good for the balance if I were to concentrate my requests on one country. Widespread and shallow, but absolute.

(Note: "Hiroku Asaku, ga Tessoku da". I searched whether if it"s a proverb, but still got no clue)

And I received VIP treatment from the head of this base. I wonder if it"s base commander of air force commander…

I don"t know if it"s the Army, Navy or Air Force. Each one of them has airplanes after all….

For the time being, I pa.s.sed through a public room, had tea and sweets served, and had a good chat. Well, I have to consider your position and circ.u.mstances, so I will go along with what has been arranged. Anyway, it"s just as a social order…

It seems that they will guide me to tour the base.

Is it an appeal to your country"s power, or just for friendship purpose?

Something like air base tour… Well, I love it though!!!

Okay, this is a rare opportunity. I"ll make sure to observe everything firmly!!!

 I figured out while looking around that this is the Air Force Base.

Well, I don"t think the air squad of the Army would be able to comply with my request this time. But there was a possibility for the Navy. Long-haul ocean flights are specialty of the Navy after all.

But if the Navy took on this job, would the Air Force be losing its face? It would be this country"s first feat on the other world after all.

At the end of the tour, I was taken to the ap.r.o.n at the side of the runway. Ap.r.o.n is a place where aircraft are parked for crews and pa.s.sengers getting on and off, loading and unloading cargo, and refueling. And there"s an aircraft parked there.

A large aircraft specialized in long-distance flight.

A big commercial aircraft capable to fly 15.000 km or about 8.100 miles, but there"s no way I can charter such an aircraft with crew provided. Besides, there are security concern. So, I asked for a plane that can fly long distance, that is secure and can be used free of charge.

Looks like, they provided me with an air tanker. Under the condition of [One with sufficient flight range] , of course I told them the approximate distance, but this one seems to have met the conditions.

Also, there is no way using something like huge strategic bomber would be appropriate. Maybe the fuel in the refueling tank can be used to extend the flight distance. They usually designed it that way, right?

Apparently, the aircraft is ready.

 And I went to the toilet first before getting changed into the flight suit.

No, they do have lavatories on board, and no flight suit were required. But I don"t want to use the on-board lavatory too much. Also, I finally get to board a military aircraft, I also want to try to wear a flight suit as well. Naturally!!

Alright, everything has been prepared, let"s depart!!

… tte, the diplomat uncle is coming along?

Eh, these guys appeared out of nowhere, who are they?

Oh, you don"t want to miss this opportunity?

So, that was the case, with a bunch of scholars tagging along, let"s depart!!

(Note: wow, from shop preparation to aircraft preparation, she strayed too far this time lol)

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