158. Mitsuha"s Scheme

(Narator"s POV)

"What!? Eras was discovered and all of its crew members were rescued!?" (King of Vanel)

"Sir! During the storm, several people who tried to protect the sail were lost and is still missing, but all others were rescued" (the Reporter)

"Is that so… Be sure to arrange the unpaid salaries and exemptions for the missing crew"s family member. If anyone cuts it out along the way, be sure to give a severe punishment" (King of Vanel)

"As you wish!" (the Reporter)

The King of Vanel listened to the report from his subordinate with bright expression.

Hundreds of crew members of the ship, which seemed almost hopeless, were saved. This, of course, includes n.o.ble officers.

The king did not seem to be a bad person. …at least for his own people.

Certainly, from the point of view of an adversary or a weak country that has been targeted for exploitation, he might have the impression of a wicked villain. But that"s just the role of the King, it"s another topic whether if he"s a bad or good person. He works earnestly for the people of his country. No matter how big a disadvantage it is for those in other countries. n.o.body can blame him.

"So, did the ship sunk?" (King of Vanel)

"………" (The Reporter)

Yes, for some reason, the reporter hesitates to give the reply that should"ve been just a word.

"Hn? I guess it wasn"t close enough to the coast to be towed? What is it, what are you hiding!?" (King of Vanel)

The king, stood up from his seat unconsciously, feeling an extraordinary premonition due to the reporter"s suspicious behavior.

"Speak! All of it, to the finest detail!" (King of Vanel)

The reporter had no choice but to speak. Even if the king ended disbelieved the story…

"Fuuu (Exhale SFX), the destination of the ship, Eras, is not to the sea floor but to the heaven. Eras, with the angel, has ascended to the heaven!" (the Reporter)

“……… Huh?” (King of Vanel)

Being taken aback, the King let out a stupid voice…

“……are you sane?” (King of Vanel)

After a while, the king finally squeezed the word out.

The reporter is, of course, not a mere underling. He is, in fact, an Admiral of the Navy.

And during the formal report to the king, the words like [G.o.ddess] and [Angel] came out from the Admiral"s mouth… No, it"s still good. In state religion, the existence of the G.o.ddess is believed.

But what is [The ship has ascended] means…

“Are you going to say that Eras has disappeared in front of everyone?” (the King)

“Yes, that"s right” (the Reporter)

"Wh!" (the King)

And everything was reported in detail all over again from the beginning.

The king, who could not believe the report, summoned the rescued captain of Eras and the commander of the rescue fleet, but the report remaining unchanged.

Furthermore, the officer, the senior sailors, and the lower-cla.s.s sailor were summoned and interviewed, but all testimonies were consistent. By that time, rumors had spread explosively throughout the Navy, even among the Army and civilians.

It is natural. More than 1,000 crew members in all four boats are going around the city talking about that miracle experience. And those who heard it can"t resist to tell the story to others.

[The G.o.ddess will save the ship and the sailors who has the righteous heart]

No one is bothered for this phrase to spread. Eras"s crew was quickly becoming the men of the hour.

(Mitsuha"s POV)

"Fufufu, just as planned…" (Mitsuha)

The rumor about Eras is spreading and the crew who temporarily lost their duty were invited to various parties. Not only n.o.bles and officers, but cadets and sailors were invited to low-ranked n.o.ble"s party, they"re in great demand right now. And then the scale of the rumors will be enlarged again and again.

The crews themselves exaggerated the story, telling here and there, believing that it is true.

And in the Navy, sailors who indulge in delusions as they please appeared on after another, believing that their ship is probably a 16 - 17 years old girl because their ship was a little older, according to the story that [Eras] was a young girl. The crew members of the ship, which was scheduled to be retired in several years, have been pleading for its life extension measures like modernization and refurbishment, which seems to be confusing the upper ranks.

But, in the end, everyone in the navy is just a boy who love boats, even the upper rankers and the former sailors. The ship designers and engineers are the same. They can"t keep silent when they hear that a soul dwells in the ship that they have poured their heart and blood into, and that it has the appearance of a girl.

Thus, it seems that there are growing demands for measures to extend the life of aging ships, which seems to halt some plans to build new ships. There are also rumors that many ship officials have traveled to cities with naval ports to meet ships that they have been involved in, and naval operations have been delayed because of that.

Kukuku, it"s exactly just as planned.

This successfully slows down the navy"s power growth.

And then, if you draw money from this country so that the surplus money will not be spent on research expenses and so on, plus the declining ship building plans, then the national power will not improve…

Mainly, in the from of gold coins… No, gold coin in this coin has inferior quality, so I guess the ingot is better. Anyway, anything other than gold coins would be fine. To do so, I have to sell products that do not contribute to the technological advancement of the country, do not contribute to the development of the industry, and have no beneficial value. Fuhahahaha!!!

Well, right now social and political circles are noisy because of Eras, and business circles are likely to be in turmoil due to the shrinking naval plans. The shipbuilding industry was. .h.i.t hard, with skilled technicians losing their jobs and being unemployed. Once lost, valuable people and skills cannot be recovered so easily. Like a body blow, it will deeply damage the country"s shipbuilding industry and cast a shadow on their future. (Note: What an evil scheme, I"m proud of you)

At present, this country seems to have the best naval power around here, but the 2nd and 3rd nations are catching up, and it is not known whether it will be possible to obtain results just by spending money. I"m sure they can"t afford to send something like expedition fleet. …Maybe.

For a while, let"s pa.s.s the boisterous social world.

I was wearing a blonde wig, I didn"t get too close to anyone, and they only heard my voice through the megaphone, but just in case. Let"s inform Mitchan"s Family that [I will travel the surrounding countries for a while].

Alright, with this I can leave the new continent for a while!

(Narator"s POV)

"What!? There is no party where Viscount Yamano will attend you say!?" (King of Vanel)

Indeed, the king, who had been evaded by Mitsuha, was also taking measures.

Instead of notifying the party organizers in advance that they would be attending, they would suddenly rush to the party instead. No matter how sudden, there is no organizer who will turn back the King.

And, despite the various rumors about Eras, it is also a great time to enter into bullish negotiations with other nations by claiming to be [the country that favored by the G.o.ddess]. It"s not bad to negotiate with less developed nations that aren"t very active.

So, he planned to get in touch with Viscount Yamano as a mere n.o.ble to hear her true intentions, then he reveals himself that [Actually, I am the King of Vanel], [Well, until now, I"m sorry!], then get a good impression that [What an easy-going and n.o.ble-minded King!], and have a detailed talk about the Viscount"s homeland.

After hearing the plan from the king, the Prime Minister was amazed at how sloppy it was, but on the other hand, If things go wrong, there will be no major damage or international problems. So, he didn"t have to stir any extra displeasure, and just said [Yes…].

However, when he was trying to execute the [Sudden Visit Strategy], there was a report saying that [There is no party where Viscount Yamano will attend].

"What do you mean? Is she under the weather or something?" (King of Vanel)

However, the Prime Minister confirmed with Marquis Mitch.e.l.l, who was rumored to be in charge of the party related to Viscount Yamano, then learned that [It seems that she is traveling around the neighboring countries].

"Wha!? What is she doing by going to another country!? Why did she go on a journey now of all time!?" (King of Vanel)

Even if he says such a thing, it is impossible to detain foreigner from leaving the country for no reason. That would be an international issue if the opponent is a n.o.ble or royal family.

Also, the fact that the king had fallen behind in the first place was due to his own stubborn operation plan.

"It can"t be helped… Well, her store is still the same as usual, perhaps she just went on a sightseeing trip to the mountains. On the contrary, it would be strange that she came from a distant country but stayed in one country without stepping out at all. I don"t think we should be worried yet…" (PM of Vanel)

"U-umu, I guess you"re right… Our country is a country that receives the G.o.ddess"s favor, and there must be no country that despises or opposes our country. Hahahaha!" (King of Vanel)

The Prime Minister shrugged his shoulders inside his mind…

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