161. Another World Trip 1

"ah, I found that boat!" (Mitsuha)

" "you found that boat?" " (the King and his aide)

Their words are overlapping. The match is perfect!

"Y-yes, I recovered an unmanned ship that was drifting offsh.o.r.e" (Mitsuha)

When I transferred it here, the crew had already been evacuated to the rescue ship. Thus, it was unmanned. So it"s not a lie.

" "……" " (the King and his aide)

And everywhere they go, the king and his aide were treated as state guests, or rather, [territory guests]. And then we have dinner at the territory mansion.

In order to bring out the unique traits of this world, the dishes are focused on things like horned rabbit steak, orc shogayaki, soy braised anomalocaris, and deep fried hallucigenia.

The king seems to fond of the horned rabbit, I heard he muttered [If we cultured and domesticated this, we could make products out of its meat and horn, and we could export it as our specialty products…]. Come to think about it, I did give a number of horned rabbits…

They tend to attack human, but they have strong fertility. Please don"t let them escape to the wild and disrupting the Earth"s ecosystem.

Since there is only me who can communicate with them, I just kept talking between the three of us.

The king and his aide are good people, but this trip is in the interest of their country, so behind this calm conversation, there"s a fairly intense battle.

"Would you let our country help the reparation of that sailboat? We will dispatch several shipbuilders. The payment can be in the form of gold ingots, jewelries, or samples of rare animals and plants…" (Bureaucrat-san)

"Well, that"s a good idea. It would be difficult for a country with no experience to make such things like ship rigging or sailcloth from scratch" (the King)

A One-two punch from Bureaucrat-san and the King.

"Well, your country doesn"t have the technology to build large sailing boat, does it?" (Mitsuha)

Right, large-scale sailing boats are still being built and operated by countries that can afford to do so. j.a.pan, UK, USA, Russia, Germany, Poland, Mexico, Norway, Netherland, etc. …some of them are owned by local governments such as cities…

In any case, it"s not that the sailing ship technology remains because they"re a developing country. In countries that can"t afford to do so, they put the aging destroyers from World War II to use which they bought at sc.r.a.p metal prices. …well, most of them are already decommissioned.

Anyway, traditional technology and skilled technicians are needed, and only a country that can afford to build and operate a decent zero-fighting-power sailboat can do so.

In other words, they"re just going to draw several craftsman out from another country.

"…" (Mitsuha)

" "……" " (the king and his aide)

Well, it"s fine though.

The prime contractor, the subcontractor, and the sub-subcontractor are the structures of the business world. Which is also the necessary system, not that there"s anything wrong with that.

However, I rather to make contract directly with the company that does the practical works than having too many middlemen. My intentions could be caught in the middle and not transmitted to the core, when that happens, it will cause extra obstacles and costs. In addition, they also said [is there any need for agricultural support?], [we can also provide weapons], I bet they"re just want to clear out the stock of old weapons sleeping in their warehouse.

But in this world, such weapons would be useful enough, the latest weapons are expensive and difficult to maintain, I think that proposal is the best choice for this country. At this level of civilization, it"s no wonder that the M1 Garand is better that the M16.

Well, I avoided various proposals. But I considered some of their proposals, and there are around three offers that seems good. Besides, it"s strictly a deal with our territory, it has nothing to do with the country.

However, it seems that they missed the mark when they know that our salt-making facility is more advanced than they thought. Apparently, they wanted to have a bite around that sector too. Fuhahaha, the salt-making technology of my homeland, j.a.pan, is the best in the world!

Well, there might be more advanced ways, but it has to be a method that is possible with the science and technology level of this world, and capable to meet our needs at the pace that produces sufficient profits, it"s pointless to introduce a method that continuously requires Earth"s technical a.s.sistance.

On the second day of another world trip, we will tour the royal capital.

Well, they would complaint if they"re just sightseeing this rural town.

"……Transfer!" (Mitsuha)

After casting the spell which took a while, we arrived at the [General Store Mitsuha]…. No, at the [Mansion of Viscount Yamano] in the royal capital.

The spell is to spread the false information that it takes a little preparation for me to transfer. So that I have more chance to hit the enemy when I was attacked.

…yeah, this kind of precaution is important for my safety.

"This is my residence in the royal capital. Although it also serves as a shop…" (Mitsuha)

We transferred to the counter area at the first floor. The third floor in my private s.p.a.ce, and it"s troublesome to release the security system, so I won"t bring them upstairs.

The inside of the store is the same as [a normal grocery store in a rural town on Earth], so I bring them outside without any explanation.

"Ooh…" (the King)

The streets look like European town. But adventurers… no, mercenaries and soldiers are walking around while brining swords, and the butcher"s shop has orc skins hanging on their eaves… no, I saw something similar at Makishi public market in Okinawa. I came to know that the unit of weighing there was [Catty]. Or rather, how much this [Catty] is!?

Anyway, the king and his aide are looking around while saying [Hohoh], as they feel the [Another World Atmosphere].

No matter how old and weak-looking the king is, he won"t be entangled with the thugs, even if he"s walking around while behaving like a country b.u.mpkin. …because there"s me behind him.

At least, there"s no one who want to pick a fight with me in the royal capital. No, even it"s not in the royal capital, as long as they know me, no one would dare.

And I showed them the famous places of the royal capital, my favorite shops, and so on.

They seem to be enjoying themselves, but sometimes they look at something with a sharp eye. Perhaps they found something that might be beneficial to their country and considering it in their mind. Oh, it"s around noon. I guess it"s soon…

"Ah, there you are!!" (Sabine-chan)

Yeah, she came, Sabine-chan!

At first glance she looks alone, but actually there should be some hidden escorts.

There"s no merit in killing Sabine-chan who has low chance to inherit the throne, so it seems unlikely that anyone would risk incurring the wrath of the King and me. If Sabine-chan was attacked, at most it would be a [Kidnapping], so it"s okay if the escorts are a little further away… I guess? U~n, I don"t quite understand.

Don"t tell me, they used her as bait to lure their adversaries out? I don"t think that King-sama would do something like that. Well, besides, I don"t think anyone would do that if it"s means that they would receive a serious retaliation from me.


"Alright then, let"s get going!" (Mitsuha)

Right, now, we"re going to visit the Royal Palace with Sabine-chan"s guidance. And have them meet with the King of my country while we"re at it.

If they meet the King of my country, that would be a great advantage over other countries on Earth. Although there is no real benefit, but we can elevate their position if we let other countries think that way.

In addition, I want to show the king that the decision to use the right to travel by himself rather than to send scholars or young bureaucrats was not wrong. I"ll say that if the visitors weren"t the king himself, I would never let them have an audience with the king of my country.

And, well, I could escort them to the Royal Palace by myself even if Sabine-chan doesn"t guide us, but, since she wanted to do this….

Of course, I already made an appointment with my King. As expected, I can"t take a king of another country to the Royal Palace without an appointment.

"This is Sabine, the third princess of our country. She will escort us to the Royal Palace" (Mitsuha)

"Oh I see! It"s an honor to have the opportunity to be escorted by a cute princess…" (the King)

She probably doesn"t know what the king is saying, but Sabine-chan, who has understood the general meaning by reading the infliction of the words and the mood, gave a lovely courtesy to thank the King.

As expected of Sabine-chan. She seems to be a different from the Sabine-chan who always behave like a spoiled child when she entered her [Princess Mode] seriously.

Well, it just means that she put a lot trust in me, I"m a little happy…

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