Saving Gracie

Chapter 40

About the Author.

As a native Houstonian, a rarity these days, I hold two licenses in the state of Texas: one in chemical dependency counseling, the other in ma.s.sage therapy. In 2004, I trained to be a volunteer for Houston Hospice, a life-changing training session I believe would benefit all. Hospice, contrary to popular belief, is not about dying. Hospice is about helping people live until they die.

Although writing has been a part of my genetic lineage, the bug did not officially bite until 2006. From then on, my true life pa.s.sion sprouted and came into full bloom. I"ve always been an observer by nature...ask any close friend or family member. I"ve studied lines and movie dialogues for years, which can often become annoying to said above friends and family (I can see the bobble-head nods of agreement).


When I write, I pull from what I know-real people, real life, and all the obstacles in between. My intent is to deliver stories with wisdom, warmth, a medley of emotions and always a touch of humor, which I often find to be the elixir of life.

I"m married to a wonderful man and an armload of grandchildren I adore. As a hobby, I crochet baby/security blankets (quite obsessively) for the Linus Project. Crocheting keeps my hands busy at night while I study movies and sit-coms for story ideas. I have always said I will learn to knit when I grow up. So far, that hasn"t happened.

You can connect with me on my blog,, on Facebook,, or on my website,


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