Scholar's Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1356: No Need To Elope

Chapter 1356: No Need To Elope

Because of some unknown misunderstanding, Director Li thought that Lu Zhou was going to sneak on to Mars.

Lu Zhou was baffled when he realized that the misunderstanding was quite serious. Even the higher-ups were alarmed. Director Li was instructed by the president to “watch” him and make sure he wouldn’t sneak on to the colonial s.h.i.+p.

It took more than ten minutes to finally clarify the misunderstanding. Although Lu Zhou felt that Director Li was not completely a.s.sured, at least he finally stopped following him nervously…

The day after Xu Fu was successfully a.s.sembled…

The governments of various countries witnessed the astonis.h.i.+ng scene at the Moon Palace, but they had yet to fully digest what had happened. A photo with a resolution far higher than the secretly captured photos by the optical observation satellites was released on the cover page of the latest issue of Everyone Daily.

That was a majestic stars.h.i.+p.

The silver-white outer sh.e.l.l reflected a cold light against the background of the Moon.

The st.u.r.dy body and the two circular sections formed a dumbbell shape. The cyberpunk science fiction vibe made it look like it came out of a movie.

Because of this, when relevant reports and high-definition pictures were released on the official pages of media outlets, it immediately caused a huge sensation!

Less than half an hour after the news was released, the comments section under the post was swarmed by tens of thousands of comments. The number of likes was approaching the million mark.

“Academician Lu is nutty!!!”

“F*ck! This isn’t a CGI shot from a movie? Don’t tell me this isn’t a movie trailer!”

“Are you kidding? Why would Everyone Daily write an article on a movie? Look at the watermark on the photo! It’s from CTV!”

“My G.o.d, this is such a big s.p.a.cecraft! Are we heading into the interstellar age?”

“Is it too late to sign up for Mars?”

“I haven’t even been to the Moon. I didn’t expect us to already reach Mars. I wonder if I have the opportunity to go there before I die.”

“Don’t worry, even if you don’t have a chance to go, your kids will definitely have that chance. Leave a letter for your family and ask them to take your ashes to Mars.”

Although many people had seen the concept image of the Xu Fu colonial s.h.i.+p that was released by the Mars landing team, the computer-generated image was obviously less shocking than the real thing!

In order to learn more about the Xu Fu colonial s.h.i.+p, those who were thoroughly interested in the news began to frantically search for information on the Internet.

Driven by this wave of excitement, related terms were quickly pushed onto the trending page.

An hour after Everyone Daily notified the country of the successful launch of the Xu Fu colonial s.h.i.+p, a video was released on the official website of the Mars landing team.

The length of the video was not very long; it was only five minutes.

This sped-up video was taken outside the Moon Palace’s cabin. It showed how the Moon Palace used eight flexible robotic arms to connect all three sets of s.p.a.cecraft components in twelve hours, completing a.s.sembly, welding, and a series of complex operations.

After seeing this video, almost everyone was stunned by this amazing technology.

Most people thought it was extremely difficult to complete the docking of s.p.a.cecraft components in s.p.a.ce. However, with the help from the eight robotic arms, the difficulties didn’t seem to exist at all.

The parts were like lego blocks, easily a.s.sembled together.

Most people didn’t know how to express their feelings at this moment.

Soon, the video was reposted to major video websites, spreading along the Internet.

This time, it wasn’t just the internet users who were shocked.

All the governments that were paying attention to the progress of China’s Mars landing plan were shocked by this incredible s.p.a.ce a.s.sembly technology, as well as the majestic Xu Fu colonial s.h.i.+p…

Jin Ling University.

Lu Zhou sat in his office during his lunch break, drinking coffee while flipping through the papers in the database.

In order for a nervous old man to sleep peacefully, Lu Zhou decided to stay away as far as possible from the launch site before the start of the final launch mission.

But, to be honest, the landing plan had already reached its final stages. It didn’t matter if he was at the site or not. When the five colonists set off from the s.p.a.ce launch site and took the Xu Fu colonial s.h.i.+p to Mars tens of millions of kilometers away, the people on Earth could only pray for the safety of the five warriors.

The office door was pushed open. A slim figure walked in and gently closed the door.

Lu Zhou looked up, and before he had the chance to say h.e.l.lo, Chen Yushan, who was approaching him, smiled and said jokingly, “I heard you’re going to Mars?”

Lu Zhou almost spat out the coffee in his mouth.

Although he could tell she was joking, he couldn’t help but feel guilty.

“Who said that?”

“My dad.”

Chen Yushan took a chair and sat opposite Lu Zhou. She put her elbows on the desk and her hands on her cheeks. She spoke with a smile.

“He asked me to keep an eye on you so that you don’t run to Mars with some other girl.”

Who spread this rumor to my girlfriend’s family?

Lu Zhou was baffled. He shook his head.

“How is that going to happen?”

“You never know.”

Lu Zhou couldn’t help but roll his eyes while looking at Chen Yushan’s silly smile. He said, “Why would I go to Mars? What could be so valuable on Mars? Even if there is, someone else could go there and find it for me, not to mention—”

“Shouldn’t you say it’s because I’m on Earth?”

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

Lu Zhou looked at Chen Yushan’s gentle gaze. Suddenly, he was at a loss for words.

The silence lingered for a while.

After a brief silence, Lu Zhou spoke.

“Two minutes ago, I thought that there wasn’t a treasure on Mars that was worthy enough for me to collect personally.”

“But now?”

“I think I found my treasure.” Lu Zhou said in a serious tone as he stared at Chen Yushan’s eyes, “I want to elope to Mars with you.”

Instantly, her white cheeks were stained red.

Her curious eyes turned shy. Chen Yushan glared at Lu Zhou with a blus.h.i.+ng face and whispered in a low voice, “I thought you were unromantic… I didn’t expect you to be so charming sometimes.”

Lu Zhou sighed slightly and looked up at the ceiling.

“So… is that a rejection?”

“Of course not!”

After she said these words, she looked at Lu Zhou smiling and realized that she had just fallen into his trap.


Because of the sweet feeling, she didn’t want to leave the trap.

She bit her lip and said quietly, “What I’m saying is…

“If you want, we don’t need to elope anywhere…”

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