Chapter 1516: Silence

In an endless deep sky, a black stars.h.i.+p was sailing along a nearly straight trajectory towards the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars.

The end of the voyage was Ceres.

The target was a s.p.a.ce pirate base about 0.03 astronomical units away from Ceres!

Speaking of s.p.a.ce pirates active in the asteroid belt, it was a long story.

In the 2050s, after the first attack on the Starlight cargo s.h.i.+p, the term s.p.a.ce pirates entered people’s field of vision through the news media.

With the continuous expansion of the aeros.p.a.ce industry, mining in the asteroid belt had gradually become a low-cost and highly profitable industry, resulting in a large number of s.p.a.cecraft being moved from the Earth-Moon system to the asteroid belt.

Everyone hoped to get rich overnight, and the act of mining a large pile of gold or precious metals more expensive than gold from half a million asteroids and hundreds of millions of meteorite fragments was driven by this extreme desire for wealth. Under these circ.u.mstances, a group of lawless people who longed for nothing else was naturally born.

Relying on the legal gap on the asteroid belt and the limited binding force of various countries in this area, they modified the s.p.a.cecrafts purchased or leased and attacked other civilian mining s.h.i.+ps or mining stations. They became the government of the regions, and their existence caused a headache to most alliances.

The complex meteorite environment made it difficult for large stars.h.i.+ps to station in this area for a long time, and if it was only a small s.h.i.+p or a s.p.a.ce base, it was difficult to guarantee an advantage on the battlefield.

If deployed separately, those military installations could easily become targets for s.p.a.ce pirates. And for centralized deployment, although combat effectiveness was guaranteed, they had to fight on the battlefield with a width of hundreds of millions of kilometers and limited visibility.

After all, they couldn’t expect those s.p.a.ce pirates to always show themselves whenever they wished.

In contrast, the pirates who fled between the asteroid belt and Mars could rely on small s.h.i.+ps and smuggled ammunitions to make trouble.

On one hand, this was because the complicated social environment of Mars provided a breeding ground for the s.p.a.ce pirates active in the asteroid belt. On the other hand, it was because of the indulgence of some governments or regional alliances.

After all, goods s.n.a.t.c.hed from compet.i.tors were always cheaper than goods that flowed into the market through normal channels, not to mention that it would restrict the development of compet.i.tors, thus allowing themselves to become stronger at the same time.

Although every once in a while, the Pan-Asian Cooperation would send a fleet to intensively clean up the asteroid belt in a certain area, the results had not been very great.

There was always news that leaked out in advance, and the cost of sending the fleet to the asteroid belt for missions was too expensive.

Take this operation as an example. As the command s.h.i.+p, Huashan was the lightest air carrier in the Pan-Asian s.p.a.ce force. The two cruisers and five destroyers escorted were all of the lighter-weight types.

But even so, as long as it entered the active range of the asteroid belt, the cost of this war was destined to be an expensive figure…

“Send the carrier-based aircraft to investigate the nearby airs.p.a.ce, guard the destroyer’s periphery, deploy the cruiser’s weapons, use EMP, lock in on the close-range abnormal target.”

“Yes, sir!”

The edge of the asteroid belt was getting closer.

On the s.h.i.+p bridge.

Following the command of the commander, twelve s.h.i.+p-borne drones ejected from the Huashan aircraft carrier, and silver-white bullets soon plunged into the asteroid belt.

Although most of the s.p.a.ce pirates were behind in terms of weapons technology, making it difficult for them to pose a substantial threat to the regular army of any regional alliance on the front battlefield, they were usually smart and used the terrain advantage to deal with the army.

For example, they installed nuclear warheads inside asteroids with relatively stable orbits and detonated the nuclear bombs when regular wars.h.i.+ps approached them, damaging the s.h.i.+ps’ hulls through the high-temperature meteorite pieces.

Or for example, they would hide cruise missiles behind meteorites, drones carrying explosives or anti-armor weapons, or even small a.s.sault boats with a pile of loose weapons.

While threatening nearby mining stations, these s.p.a.ce pirates could always cause trouble to regular army s.h.i.+ps in unexpected places.

The job of these carrier-based aircraft was to investigate the nearby battlefield environment, clear out the traps left by the air pirates, and lock down the potential threats…

Inside the bridge.

The commander stared intently at the holographic three-dimensional chart floating on the command table as he frowned.

It had been almost half an hour since the dispatch of the carrier-based aircraft, but there were still no traces of traps or automatic weapons found in this area.

Years of experience with s.p.a.ce pirates told him that this group of s.p.a.ce pirates might be different.

“There is news from the reconnaissance s.h.i.+p ahead that an unknown s.p.a.ce station was found near 0.03 astronomical unit of Ceres.”

After hearing the report from his subordinates, the commander immediately ordered, “Model the scan data.”

“Yes, sir!”

A light blue image appeared on the command table, and a s.p.a.ce station constructed of a three-dimensional holographic grid soon appeared in front of everyone.

Like most civilian mining stations, this s.p.a.ce station was embedded on a small asteroid and occupied a quarter of the asteroid’s volume.

Due to the high content of metal minerals in the vicinity, a natural “electromagnetic wave black hole” had been formed. If they didn’t look closely, they would not be able to find the existence of this s.p.a.ce station.

Staring at the s.p.a.ce station, the military advisor standing at the command desk frowned and spoke.

“So strange.”

Usually, when their carrier-based aircraft approached this position, the two sides would have already begun a fierce exchange of fire, but the s.p.a.ce pirates hiding in the s.p.a.ce station hadn’t reacted at all.

The entire s.p.a.ce station and the nearby airs.p.a.ce were quiet.

“It is very strange.” The commander said to himself with a solemn expression in his eyes, “We have dispatched such a large fleet, but they haven’t responded at all. Even if their radar is broken, they still have a visual observation.”

“Could it be that they happened to be out hunting?”

“It’s not like it. My instinct tells me that there is something hidden behind this.”

The commander thought for a while and ordered, “Prepare to send ground troops.

“No matter what’s inside, we shall go in and take a look.”

Ground Warfare Advisor: “Do you want to launch infrasonic missiles?”

“No, no weapons have been observed on the surface of the s.p.a.ce station. The armed forces inside should not be very strong. This operation is different from the past. We need a few prisoners.” Looking at the holographic image on the command table, the commander calmed down. In a serious tone, he said, “Third orbital airborne brigade! Send out three groups of commandos, prepare to attack!”

Six long shuttle-shaped landing craft were launched from the carrier, forming a front and back parallel triangular formation. They proceeded towards the direction of the s.p.a.ce station along a straight trajectory.

Although it was a strong attack, they were not seeking blood.

The first three landing craft hit the outer sh.e.l.l of the s.p.a.ce station first. A burst of sparks splashed as the metal jets gus.h.i.+ng from the front poured into the s.p.a.ce station.

More than a dozen pneumatic drones were released from the three landing crafts, protruding into the interior along the gap in the outer layer of the s.p.a.ce station, quickly occupying the favorable terrain in the s.p.a.ce station. They reported back the situation on the battlefield to the three landing crafts’ AI battlefield a.n.a.lysis systems.

The last three landing crafts directly crashed into the s.p.a.ce station from three different angles. As the hatch blasted open, the three groups of commandos entered the s.p.a.ce station from three directions. They coordinated with the drones to launch an offensive attack towards the s.p.a.ce station.


Something unexpected happened.

The team leader who burst into the core area of the s.p.a.ce station with his rifle looked around vigilantly. He finally lowered the muzzle in his hand and complained, “What the h.e.l.l is the headquarters doing…”

The control room was quiet. Except for the sound of the engine running, no noise could be heard. Judging from the ventilation system, this s.p.a.ce station should have been inhabited by people, and judging from the living supplies, those people should have lived here for a long time.

However, forget about the s.p.a.ce pirates…

There wasn’t even a single living person here.

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