Scholar's Advanced Technological System

Chapter 463: I Promise, It’s More Interesting Than Lithium Batteries

Chapter 463: I Promise, It’s More Interesting Than Lithium Batteries

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

What would happen when two rookies dance?

Lu Zhou, who accepted Vera’s invitation to a dance, didn’t think about this problem.

But now, he finally had a deep and painful understanding of this problem.

“Move your feet to the right, around 3cm… Yes… Don’t be so close to me, move more naturally. Yes, okay…”

Lu Zhou’s toes were stepped on, and even though the little girl was very light, he was still in pain.

Vera noticed Lu Zhou’s reaction and retracted her feet. She then panicked and apologized profusely.

“Sorry, sorry.”

Lu Zhou pretended to stay calm as he said, “It’s fine, it doesn’t hurt.”

He finally realized how difficult it was for Madeleine to maintain a smile and avoid the awkwardness after being stepped on…

Vera was blus.h.i.+ng after the song ended. She lifted her dress and gave Lu Zhou a slight bow. She then turned around and quickly ran away.

After Lu Zhou was finally freed from this “ritual”, he sighed in relief and walked off the dance floor.

Suddenly, he saw an acquaintance.

This was none other than the director of the Max Planck Inst.i.tute for Physical Chemistry, Professor Gerhard Ertl.

When Professor Ertl noticed Lu Zhou, he smiled and said, “Long time no see.”

“Long time no see.” Lu Zhou looked at Professor Ertl and said solemnly, “Also, thank you for the nomination letter.”

“Don’t thank me. Actually, I’m not the only one that recommended you to the n.o.bel Committee for Chemistry.” Professor Ertl smiled as he continued, “However, I am surprised by their decision. I didn’t think Academician Claes would make this decision. When I saw the news, I was so surprised that I dropped my sandwich on the table.”

Lu Zhou smiled awkwardly. “This… I don’t know what to say.”

“It’s fine, the sandwich still ended up in my stomach,” Ertl laughed and said. “In any case, congratulations!”

Lu Zhou didn’t step foot on the dance floor for the second half of the dance.

He followed the other guests and left the Gold Hall. Just like the other n.o.bel Prize laureates, he walked toward his designated car. However, he was ambushed and surrounded by the reporters who were waiting outside.

It was too dark and they were noisy; he couldn’t see which media outlets there were.

However, as long as the question was serious, he would give a simple answer.

CNN reporter: “Professor Lu Zhou, how do you plan on spending the nine million kronor prize money?”

Lu Zhou smiled as he replied, “I haven’t thought about that yet. Maybe I’ll use it to improve my life, maybe I’ll fund more research projects… or maybe I’ll just put it in the bank.”

CNN reporter: “May I ask what your next research project is?”

A lot of people cared about this question.

Or rather, most people that cared about him, also cared about this question.

When Lu Zhou heard the reporter’s question, he didn’t give a clear answer.

“It’s an interesting research project that’s difficult to achieve, but if it’s feasible, it will change everyone’s lives.”

The reporter’s eyes lit up; she immediately began to follow up on the question.

“More interesting than lithium-sulfur batteries?”

It wasn’t just Tesla cars, BYD batteries, DJI drones, and Apple phones… Ever since the lithium-sulfur battery technology breakthrough, high energy density batteries had been integrated into every aspect of society.

Two years ago, it was normal to watch videos while charging your phone. Now, people were used to charging their phones once every three to five days.

Not everyone knew the person behind all this, but the academic community would never forget that person.

Lu Zhou laughed at the reporter’s question, and he replied, “I promise this research project is much more interesting than lithium-sulfur batteries!”

After that, even though all of the reporters used up all their tricks, Lu Zhou didn’t reveal anything.

He finally escaped the reporters

Lu Zhou got into his designated car and went back to the hotel.

In the hotel lobby, he saw Chen Yushan, who already changed out of her evening gown and into casual wear.

Chen Yushan saw Lu Zhou as well, and her eyes lit up before she immediately walked over.

“Where did you go? I tried looking for you.”

The seats at the banquet were separated. The n.o.bel Prize laureates, royal members, and political figures sat at the main table. Everyone else was scattered at various corners of the venue.

The banquet was crowded, and not everyone was interested in dancing. Therefore, some people might have accidentally followed the crowd and left the venue.

Lu Zhou: “Didn’t you go to the Gold Hall?”

Chen Yushan: “Gold Hall?”

Lu Zhou nodded.

“There’s a dance after the dinner at the Gold Hall that’s next to the Blue Hall…”

When Chen Yushan realized she had missed the last part of the banquet, her expression was like she just lost her wallet. “Ah, why didn’t you tell me!”

Lu Zhou was speechless. “I thought you knew.”

This is common sense, right?


I think it is.

Chen Yushan: “Then… Did you dance?”

Lu Zhou nodded, “Yes.”

Chen Yushan asked, “With who?”

Lu Zhou: “Princess Madeleine.”

Chen Yushan’s eyes lit up. “Princess? Is she pretty?”

Lu Zhou nodded and said, “Kind of…”

Chen Yushan looked regretful, and she sighed before she said, “Ah, I’m jealous, I want to go as well.”

Lu Zhou looked at her silently.

It’s just a dance with the princess, what is there to be jealous about?

Chen Yushan suddenly looked at him with hope reflected in her eyes.

“Is there another chance in the future?”

Lu Zhou looked at her hopeful eyes and blurted, “This is the n.o.bel Prize, you want to come here again?!”

Chen Yushan asked, “Can’t you win it again? I don’t remember there being a rule against winning it more than one time.”

Lu Zhou sighed and said, “It’s theoretically possible, but it’s insanely difficult.”

There had been people in history that won two n.o.bel Prizes, but one could count them on a hand.

Their ability was unquestionable, but luck played a big factor in whether or not they would win the prize.

This also applied to the medal inside Lu Zhou’s pocket.

If at the final voting stage, Academician Claes had some doubts about Lu Zhou’s age, he would have to wait another year for a chance of winning the prize.

Lu Zhou was well aware of how difficult winning the n.o.bel Prize was.

Chen Yushan said, “But it is possible, right?”

Lu Zhou shook his head and said, “It’s astronomically unlikely.”

Chen Yushan laughed and said, “It’s a done deal then. If you win it again, you have to take me here!”

Lu Zhou smiled nonchalantly and jokingly replied, “Sure, if there is a next time, not only will I invite you to the banquet, I’ll give you whatever you ask for.”

Lu Zhou didn’t usually make promises.

But he was confident at his slim chances of winning the n.o.bel Prize again.

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