Scholar's Advanced Technological System

Chapter 577: Scientific Research a.s.sistant

Chapter 577: Scientific Research a.s.sistant

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

After Lu Zhou handed over the equity acquisition to Chen Yushan, he didn’t ask any more questions. He put his focus back onto his computer screen.

Even though Feng Shuqing was responsible for the restructuring of the STAR-2 project team, as the chief designer of the fusion reactor, his opinion was still very important.

Especially regarding his plans for the Eastern Research Centers a.s.sociation.

The higher-ups suggested that the newly established research and development centers would focus on aeros.p.a.ce, energy, and information technology.

Lu Zhou planned to find one or two areas in these fields to focus on.

For example, for aeros.p.a.ce, he planned on developing a plasma thruster.

The reason for doing this wasn’t totally because the use of Debris No.3 was still unknown. The main reason was that some of the controllable fusion technology could be applied to the research of plasma thrusters.

This was just like how the Apollo moon landing project indirectly promoted the development of gas-steam turbine combined cycle technology(GTCC). Plasma propulsion technology was inseparable from controllable fusion.

As for the energy side, Lu Zhou planned to continue to deepen his research on controllable fusion and develop the second generation of controllable fusion energy—fusion ignition with helium-3 and deuterium as fuel.

Even though this type of technology was difficult to achieve in the short term, it was always worthwhile to invest in the long-term.

As for information technology, this was slightly out of Lu Zhou’s research area.

Even though he had read textbooks in this area due to the system’s missions, but he was far from being a professional.

However, after some deep thinking, Lu Zhou finally made a decision. He chose carbon-based chips and quantum computers as the main areas of research focus.

The Eastern Research Centers a.s.sociation was focused on medium and long term projects. As an academic leader, Lu Zhou didn’t have to worry too much about achieving short term technology results.

Scientific research was unlike planting trees, investment did not necessarily mean success.

It was fine as long as the technical pathway was theoretically achievable in the long term.

Lu Zhou was halfway through writing the proposal plan when he looked at the long list of names on his screen and leaned against his chair.

“Is it ten o’clock already?”

The day had gone by without him knowing it.

Since he had to go to university tomorrow, he decided not to stay up late. He went to take a hot bath and then lay down on his bed.

Xiao Ai’s drone picked up his phone from his study room and brought it inside the bedroom.

Lu Zhou lay in his bed while scrolling through Weibo. He pressed “like” on a couple of comments that called him handsome. He then yawned and gradually began to fall asleep…

The next morning.

Lu Zhou woke up early and did his bathroom routine. After that, he put on a trench coat and went out.

When he was walking out of the house, the black car with the national flag was already waiting in front of his mansion.

Lu Zhou sat shotgun and looked around the car. He then said, “I plan on changing the car.”

w.a.n.g Peng: “Do you plan on buying a BMW or a Mercedes? I can drive anything.”

Lu Zhou: “I haven’t decided yet, maybe an electric one?”

The path from Purple Mountain to Jin University wasn’t very far.

The two were chatting when they arrived at Jin Ling University International Conference Center.

The car drove inside the campus and stopped in front of the cafeteria. Lu Zhou took off his seatbelt and asked, “Have you eaten breakfast?”

“I ate before picking you up.”

“Okay then, I won’t spot you any food.”

After that, Lu Zhou got off the car and closed the car door.

After he went to the cafeteria to buy some breakfast, he took the dumplings and soy milk into the mathematics building and went straight to his office.

He walked to the front of his office door and was about to take out his keys. However, he faintly heard someone talking inside the office.

Lu Zhou hesitated for a bit before knocking on the door.

He heard the sound of footsteps from behind the door.

After that, the office door was opened. A girl with bangs and round-rimmed looked at him with a surprised expression.

“Oh, Professor, why are you here so early?”

Lu Zhou was more surprised than her, and he asked, “Who are you?”

The girl forcefully smiled and said, “I’m Zhao Huan, your a.s.sistant.”


Lu Zhou had a weird expression on his face. When he looked inside the office, he saw two other desks.

He saw a girl in her twenties sitting behind one of the office desks. She was looking at him with a curious glance.

“What about them?”

Zhao Huan replied awkwardly, “They are…”

Lu Zhou: “…”

After some explanation, Lu Zhou finally had a general understanding of the three girls.

The one with bangs was called Zhao Huan, and she was mainly responsible for managing, conferences, and academic visits. The other more mature girl was called Kong Jie, and she was responsible for copywriting, PPT, and other miscellaneous stuff. As for the other person, she was mainly responsible for answering phone calls and running errands…

Why do I feel like she looks familiar?

Lin Yuxiang waved her hand and said, “h.e.l.lo~”.

Lu Zhou: “…”

Lin Yuxiang: “Don’t be so quiet, we used to fight on the academic line side by side.”

All you did was bring me food, why are you so confident?

Lu Zhou sighed and said, “Why are you here?”

“I’m about to graduate next year, and I plan on becoming a civil servant, so I applied to be an a.s.sistant in the school.” Lin Yuxiang smirked and said, “I didn’t expect the school to put me in your office, this must be fate.”

Lu Zhou: “…”

I guess this chick hasn’t changed one bit.

Lu Zhou looked around the office and said, “Since the school already arranged tasks for you guys, I won’t repeat anything. Just make sure you do your work at hand and tell me if any special circ.u.mstances arise… Also, where are the application resumes of the graduate students? The academic affairs office said that they already sent it to you guys.”

Zhao Huan immediately ran to her desk to pick up the resumes. She then handed the resumes to Lu Zhou.

“I already sorted them for you.”

Lu Zhou nodded and flipped through the resumes.

“Ok, not bad.”

After that, he didn’t say anything else. He sat behind his office desk and began to flip through the resumes.

Since Lu Zhou’s work was so busy, he understood why the school arranged three a.s.sistants for him. The only thing he didn’t understand was why were they all women?

He didn’t doubt the efficiency of these ladies. It was just that the job of a scientific research a.s.sistant wasn’t a particularly good job.

It was considered a buffer position and one of the least attractive jobs in universities.

Compared to the post-doctoral positions that had more scientific research involvement, research a.s.sistants were mainly responsible for physical work. They received low wages and had a bleak future. The only way out was to transfer into administrative work. If they couldn’t do that, then they would have to leave their jobs after a couple of years.

Honestly, Lu Zhou wasn’t optimistic about these three ladies. He didn’t think they had the tenacity required.

But regardless, this was already pre-arranged.

Even though he wasn’t satisfied, he would have to at least wait for a while and see how they do.

Lu Zhou spent the entire morning flipping through the resumes that Zhao Huan had sorted for him. He chose a few candidates to interview in-person.

This time, Lu Zhou planned to recruit quite a large number of students.

Not just in the mathematics area, but also in the computational materials area as well as the theoretical physics area.

The reason was because of the reward mission he accepted a couple of days ago…

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