"This is just an unfortunate misunderstanding, just a mistake!" After wiping the sweat from his forehead, Xu Youdao said, " Team Leader w.a.n.g, Li Sifan is a very hardworking and model student of our college, and his behaviour with other students is also very good and kind. I don"t think a student like him would do something like this intentionally and even if there is some mistake, I think it might have happened because of excessive parenthood and care for their son."

"Headmaster, only a few moments ago, I sent someone to inform you about the situation here. I can"t understand how can you come so fast?"  Xu Taiping voice had a hint of doubt.

"Oh, actually I have some personal as well as some official work to take care off, that"s why I was already on my way, Taiping.

This incident doesn"t need such attention, and I think it"s just a small misunderstanding and surely didn"t need something of this level to deal it with. Team Leader w.a.n.g, We can"t let the esteemed leaders of Military District be sitting there all this while. Can"t you let us handle this matter from here on?" XU Youdao asked in a persuasive voice.

"I think it will be better if we are to handle this matter. Obviously, this incident doesn"t come under our line of duty, however, it is an undeniable fact that I have been hit by these fellows. Headmaster Xu, it isn"t a matter of me being hit, the most important thing here is that they hit someone who is the representative of the Military District. I am don"t manage this incident properly, I won"t have the courage to face my brother, back at the Barack." w.a.n.g Li replied in negative.

"Taiping, this whole incident revolves around you, I want you to settle this matter as soon as possible!"  Xu Youdao anxiously said.

"Please hear the whole matter first. In the morning when every one of us during Security Guard Department square-shaped formation suddenly had diarrhoea, and it all happened in front of the whole college. At that time, I doubted that someone must have mixed laxative in our drinks, therefore I started to conduct some investigation. After carrying out the whole investigation, I could finally say who was the person behind the whole crazy plot!" Xu Taiping said.

"Who?" Xu Youdao asked.

"None other than our schoolmate, Li Sifan." Xu Taiping pointed his finger at Li Sifan and said.

"No, this isn"t something I had done. There must be some mistake in his whole investigation." Li Sifan at once denied.

"After I came to know about schoolmate Li Sifan, I bought Li Sifan to our room to further our investigation. Even Li Sifan, himself admitted his wrongdoings inside the Security Guard Room. I even have a video of his confession as well as many witnesses as proof. Initially, I thought, it must only be a student prank, that"s why I tried to contact his parents to discuss Li Sifan and have them teach him about the consequences of irresponsible actions. But I didn"t think that after Li Sifan"s mother came, she at once started to insult us on our face and in the end, called some men and ordered them to hit us. I really couldn"t comprehend what was happening." Xu Taiping said.

"My mother did all this because of her maternal love. She couldn"t see her son being beaten black and blue by you all. That"s why in the heat of the moment she lost her control, otherwise, she is a very cordial and kind person." Li Sifan replied.

"Didn"t you just say that these injuries of yours are because you fell down the stairs?" w.a.n.g Li asked.

"Umm….? Li Sifan became somewhat embarra.s.sed. This w.a.n.g Li really likes to make a mountain out of a mole, now how should I reply?

"Senior Xu, We should hand over this matter to the Security Guard Department!" With an expressionless face, Huo Liantian said, " It is them who are given the duty to maintain the orderliness of the university, and it is they who have been prescribed a laxative. We might even describe this matter as something insignificant as an ordinary student"s prank or we can even see it as an insult to our whole university!" Although, Taiping and all are still fine and didn"t sustain any major injury, however, this whole incident is not something to forget with a laugh, this is something you know."

"This…." Xu Youdao really fell into a dilemma. In case he didn"t handle Li Sifan fairly, then a person of such high rank like w.a.n.g Li would never have let this matter go so easily, and if was to deal with Li Sifan fairly, then that was also not good. After all, Li Sifan"s father was also involved in the security business. And even if he were to forget for a second that Jiang Yuan University has cooperation and some contract with Li Sifan"s company, the more pressing matter for him was that the father of Li Sifan was also the director of the university.

" We will do whatever Headmaster Xu instruct us." While cupping one fist in the other Xu Taiping said, "We all are very cautious and conscientious toward our university. However, it is also true that we couldn"t stop someone from prescribing a laxative to us. But it is also a fact that we have been hit and if the university doesn"t care for such and I don"t know what the future will hold. My colleagues are after all made up of flesh and bones. In the future, they might not dare to confront something like this again and may fail to protect our University."

"Headmaster Xu, if you don"t handle this matter properly, I will be forced to call my soldiers to handle this. Naturally, I neither have the right nor the ability to interfere with the matters related to your university, However, I can still detain him, after all, I was. .h.i.t by his underlings." w.a.n.g Li said.

"Li Sifan, do you understand what you have done?" Xu Youdao made a black face and asked.

"I, I know my mistake!" Li Sifan clenched his fist and nodded.

"If you know your mistake then correct it as soon as possible. You are still young and the mistake you did isn"t some big cognizable crime. A University is a place where we teach students and that"s why I am giving you a chance to correct your wrongdoing. From today onwards you will be responsible for Volunteer work inside the university. From now on, after your last cla.s.s, you have to clean this university"s sports ground gymnasium. You will work under the guidance of sanitation staff. However, to warn others so that they don"t do something you have done, the university as disciplinary action against you has decided to cancel your privileges. You have to be present inside the university all the time even during vacation. Do you have anything to say?" Xu Youdao asked.

"I have no opinion. I accept the university"s punishment." Li Sifan said.

"Staying under University"s watch during vacation? I think this type of person should be expelled, at once." w.a.n.g Li said in a cold voice.

"He is still young, We elders must teach youngsters and give them the opportunity to reform and start afresh. Team Leader w.a.n.g, I am apologetic about this whole incident, however, I wish that this matter ends here. Can we let it go?" Xu Youdao asked.

"Since Headmaster Xu is saying such I can also only end it here." w.a.n.g Li said and turned around to walk toward his military truck.

"Receive your gun and get back." w.a.n.g Li roared.

One by one every member of South China Tiger Special force climb back into the truck. Xu Taiping opened the gate of University and the military truck finally left the premise of Jiangyuan University.

"Good. Li Sifan asked your mother and these men to go back as well. It"s not good to have such a big group around a university gate. And it"s already evening, you go to the gymnasium and help there." Xu Youdao said.

"Good. Headmaster Xu, I understand!" Li Sifan nodded and looked at Li Sifan with pride and then turned around to walk away.

Cai Guihua also instructed her underlings and they all left the premise. The whole area around the university gate once again become tranquil.

"Taiping, even though this matter falls under your jurisdiction, you did not manage it well!"  Xu Youdao said these few words and turned around and walked away.

"Taiping, are you free right now?" Liantiang Huo smiled at Xu Taiping and asked.

"Secretary Lian Shu? It"s my honour to have you remember my name!" Xu Taiping respectfully held Liantian Huo"s hand and with a smile said.

"You can call be Oldman Lian or Uncle Lian." Liantian Huo smiled and said, " Although it"s the first time we have met face to face, I have heard a lot about you. You are our university"s big hero."

"No No, how can someone like me be a big hero, I am just a small security guard. It is my duty to protect the students of this university whenever they come across any danger." Xu Taiping said.

"It is our university"s pride that we can have a person such as yourself. It is almost night, we can have a meal together?" Liantian Huo asked.

"Yes of course, but I have to look after my brothers from the security department." Xu Taiping looked at his wrist.w.a.tch and said, " You and Director w.a.n.g, please go ahead and later after reaching the place just tell me the address. I will come there at once."

"Ok, Let"s do it like this!" Liantian Hong nodded and soon turned around and walked away.

" Brothers, Do any of you have injuries?" Xu Taiping turned around and entered the big room of the Security Department and yelled.

"Just superficial scratches and minor injuries. Nothing which requires any care!"

"Yes, nothing major, Director Xu." Everyone replied one by one.

"Chen Wen, did you fetch that thing?" Xu Taiping asked.

"Yes, I have." Chen Wen ran inside the room while carrying a small bag in his hand.

"What thing is inside that suitcase?" Someone asked with curiosity.

"This is a very good thing." Chen Wen mysteriously laughed and from inside the bag took out a bundle of Renminbi.

"Holy…, Is this money?" Everyone was startled.

"This is something Taiping has instructed me to fetch while taking advantage of the mayhem, a while ago. Even though I don"t want to accept but Li Sifan is really wealthy. We will consider it as compensation for the beating we have taken. I don"t know really how can someone ignore such a large sum of money and go away!" Chen Wen was emotionally moved.

"Chen Wen, Distribute this money among our brothers. Consider it as today"s bonus for their hard work." Xu Taiping took out a cigarette from his pocket and after pressing it between his lips, lit it and said, "If one follows I, Xu Taiping, naturally, I have to take care of them."

"Long Live Director Xu!"

"Long Live Brother Taiping!" Everyone started to cheer in succession. After all, nowadays, no matter how hot-blooded you are, you must have your stomach full. Moreover, in the afternoon, they even had the opportunity to hit one of the most famous young masters of the University, Li Sifan and now this kind of money. They felt like the devil was finally happy with them. Before today, it was they who used to move around those four masters, where could they have ever expected that something like today would happen?

Also after following Xu Taiping, they were able to stand upright and could follow their consciousness.

Xu Taiping was the Deputy Director of the Security Guard Department, and in the shortest amount of time, he had obtained the approval for the majority of the people.

Yet, right now, Xu Taiping was not happy.

Xu Taiping entered inside his chamber and sat down on his chair. He had his legs on the top of the table and no one could clearly see the facial expression he had behind the cover of cigarette smoke.

Actually, earlier when Xu Taiping accepted Xia Jinxuan love, he had already started to set his chess pieces.

Xu Taiping was not someone with greed for women neither he was very possessive, however, if he were to accept someone"s love, he would go to any length to keep other men with evil intentions out of their reach. Moreover, among these four young masters, Zhao Yongling and  Li Sifan were like a bone in his neck and none was better than others.

Xu Taiping was emphatically not anxious that were capable of moving Xia Jinxuan and could have even a bit of affection for themselves. He was only anxious about how corrupt they were and liked to conspire left and right. That"s why from the start Xu Taiping had already decided to checkmate them.

What is checkmating someone, emphatically it was not murder. Since these two had a very complex background, moreover, they didn"t cross the final line, thus Xu Taiping purpose was only to expel them from the university, at least that way they would have been disappeared from the sight of Xia Jinxuan.

Xu Taiping was not someone talented who could predict the future and calculate his plans. He was at most good at walking one step and planning one step. That"s why when he found out that someone had prescribed medicine to them, he had already planned his next action. That"s the reason why he scared Li Xiaobin in selling out Li Sifan and then directly provoked Li Sifan inside the Security Guard Room. He even placed his mobile phone inside the room to record the confession of Li Sifan. And all of this happened because he only planned one step.

This matter would have been concluded right then, and only for something of this level prank the university couldn"t expel Li Sifan, thus Xu Taiping began his next plan!

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