A bar filled with the dim light and loud music trying to penetrate the soundproof walls, it was attracting every lonely nocturnal figure.

Pleasure seeking women, some wearing a short skirt, some wearing a low cut blouse, in hand holding maybe real maybe false branded bags, each and every one was walking with random men. These men eyes were blurred due to being drunk.

Xu Taiping squinted his eyes and sat on the counter of the bar.  The continuous ear-piercing music was getting on his nerve. He was already intoxicated under the effect of alcohol.

He had a long beard on his face and hair on his head looked messy from not taking care for a long time. The two opened b.u.t.ton on his collar made him looked like an unrestrained guy.

But that blurred expression in his eyes and his dispirited look was adding several points of different type of flavor to his unrestrained look.

Xu Taiping blew wine belch from his mouth in front of this seems a little more than thirty but in reality must not less than 40 years old glorious woman, who wanted to accompany him for the night. She was wearing a lot of makeup.

That beautiful woman angrily stamped her feet and turned away from him.

"What happened, still don"t like anyone?" from behind the counter of the bar, a rabbit suit wearing beautiful girl smiled and asked. Regarding this person who had appeared just a few days ago, she didn"t know much but because this man came every day to drink and every night different women were trying to please him, she had a profound impression of him.

Actually, In reality, this man indeed had the smart appearance which women are fond of. however, he didn"t have an effeminate feeling around him. Around his body had a chilling air which no average man could possibly have. But this chilling aura was emitting even more fascinating breath like one feels from the Buddhist monks who have rejected the world.

He was same as a blood red mary c.o.c.ktail, irrespective of inside or outside, he was fascinating.

Xu Taiping broke a wine belch and said: " There are uncountable women and a lot of beauty. I can"t drown myself in their splendor and harm my kidney. Ok, I am going now."

" I am just finishing my work." the beautiful woman bartender said.

Xu Taiping didn"t respond as if he hadn"t heard her and directly walked out of the gate.

" He can really hurt someone."  the beautiful bartender with a sense of loss, spitefully laughed.    She clearly belonged to the cla.s.s for which he couldn"t grieve his kidney.

Looking at the back of Xu Taiping, the beautiful bartender couldn’t help but got somewhat curious, this man came to this bar just a few days ago and already has drank worth more than a million, and even many times has given me tip like a nouveau riche, but I still don"t know what type of woman he likes? I just want to know, which type of women is capable enough to make him grieved his kidney?

Xu Taiping kicked the back door since the back door of the bar was rusty and was really difficult to open and with a loud sound even though the door opened, it also scared to jump the group outside the gate.

Xu Taiping didn"t pay any attention to these group of men outside the gate, even though there was a strange scene of a group of men, surrounding a beautiful woman. Things like a hero saving a beautiful woman in distress this type, he never wanted to do with his hand which has already taken many lives.

 Xu Taiping without paying any attention to his surrounding walked to the trash can and opened his zipper.

"Si..si..si" the sound of him urinating became loud and clear in the serenity of the darkness, those several robust men despicably looked down on Xu Taiping. In the eyes of these people, the man out there p.i.s.sing calmly without giving a d.a.m.n about them is only because he was dead drunk.

Drunkards are the most pathetic people out there because they don"t have the courage to face the darkness of the night.

" Handsome fellow, save me!!" that surrounded beautiful woman suddenly shouted.

Xu Taiping involuntarily blew a wine belch and couldn’t stop his body from trembling, soon a sound of him pulling his zipper came. All the people were looking at him and after a period of time,  a robust man whose height was almost two meter said a sentence to Xu Taiping for which he was gonna be grateful for his whole life: " Youngster, don"t meddle in others business."

Actually, Xu Taiping had already decided to go back to his home, but due to this sentence Xu Taiping came to a sudden halt, and soon with his intoxicated drowsy eyes looked at that group of men.

That group of roughly seven-eight people was surrounding a beautiful woman.

" Handsome fellow, save me, tonight I will be yours!!" that woman hurriedly shouted.

Xu Taiping glanced at that woman, again blew a wine belch and while looking that robust man said; " Was it you who told me to not meddle in others business?"

"Try to control that toy inside your trousers, there are many things that you cannot manage." that robust man said coldly. Since he was a rogue, how could he treat others like how he treated his own wife.

Suddenly a burst of wind arose and even though there was more than the three-meter gap between these two, Xu Taping body suddenly moved and in less than a second, he was standing in front of that robust man.

That robust man could clearly see the disdain in Xu Taiping eyes, and soon he saw a fist suddenly coming toward his face.

" Bang" a loud sound reverberated.

And with that sound, the nasal bone of that robust man broke. His two legs slowly left the ground and started to tilt in the air.

Xu Taiping then grabbed his neck and made that man"s body which was ready to somersault in the air suddenly came to halt.

After that Xu Taiping threw him on the ground.


That robust two-meter long man, like he was beaten by a pile driver, his whole body fell on the ground and due to the huge power, his body still after falling on the ground bounced back and he puffed a mouthful of blood from his mouth.

Xu Taiping lifted his foot and stepped on the chest of the already collapsed man and beaming with smile looked at surrounding people while saying: "Originally, I didn"t want to destroy the good matter you all were planning, you all tell me, was it not your deed that brings this misfortune to you all?"

" Scoundrel!!" the surrounding men responded after a moment and while roaring they approached Xu Taiping one after another.

There scream unceasingly echoed in the emptiness of the night.

After a few second, outside the back door of the pub, those awe-inspiring, outstanding men were lying on the ground. Some people had their hand broken, while some had their leg.

All men were curling their body due to pain, and the ground was full of blood.

Xu Taiping walked to the beautiful woman"s side and hold her waist while saying: " Do we go to a hotel, or I do it with you here on the ground?"

"Elder, elder brother, I merely, I merely joked with you."  that woman was scared seeing the skill of Liu Yang and barely said to Xu Taiping.

" If I don"t have the skill, then the person lying down here would have been me, this type of joke is really not funny." Xu Taiping lifted his hand and while softly caressing her chin said: " Regardless of anything you say, I am going to teach you a lesson, to save you from courting disaster in the future, so that you will later won"t get involved with these muddle-headed men again. Tonight, You are mine."

"Elder, elder brother, I, I just reached the adulthood this year, you, you cannot be like this!" that woman said in a shivering voice.

"Hahaha, look at you, so scared, later pay attention, don"t pull someone in the turbulent water as you wish even if you need other person"s help because sometimes the other might be a very dangerous people who play hide and seek with someone’s life." Xu Taiping smiled ridiculously and lifted his hand to strongly pat the b.u.t.tock of that woman while trying to leave. He suddenly saw a group of man dashing toward him from the front and unexpectedly some people had guns in their hand.

" When did you offended these domestic animals?" Xu Taiping slightly knitted his brow and asked.

" I don’t know them." that woman shook her head in refusal.

" You owe me two favor." Xu Taiping lifted her and put that woman on his shoulder and ran away from those men while carrying her.

The shouts coming from behind his body was all concealed by the ear-splitting sound of the music coming from the pub, Xu Taiping while running on the road asked: "Do you have a car or not?"

" I have, there."  the woman pointed her finger at a nearby black Maserati and said.

Carrying that woman, Xu Taiping dashed to that car"s side and received the key from her hand to open the car door and go inside the car.

Xu Taiping just sat inside the car and turned to see that, the woman was already sitting on the copilot seat.

Her naked thigh looked really attractive in the dusky Light inside the car.

Xu Taiping grinningly said: " Where should we go?"

"My best friend’s house." that woman also blew the wine belch and threw a bunch of keys to Xu Taiping. Then she slowly closed her eyes and started to peacefully breathe. Alcohol and Xu Taiping"s running while carrying her made that woman somewhat muddle-headed.

"Good" Xu Taiping twisted his finger and started the car.

Hearing the heavy rumbling resonating sound of the car in the night, the malicious persons chasing them caught up with him.

Xu Taiping slowly lowered the side window and looked in the rearview mirror. As if there wasn"t any emergency he didn"t even step on the accelerator, he lighted a cigarette and took a deep mouthful of the smoke.

After waiting till those men were just going to overtake them, he disdainfully smiled at them and threw his cigarette outside the window only after he did step on the accelerator.

The wheel on the ground was rotating rapidly while fumigating the white smoke and only after a moment did the car dashed and faded into the curtain of the night.

Those men waving there weapon almost touched the car"s rear, but right now the only thing left there to contemplate was the red backlight of that car.

Xu Taiping was very fond of the feeling of being almost getting killed and that type of feeling always easily made him felt alive like his whole body was drowned into some type of abnormal crooked excitement.

Therefore for a long time, often he was called a monster by the people acquaintance with him…

In the dark curtain of night, each and every lonely sinister soul, inside the Tianhai city"s debauched and corrupt environment, bared their fangs and brandished their claws.

Imbecile man and foolish unmarried woman"s body unceasingly tangling, bullying, panting for breath and releasing their essence, this was a common scene here.

Xu Taiping awareness was a little fuzzy and was started to feel tipsy inside his head from the alcohol. He slowly started to forget many things. He vaguely remembered that he and this woman came to this room which was emitting a faint fragrance of a young girl and after that he reaped apart her small dress from her body.

He then recklessly ravaged the body of the woman under him and vented his all pent-up desire.

Suddenly, Xu Taiping heard an ear piercing scream.

"Captain, save me!!"

"Captain, I don"t want to die!!!"

With a burst of ear-piercing sound, the scarlet body in front of Xu Taiping suddenly exploded.

"Don"t!" Xu Taiping suddenly awoke and sat up.

A warm summer wind was blowing inside from outside the window and moving the window curtains.

The room was filled with the sweet sound of the windchime and the clothes Xu Taiping and that woman was wearing were scattered on the floor of the room.

Due to the slipping of the quilt from the Xu Taiping"s body, one could easily see a tattoo of a wolf on his chest.

The tattoo was apparently very old and the color was somewhat faded, but the remarkable thing was that the read pair of eyes of that wolf, the eyes which were still capable of making one feel the killing intent just looking at it.

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