Lead Ores and Compounds.

=LEAD AND ITS COMPOUNDS.= By THOS. LAMBERT, Technical and Consulting Chemist. Demy 8vo. 226 pp. Forty Ill.u.s.trations.

1902. Price 7s. 6d.; India and Colonies, 8s.; Other Countries, 8s. 6d.; net. Plans and Diagrams.


History--Ores of Lead--Geographical Distribution of the Lead Industry--Chemical and Physical Properties of Lead--Alloys of Lead--Compounds of Lead--Dressing of Lead Ores--Smelting of Lead Ores--Smelting in the Scotch or American Ore-hearth--Smelting in the Shaft or Blast Furnace--Condensation of Lead Fume--Desilverisation, or the Separation of Silver from Argentiferous Lead--Cupellation--The Manufacture of Lead Pipes and Sheets--Protoxide of Lead--Litharge and Ma.s.sicot--Red Lead or Minium--Lead Poisoning--Lead Subst.i.tutes--Zinc and its Compounds--Pumice Stone--Drying Oils and Siccatives--Oil of Turpentine Resin--Cla.s.sification of Mineral Pigments--a.n.a.lysis of Raw and Finished Products--Tables--Index.

=NOTES ON LEAD ORES=: Their Distribution and Properties. By JAS. FAIRIE, F.G.S. Crown 8vo. 1901. 64 pages. Price 2s.

6d.; Abroad, 3s.; strictly net.

Industrial Uses of Air, Steam and Water.

=DRYING BY MEANS OF AIR AND STEAM.= Explanations, Formulae, and Tables for Use in Practice. Translated from the German of E.

HAUSBRAND. Two folding Diagrams and Thirteen Tables. Crown 8vo. 1901. 72 pp. Price 5s.; India and Colonies, 5s. 6d.; Other Countries, 6s.; strictly net.


British and Metric Systems Compared--Centigrade and Fahr. Thermometers --Estimation of the Maximum Weight of Saturated Aqueous Vapour which can be contained in 1 kilo. of Air at Different Pressure and Temperatures--Calculation of the Necessary Weight and Volume of Air, and of the Least Expenditure of Heat, per Drying Apparatus with Heated Air, at the Atmospheric Pressure: _A_, With the a.s.sumption that the Air is _Completely Saturated_ with Vapour both before Entry and after Exit from the Apparatus--_B_, When the Atmospheric Air is Completely Saturated _before entry_, but at its _exit_ is _only_ 3/4, 1/2 or 1/4 Saturated--_C_, When the Atmospheric Air is _not_ Saturated with Moisture before Entering the Drying Apparatus--Drying Apparatus, in which, in the Drying Chamber, a Pressure is Artificially Created, Higher or Lower than that of the Atmosphere--Drying by Means of Superheated Steam, without Air--Heating Surface, Velocity of the Air Current, Dimensions of the Drying Room, Surface of the Drying Material, Losses of Heat--Index.

(_See also "Evaporating, Condensing and Cooling Apparatus," p. 26._)

=PURE AIR, OZONE AND WATER.= A Practical Treatise of their Utilisation and Value in Oil, Grease, Soap, Paint, Glue and other Industries. By W. B. COWELL. Twelve Ill.u.s.trations.

Crown 8vo. 85 pp. 1900. Price 5s.; India and Colonies, 5s.

6d.; Other Countries, 6s.; strictly net.


Atmospheric Air; Lifting of Liquids; Suction Process; Preparing Blown Oils; Preparing Siccative Drying Oils--Compressed Air; Whitewash--Liquid Air; Retrocession--Purification of Water; Water Hardness--Fleshings and Bones--Ozonised Air in the Bleaching and Deodorising of Fats, Glues, etc.; Bleaching Textile Fibres--Appendix: Air and Gases; Pressure of Air at Various Temperatures; Fuel; Table of Combustibles; Saving of Fuel by Heating Feed Water; Table of Solubilities of Scale Making Minerals; British Thermal Units Tables; Volume of the Flow of Steam into the Atmosphere; Temperature of Steam--Index.



400 pp. 135 Ill.u.s.trations. Translated from the French.

[_In the press._


Chemical Action of Water in Nature and in Industrial Use--Composition of Waters--Solubility of Certain Salts in Water Considered from the Industrial Point of View--Effects on the Boiling of Water--Effects of Water in the Industries--Difficulties with Water--Feed Water for Boilers--Water in Dyeworks, Print Works, and Bleach Works--Water in the Textile Industries and in Conditioning--Water in Soap Works--Water in Laundries and Washhouses--Water in Tanning--Water in Preparing Tannin and Dyewood Extracts--Water in Papermaking--Water in Photography--Water in Sugar Refining--Water in Making Ices and Beverages--Water in Cider Making--Water in Brewing--Water in Distilling--Preliminary Treatment and Apparatus--Substances Used for Preliminary Chemical Purification-- Commercial Specialities and their Employment--Precipitation of Matters in Suspension in Water--Apparatus for the Preliminary Chemical Purification of Water--Industrial Filters--Industrial Sterilisation of Water--Residuary Waters and their Purification--Soil Filtration-- Purification by Chemical Processes--a.n.a.lyses--Index.

(_See Books on Smoke Prevention, Engineering and Metallurgy, p. 26, etc._)

Industrial Hygiene.


196 pp. Demy 8vo. 1900. Price 7s. 6d.; India and Colonies, 8s.; Other Countries, 8s. 6d.; strictly net.


Occupations which are Accompanied by the Generation and Scattering of Abnormal Quant.i.ties of Dust--Trades in which there is Danger of Metallic Poisoning--Certain Chemical Trades--Some Miscellaneous Occupations--Trades in which Various Poisonous Vapours are Inhaled-- General Hygienic Considerations--Index.

X Rays.

=PRACTICAL X RAY WORK.= By FRANK T. ADDYMAN, B.Sc. (Lond.), F.I.C., Member of the Roentgen Society of London; Radiographer to St. George"s Hospital; Demonstrator of Physics and Chemistry, and Teacher of Radiography in St.

George"s Hospital Medical School. Demy 8vo. Twelve Plates from Photographs of X Ray Work. Fifty-two Ill.u.s.trations. 200 pp. 1901. Price 10s. 6d.; India and Colonies, 11s.; Other Countries, 12s.; strictly net.


=Historical=--Work leading up to the Discovery of the X Rays--The Discovery--=Apparatus and its Management=--Electrical Terms--Sources of Electricity--Induction Coils--Electrostatic Machines--Tubes--Air Pumps--Tube Holders and Stereoscopic Apparatus--Fluorescent Screens-- =Practical X Ray Work=--Installations--Radioscopy--Radiography--X Rays in Dentistry--X Rays in Chemistry--X Rays in War--Index.

List of Plates.

_Frontispiece_--Congenital Dislocation of Hip-Joint.--I., Needle in Finger.--II., Needle in Foot.--III., Revolver Bullet in Calf and Leg.--IV., A Method of Localisation.--V., Stellate Fracture of Patella showing shadow of "Strapping".--VI., Sarcoma.--VII., Six-weeks-old Injury to Elbow showing new Growth of Bone.--VIII., Old Fracture of Tibia and Fibula badly set.--IX., Heart Shadow.--X., Fractured Femur showing Grain of Splint.--XI., Barrell"s Method of Localisation.

India-Rubber and Gutta Percha.

=INDIA-RUBBER AND GUTTA PERCHA.= Translated from the French of T. SEELIGMANN, G. LAMY TORVILHON and H. FALCONNET by JOHN GEDDES MCINTOSH. Royal 8vo. Eighty-six Ill.u.s.trations. Three Plates. 412 pages. 1903. Price 12s. 6d.; India and Colonies, 13s. 6d.; Other Countries, 15s.; strictly net.


=India-Rubber=--Botanical Origin--Climatology--Soil--Rational Culture and Acclimation of the Different Species of India-Rubber Plants-- Methods of Obtaining the Latex--Methods of Preparing Raw or Crude India-Rubber--Cla.s.sification of the Commercial Species of Raw Rubber--Physical and Chemical Properties of the Latex and of India-Rubber--Mechanical Transformation of Natural Caoutchouc into Washed or Normal Caoutchouc (Purification) and Normal Rubber into Masticated Rubber--Softening, Cutting, Washing, Drying--Preliminary Observations--Vulcanisation of Normal Rubber--Chemical and Physical Properties of Vulcanised Rubber--General Considerations--Hardened Rubber or Ebonite--Considerations on Mineralisation and other Mixtures--Coloration and Dyeing--a.n.a.lysis of Natural or Normal Rubber and Vulcanised Rubber--Rubber Subst.i.tutes--Imitation Rubber.

=Gutta Percha=--Botanical Origin--Climatology--Soil--Rational Culture--Methods of Collection--Cla.s.sification of the Different Species of Commercial Gutta Percha--Physical and Chemical Properties--Mechanical Transformation--Methods of a.n.a.lysing--Gutta Percha Subst.i.tutes--Index.

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