Sea Legs

Chapter 23.

aOhaG.o.d.a It was all Kelly could do to stay clear of the swollen c.l.i.toris, knowing Natalie would come almost instantly and this luxurious feast would be finished. When she could stand it no more, she closed in on the nub, sucking it gently between her teeth.

Natalie exploded, m.u.f.fling her scream with the back of her hand.

Kelly nuzzled the warm flesh and kissed it all around. aYes, I definitely want to take my time getting to know you.a

Chapter 23.

Kelly tightened her watchband as she waited at the door for Natalie. aI hate having to put this thing back on.a aSo did I, but not nearly as much as Iam going to hate wrapping in that heavy coat to get off the plane in Rochester. I already miss the warm weather.a aWhat Iam going to miss is that twin bed. Next time we sleep together, we wonat even touch each other.a aOh, yes we will.a Natalie stepped into her closed-toed shoes, and dropped her sandals into their carry-on bag. aAnd just in case you have other ideas, the next time we sleep together will be in my bed tonight.a aYes, maaam.a aHowas your ankle?a aNot bad if you like big and blue, but I can walk okay. Iall have to figure out how to keep it elevated on the plane.a They started down the hallway toward the breakfast buffet, their last meal aboard ship.

aYou can put it in my lap.a aHmm. Too bad it wasnat my hand that I sprained.a aOr your tongue,a Natalie whispered.

aYou naughty girl!a By the time they reached the terrace, Kellyas ankle was aching, and she made a mental note to avoid stairs for the rest of the day. She couldnat afford to miss work after being gone for two weeks.

aHey, mate.a Kelly whirled to see Jo sitting with her sister. aIall catch up in a minute, Nat.a She dug into her pocket for the coral necklace she had bought the day she and Jo had gone for the bike ride. aI was hoping Iad see you.a aLooks like things worked out for you and Natalie.a aThey sure did. Lucky me.a Julie nodded in Natalieas direction. aThatas quite a lady you have there. I gave it my best shot, but she wouldnat give me the time of day.a aFrom what I hear, you landed on your feet with a certain nurse.a aA nurse whoas coming all the way to Brisbane for six weeks when she gets her break in March,a Jo added proudly.

aHere, Jo. I have something for you.a Kelly dropped the coral necklace into her hand. aTake this back to Sarah and tell her how you feel. If it brings you half as much luck as it brought me, youall have a new sweetheart.a aAw, mate.a Jo grinned and held up a hand for a shake. aIam just crazy enough to do it. Good luck to you.a aAnd to both of you.a Kelly spotted Natalie at the buffet and quickly joined her. aDid you find a table?a aSteph and Yvonne are sitting out in the sun.a aAny sign of Didi and Pamela?a aSteph said they left the ship early on one of those shopping excursions. Figures, huh? Theyall meet us at the airport.a Kelly wasnat terribly surprised that Didi was avoiding them. aIam just going to get a cup of coffee. See you at the table.a aYou go on. Iall bring it.a Steph and Yvonne were grinning smugly when she arrived to sit.

aWhatas up with you two?a aYvonneas sitting here gloating.a aWhy do I get the feeling this has something to do with me?a aThe first time you showed up in her clinic for physical therapy, she came home and told me shead found the perfect woman for Natalie.a aIs that a fact?a Yvonne buffed her nails on her shirt. aI could tell you were just what Natalie needed. It just took a few days for her to realize it.a aFrom what you all said the other night, I didnat make a very good first impression.a Steph craned her neck to look past Kellyas shoulder as if to make sure Natalie was still at the buffet. aBack when we were in college, Nat was this closeaa"she held up her thumb and forefinger to indicate a s.p.a.ce of only a few millimetersa"ato hooking up with one of Yvonneas softball teammates, and she happened to look a lot like you.a aKT treated her like a queen,a Yvonne added, aand Natalie ate it up.a aBut then Theresa came along, and Nat got it in her head that she wanted a femme girlfriend instead. So for the past fifteen years sheas been hung up on women who have to be the center of attention and sheas never gotten the chance to enjoy that for herself.a Kelly nodded and stood as Natalie started toward their table. aIall make up for all of that.a aJust keep her smiling like she is today. Itas nice to see.a Indeed it was, and even nicer when Natalie bussed her cheek as she sat down.

Natalie scanned the departure lounge anxiously for any sign of Didi or Pamela. The boarding process would begin in just a few minutes, and they were in danger of missing the plane.

Kelly sat with Steph and Yvonne in a row of chairs along the windows, her swollen foot propped on their carry-on bag. aRelax, Nat. If they miss this flight, there will be another one in a few hours.a aThere they are,a Steph said.

Didi and Pamela were hustling toward the gate, arm in arm and all smiles. Natalie hurried out to meet them. aYou two had me worried.a aYou wouldnat believe the shops at Bal Harbour,a Pamela gushed. aWeare coming back when we have more time.a Didi dropped her overloaded shopping bag at her feet. aThatas right. Maybe next year weall stay here while you guys take the cruise from h.e.l.l without us.a Pamela smacked her arm playfully. aIt was not the cruise from h.e.l.l. I think it turned out pretty well.a From what Natalie could see, the vacation had ended beautifully for Didi and Pamela, who were holding onto one another like new lovers. aYou made it just in time. Theyare about to call first cla.s.s.a aWhereas that gimpy girlfriend of yours?a Didi asked.

aWho are you calling a gimp?a Kelly called out.

Didi walked over to where the others sat. aI owe you an apology, Kelly, and I suppose it ought to be as public on this end as it was on the other.a Natalie studied their faces and smiled to see a mischievous spark between them.

aIall let it pa.s.s this time, but if it happens again Iall hold you down, shave your head and dress you in cargo pants.a Didi nodded, not showing even a hint of humor. aNow thatas what I call a threat.a aLadies and gentlemen, at this time, wead like to invite our first cla.s.s pa.s.sengers to board for Philadelphia.a aThatas you,a Natalie said. aThink of us when they bring you that tenderloin for lunch. Weall be back in the cattle car fighting over a sack of peanuts.a Didi handed over their boarding aTake these and give us yours. Kelly will be a lot more comfortable up front and she can use the footrest.a Natalieas jaw dropped at the gesture, which she might have refused if not for Kelly. aThatas so generous of you. We both appreciate it.a aYou know how I amaalways putting others first.a Once the words sank in, it was all Natalie could do to keep from snorting. That was more than she could say for Steph and Yvonne.

She held onto Kellyas arm as they started down the jet bridge. It was amazing to think that only twelve days ago she was at a crossroads in her life and didnat even know it. Now she was on a path she could walk for a long timea"maybe even forevera"with someone who made her feel like the center of the universe.

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