Seaport in Virginia

Chapter 1. WILLIAM RAMSAY: _Romulus of Alexandria_.

[Footnote 18: _Ibid._]

[Footnote 19: From data contributed by Robert C. Gooch, Chief of General Reference and Bibliography Division, Library of Congress, Letter dated April 11, 1947.]

[Footnote 20: _Minutes of the Trustees of Alexandria_, 1749-1767.]

[Footnote 21: _Ibid._]

[Footnote 22: _Ibid._]

[Footnote 23: _Journals of the House of Burgesses of Virginia_, 1752-1755, 1756-1758, 21, 24 and 31.]

[Footnote 24: _Ibid._, 27.]

[Footnote 25: _Ibid._, 34.]

[Footnote 26: a.n.a.loston Island, formerly My Lords Island, was part of the Alexander purchase.]

[Footnote 27: _Minutes of the Trustees, Recorded Deeds_; and Carne"s _Tiny Town_ notes.]

[Footnote 28: Fitzpatrick, _Diaries of George Washington_, I, 74.]

[Footnote 29: _Ibid._]

[Footnote 30: _Fitzpatrick, Writings of George Washington_, I, 148-150, Washington"s Report to Governor Dinwiddie, July 18, 1755.]

[Footnote 31: Burnaby, _Through the Middle Settlements in North America_ (1759-60), 40.]

[Footnote 32: Fitzpatrick, _Diaries of George Washington_, I, 163.]

[Footnote 33: _Ibid._, 294.]

[Footnote 34: _Ibid._, 294.]

[Footnote 35: Fitzpatrick, _Writings of George Washington_, II, 338.]

[Footnote 36: _Minutes of the House of Burgesses_, November 5, 1762, 76, (Vol. 1761-1765); _Minutes of the Trustees of Alexandria,_ 1749-1767.]

[Footnote 37: _Minutes of the Trustees of Alexandria,_ 1749-1767.]

[Footnote 38: _House of Burgesses Journal,_ 1761-1765, 246.]

[Footnote 39: _Minutes of the Trustees of Alexandria,_ 1749-1767.]

[Footnote 40: _Order Book_, Fairfax Court House, 1768-1770, 338.]

[Footnote 41: _The Charter and Laws of Alexandria, Va._, 78.]

[Footnote 42: Harrison, _Landmarks of Old Prince William_, II, 416, note 46.]

[Footnote 43: Letter to George Washington from Lund Washington, April 28, 1792. _Toner Transcripts_, Library of Congress. Copied from notes in Mount Vernon Ladies a.s.sociation Library.]

[Footnote 44: Wilstack, _Mount Vernon_, 138.]

[Footnote 45: _Ibid._]

[Footnote 46: Fitzpatrick, _Diaries of George Washington_, II, 209.]

[Footnote 47: Letter of Olney Winsor to his wife in Providence, Rhode Island. Original in archives, State Library, Richmond, Virginia.]

[Footnote 48: Harrison, _Landmarks of Old Prince William_, II, 409.]

[Footnote 49: Morse, _The American Geography_, 381.]

[Footnote 50: Harrison, _Landmarks of Old Prince William_, II, 408.]

[Footnote 51: _Ibid._]

[Footnote 52: _Ibid._]

[Footnote 53: _A Stranger in America_ (Anonymous), 213.]

[Footnote 54: Snowden, _The Laws of the Corporation of the Town of Alexandria from 1779 to 1811_, 32.]

[Footnote 55: Fitzpatrick, _Writings of George Washington_, III, 18.]

[Footnote 56: Caton, _Jottings_, 115.]


Chapter 1. WILLIAM RAMSAY: _Romulus of Alexandria_.

[Footnote 57: Harrison, _Landmarks of Old Prince William_, II, 371, quoting President Madison in 1827.]

[Footnote 58: Harrison, _Landmarks of Old Prince William_, II, 406.]

[Footnote 59: _Ibid._, 663. Alexandria, 1749. Record Hening, I, 214, C.O. 5, 1895, No. 20. Description: "60 Acres ... parcel of the land of Philip Alexander, John Alexander, and Hugh West, situate ... on the south side of Potomack River about the mouth of Great Hunting Creek in the county of Fairfax." Trustees: Thomas, Lord Fairfax, William Fairfax, George William Fairfax, Richard Osborne, Lawrence Washington, William Ramsay, John Carlyle, John Pagan, Gerard Alexander, Hugh West, Philip Alexander.]

[Footnote 60: Hamilton, _Letters_, II, 164.]

[Footnote 61: Harrison, _Landmarks_, II, 414; Hayden, _Virginia Genealogies_, 88; _William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine_, IV, 17; _Maryland Gazette_ (_Copy in Ramsay Family records_).]

[Footnote 62: _Maryland Gazette_, December 1761, Ramsay Family records.]

[Footnote 63: Lips...o...b.. _The Writings of Thomas Jefferson_, IV, 90, Memorial Edition.]

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