Searching For You

Chapter 107

The next day, Hue Chi left for Trimedeis as scheduled. Prince Ken Xue left a few hours earlier then Prince Hue Chi. It is a rule of any Royal family that two Princes could never be in the same vehicle to avoid being a good target for the enemy, and that applied to aircraft as well. It doesn"t matter if the two royals are from the same royal family or different royal family. It is too risky to take the chance. So, historically, royal families almost never travel far together in the same vehicle for that very reason.

Su Na and Yu Sha went shopping some more as planned. Their plan was to go back to the hotel with all their supplies, pack up and then go eat lunch before heading back to the cruise. Close to noon, they finished buying all their necessity items that they have been meaning to get. After they finished shopping, the two best friends taxi back to the hotel, packed their clothes and items before getting a taxi to the restaurant. Every now and then, Su Na and Yu Sha like to treat themselves to a nice meal at a high end restaurant because they deserve to splurge as a reward for their hard work. So they decided to eat at one of the high end restaurants near the mall strip that they were shopping at the day before.

The restaurant staff quickly escorted Su Na and Yu Sha to a table when they arrived. The staff walked them to a booth style table. The restaurant staff handed them the menu and took their drink order. and gave them a few minutes to look through the menu before coming back with their drinks. When Su Na and Yu Sha was looking at their menu, another staff lead three ladies to sit at a table next to them. The table and their booth were separated by an isle.

As the three ladies sat down, the Su Na glanced to her right and in a glimpse spotted Kao Sheng among the three ladies that just sat down at the table near them. Kao Sheng also noticed Su Na and Yu Sha sitting on the booth next to them when she back down onto her chair. Su Na and Kao Sheng locked eyes for a second before Kao Sheng shifted her eyes back to her friends, and Su Na shifted her eyes back to the menu she was holding.

One of Kao Sheng"s friends with cute wavy short hairs giggled before asking, "So, Kao Sheng, have you had a chance to another meal with the Prince since then?" It sounded like the three ladies were picking up from a conversation from before being seated.

Kao Sheng"s facial expression soften, she smiled at just the word Prince. She replied like a woman who"s deeply in love, "We are two busy people and our schedule has not allowed us to get together, yet." Kao Sheng reached for the menu and proceeded to flip the menu.

Both Kao Sheng"s friends complimented one after another with envious, "How nice, to be able to catch the attention of the Prince."

When Yu Sha heard the name, she slightly shifted her eyes to her left and saw that Kao Sheng truly was sitting across from them. She dread, out of all the restaurants, Kao Sheng had to choose the one her and Su Na chose. Though Kao Sheng"s presence don"t bother her or Su Na much, but they definitely don"t like the airs Kao Sheng let out.

A server walked over to Yu Sha and Su Na"s booth with their drinks. The server gently put down the drinks on the table asking if they are ready to put in their orders, to which they were readied. The server left to his registered after he took their orders.

The short wavy hairs girl turned to the other friend, "Mala, what about you? Any success with that doctor of yours?"

Mala sighed and unhappily replied with a depressed expression, "No, no progress yet. I"m not bold like you Kalias."

Kalias giggled happily, "Hehe.. It was love at first sight for him. He did the chasing and I just reeled in the bait. If any, Kao Sheng here probably will get the number one most desired man in the nation. I"m sure many women will be jealous of you." The three friends giggled among themselves.

Mala piggy off Kalias comment, "Very true, your status is high enough to be the future Queen. Your family has been serving the country for many generations, now you are currently lecturing at the Prestige Aires Military Sector. Aren"t you lucky?"

Yu Sha and Su Na thought, no wonder why she have a such pa.s.sive att.i.tude, she is of a n.o.ble family. Some wealthy elite can be shady, just not upfront shady but they do it pa.s.sively. Now it got them wondering who the Prince is since Kao Sheng seemed to very much in love.

Yu Sha sipped her drink before asking Su Na, "Do you want me to start researching on contractors for your empire? I could draft a few companies for you in my spare time."

Su Na thought since she will be busy finalizing the draft and then looking for land, it is not a bad idea for Yu Sha to take that part. Yu Sha could start looking at potentials beforehand. She smiled at her beast friends suggestion, "Mm..I appreciated it."

Kao Sheng looked at Su Na. Empire? So those two are building an empire, by themselves? Last time when she came home from the cruise, she had researched them and found out that they are from very ordinary family with no wealth or prestige. How could they possibly started building an empire even before turning 23? She did found out that they are quite smart among their age and graduated earlier than their cohort, landed on their first project on their last year of college. Their career takes them to stardom right off the bat. Now they are working at on one of the Projects that her Prince have the final says in.

Kao Sheng didn"t bother to acknowledge Su Na and Yu Sha and they didn"t bother to acknowledge her either. The two groups kept their distance and continue to chit chat among their own group though Kao Sheng was paying close attention to Su Na and Yu Sha"s converstaions. Su Na is the boss and so young. She appeared in the news, TVs and talked shows just like a celebrity. Kao Sheng felt threatened by someone of Su Na"s fames.

Over an hour later, the two best friends finished their food and quickly paid their bills before heading back to the hotel to get their luggage. Once they got their luggage from the hotel, they went back to the cruise and continue their work. The schedule for the rest of the week is the same as usual, everyone gets up in the morning and then a.s.sembled out on the port before splitting into groups.

Prince Hui Chi had a busy schedule while at Trimedeis. There was no spare time for anything other than the very important things related to trade relation and meeting business collaborators and investors. He told Prince Ken Xue that he have something urgent to take care of last minute and couldn"t idle for long. So on the third day after he finished his business, he flew overnight back home.

At Prince Hue Chi"s Palace, he rested for a few hours after he arrived back. When he got some rest, Hue Chi ordered Butler Zeu to not let anyone disturb him for the next few hours.

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