Searching For You

Chapter 147

That night, Hli Ja refused to go to sleep as she refused to let her guard down around Mua Kong. Although, they might have known each other in the past, but the current her can"t remember anything. She can"t take his words for he"s now a stranger to her. Hli Ja sat upright on the edge of the bed feeling uptight about being in the same room with another man. She is determined to stay up not giving an opportunity to be taken advantages of but later into the night, she succ.u.mbed to her tiredness and dozed off to sleep.

Seeing Hli Ja leaned onto the bed pole in an uncomfortable position, Mua Kong got up from the chair and walked towards Hli Ja. He supported her back and laid her down on the bed. He pulled the blanket over her as he studies her features one area after another.

In the dark room, illuminated by the moonlight peeking through the window curtains, Mua Kong gaze at his woman feeling incomplete. Although she is so close to him, why does it feel like she"s very far away from him? What would he do if she is unable to remember him for the rest of their lives? After getting lost in thoughts of what seemed hours, he slowly leaned down and planted a soft kiss on top of her forehead.

The next day, Mua Kong journeyed back to his palace with his woman. He always made sure she ate proper meals and sleep at inns whenever possible so she"s fully rested. He gives her s.p.a.ce and privacy when she needed to but he never took his eyes off her for long. He was patience with her throughout the trip.

Hli Ja somehow didn"t feel like a hostage but a person very important to Mua Kong causing her to feel conflicted. They are supposed to be enemy, but why doesn"t he treat her like one? She is not yet ready to further her conversation with him so she has not asked him any questions regarding their relationship. One of the reasons was also because she is not sure if she can trust him yet, trust his words that they knew each other.

The few times when he was near her, it was almost as if her body longs for him and wasn"t even afraid of him. A few days before they reach his palace, he took a small detour and allow her to experience a breath-taking sight. Hidden among mountains was one mountain full of crystal grounds and areas where there are no crystals, flower blooms in different colors and beauty.

Hli Ja was so awestruck at such beautiful sight when the sun ray beams on the ground making the flowers shimmers like there is dews reflecting off lights and the lights reflected off looks like jewels shimmering in the sea. She was so happy having witness something so beautiful that for momentarily she forgot who she was. She jumped for joys and without thinking, she rushed to give Mua Kong a great big hug laughing happily.

Mua Kong couldn"t be happier than seeing her smiles and hear her laughs. Although she may not remember him, her reactions, her laughs and smiles still remains the same pure genuine her that he remembers. Hli Ja decides to pluck some flowers to bring with, although it might start to wilt by the time they reach the palace, the flowers would signify a memento of the crystal cliff.

An hour later, Mua Kong approached Hli Ja and instructed her to get back into the carriage. He would bring her again if she wishes to. She reluctantly agreed, although she is supposed to be prisoner, he never treated her like one and she forgot her place. She was still upset being taken against her own will so she hasn"t spoken to him or probe for answers on how they met or if they truly know one another.

A few days later, one early evening the carriage arrived at Prince Mua Kong"s palace. He led Hli Ja out of the carriage and into the palace. As they walked side by side from the gate through all the buildings one by one, Hli Ja experience a familiarity feeling with the place, like she has been in the palace before but unable to recalled events or instances. Mua Kong glanced at her, watching her reaction closely to see if the familiar place would help her remember. The guards and maid who saw them walked past were shocked to see Hli Ja after 4 years and quickly bowed their respects to their masters.

"Summon Elder Mae to come over." Mua Kong ordered one of the servants hanging up lights around the walkway. He then led her to their sleeping quarter. Elder Mae rushed over when she heard the news of her highness returning. Mua Kong stood by the door when elder Mae power walked from around the corner.

"My Lord, is it true?" She asked happily almost seems out of breath.

"Hm..." Mua Kong nodded, "However, she took a physical injury to the head which caused her to lose her memory. She does not remember who she is or any of us. I will need you to help ease her back into the Palace."

Elder Mae cried and nodded her head. "Oh... such a misfortune. I will take care of her."

"Please help her to the bathhouse and get dinner ready." Mua Kong instructed.

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