Searching For You

Chapter 162

Yu Sha threw a punch at him struggling to get him off her, "You… You b.a.s.t.a.r.d. I"ll report you to Lue Han."

Hue Chi grabbed and pinned both her hands above her head and leaned down closer to her. "For? What would that make you then? Coming to my room in the middle of the night via the window? What do you think people will think when I tell them this? If any, I should be the one to report you."

Gah… It was then Yu Sha realized that people may think wrongly of her actions. There is no way she could let him tell everyone about it. She underestimated her enemy which lead to her own downfall. She thought he was just some ordinary man and she could easily escape before he noticed anything.

This is not the first time she"s sneaked around in someone"s property. Yu Sha didn"t think he have the ability to nullified her technique. Majority of the people around her are ordinary people so when she"s been around ordinary people for too long, she let her guard down.

She denied, "I only wanted to return your shirt."

While still on top of her, he narrowed his eyes gazing at her as he found her replied hard to believe.

Feeling the chills from his glare, she hesitantly added, "And… to find your weakness."

He leaned even closer to her face causing her to turned her head to the side avoiding the proximity of his face. He was so close, she could feel his hot breath when he whispered softly in her ear, "Do you want to know? I can tell you."

In disbelief that he would tell her his weakness, she unconsciously turns her head to look at his eyes prying for the truth behind his reply. In that moment, their lips brushed against each other"s cheek.

Hue Chi freezes when he felt her hot breaths on his cheeks like he experienced this feeling with this woman before. He slightly moved his eyes to look at her while images of the intimate times in his dreams flash through his mind. His heart beats faster craving for more actions.

Yu Sha froze in shock for never having been this close to a man before. When she snapped out of her shock, Hue Chi, for a brief moment also lost himself and was inching his lips in closer to her lips. She turned her head away, "Stop." As tears swelled in her eyes. This is not the way she wants to lose her first time.

Her voice pulled him back to reality. Seeing her facial expression, he knew he probably took it a little far. He paused his action and pushed himself off her.

When Yu Sha felt his body was off her completely, she got up hastily and scooted back into sitting fetus position covering her front. "I"m sorry, I can do other things but not this."

Hue Chi was planning on just letting her go freely, but she went ahead and offer to do something else. Hearing her said this, he brushed off, "Sorry I was just teasing you. I"m a man of virtue. Fine, one month, accompany me. I promised I won"t do anything else to you." Until he figured out what is it about her that keeps drawing him to her, he"ll have her spend times with him.

Yu Sha glared at Hue Chi, teasing? Was he just teasing? He was looking at me with such warm longing eyes about to lose himself in the heat of moment. Was that called teasing? And he claimed to be a man of virtue when all this time, he"s done nothing but make s.e.xual remarks and advances towards me. "Fine. Anything else but this. I… I"ll draft a contract tomorrow." Yu Sha climbed off the other side of the bed and hurriedly left the bedroom.

Hue Chi shouted, "9pm tomorrow, I"ll leave the screen door open."

Yu Sha quickly jumped around back to her balcony. She went inside her room and locked the screen door. "OMG, was I almost done for? That b.a.s.t.a.r.d. I would wipe his memory clean if he was just someone ordinary, but I can"t win against him when he nullified my ability and no matter what I do, he is always one step ahead. I need to find a weakness."

As she walked past the desk, she saw the laptop on the desk, "Ah, gotta draft a contract." Yu Sha changed her track and grab her laptop before jumping onto the bed. She turned on her laptop and spent the next hour thinking of terms and agreement for the contract. "Tsch... I can"t believe for a moment earlier, I actually felt bad for him. I actually thought of helping him get women. It"s his lost." She muttered as she typed away the one-month contract she plans on presenting to him tomorrow.

After finishing up the agreement, she hacked into Ether"s employee"s data base but couldn"t find the person name Hue Li. Before she could dig anymore from the database, her interference was detected and she was booted out. She quickly typed in some more codes to pull out and wiped her computer clean of traces. "What the h.e.l.l? I couldn"t find his name in the system. Does he works for Ether? Or did I failed? d.a.m.n.. I am my dad"s daughter, creator of Chronos, it would be shameful if I failed in hacking."

Yu Sha scratched her head in frustration wanting to pull out her hair. I"ve been too spoiled! She grew up extremely spoiled and well taken care of. The skills she has was not because of hard work but because she inherited them. She could be a genius if she just puts a little effort. "Arrgg.. I just realized, I can"t do anything with my own skill without my family always backing me up." Yu Sha slumped down on the bed, rolling around feeling frustrated at her uselessness.

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