Searching For You

Chapter 269

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Chapter 269

Playful children"s voice echoes from behind the building . Some children must be playing in the back!

Yu Sha asked the men to follow her around the corner to the back .

As she disappeared around the corner, a wooden stick lunged straight down forcing her to step side way towards the building . Then another wooden stick sliced horizontally towards the wall . Being cornered, and to avoid the hit, she ran up sideway on the building and back flipped, thrusting herself outward as she flipped . Another person jumped upward, swinging the wooden stick at full force going for the finishing blow .

Knowing their plan of forcing her to the dead end and the air is her escaped, they"ll finished the final blow while she is in the air . Yu Sha smiled and yelled . "You guys are 10 thousand years too early!!!" She shifted her body to fall back towards the building .

Advertis.e.m.e.ntAnother boy appeared from the side and threw a punch . She dodged and grabbed the fist, he retreated . "Hmph . . I knew you were coming up . " Yu Sha commented .

The boy didn"t react . He threw a forceful left-hand punch . She blocked the punch using a little force . Due to the momentum how his body is shifting based on the force Yu Sha exerted to block his punch, he pushed the left leg to gain upward force and right knee lunged at her abdomen .
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She blocked the knee with her hands . He took the opportunity to grab onto her hand using it as a support to cartwheel upward and landed behind to arm lock her neck .

She antic.i.p.ated this next move and dropped to the ground to escape . As her feet touched the ground, a little girl slid through to trap her feet . They seal her from above and below! She thrust her feet onto the wall and flew parallel the ground onto the open field .

The little boy, about 7 years of age who first attacked Yu Sha threw a book on the ground and unhappily shouted, "This book is useless!" He stomped on the book angrily . He has been studying additional fighting skills from reading the book and today, it has not paid off .

The princes were speechless! Watching the kids attacking her fiercely without holding back, their gazes never left their prey, cornering their hunt without a break .

Yu Sha shouted, "Guys . . . I can"t play today . I brought guests . "

Everyone stopped and then noticed the guests Yu Sha brought over . They gathered over and studied the men .

The same boy sharpened his eyes as he studied each of them one by one . He slowly parted his lips and asked loudly . "Which one of you is sis Yu Sha"s boyfriend?"

Yu Sha gasped and choked as she struggled to clear her throat . She quickly clarifies once she could talk normally, pointing at each of them individually . "Guys, this is my boss . He is my friend, Ken . And this is KT, acquaintance of Ken . They are visiting from far away . Let"s welcome them nicely, okay?"

The kids nodded their heads to greet the men and dispersed .

Yu Sha smiled, "That little guy is Bolt . He"s a little vocal . . haha . . "

Still bewildered, Ken Xue asked, "Yu Sha . . . Are you raising little soldiers?"

She replied, "Of course not . They took interests in the same hobbies I do . " That was because they idolize her and wanted to be as good as she is . And since, to beat her is their goal, it gave them something to work hard towards . So, she encourages them . And usually when she visits, they"ll greet her with a new ambush teamwork .

The director came out to greet them and took them inside . He explained the history of how they get to where they are today . The funding Yu Sha donated on behalf of Su Na . Not only that, they drafted and built the building prior to starting Herrs Corporation . They frequent all the places they sponsored, attempted to know each individual person and connect with them interpersonally . The children are fond of them but Yu Sha has lesser of responsibilities to SNYS Consultant and is able to visit more often . The children connect with her easier by physical interactions, such as fighting and sports .

Digging research about Yu Sha wasn"t even as impactful as personally seeing how she lived her life . Kytos felt even more ashamed . He thought he changed, but he is nowhere near what she had accomplished . He has more work to do before he can rightfully claim himself as her equals .

"I knew you weren"t ordinary . " Ken Xue said happily . He now knows that she would never turn against those in need . If anyone ever sees her as a defect, it would only be because those people are seeing a reflection of themselves and not Yu Sha .

Hue Chi listen intently and steal glimpses of Yu Sha as he has been all these times . If any, he is the one that knows her the best .

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