Searching For You

Chapter 41

"Mm.. Nothing to be surprised. I told you, the seal only lasts for ten years and it gets weaker each time it"s being used." The elderly woman on the other side replied.

Yu Sha"s father took a big sigh, he continued, "There is still a year and a half left before the ten year mark since we sealed her the second time."

"Discuss with Cao Houa and let me know what you two planned. There are a few things I need to take care of and I will drop by for a visit."

"Mm.. It won"t be until another two more months before Cao Houa can be in contact with me but I"ll let you know then." Yu Sha"s father replied.

About two hours later, Yu Sha came around. She woke up hooked to IV and heart monitor. The doctor came in with the test results. Her test results were normal and she could be discharge as soon as she feels better. The doctor left the group in the room after bringing them good news.

Su Na and the twins felt relief after the doctor"s result.

Leo stood up, walked next to Yu Sha, and asked conceitedly, "What is wrong with you? I thought even the devil couldn"t touch a single strand of your hair?"

Irritated at Leo"s comment, Yu Sha flew out of bed with a flying kick directed at Leo. All the cords connected to her was plucked right off her as she lunged forward towards Leo. He blocked the kick with his arm and whimpered, "Why do you always come at me with intent to kill?"

"Everything you blabbered out irritates me." Yu Sha shouted in disdain.

"You two, stop!" Su Na came in between them and smacked both of them, "Yu Sha, can"t you stay still without acting out at least for the time being!" Su Na huffed as she glared at the two kids in front of her.

Standing at the door was Lue Han and Prince Hue Chi both shocked and stupefied at what they just witnessed. What is she? How could she be so bloodthirsty on her sick bed?

Lue Han gulped down his own saliva and cleared his throat, "Ahem.. Yu Sha are you okay now?" The group turned around to look at the door. Yu Sha quickly sat down on the bed like an obedient dog waiting for treats and nodded her head in an embarra.s.sed expression to answer that she is ok.

Leo feeling disturbed at Yu Sha"s sudden change of behavior shook his head in disbelief at the bipolar girl in front of him, "Have you ever thought of seeking psychiatric help for your condition?"

How dare you? Yu Sha glared at Leo, why is this guy always nitpick at her all the time and the things he said just want her to send him out flying through the window?

Leo feel a cold chill rushed deep through to his bone. He quickly backed away and ran next to Keo, "Brother, I can feel someone is after my life."

Keo furrowed his brows at Leo, "Give it a rest will you?" Then he walked up to Lue Han and thanked him, "Thank you CEO Lue Han for your hospitality and getting her in. This is something she suffered when she was young but suddenly it acted up again. We"re sorry if we caused any inconveniences."

"No need to apologize. If she is safe, it"s all that matters." Lue han replied. He turned to Yu Sha, "Should I go get the doctor to come hook you back up?"

Oh shoot, Yu Sha realized that the cords came undone when she was trying to kick Leo, she shook her head to decline, "No thank you CEO Lue Han. This kind of thing comes and goes as fast as the wind. I"m actually very okay right now.. hehehe..." She rea.s.sured Lue Han.

"Miss Yu Sha, your kick earlier was exemplary, do you know martial arts?" Lue Han asked curiously.

"Oh... um.. just a little for self-defense. My father would only be at ease if I could protect myself, so I took some lessons." Well, it was half truth and half lies but she needed a reasonable excuse for the average regular people.

Somewhere in the room, Su Na and the twins glared at Yu Sha with their dead fish eyes at how she could lie with such straight face. They know that she did not take martial arts for self-defense, at least not for that reason because she has never formerly taken any self-defense Her skills were taught by her doting father and are far too advance to be called it self-defense.

"Well, if you"re well enough, should I go start the discharge process?" Keo asked.

"Mm.. thank you." Yu Sha nodded her head.

Keo walked out of the room. When he got outside, he saw Hue Chi standing by the door, "Hue Li, sorry for the trouble we may have caused and thank you for the hospitality." Keo reached his hand out for handshake thinking that it might be good-bye since the rest of day is cancel and it might be the last time they will see each other.

Hue Chi reached out his hand for the handshake and smile, "I"m glad your friend is ok. After all, we wouldn"t know what to do if something bad were to happen to her while in our care."

Leo who was in the room glanced over at the door and saw his brother shook hand with Hue Li. From the angle, a light bulb hit him. OMG... that person there, shaking hand with his brother is the Prince of Aires, Hue Chi Li. He never appeared in social medias except one time on a news picture. The image of that one time when he shook hand with the Prince of Cleotara for a treaty between the two countries looked almost exactly like what he just saw.

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