Searching For You

Chapter 100

The driver took a longer look at Yu Sha from the rear view mirror. He needed a closer look at the woman who was able to move the Prince. The woman who could make the Prince in the mood for flirting and even joke around. This is such great news and he felt quite honor to witnessed the event. The driver"s facial expression soften as his lips curved up. He cannot wait to let Butler Zeu know what he saw today.

In the back seat, Yu Sha was still covering her ears completely ignoring Prince Hue Chi. She thought Leo is annoying, always picking on her, but this guy is s.e.xually perverted annoying. Leo"s annoying is nothing compared to the guy sitting next to her.

Just as Yu Sha was complaining in her mind, there was a grumble sound echoed from her stomach. She cringed after realizing what sound that was. Why is her stomach complaining at such a wrong time? She let down one hand to rub her stomach to tell it to stop complaining.

Hue Chi chuckled as he glanced at the clock in the car, it was quite late into the evening. The girls had their lunch around noon so he understand her stomach"s complaints. He slowly parted his lips and softly spoke, "Just a little more, we"ll be there. Food was already prepared."

Ugh... Yu Sha looked at Hue Chi for a briefly moment. Does that mean she will still have to see him after they arrived? Will he eat dinner with them? Yu Sha ponder. As much as she dislike him, she is feeling quite hungry. Her stomach is never shy about letting the world know when it gets hungry.

Not long after, the driver pulled up to the entrance of Ether hotel. Yu Sha looked around and they are definitely back at the correct hotel. She reached her hand out to pull the handle and let herself out of the car.

Butler Zeu was already waiting when Yu Sha stepped out of the car. "Miss Yu Sha, I"m here to fetch you. Your friend is quite worried, but can you wait here for a bit?"

"Mm.." Yu Sha nodded. Her first concern now is to find a reasonable excuse to calm her friend down and give Su Na a peace of mind.

Butler Zeu walked over to Hue Chi and signaled Hue Chi to follow him. Hue Chi understood that there is something important Butler Zeu needed to relay to him so he followed Butler Zeu out a little farther to a more private area.

When they are away from the others, Butler Zeu spoke, "I dearly apologized, I couldn"t keep the situation under control. Kytos is here. He"s only pa.s.sing by but his intel was able to find out that we"ll be here. He"s forcing his way to join us for tonight."

Hue Chi"s facial expression darkened, eyes cold like ice and the airs around became chilly. What is he here for?

Hue Chi slowly walked over to take the lead. Butler Zeu followed and when they pa.s.sed by Yu Sha, Butler Zeu stopped and asked Yu Sha to follow them. Hue Chi made his way to the restaurant and back to the Private VIP room.

When he enters the room, the whole crew was there, Ken Xue, Zanki, and Long Kue were there sitting in silence. Su Na was sitting impatiently with an irritated look on her face.

Kytos was sitting on a chair with an arrogant air, like a king sitting on his throne nonchalantly, his head tilted slightly to one side resting on his hand. His elbow resting on the arm rest and hand supporting his head. Kytos"s a.s.sistant was standing next to him. The room was in silent and no one spoke a word.

Hue Chi eyes landed on Kytos when he stepped inside the room. Kytos smile when Hue Chi arrived. His eyes looked at Hue Chi then landed past Hue Chi to the girl who just entered the room behind. The sight of the girl standing behind Hue Chi brought a grin to Kytos face. He stood up and walked forward to stand face to face with Hue Chi. The two exchanged look without flinching for a brief moment.

Yu Sha could feel the airs was off. She slowly stepped away and try to find her ways to Su Na to ask who that guy was. Kytos" stare was distracted by the movement of Yu Sha. His eyes followed her as she stepped aside from Hue Chi"s back. She felt a chill down her spine from the eagle gaze of the man.

"Hmph," Kytos smiled. His eyes flashed to the first time when he met Yu Sha back at Cleotara.

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