Searching For You

Chapter 104

After Kytos went home, he became a changed man. He no longer party day after day, killing his liver away with the heavy drinking. He no longer goes to bed every night with a different woman. He shaped up, started taking martial arts lessons seriously and improving his ability. A man must be able to handle their woman and needed more than just talent to be on par with Yu Sha. She is strong, smart, and career minded. He needs to step up or he"ll always be watching from behind her back.

Kytos even had his subordinate find out about Yu Sha"s origin. All he could find out was Yu Sha is a daughter of an ordinary household. Her father is a stay home dad who runs a bar at night while her mother work in the government. There wasn"t much information about Yu Sha"s mother in the database, so it seems like her mother only work menial job, not important enough to have information of her. In the back of his mind, he knew there must be something more that he couldn"t find, a woman of her caliber simply can"t just be from an ordinary household.

The King and Queen was shocked at the sudden 180 degrees changed in personality of their son. They couldn"t find out the reason as to why he changed over night. They hope it was the work of a girl that he dearly like, but he wouldn"t tell them anything and all they can do is speculate.

Kytos spent the last two years improving himself and tailing on Yu Sha"s life. After she completed her project in Cleotara, she went to work on another project in Gyia Country. But because Gyia no longer have a monarchy system, he had nothing to worry about her catching the attention of another Prince. Now that she"s in Aires Country, where it was rumored that the Prince was extremely capable, handsome, and loved by the people, he has compet.i.tion. The purpose of his visit today was to declare a claim on her in front of the other Princes.

Standing in front of Kytos was the rumored beloved Prince that every woman falls head over heels at first sight and stepping out from his back was the girl he wants to make her his. He looked at her with sharp eagle eyes and a glint of warmth shone through his eyes. Seeing how she has become even more attractive over the years makes his heart fluttered and a soft smile escaped his mouth.

Yu Sha shivered at the endearment look Kytos gave off towards her. She felt like he looked familiar but couldn"t remember if they ever met. She scurried over to Su Na"s side and whispered, "Who"s he? Doesn"t he look familiar?"

Su Na also felt the same, she nodded her head in agreement, "Mm.. Mm.." as she scratched the back of her head trying hard to recall if they ever met that man.

Prince Hue Chi asked, "What brings you here suddenly?" The question distracted Kytos from gazing at Yu Sha.

Kytos went back to sit down on his chair looking nonchalant giving off airs of not retreating. Kytos looked at Prince Hue Chi briefly and then at Ken Xue, two Princes hanging around his woman, how annoying. Ken Xue is also a handsome Prince who always have a scholarly aura, always talk with respect, intelligent and move cautiously. If they are together, or if either of them hangs around Yu Sha, it"ll be such a disadvantages towards him.

He pondered on what"s the best way to declare his love in front of the Princes but in the end, being bold is his style. "I"m here to make a claim on someone." Kytos lifted up his hand and pointed his finger at Yu Sha. "She belongs to me. No one should dare make any advances towards her."

Almost everyone in the room gasped at the declaration Kytos just made. Yu Sha and Su Na both were shocked at the bold move from someone they never met before. They were disturbed by the declaration that they had completely forgotten about searching in their memories for where they met the guy.

As soon as Kytos declared his claim, he stood up and walked towards the door only stopping briefly the moment he pa.s.sed Prince Hue Chi. When Kytos walked out of the door, everyone turned their attention at Yu Sha. She shook her head in denial, "I don"t know him. I don"t think I"ve met him before."

Her denial shocked everyone more than Kytos declaration. If she has never met him before, then how does he knew of her? How does he came to like her so much to drop into a another country just to declare a claim on her?

Su Na furrowed her brows at Yu Sha, "You don"t know him? Are you sure?"

Yu Sha nodded her head heavily, "I think I haven"t met him, but I"m not 100 percent sure as I"m bad at remembering faces."

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