Searching For You

Chapter 132

Mua Kong and the boys sat down and ate their food. It was mostly Mua Kong watching the boys indulged themselves but he was not bore at all. He was curious about them, how they were raise, how they spend their time with Hli Ja, what part of her characters they take after. He missed her so much, if anything about them is similar to her is enough to keep him a little sane as if he is trying to live with her through them.

About an hour later, Elder Mae and the same maid came by to take away the food trays. While the maid took the trays away, Elder Mae turned to Mua Kong, "My Lord, I"ve prepared a room. Would you like to go see the room with the boys?"

Mua Kong nodded his head. "Pao Hua, Elder Mae got a room for you. Would you like to go see?"

Pao Hua"s eyes sparkled full of excitement. He nodded, "Mm.. yes. Thank you."

Elder Mae led the three men to Pao Hua"s quarter. Inside his living quarter, it has a s.p.a.ce already prepped with tables, papers, ink, books and study materials. Connect to the room, divided by a curtain is his sleeping area and a wall shelves full of clothes.

Pao Hua felt extremely touched being treated so well, his eyes water, he bowed his head down, "Thank you Lord Mua Kong, I"m sorry for hating you when I did not even know you."

Mua Kong replied, "Mm.. It"s only natural that I treat my wife"s only brother well." That is not the only reason but Mua Kong wanted to show his appreciation to Pao Hua for taking care of Hli Ja and his son when Hli Ja has n.o.body, a job that should belong to him that he failed miserably.

"Study hard and make your sister proud of you." Mua Kong added.

"Mm." Pao Hua nodded with determination.

Little Superglue looked at his father, "Daddy, what about me? Can I stay with Pao Pao?"

"No, you"ll stay with daddy until Elder Mae get a room ready for you."

Hearing that he will not get to be with Uncle Pao Pao, Little Superglue frowned, "No, Houa Houa wants to be with Pao Pao and play."

Mua Kong replied sternly, "Your Uncle Pao is going to be busy studying. He can"t play with you."

Surprised that Uncle Pao Pao will not be playing with him but he wants to be with Uncle Pao Pao. Next to his mother, Uncle Pao Pao is his first choice to cling onto. "Then... Houa Houa will study with Pao Pao too." Little Superglue pouted.

Mua Kong irked an eyebrow at his son, "You want to study?"

"Yes, Houa Houa wants to study." Little Superglue replied.

Mua Kong knows that his son will not sit still more than 20 minutes to study. In fact he knew his son don"t even know what study is. But it"s not bad to expose his son to schooling and since it is something that his son demanded himself, Mua Kong decided to grant the wish. "Ok. You get one hour every day to study with your Uncle Pao."

Hearing daddy allowed him to study with Uncle Pao Pao, Little Superglue smiled happily and turned to his uncle. "Yay.. Let"s study."

"But.. if you disturb Uncle Pao too much, I will removed you from studying with uncle. Understand?" Mua Kong laid out rules for his son.

Little Superglue slowly nodded his head unconfidently. He just wants to play and have fun with Uncle Pao Pao. He hasn"t grasped the idea of studying.

The boys checked out every corner of the room. Once they finished checking out the room, they got out to the yard to play. When the boys were busy talking to each other, Mua Kong turned to Elder Mae, "I"ll leave them in your care." He needed to go finish some works before heading over to the main palace to meet his father.

Elder Mae replied, "Thank you. My pleasure to watch over them."

Mua Kong walked away leaving the boys behind. He did not want to disclose the ident.i.ty of the boys to people in order to put his plan into action. He can"t startle the snake before he catches them.

After an hour later, in the palace, Mua Kong arrived in his father"s study chamber.

The King looked up from his desk when he felt a presence in front of him. He was surprised to the person standing in front of him, his son, Mua Kong looked like he had crawled back from h.e.l.l.

Mua Kong now looked refined, exude an aura of glory. "You"re back?" The King spoke slightly surprised. Originally, he was not sure if his son will come back and attend the festivals since his son has been absent in the last few annual festivals. Mua Kong has always made an effort to attend the festival since he was a child, but since the disappearance of Hli Ja, he had refrained from attending palace events.

"You.. Are you feeling better?" The King asked. He was not sure what happened to Mua Kong, whether Mua Kong decided to leave the past behind and looked towards the future or he has found Hli Ja. Those are things that the King can only speculate. Knowing his son"s personality, even if he asked for the reason, Mua Kong will not tell him. Mua Kong will only tell him things on Mua Kong"s accord, not when he, the King, asked.

"Have you thought about what I told you?" The king asked in regards to the last time he asked Mua Kong to think about attending the fall festival and find a woman to marry.

"Mm.." Mua Kong replied.

The King was surprised, very surprised. He put down his ink pen and stood up. For the first time, Mua Kong saw his Father"s happy expression. "That"s good. I will invite many people into the Palace." The King exclaimed.

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