Searching For You

Chapter 159

It didn"t take long for Hue Chi to catch up to her, he"s much taller than her, his one step equals to two of her steps. Soon, Hue Chi was right next to Yu Sha. He slowed down once when he catches up to her so they could walk side by side together.

As they entered into the cruise, the maids were already inside the entrance waiting with new towels for them. With the wind and rain intensity almost like a typhoon, umbrella was no match so there was no point in carrying the umbrella.

Yu Sha and Hue Chi traded their wet towels for the new ones from the maids. They quickly dried themselves up before making their way to the elevator.

"How is your shoulder?" Hue Chi asked while observing her state.

Yu Sha slowed down her step slightly while taking a moment to look at Hue Chi who was walking right of her. She a.s.sumed he probably heard of the accident from early in the morning. "It"s okay. I sprained it. I just need to take it easy for the next few days."

"Hmm…" He hummed with a deep expression on his face.

Yu Sha frowned as she glanced at him trying to read his expression. "What? What"s with the reply?"

"I was just thinking, I wished it was your legs that were injured instead so you wouldn"t be snooping around." Although she tried to hide her ident.i.ty, but the enemy now knew of her existence and they will try every possible way to find out about her. She just created more problems and he now have to take extra measures. If any, he wishes he"s the only one who knew of her skill.

"Wha… What? I was not snooping around." Yu Sha replied hesitantly while avoiding eye contacts with him and then she muttered in a low tone, "That is mean to wish ill upon others."

Right after Yu Sha denied snooping around, Hue Chi pulled her right arm and pushed her towards the wall while grabbing her left arm at the same time and held both her arms above her head.

Caught by the sudden action, she shrieked, "What do you think you"re doing?!" She shouted before being overwhelmed by the energy he emitted.

His eyes locked right on her, he stares at her icily. "You were not snooping around?" He asked in a low icy tone giving her another chance to explain herself.

Yu Sha looked a little nervous externally, but the inner her is already throwing a fit calling him a b.a.s.t.a.r.d. She looked away intended to reply but before she could say the first word, he held onto her chin and forced her face to look at him. "You weren"t snooping around? Say one more time looking at me?" He asked again not giving her the chance to look away.

What the h.e.l.l? What is up with him? Her mind went wild looking for ways to get him off her. "Get your hands off me and get away from me! I"ll sue you for s.e.xual hara.s.sment?" Yu Sha threatened.

"Hmm… You what?" He irked his brows at her while leaning in closer to provoke her more.

"Get your hands off me or I"ll sue you for s.e.xual hara.s.sment." Her body language and facial expression challenged him head on.

"Hmm…" Hue Chi hummed unaffected by her threat.

"I... I"m spiteful, I"ll get even with you if you keep getting on my nerve." Yu Sha shouted in disdain.

"How so? Are you going to pin me onto the bed? I preferred to be on top though."

Ticked off, she lifted her left leg to step onto Hue Chi"s foot but he read her face before he felt the movement. He externally rotated his right leg to push forward and pinned her left leg onto the wall limiting her movement.

"Ahh..." Yu Sha shrieked as her legs is now forced to spread out and he"s so close to her body, even her private parts.

Feeling humiliated, she fumes with angers as no man has ever push themselves onto her before. She glared at Hue Chi, the airs around her instantly changed, her eyes challenged him like a predator already know the outcome of a hunt.

Just then, the elevator open and Long Kue walked out witnessing his Prince and Yu Sha in an unsightly position that should only happen behind closed door.

Long Kue froze like a stone unable to utter a single word. The beep sound of the elevator disrupted the couple causing them to both turned to look at the elevator. Standing in the hallway before the elevator doors is Long Kue, frozen like a statue looking shocked and embarra.s.sed at the same time.

Hue Chi quickly step backward letting Yu Sha free. She looked just as shock and embarra.s.sed as Long Kue shaking her head, "It… it"s not what it looked like. Don"t... don"t have the wrong idea. It"s not like that." Yu Sha ran past Long Kue and pressed the UP b.u.t.ton. Before she ran into the elevator, she turned around and shouted, "Your boss is s.e.xually frustrated. You should find him some partners to release his s.e.xual urges!" She disappeared into the elevator and hastily pressed the close b.u.t.ton to shut the door.

Long Kue was still lost for words at what Yu Sha just said, yet at the same time found it quite funny. He wanted to laugh but he can"t with the Prince standing near, although the inner him was in turmoil, how could he not be? He hasn"t touched a single woman since birth! Long Kue turned around and looked at Prince Hue Chi, "Um... Prince? Next time, make sure you"re behind close door. It"ll be a lot of work if you"re caught s.e.xually hara.s.sing your employees."

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