Searching For You

Chapter 169

"Hm… Should I tell your boss that you"re coming with me?" Hue Chi asked overbearingly like he will give away the fact that she trespa.s.sed on property she shouldn"t and now is repenting her crime.

Afraid that Su Na would find out the truth, Yu Sha motioned her hand and asked him to stop. "I"ll tell her myself." She has a feeling that if he does the telling, Su Na would find out she was out in the woods chasing after some men with a tank top on and then b.u.mped into the Prince of Aires, even wore his shirt because she had taken off her shirt. Then, when she meant to return his shirt, her stubbornness got caught. Yu Sha sighed, no matter how well one explained this situation, it would come out wrong and most people would probably have the wrong idea. It"s best to keep this problem in the dark.

"Fine, let"s go." Yu Sha made her decision. She"ll call Su Na when she"s out of the vicinity. Not sure how she would be needed for, she anxiously asked, "Um… how would I be needed for?" She wanted a reason why she should tag along because why bring her when he goes to important meetings and she is just going to be in the way of work. She takes works seriously.

Hue Chi who at this point was already making his way to the door, replied, "Take notes for me."

"Huh? I"m not secretary material." Yu Sha unconsciously blurted out. Her job does not entail secretary duties such as filing, mailing, and taking notes for whatever kind of meeting the Prince is having. She has her own unorthodox ways of taking important notes when she needed to, but not structural notes.

Prince Hue Chi was about to turn the doork.n.o.b until Yu Sha complained. He turned his head to look at Yu Sha with his domineering aura seeping out, "Aren"t you the a.s.sistant for Su Na? If you"re the a.s.sistant, you should have some secretary skills." As he recalls their Q and A at the banquet, he guessed what they said was an excuse at the spur of the moment as Yu Sha never acted like a secretary to Su Na.

Her reaction just confirms his thought she really is not the a.s.sistant but could be the master mind of Aqua Illusion project design to which he planned to fully investigated as well during their one month deal. It seems like there is a lot more to Yu Sha than meets the eyes. He felt she is different from everyone in every way. She"s full of mysteries and her behavior amuses him.

His response then made Yu Sha remember at the banquet. Su Na reported that she is Su Na"s a.s.sistant. "Ugh… All the lies are coming back to bite me." Yu Sha whispered to herself.

Soon, the pairs exited out of the ship entrance. The construction crew was already working closer to the middle point of each halves and on each side, lots of materials where stacked near the active area where Su Na and Yu Sha often spend their time on the table working on their laptop or helping the crew where ever they can.

A limo was already waiting at the entrance site for Prince Hue Chi and the driver was standing by the limo door to open the door. When the driver spotted the Prince, he quickly pulled the door opens. Hue Chi went inside the limo followed by Yu Sha. He sat on the seat facing forward while Yu Sha took the seat behind the driver with her back against the front.

The driver took off after they settled down into their seat. Just as the driver was driving past the site, Yu Sha gasped "Um… What kind of meeting? I don"t think I"m dressed for your type of meeting. We should go back so I can change." Since she had limited time, she quickly threw on a pants, t-shirts and sandals. She didn"t think she would need to be dressed up at all.

Her gasped alerted Hue Chi, but when he heard the question, his heart calmed down. "No need to worry, if you want to change, I"ll have it arrange at the hotel."

"What? I don"t want to spend money." Yu Sha countered.

"It"ll be on Ether."

Yu Sha couldn"t counter his reply. She unwillingly comply.

Almost two hours later, they reached their destination. When they stepped outside the entrance, Yu Sha recognized the building. It was Ether Hotel, the first place her and Su Na spent their weekend at, which lead her to have the crazy encounter with the Perverted Prince.

"Your meeting is here?" She asked.

"Mm… We"ll be here for two more day."

"What?!" Yu Sha was shocked. She"ll have to call Su Na and notify Su Na of her offsite stay. "I don"t have anything at all. How could you not tell me?"

"Whatever you need will be provided."

"That"s not the point. How could you just dragged me out here without letting me know so I can prepare. It"s not like I can decline anyways." Yu Sha muttered unhappily.

"You didn"t ask."

Ugh… that"s right. Maybe it is my fault. I was too nervous to ask for details. Not known to Yu Sha, but his subordinate would go crazy at just how much he talked to Yu Sha in such a short amount of time. If they knew that he was patience with her and constantly keeps a conversation going on, they would jump over a cliff due to extreme shock of reality.

Prince Hue Chi is a person of limited words and does not communicate much unless necessary, but, with Yu Sha, he always comes up with words to annoy her just to see her get worked up.

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