Searching For You

Chapter 176

After Yu Sha was already in the kitchen, Hue Chi finally came around. He clasped his right hand onto his forehead while peeking a look at her retreating back. How could she behave like that and acted as she does not know what crime she had committed? How could she be so brazen, jumped right onto him without hesitation with a straight face?

Is he the only one affected by what just happened? He took a long sigh like he"s releasing pent up frustrations while a part of him wished he"s the only man she has ever violated.

Hue Chi shifted his eyes away from her to only notice that the dressers were still frozen in the hallway with shocking expressions. He then silently motioned for them to leave which they quietly complied.

"Would you like anything to drink?" Yu Sha shouted from the kitchen area before pouring herself a drink.

Hue Chi gazed at Yu Sha pouring water into a gla.s.s cup, acting all innocent unaware of the crime she committed. Frustrated that he"s the only one being affected by her behaviors, he declined by gesturing before storming from the couch to the balcony to get fresh airs.

Yu Sha drink from the gla.s.s cup glanced at Hue Chi, dashing out wonder what was wrong with him. She felt that he seemed irritated to her for some reasons.

Hue Chi walked up to the fence rail and put his hands on the rail edge, trying to calm his inner demon. He is afraid he might eat her up if he does not find distractions by taking himself out of the situation. The image of her perky chest b.u.mping into his face kept replaying in his mind making him unconsciously lift his fingers to touch the tip of his nose and down to the lips. Those two areas on his face get the most actions.

Soon, his phone beeped. He slowly reached his hand inside his pocket to check to which he saw Long Kue"s name on the display. Hue Chi hastily opened his phone and read the message. Long Kue sent snaps shot photos of Yu Sha modeling for Antique and sent it all to Hue Chi. Those are photos published in magazines. A smirk rose at the corner of his lips while he flipped through the photos. So, this is what she does on the side?

After flipping through a few photos, although she looks breathtakingly enchanted, her eyes always have the same glint of sadness and the arms that has the bracelet is not shown in the pictures. The shots were taken in ways that her bracelet wouldn"t show. He thought it was odd. After going through all the photos, he put the phone away and looked inside the room for sight of Yu Sha. Now that he tamed the demon below, he went back inside.

Yu Sha is coming down the hall carrying her heels in one hand while the other hand holds the dress up so she does not trip. She"s shorter than the model height so the dress is a little longer for her but with heels on, she could walk without holding the dress up.

He looked at her left wrist and her bracelet was still on. It didn"t go well with the necklace or earrings she has on as the jewelry set is in amethyst color while her bracelet is black. "Can"t you leave the bracelet behind? It does not match what you had on." Hue Chi asked hoping she would talk about why she always wears the same bracelet.

"I can"t. It"s made so I can"t take it off." Yu Sha replied. She"s never really cared about fashions and matching. "Then I"ll take the jewelry set off." She suggested.

"Can"t take it off?" He asked curiously.

"Mm... Can"t."

He walked up to her and held her hand up to inspect the bracelet. "Hm, there simply is no spot to untie the bracelet." He lifts a finger under the bracelet to test the size and couldn"t even get his finger between the bracelet and Yu Sha"s skin. It was made to fit her wrist, snuggly tight. "You have never taken this off?"

"Uh huh."

"How long have you been wearing this?"

"About five or six?" Yu Sha replied as she doesn"t remember when exactly. It has been too long and it"s just a bracelet. She wears it as a token of her grandma who she used to visit often in her younger days.

Hue Chi gaze at her while his brows irked in surprise, "That long ago?"

She nodded her head, "Mm huh."

"Who put it on?"


Hue Chi"s eyes creased about to probe for questions but Yu Sha then continues, "It"s supposed to be a lucky protection charm kind of thing. I"m not supposed to take it off. But it didn"t protect me against you so now I"m questioning it." Yu Sha said sarcastically while she pulled her hand away from his hand. "I"ll take the jewelry set off as the dress itself already have enough jewelries."

Yu Sha walked to the dining area table and proceeded to take off the earrings. After removing the earrings, she lifts and bends her arms to reach behind her back, parted her hairs to the side while turning her head slightly to her side so she could undo the necklace. Because her elbows flung open to the side about shoulder high, her back naturally arched forward slightly making her chest perked up.

Although it wasn"t his intention, Hue Chi automatically notice her neckline, collarbone down to her chest. His heart pounded in shock while the scene earlier replays in his mind. He turned around to the leaving room in hope to avoid seeing her in the posture as to not wake up the demon below again. Is she tempting him on purpose or she is just dense?

After taking the necklace off, Yu Sha asked, "Are we leaving now?" She looked over at Hue Chi whose back is against her.

"Mm.." He replied.


Hue Chi then turned around to head for the door because he thought it was safe to do so, but Yu Sha now is bending down to put her heels on. She had just slipped on the first side and is buckling the ankle strap. His pupils dilated when he saw the two upside down mountains hanging, he gasped in frustrations. Seeing her struggle to buckle the ankle strap, he can"t help but marched at her like a mad crazy man. How much longer is she going to torture him?

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