Searching For You

Chapter 189

Yu Sha knocked on the door and shouted, "h.e.l.lo?"

After a moment of silence, she knocked again and waited for answers. Her gut tells her she can"t let this be until she finds out more about the situation of the boy.

In the room next door, the little boy tended to an older woman and a baby girl. When he heard the knocks and someone called, his motion stiffens. Did that woman follow me home? He ran at full speed. Any normal person wouldn"t be able to catch up to him even a grown man.

The woman lying on the bed with a toddler sleeping in her arms perked her head up to the voice calling outside the front door. Her eyes worried, she stuttered, "Lali, is someone here?"

Lali, the little boy slightly nodded his head, "Mama, I think someone might have followed me when I went out to play." He lied that he went out to play to ease her mind. "I"ll go out and check."

At this moment, Yu Sha jolted the door open and let herself inside the rusty little house. She observed the inside which looked ordinary plain, there is barely anything in the living area, then a hallway that led to the kitchen area. Nothing seems out of place.

Across the living area is the door where she saw the boy went into earlier. Just when she took a step towards the room, the doork.n.o.b turned. The little boy came out of the room to see Yu Sha standing in the house already.

His facial expression froze not understanding how she got in when he clearly locked the door. He does not remember seeing her face at the inn before, so she is either a new employee or a guest, with a guilty expression, "Who are you? I didn"t steal anything." His body trembles afraid he could get in trouble for digging the trash.

Seeing his tiny, timid body, her heart feels unsettled. Before opening her mouth to reply, she inhaled a breath of helplessness. "I haven"t said anything." She walked closer to the boy and leaned down to his height. "I"m not going to harm you. Are you alone here?"

The boy"s body tensed up while his pupil dilated, but he remained motionless and silent like he"s in a dilemma of what to say.

She could tell that he didn"t have an answer for her but she has a clear visual of him to observe for clues. Then her eyes spotted something that looked like the edge of a mark on his left shoulder by the base of the neck. She quickly reached her arms to pull the collar shirt for a closer look. Her eyes widened at the evidence on his body. She lifted his shirt and saw more marks.

Lali shouted, "What are you doing? Let me go." He tried to free himself from her hold while trying to cover up the marks on his body.

The door to the room next door opened and a woman who looked skinny, pale and exhausted stood leaning on the door to investigate the commotion. Yu Sha turned her head to observe the woman and on her body was more of similar marks but her right hand is wrapped in bandages. This looked like mark of abuse! If I"m not wrong, the boy and the woman could be victims of domestic abuse.

Yu Sha walked up to the woman and in a cold tone, she asked, "Where is your husband?"

The woman lowered her head and avoided eye contact in a timid low tone, she murmured, "He"s currently not home."

"When will he be home?"

"I.. I"m not sure." The woman answered with uncertainty. She clearly does not know when he"ll come back and plus, she does not know the ident.i.ty of the woman barging into her house, so she couldn"t give an explanation.

Soon, a voice of a baby cried from inside the room. The voice started both Yu Sha and the woman.

There is another child in the room?! Is the child okay? Those two questions were the first thing that rushed through Yu Sha"s mind.

The woman quickly turned around, went inside to check up on her child.

Wanting to know the condition of the child, Yu Sha also followed after the woman.

In the parking lot outside of Floating Cloud Spa parking lot, Keng and the bodyguard waited patiently for Yu Sha to come out. They looked at their watch and it"s been 30 minutes past the time Yu Sha told them to meet her. Anxious, the bodyguard took out a hand size device to check if Yu Sha is still inside the inn and hopefully, she is just running behind schedule.

When he turned on the device, he saw that her location is not inside the inn but roughly 20 minutes away from the inn towards the express freeway. He zoomed in the location in satellite view and it looked like Yu Sha is inside the little house. How in the world did she get there? How does she know that a house is there?

Afraid that something ominous might happened, he ordered Keng to drive towards the direction. Keng took off at high speed and 5 minutes later, they arrived at the destination. The bodyguard got his weapon and body camera on and headed towards the house.

The bodyguard approached the house cautiously and listens for noise. He went up to the door which was not shut. He can see through the cracks of the door to the living area. He slowly opened the door and poked his head in the living area but didn"t see anyone but the area seems safe to step inside. When he entered inside, he soon, he heard a woman"s voice sobbing begging from the room across, "I can"t. Your life is surrounded by light, what can you possibly understand?"

Yu Sha paused unable to retort. No one has blatantly pointed out how blessed she is. That"s right. She has a wonderful life, she lives in the light, surrounded by love and kindness. She wouldn"t know what she would be like living in the repeated cycle of abuse, but what is wrong with wanting to give someone the same light?

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