Searching For You

Chapter 19

The two ladies eyes widened at what they just heard, feeling a little flabbergasted, they turned their head around to face the men, "Um... Excuse me?" Yu Sha asked hesitantly for clarification.

"Ah, I"m asking if you all don"t have any plans for the rest of the day, would you mind me taking you all to a see a couple places in my country?" Lue Han asked nervously looking straight at the two ladies afraid they may decline his invitation.

Yu Sha"s eyes sparked brightly and quickly replied, "Nope, no plans at all. If it"s not too much for CEO Lue Han, we would love to go see a couple places." She was eager to get away from the stuck up couples standing over by the table.

Feeling happy that the two ladies could spend the rest of the day roaming around with him, Lue Han replied happily, "Ok, let me make a couple calls to make some arrangements. Meet me down by the piers in 30 minutes." He reached for his phone in his pocket and walked away as he dialed his a.s.sistant to arrange a couple things for the group this afternoon.

About thirty minutes later, a nice black limo pulled up to the pier. Lue Han was already waiting for the limo. When the limo came to a complete stop, he walked over to the limo and stood there waiting for the group to show up.

Not long after, the group of four exited the ship entrance. When Lue Han saw the group, he smiled and waved at them to go over.

Sometimes later in the limo, Yu Sha sat with her arms crossed in front of her chest and showed a groan expression on her face. Why? Why is the stuck up couple in the limo too and they are sitting directly across?

The limo has s.p.a.cious nice leather seats along the four side facing inward towards each other. In the middle is a table with drinks and snacks.

Kao Sheng and the Dark Prince took their own seat across from Yu Sha and Su Na. The twins sat facing forward to the driver. Lue Han sat with his back facing towards the driver.

Su Na can feel the irritated vibes coming from Yu Sha. She slightly glanced over and secretly pinched Yu Sha on the side towards her back and glared at her to drop her behavior.

Not expecting that she would get pinched, Yu Sha jerked but quickly pulled herself back and put a fake smile at everyone as to not startle them.

Of course the Prince would come. It is not every day that he can leisurely go out and sight see. Moreover, he still have not fished out anything. The Prince is a person who is very meticulous and noticed small details. Having witnessed the whole thing happened in front of him, the corner of his mouth moved up a little bit, making him look a little less stuck up.

Lue Han turned to the two ladies, "Would you ladies like anything to drink?"

"Sure, water for us would be fine," the two ladies replied one after another. It is good to stay hydrated if they will be spending the afternoon moving around. Therefore, they opted for water instead.

Lue Han proceeded to ask the rest of the group what they wanted to drink. Once when everyone told him what they want to drink, he poured them the appropriate drinks.

Normally, he would have an a.s.sistant do it but this time is different. The Prince of his country is observing closely, the twins are CEOs and heirs of renowned Herr"s Corporation that is one of top three most powerful Corporations in Lyon. In addition, they are here to accompany their lady friends whom one of the lady friends is now someone he is having a secret crush on. How could he not be providing them services directly? He swore on himself that he would put on his best act and make sure everything goes smoothly.

Leo sipped on his drink, put it down and looked at Lue Han, "So... CEO, I have never been personally served by a CEO before, you are my first," Leo paused and glanced at everyone and continued, "Could it be you have taken an interested in me?"

Everyone except the Prince looked stupified. Lue Han almost spat out his drink and the three girls almost choked.

Leo did not even stop here. He continued with a smirk on his face, "Or is it someone among us that you like? Or someone very important is among us that is of a higher rank than you?" Bulls eye on both. The Prince is among them and there is someone that Lue Han is secretly admiring.

At the same time, when Leo finished his sentence the Prince"s aura changed slightly.

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